JavaScript Variable Interpolation, Take II


John Passaniti

(Note: This is not the same message I posted a week or so ago. The
problem that prevented my previous attempt to work was a silly error in
the template system I was using. This is a problem involving variable
scope in JavaScript.)

I have a lot of code that generates HTML on the fly. This code has tags
with id attributes derived from variables. A small example:

blah('<span id="' + dev + '_' + mod + '">...</span>');

This is ugly, and in the typical more complicated cases rapidly becomes
an unreadable mess. What I want is a facility like in Perl, where I can
interpolate the value of variables. It might look like this:

blah('<span id="{dev}_{mod}">...</span>');

That is, whenever I see a string between curly brackets, I want to
replace that with the value of that variable.

So I wrote this function:

function XXX(s) {
return s.replace(
function (dummy, v) {
return eval(v);

And it works... kinda. Here's an example:

x = 42;
y = "hello world";
z = {bobo: true};
alert(XXX("x,y,z.bobo: {x}, {y}, {z.bobo}"));

And yes, an alert box pops up with "x,y,z.bobo: 42, hello world, true"
displayed, as I wanted.

But there is a problem. This doesn't work:

function whatever(example) {
return XXX("example is {example}");


If you run this, it won't work. And the reason is clear: JavaScript is
evidently a lexically instead of dynamically scoped language. Okay, so
what I want is a way to evaluate in the context of the string I'm
passing in to XXX. I tried this slight change:

function XXX(s) {
return s.replace(
function (dummy, v) {
return s.eval(v);

(The change: I tried "s.eval" instead of just "eval" in an attempt to
forced evaluation in the context of the string.) But it doesn't work.

So what I'm asking the experts here is how can I write my variable
interpolator so that it works as I've described. Or alternatively, if
an example of this exists in a JavaScript library, please point me to
that library.


But there is a problem. This doesn't work:

function whatever(example) {
return XXX("example is {example}");


If you run this, it won't work. And the reason is clear: JavaScript is
evidently a lexically instead of dynamically scoped language.

I don't think I agree with such interpretation. Javascript implements
global scope and local scopes within functions. Evidently by creating
a local variable inside one function you do not automatically affect
local scopes of other functions, otherwise that would be disastrous. I
do not recall any other languages acting in opposite. You have to take
some explicit actions to inform the engine that you need this or that
local value also available in some other local context connected by
the call chain with the current context. Say in Perl you have to
declare then your value as "local" instead of "my". In Javascript you
have two options:

1) Temporary local context transfer from caller to callee:


function primary(arg1, arg2) {
window.alert(arg1 + ' ' + arg2);

function secondary() {
primary.apply(null, arguments);
// or (this, arguments) if within
// an object instance

secondary('Hello', 'world!')

2) By nesting local scopes using closures. The latter is a really
dangerous doing because of possible memory leaks, but if properly done
then OK


function outer(arg1, arg2) {


function inner() {
window.alert(arg1 + ' ' + arg2);

outer('Hello', 'world!');

John Passaniti

VK said:
I don't think I agree with such interpretation. Javascript implements
global scope and local scopes within functions. Evidently by creating
a local variable inside one function you do not automatically affect
local scopes of other functions, otherwise that would be disastrous. I
do not recall any other languages acting in opposite.

I'm not asking that local scope of the caller *override* local scope of
the callee. What I'm looking for is a way to make the caller's locals
be *visible* without me passing explicit context. The mechanism for
visibility can be anything. As for what languages offer this, some
flavors of Lisp come to mind as well as Lua prior to version 5.0. If
dynamic scoping in those languages is a good thing is a different question.

Thanks for your solutions, but I'm still stuck with the notion that what
I want can be done without explicitly passing arguments or by using
closures. I note that function objects can apparently access context of
their callers, but this appears to be non-portable across versions of

Oh well, for now I'll just hack around the problem. Thanks for your reply.


Thanks. It isn't quite what I wanted since it can only do the string
replacement from an explicitly-passed object. That gets rid of the
scoping issues, but it is far more restrictive.

String.prototype.interp = function ( vMap )
return this.replace( /\{([^}]+)\}/g,
function ( dummy, v ) {
return vMap( v );
} );

function test( example ) {
vMap = function ( _x_ ) { return eval( _x_ ); },
x = 42,
y = "hello world",
z = { bobo : true},
q = "x: {x}, y: {y}, z.bobo: {z.bobo}, example: {example}"
alert( q.interp( vMap ) );
test("#1" );

John Passaniti

String.prototype.interp = function ( vMap )

Thanks for the code. That's closer to my ideal, but still requires
creating an explicit closure to capture the context. I'll continue to
try to find a way that's closer to what I want.


Thanks for the code. That's closer to my ideal, but still requires
creating an explicit closure to capture the context. I'll continue to
try to find a way that's closer to what I want.

If I understand, then, you wish to have the execution context
available in order to interpolate, but you also wish to do so neither
exclusively within the opening execution context, nor through creation
of a closure in order to re-establish the context.

There's a reason that var's within the execution context are referred
to as "private variables". The only access to private variable values
is from within the execution context, or through a method call from
within the execution context that passes the values (or references)
out. Where the latter would seem to fit more closely with Douglas
Crockford's "supplant" method, you've already rejected that as being

Seems to me that doesn't leave much room to "find a way that's closer
to what I want", no matter how much you may want it. ;-)

John Passaniti

If I understand, then, you wish to have the execution context
available in order to interpolate, but you also wish to do so neither
exclusively within the opening execution context, nor through creation
of a closure in order to re-establish the context.

Correct, the ideal is to have what is offered in other languages that
offer variable interpolation built-in to the language. Perl is one example:

sub whatever {
my $example = 42;
return "example is: $example";

That is what I am trying to emulate.
There's a reason that var's within the execution context are referred
to as "private variables". The only access to private variable values
is from within the execution context, or through a method call from
within the execution context that passes the values (or references)
out. Where the latter would seem to fit more closely with Douglas
Crockford's "supplant" method, you've already rejected that as being

I fully understand that yes, private variables are (and should be)
private. And normally, that is exactly what I want in the code I write.
Lexical scoping rules work for me 95% of the time.

This is a 5% case. This is a case where I find JavaScript is missing
some functionality I find useful, and I am looking for a way to emulate
it. So I am asking not for approval, but creativity from JavaScript
programmers who are more experienced than I to think of a solution. If
there is none, fine. But I have to believe that there is likely some
solution given the tools JavaScript already provides.
Seems to me that doesn't leave much room to "find a way that's closer
to what I want", no matter how much you may want it. ;-)

Actually, I think I'm coming closer to a solution. I haven't
implemented it yet, so here is a description.

My problem has been the explicit creation of a closure to capture the
context. The whole point of this exercise is to reduce the amount of
code I have to write when I want to interpolate variables into strings,
and setting up an explicit closure is just as ugly as streams of
literals and variables being concatenated.

It's the creation of an *explicit* closure that I dislike, not the use
of closures at all. So the question now is if there is a way to do this

One way may be to change this from a function call to an object
creation. That is, instead of this:

var example = 42;
alert(interpolate("example is: {example}"));

I think syntax like this may be possible:

var example = 42;
alert(new Interpolate("example is: {example}"));

The difference is that I would be creating an instance of Interpolate in
the same context. If I can have the constructor build a closure, it may
serve my needs. I'll play with this later and if anything useful comes
out, I'll post it here.


This is a 5% case. This is a case where I find JavaScript is missing
some functionality I find useful, and I am looking for a way to emulate

Another option would be to install free ActivePerl and then use Perl
in <script> blocks instead of Javascript:
Obviously it fits only for local solutions as Web-wide one cannot
expect ActivePerl installed on each visitor. Still if you are making a
solution for some organization and if Perl is your primary development
language then ActivePerl could be a good time-saving option.

Concerning the string interpolation functionality you are seeking for:
indeed Javascript completely misses it. Actually in the aspect of
string manipulations any language is very weak in comparison with
Perl: because Perl was made for it and for years hundreds of
developers were adding into it anything what could improve and/or
simplify string manipulations. And the core is of course Perl's
concept of non-interpolated strings in single quotes:
'Non-interpolated string';
and run-time interpolated strings in double quotes:
"Run-time interpolated string";

Neither Javascript nor any other widely used language I'm aware of has
this functionality. So my suggestion would be to simply use Perl
client-side as well. Any emulations using RegExp tricks will be
forcedly ugly and unnecessarily resource intensive. If client-side
Perl is not an option than I would use the standard OOP solution with
request object, its fields and methods:

function DB() {
this.FROM = '';
this.WHERE = ''; = '';
this.setQuery = DB.setQuery;
DB.setQuery = function() {
// combine query from this.FROM and this.WHERE
// and send request

var myDB = new DB;
DB.FROM = 'foo';
DB.WHERE = 'bar';

That is not by any means a functional solution, it is just a hint of
the way to do things if you decide to stay with Javascript. Because if
you stay with Javascript then you have to force yourself onto OOP
thinking sooner the better; otherwise you'll keep hitting missing
functionality here and there and keep being frustrated by your code
and nostalgic about Perl :) IMHO it is better to make one painful
switching effort rather than prolong the suffer :)


Correct, the ideal is to have what is offered in other languages that
offer variable interpolation built-in to the language. Perl is one example:

sub whatever {
my $example = 42;
return "example is: $example";

That is what I am trying to emulate.

Understood from the original description of what you wanted.
I fully understand that yes, private variables are (and should be)
private. And normally, that is exactly what I want in the code I write.
Lexical scoping rules work for me 95% of the time.

This is a 5% case. This is a case where I find JavaScript is missing
some functionality I find useful, and I am looking for a way to emulate
it. So I am asking not for approval, but creativity from JavaScript
programmers who are more experienced than I to think of a solution. If
there is none, fine.

You'll see the experts using

setTimeout(function() {..}, 500)

, perhaps not the prettiest of structures, to generate a closure for
use on expiry of the timer.

You sort of had the answer originally when you stated: "And the reason
is clear: JavaScript is evidently a lexically instead of dynamically
scoped language."

There is a form of dynamic scoping of object property reading through
the prototype chain mechanism, as program execution changes to objects
on the prototype chain can affect property resolution.

Nonetheless, for closures, the function to which a reference is held
to maintain a closure on the execution context and related scoping
chains, has the requirement that it be lexically scoped into the
environment in which it is to be utilized.
But I have to believe that there is likely some
solution given the tools JavaScript already provides.

Actually, I think I'm coming closer to a solution. I haven't
implemented it yet, so here is a description.

My problem has been the explicit creation of a closure to capture the
context. The whole point of this exercise is to reduce the amount of
code I have to write when I want to interpolate variables into strings,
and setting up an explicit closure is just as ugly as streams of
literals and variables being concatenated.

While it's easy to see the ideal, surely you don't equate introduction
of a relatively succinct function expression to being "as ugly as
streams of literals and variables being concatenated."
It's the creation of an *explicit* closure that I dislike, not the use
of closures at all. So the question now is if there is a way to do this

One way may be to change this from a function call to an object
creation. That is, instead of this:

var example = 42;
alert(interpolate("example is: {example}"));

I think syntax like this may be possible:

var example = 42;
alert(new Interpolate("example is: {example}"));

Which is conserving in phrasing, albeit misleading and possibly error-
prone to omission of "new", and really not all that far off from:

alert( "example is: {example}".interp( function(_){return
eval(_);}) );

In the latter, nonetheless, one would be inclined to use a function
reference if more than a one-off use was required.

Neither form, however, would come that close to meeting the ideal of a
language-based facility for performing string interpolation. It can be
done, because of Javascript's flexibility, but it's a question of
what's the cost. It appears to be not as unencumbered as one might
The difference is that I would be creating an instance of Interpolate in
the same context. If I can have the constructor build a closure, it may
serve my needs. I'll play with this later and if anything useful comes
out, I'll post it here.

A fine conditional. Success is awaited, in dubiousness ever so. ;)

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