libapreq2 and cgi.FieldStorage


python user

Hi all,

New python experimenter here (that means I don't know what I'm doing).

I've installed Python2.3.4 onto an RH8 box, then installed mod_python.
While trying to write a small program to process form data I discovered
that the mod_python.util.FieldStorage class intermixes query and post
form data. Since that class looks like a subclass of I thought I
could start there but it seems to behave the same way. I can't be
certain because my code mostly generates tracebacks :(

I've also noticed that some changes and extensions to the language are
done in C for execution speed purposes.

On the site under httpd is a project called libapreq2 that
provides access to Apache GET (query), POST, and COOKIE data in separate
tables. I'm guessing that it would be faster than python byte code, and
it would fill my want for separation of GET and POST form data.

Now the question: is there any interest in incorporating this package
into python or perhaps making it a configurable part of a python build?

Since I'm neither a C nor Python programmer (yet) the task is beyond me.

If this is a nonsensical question wet noodles are justified.

Thanks for any responses to my question/suggestion.

Mike Wright

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