Javascript Slideshow + MS Acess


Gaby Sandoval

I have a very simple javascript slideshow.

It is extremely basic (see small sample below):

<script language="JavaScript1.1">

//specify interval between slide (in mili seconds)
var slidespeed=100

//specify images
var slideimages=new Array("images/slideshow/dog_logo.gif", "images/
//specify corresponding links
var slidelinks=new Array("", "

var newwindow=1 //open links in new window? 1=yes, 0=no

The problem I am having is that I am constantly having to add and
remove the images(and links). This is becoming a burden because the
script I use have over 30 images. Is there any way to have the
slideshow work of the access database our office uses. That way I
could run the script off a query.

Thanks in advance for the help.

Erwin Moller

Gaby Sandoval schreef:
I have a very simple javascript slideshow.

It is extremely basic (see small sample below):

<script language="JavaScript1.1">


First: I think you better specify type="text/javascript" instead of the
language tag.
Also get rid of the ancient HTML commenttag <--
You don't need that anymore in 2008.

//specify interval between slide (in mili seconds)
var slidespeed=100

//specify images
var slideimages=new Array("images/slideshow/dog_logo.gif", "images/
//specify corresponding links
var slidelinks=new Array("", "

var newwindow=1 //open links in new window? 1=yes, 0=no

The problem I am having is that I am constantly having to add and
remove the images(and links). This is becoming a burden because the
script I use have over 30 images. Is there any way to have the
slideshow work of the access database our office uses. That way I
could run the script off a query.

Yes, It might make sense to use a database for this.
Allthough I don't know any of any serious programmer that would call MS
Access a database. ;-)
Anyway, for a simple table holding these values, MS Access is enough of

You need serverside help for this.
(Unless you want to use Javascript serverside of course.)

Since you are into MS Access, maybe you are running IIS too? (Also
If so, you can use VBscript/ASP to do this.
You can easily access Access from IIS, it is a breeze. Google around a bit.

Bottomline: This is the wrong newsgroup to ask this question (unless you
want to use Javascript serverside, which I seldom see.)

Try a microsoft newsgroup if you want an IIS/MsAccess solution.

Good luck!

Erwin Moller


Using Access, create an Access report that writes the JavaScript. Run
it whenever you update the database. Why code when your coding can be
done by a program?

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