Logarithmic scale



Hi Is there a way to find a proper distance between large numbers.

For example, if i have a set of numbers like:
10, 40, 80, 100, 500, 10000
Now if I have to create a break points between these no.
I have to take an average & add that average to the starting number
(10000 -10)/6 = 1665.
Now if I create a break point using this no. the break points will be:
10 - 1675, 1675 - 3340, 3340 - 5005, 5005 - 6670 ....
But the problem is that I can't use them as they are far apart like
all the first 5 no.'s will be in the first breakpoint, so its no help.

Can I use a formula like logarithmic scale in javascript to calculate
the breakpoint that are based on logarithmic scale.

Joost Diepenmaat

Sunny said:
Hi Is there a way to find a proper distance between large numbers.

For example, if i have a set of numbers like:
10, 40, 80, 100, 500, 10000
Now if I have to create a break points between these no.
I have to take an average & add that average to the starting number
(10000 -10)/6 = 1665.
Now if I create a break point using this no. the break points will be:
10 - 1675, 1675 - 3340, 3340 - 5005, 5005 - 6670 ....
But the problem is that I can't use them as they are far apart like
all the first 5 no.'s will be in the first breakpoint, so its no help.

Can I use a formula like logarithmic scale in javascript to calculate
the breakpoint that are based on logarithmic scale.

You can use logarithms in javascript. See Math.log:


I have no idea what you mean by break points or what you're trying to
do. It looks like you just want to split an ordered list in two, sort of:

x = Math.ceil(list.length / 2)
break_point = (list[x] - list[x+1]) / 2

If that doesn't help, please explain further.


Joost Diepenmaat said:
x = Math.ceil(list.length / 2)
break_point = (list[x] - list[x+1]) / 2

I meant Math.floor()

I have a series of numbers that i want to display on graph.
Numbers are like 10, 40, 80, 100, 500, 10000, 100000. there are 50
Like the last column has value that is really higher.
Here users can break this numbers into groups.
But when I take the average using the no. of groups they want (100000
-10)/6 = 16665.
so the groups come out 10 - 16665.
Now if i have to display this data on chart.
all the 30 points come under group 10 - 16665 & couple of groups
remain empty like 1ike no value exists in them because the difference
between the lowest & highest element is too big(10,100000). So I want
a method that computes an average or create groups based on logic.

Tom de Neef

Sunny said:
I have a series of numbers that i want to display on graph.
Numbers are like 10, 40, 80, 100, 500, 10000, 100000. there are 50
Like the last column has value that is really higher.
Here users can break this numbers into groups.
But when I take the average using the no. of groups they want (100000
-10)/6 = 16665.
so the groups come out 10 - 16665.
Now if i have to display this data on chart.
all the 30 points come under group 10 - 16665 & couple of groups
remain empty like 1ike no value exists in them because the difference
between the lowest & highest element is too big(10,100000). So I want
a method that computes an average or create groups based on logic.

First take the log (as said by JD, see Math; remember that 10-base log(x) =
ln(x)/ln(10) ) of all points into a new series.
Do your groupings with this new series and display.
The y-axis will now run from say -0.3 to 4.2. Round these min and max values
down resp up to -1 and 5.
Display the axis where you transform the values y to 10^y (e.g. 0.1, 1, 10,
100, 1000, 10000).



Joost Diepenmaat said:
x = Math.ceil(list.length / 2)
break_point = (list[x] - list[x+1]) / 2
I meant Math.floor()

I have a series of numbers that i want to display on graph.
Numbers are like  10, 40, 80, 100, 500, 10000, 100000. there are 50
Like the last column has value that is really higher.
Here users can break this numbers into groups.
But when I take the average using the no. of groups they want (100000
-10)/6 = 16665.
so the groups come out 10 - 16665.
Now if i have to display this data on chart.
all the 30 points come under group 10 - 16665 & couple of groups
remain empty like 1ike no value exists in them because the difference
between the lowest & highest element is too big(10,100000). So I want
a method that computes an average or create groups based on logic.

I think what you want to do is sort the numbers, then group them based
on their order index (1 to 50) rather than their value (10 to


x = Math.ceil(list.length / 2)
break_point = (list[x] - list[x+1]) / 2
I meant Math.floor()
I have a series of numbers that i want to display on graph.
Numbers are like 10, 40, 80, 100, 500, 10000, 100000. there are 50
Like the last column has value that is really higher.
Here users can break this numbers into groups.
But when I take the average using the no. of groups they want (100000
-10)/6 = 16665.
so the groups come out 10 - 16665.
Now if i have to display this data on chart.
all the 30 points come under group 10 - 16665 & couple of groups
remain empty like 1ike no value exists in them because the difference
between the lowest & highest element is too big(10,100000). So I want
a method that computes an average or create groups based on logic.

I think what you want to do is sort the numbers, then group them based
on their order index (1 to 50) rather than their value (10 to

Hi Tom, I am really new at javascript , can you give me some example
or function that can do that.
Thanks anyway.

Thomas 'PointedEars' Lahn

Sunny said:
Hi Is there a way to find a proper distance between large numbers.

alt.homework is elsewhere. You do yourself no favor at all by not doing
your homework by yourself. Trust me.


Bart Van der Donck

Hi Is there a way to find a proper distance between large numbers.

For example, if i have a set of numbers like:
10, 40, 80, 100, 500, 10000
Now if I have to create a break points between these no.
I have to take an average & add that average to the starting number
(10000 -10)/6 = 1665.
Now if I create a break point using this no. the break points will be:
10 - 1675, 1675 - 3340, 3340 - 5005, 5005 - 6670 ....

I do see all these evaluate to -1665, but I don't understand what you
further mean. I really think you should rephrase the problem in a
clearer way. Anyway, I think your algorithm would go like this:

var nrs = [10, 40, 80, 100, 500, 10000];
var breakpoints = new Array();
var f = (nrs[nrs.length-1] - nrs[0]) / nrs.length;
for (var i=0; i<nrs.length; i++)
breakpoints = i * f - ((i+1) * f);
document.write(breakpoints); // -1665 for every entry
Now if i have to display this data on chart.

Line chart:

var nrs = [10, 40, 80, 100, 500, 10000];
document.write('<img src="http://chart.apis.google.com/chart?'
+ 'chxt=y'
+ '&chxl=0:|0|'
+ nrs[nrs.length-1]/2 + '|' + nrs[nrs.length-1]
+ '&chs=400x400'
+ '&cht=lc'
+ '&chds=0,' + nrs[nrs.length-1]
+ '&chd=t:' + nrs
+ '">');

Pie chart:

var nrs = [10, 40, 80, 100, 500, 10000];
var perc = new Array();
var sum = 0;
for (var i=0; i<nrs.length; i++)
sum += nrs;
for (var j=0; j<nrs.length; j++)
perc[j] = nrs[j] / sum;
document.write('<img src="http://chart.apis.google.com/chart?'
+ '&chd=t:' + perc
+ '&cht=p3'
+ '&chl=' + nrs.join('|')
+ '">');

Hope this helps,

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