LinkedList Pointer (REPOST - diff version)



Some typo and confusion in previous post
made it difficult for me to fetch correct answers.
Here's the original problem.

Consider Linked List

struct node{
int data;
struct node * next;

No problem until you are dealing with a pointer variable(list).
there, you can access
but think in case &(list->next)or where it is stored.,


Consider foll. routines.

a function to add a node in the list

void Push(struct node** headRef, int newData);
Given an int and a reference to the head pointer (i.e. a struct
node** pointer to the head pointer), add a new node at the head of the
list with the standard 3-step-link-in: create the new node, set its to point to the current head, and finally change the head to
point to the new node.

and a routine using it is,

void BasicsCaller() {
struct node* head;
int len;
head = BuildOneTwoThree(); // Start with {1, 2, 3}
Push(&head, 13); // Push 13 on the front,
// yielding {13, 1, 2, 3}
// (The '&' is because head is
// as a reference pointer.)
Push(&(head->next), 42); // Push 42 into the second
// yielding {13, 42, 1, 2, 3}
// Demonstrates a use of '&' on
// the .next field of a node.
// (See technique #2 below.)

First call for push(&head,13) is obvious and works fine.

Now this is the single question:
Just explain what happens in the call Push(&(head->next), 42)
what is passed to Push and what it is done in push.

if you couldn't get me completely,


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