JFX TabPane bug?


Michael Jung

Before going through all the hassle with registering in JFX/Jira to
report this, I'd like to ask for your opinion. I am using JFX8 and have
a construct as follows:

VBox(instance vbox)->TabPane->Tab->TextField(fx:id="bla").

when I do a vbox.lookup("#bla"), I get null. When cascading this
differently - not through a TabPane -, the lookup succeeds. While
playing around, and reading the documentation carefully, I presume this
is due to the fact that "TabPane->Tab->" does not go through the
children list, thereby interrupting the tree search. From a consistency
point (documentation vs reality) this is probably correct, but it can
hardly be intended. This way, large parts of widget trees become
invisible for a lookup, at least as far as the usual queries go.

Sorry for not providing an SSCCE, I believe it to be easy to create, but
the JFX boiler plate code isn't all that interesting.

Any comments?


Robert Klemme

Sorry for not providing an SSCCE, I believe it to be easy to create, but
the JFX boiler plate code isn't all that interesting.

The idea of the SSCCE is it to make it easier for others to increase the
likelihood that you get help. Plus, we cannot know what you consider
"boiler plate" so anything we might come up with ourselves might be
different than what you have.




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