MFC app to Python IDLE communication



Hi all
In my MFC application I need to call Python IDLE, pass some terms (or
scripts or values - they are simple strings or memo fields) there so
that user may modify/evaluate/interpret it and then return the
modified terms back to the application.

How can I do it the best way (MFC->IDLE)?

As for IDLE->MFC, I'm afraid that copy-paste is the way out... Is it

Thanks in advance for the hints.

Dennis Lee Bieber

Hi all
In my MFC application I need to call Python IDLE, pass some terms (or

IDLE is a Tkinter/TK IDE for Python... Why would you invoke a whole
IDE to manipulate application data?

If you already have MFC in the mix, wouldn't it be better to use
the win32 python extensions and keep everything in MFC?
Wulfraed Dennis Lee Bieber KD6MOG
(e-mail address removed) (e-mail address removed)
(Bestiaria Support Staff: (e-mail address removed))


        IDLE is a Tkinter/TK IDE for Python... Why would you invoke a whole
IDE to manipulate application data?

It was just an idea. I have never dealt with python before...
I need some hints to understand where the answer to my problem is.
         If you already have MFC in the mix, wouldn't it be better to use
the win32 python extensions and keep everything in MFC?

as I understand you suggest to extend win32 python to my needs?

Dennis Lee Bieber

It was just an idea. I have never dealt with python before...
I need some hints to understand where the answer to my problem is.

Well... on my side, I'm not really sure /what/ you intend to do...
It sounded a lot like you were going to run one Python program from
inside IDLE (which is a Python program itself), somehow transfer data
from a compiled MFC-based application to that Python program, and -- the
confusion is here -- somehow use IDLE (debug mode?) to examine the data
as it exists in the Python program, maybe change it and somehow send it
back to the compiled program.
as I understand you suggest to extend win32 python to my needs?

I refer to the win32 modules that come with the ActiveState Python;
they are available separately but since I've always downloaded the
ActiveState installer, I don't recall what the package itself is fully
called (looks like PyWin32 in the help file). The win32 modules are
wrappers for most of the Windows native API calls... My thought was
that, if you are using MFC for interface, you might want to keep to
native Windows functions for the Python stuff..
Wulfraed Dennis Lee Bieber KD6MOG
(e-mail address removed) (e-mail address removed)
(Bestiaria Support Staff: (e-mail address removed))

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