masking password




I'm developing a command line interface for a java application. The cli
makes a socket connection to my java application and then sends text
over to the java app. The text mesg are commands which the java
application would execute. Many users would be using this cli, therefore
they would require a username & password. My problem is that - when the
user types the passwd, the passwd gets printed on the console. How do I
mask the password ? I use the telnet prog on windows to connect to
the java app running on a remote host.

thanks in advance


Christophe Vanfleteren

Sanjay said:

I'm developing a command line interface for a java application. The cli
makes a socket connection to my java application and then sends text
over to the java app. The text mesg are commands which the java
application would execute. Many users would be using this cli, therefore
they would require a username & password. My problem is that - when the
user types the passwd, the passwd gets printed on the console. How do I
mask the password ? I use the telnet prog on windows to connect to
the java app running on a remote host.

thanks in advance


You should let the server send a random string to the client.
Let the client append his password to the random string, and return an MD5
sum of the result to the server. Then do the same on the server and compare
the MD5 sums.
This way you've never send the password over the wire, and the md5 sum that
was sent over the wire can not be reused by someone else in another
Or ofcourse you could run the entire process over a secure socket using SSL.

Roedy Green

My problem is that - when the
user types the passwd, the passwd gets printed on the console. How do I
mask the password ?

see javax.swing.JPasswordField

Roedy Green

Doesn't work in a command-line interface, though.

What's to stop the basically command line interface from having a tiny
gui component just to deal with username password?

If he puts passwords in the bat files, they are very exposed, whether
they display or not.

From the point of view of preventing someone mucking around
accidentally triggering the program, putting passwords in the bat file
does nothing. The meddler is likely to try just running the bat file
to find out what it is for.

Gordon Beaton

What's to stop the basically command line interface from having a
tiny gui component just to deal with username password?

For one, it would make an otherwise CLI-based program useless in a
purely CLI environment.



Christophe Vanfleteren said:
You should let the server send a random string to the client.
Let the client append his password to the random string, and return an MD5
sum of the result to the server. Then do the same on the server and compare
the MD5 sums.
This way you've never send the password over the wire, and the md5 sum that
was sent over the wire can not be reused by someone else in another
Or ofcourse you could run the entire process over a secure socket using SSL.

That presumes that the server already knows the client's
password. If the server must hand-off client requests
to another agent, then the client's password will be
required by that agent to authenticate the requests.

Example: Java client talking to a server application over
TCP/IP. The server needs to know what the client is allowed
to do by querying the platform security product with the
client's user-id and password. The server cannot get the
user's password from the platform security product, but
must request that information from the client and forward
it to the security product for authentication.

Digital certificates pose the same problem, since the
server is in-between the client and the security product.
Somehow, the client's credentials must be delivered to
the server is a secure manner, so that the server can
then use those credentials to query the security product
about what the client is allowed to do, if anything.

The client and the server need to agree on an encryption
mechanism to hide the credentials as they are transmitted
over the wire.


peace be unto you
Tested using MS-DOS Prompt

--- outputs
C:\My Documents\omar\nntp-test\password2>javac

C:\My Documents\omar\nntp-test\password2>javah -jni JConioLib

C:\My Documents\omar\nntp-test\password2>gcc -g -O2 -c -IC:/Dev-Cpp/include -Ic:
/j2sdk1.4.2_03/include -Ic:/j2sdk1.4.2_03/include/win32 -g JConioLib.c

C:\My Documents\omar\nntp-test\password2>dllwrap --output-def JConioLib.def --ad
d-stdcall-alias -o JConioLib.dll -s JConioLib.o
C:\MINGW\BIN\DLLWRAP.EXE: no export definition file provided.
Creating one, but that may not be what you want

C:\My Documents\omar\nntp-test\password2>javac

C:\My Documents\omar\nntp-test\password2>java Password
Please enter your password (Hint:java): *****
Incorrect password
Please enter your password (Hint:java): *****
Welcome super user

public class JConio
JConioLib lib;
public JConio()
lib = new JConioLib();
public int getch()
int i = lib.getch();
return i;

public class JConioLib
public native int getch();

--- JConioLib.c
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <jni.h>
#include "JConioLib.h"

JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_JConioLib_getch
(JNIEnv * env, jobject obj)
int c = getch();
return (jint) c;

class Password
public static void main(String [] s)
String lineSeparator = System.getProperty("line.separator");
String prompt = "Please enter your password (Hint:java): ";
String realPassword="java"+lineSeparator.charAt(0);
StringBuffer password = new StringBuffer();
JConio conio = new JConio();
boolean isAuthenticated = false;
// for three tries
for(int nTries = 1; nTries <= 3; nTries++)
// prompt for password
char cPass;
int len = 0;
int i = 0;

// create an infinite loop

// get a single character

cPass = (char) conio.getch();

// if the character
// does not equal
// a carriage return or new line
// add the character to the
// string buffer

if (cPass != '\r' && cPass != '\n')

// a carriage return forces the
// cursor at the beginning of the line


// recreate the prompt


// fill the length of the user input
// with asterisk

for (i = 0; i < len; i++)

// a carriage return or new line
// char indicates the end of user
// input or System.getProperty("line.separator");

if (cPass == '\n' || cPass == '\r')
System.out.println("\nIncorrect password");
System.out.println("Welcome super user");
System.out.println("Access denied");

--- compilation
javah -jni JConioLib
gcc -g -O2 -c -IC:/Dev-Cpp/include -Ic:/j2sdk1.4.2_03/include -Ic:/j2sdk1.4.2_03/include/win32 -g JConioLib.c
dllwrap --output-def JConioLib.def --add-stdcall-alias -o JConioLib.dll -s JConioLib.o
java Password

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