<marquee> alternative



I go to my bank web site quite often to check my balance, etc. I
seldom bother to read anything else, since it seldom changes. The site
is a rather proper plain design. However very rarely a huge marquee in
large red letters scrolls across the page. This does get one's notice.
You might get such a marquee concerning some problem with the site
that people need to know about at once. Of course you could get
attention to a message by using a temporary page to go to when you
sign in with an auto redirect to the usual page after some selected
time or when the user clicks a button. Or you could use bright
flashing text, etc. to get attention.The important point is that the
marquee or other device used be out of character with the page and
nearly impossible to avoid. On the other hand, if one has page that is
usually filled with marquees, flashing text, elaborate moving flash
ads, etc., a special notice marquee might easily go unnoticed by
repeat users of the page. In that case you might have to go to extreme
means to attract attention to a very important special message such as
by using a script "marquee" that allows images as well as text and
using scrolling nudes as well as text :). A siren recording added
also might help :) .

I have used marquees to test how fast pictures of toy cars go on my
various browsers. Guess what? They go jerkily and more slowly on the
only IE browser I have on my Mac, MacIE 5! On Safari they look so sleek
and smooth... FF3 is a bit more hesitant.



when I need blinking to combine with horizontal dynamics:


Gus Richter

cwdjrxyz said:
... using a script "marquee" that allows images as well as text ...

No need to use a script marquee since marquee itself allows images as
well as text. A simple :

<marquee><img src="image.jpg"></marquee>

BTW, a lot of talk about ticker tape type of marquee. Many comment, but
don't know what marquee actually can do; not only left/right but also
up/down. From old notes not updated, but works:

<marquee bgcolor=lightblue width=300 height=100 direction=up>Fun with
the Marquee tag!</marquee>

[Not that I endorse or use marquee myself. Just informational.]

Jonathan N. Little

dorayme said:
Notice how your single line "Widgets" is on a single line, on its own.
That is *not* what I call 'not looking or smelling or sounding like a

BUT it is STYLED the same as the paragraph is my point yet its function
in the document remains a heading. Not so with a MARQUEE.


"Jonathan N. Little said:
BUT it is STYLED the same as the paragraph is my point yet its function
in the document remains a heading. Not so with a MARQUEE.

First, your Widgets does not quite look like a paragraph, a paragraph is
.... well ... longer looking with a few sentences.

Second, if you style a marquee as a paragraph it will still be a
marquee. And if a marquee is a sort of special super heading, as Ben
speculates, then by the law of the transitivity of identity, it is a
super heading in the style of a paragraph. Of course it is not going *to
look like* a paragraph! Would a naughty elephant that tried to hide from
the police by standing like a post box because it thought coppers were
too dumb to notice the difference look like a post box? Of course not!

Perhaps I miss your exact point? What should I do to make that penny
drop (no, I can't do that, don't be rude!)? <g>

Are you saying one cannot style a marquee as plain text? Well, maybe
that is is because it is such a damn good super heading, it won't let
earthlings tamper with it - this is a plus not a minus, surely? It has
various built in attributes to make it do and look different but it is
not all things to all men, agreed.

Best I can do is make it stop in *some* browsers at *some* font sizes is:


Perhaps John Hoskings might advise you of the futility of arguing with
dorayme when it finds it hard to take something seriously? Whatever you
do, do *not* consult Bergamot, he takes *everything* I say seriously and
he will *mislead* you Jonathan. <g>

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