Missing event targets with mouseover/mouseout in Firefox 2.0



Could someone check out the following code and please help me
understand the problem and fix it. It seems like some events are not
firing when my mouse moves over the table cells to quickly causing
some table cells to stay yellow when you move out of them instead of
going back to blue.

(Note that I'm using DIV's inside this table because the lightyellow
one will contain an image that will be mousedowned on to start a cell
selection mode which table cells can be selected or deselected quickly
in a column by a drag-N-drop-type procedure). Here is the code.

#calendar {
.calendarHeader {
.calendarRow {
<table id='calendar' border='1' width='700' cellpadding='0'
<td class="calendarHeader">Jennie</td>
<td class="calendarHeader">Mark</td>
<tr class='calendarRow'>
<td id='1|Jennie'></td>
<td id='1|Mark'></td>
<tr class='calendarRow'>
<td id='2|Jennie'></td>
<td id='2|Mark'></td>
<tr class='calendarRow'>
<td id='3|Jennie'></td>
<td id='3|Mark'></td>
<tr class='calendarRow'>
<td id='4|Jennie'></td>
<td id='4|Mark'></td>
<tr class='calendarRow'>
<td id='5|Jennie'></td>
<td id='5|Mark'></td>
<tr class='calendarRow'>
<td id='6|Jennie'></td>
<td id='6|Mark'></td>
<tr class='calendarRow'>
<td id='7|Jennie'></td>
<td id='7|Mark'></td>
var calendar = document.getElementById('calendar'),
slots = calendar.getElementsByTagName('td'),

function addDIVs(slot) {
var div = document.createElement('div');
div.style.position = 'relative';
div.style.backgroundColor = 'transparent';
div.style.visibility = 'visible';
div.style.top = 0;
div.style.left = 2;
div.style.height = 24;
div.style.width = 342;
var outerDIV = div;

div = document.createElement('div');
div.style.position = 'absolute';
div.style.backgroundColor = 'lightyellow';
div.style.visibility = 'hidden';
div.style.top = 0;
div.style.left = 0;
div.style.height = 24;
div.style.width = 342;

div = document.createElement('div');
div.style.position = 'absolute';
div.style.top = 0;
div.style.left = 0;
div.style.height = 24;
div.style.width = 342;
div.style.backgroundColor = 'transparent';
div.style.visibility = 'visible';

function mouseoutHandlerDIV(e) {
var el = getEventTarget(e);
if (el.nextSibling) {
el.style.visibility = "hidden";
el.nextSibling.style.visibility = "visible";

function mouseoverHandlerDIV(e) {
var el = getEventTarget(e);
el.style.visibility = 'hidden';
el.previousSibling.style.visibility = 'visible';

function addEvent(el, evtType, listener, captures) {
if (el.addEventListener) {
el.addEventListener(evtType, listener, captures);
return true;
else if (el.attachEvent) {
return el.attachEvent('on' + evtType, listener);
else {
el['on' + evtType] = listener;

function getEventTarget(e) {
if (window.event && window.event.srcElement) { return
window.event.srcElement; }
if (e && e.target) { return e.target; }
return null;

for (var i=0; i < slots.length; i++) {
if (slots.id.length > 0) {
slot = slots.firstChild;
addEvent(slot.firstChild, 'mouseout', mouseoutHandlerDIV, false);
addEvent(slot.lastChild, 'mouseover', mouseoverHandlerDIV, false);

Bart Van der Donck

Could someone check out the following code and please help me
understand the problem and fix it. It seems like some events are not
firing when my mouse moves over the table cells to quickly causing
some table cells to stay yellow when you move out of them instead of
going back to blue.

(Note that I'm using DIV's inside this table because the lightyellow
one will contain an image that will be mousedowned on to start a cell
selection mode which table cells can be selected or deselected quickly
in a column by a drag-N-drop-type procedure). Here is the code.


Missing doctype declaration.

Useth ye W3 Validatour ande Thou shalt acquire Valid Pages:

        #calendar {
        .calendarHeader {

        .calendarRow {

height: 30px;
<table id='calendar' border='1' width='700' cellpadding='0'
                <td class="calendarHeader">Jennie</td>
                <td class="calendarHeader">Mark</td>
        <tr class='calendarRow'>
                <td id='1|Jennie'></td>

Pipe signs are not allowed in ID's:
                <td id='1|Mark'></td>
        <tr class='calendarRow'>
                <td id='2|Jennie'></td>
                <td id='2|Mark'></td>
        <tr class='calendarRow'>
                <td id='3|Jennie'></td>
                <td id='3|Mark'></td>
        <tr class='calendarRow'>
                <td id='4|Jennie'></td>
                <td id='4|Mark'></td>
        <tr class='calendarRow'>
                <td id='5|Jennie'></td>
                <td id='5|Mark'></td>
        <tr class='calendarRow'>
                <td id='6|Jennie'></td>
                <td id='6|Mark'></td>
        <tr class='calendarRow'>
                <td id='7|Jennie'></td>
                <td id='7|Mark'></td>

var calendar = document.getElementById('calendar'),
        slots = calendar.getElementsByTagName('td'),

function addDIVs(slot) {
        var div = document.createElement('div');

I would avoid the name 'div' here.
        div.style.position = 'relative';
        div.style.backgroundColor = 'transparent';
        div.style.visibility = 'visible';
        div.style.top = 0;
        div.style.left = 2;
        div.style.height = 24;
        div.style.width = 342;

Those last four should be with 'px' behind.
        var outerDIV = div;

        div = document.createElement('div');
        div.style.position = 'absolute';
        div.style.backgroundColor = 'lightyellow';
        div.style.visibility = 'hidden';
        div.style.top = 0;
        div.style.left = 0;
        div.style.height = 24;
        div.style.width = 342;

        div = document.createElement('div');
        div.style.position = 'absolute';
        div.style.top = 0;
        div.style.left = 0;
        div.style.height = 24;
        div.style.width = 342;
        div.style.backgroundColor = 'transparent';
        div.style.visibility = 'visible';


function mouseoutHandlerDIV(e) {
        var el = getEventTarget(e);
        if (el.nextSibling) {
                el.style.visibility = "hidden";
                el.nextSibling.style.visibility = "visible";


function mouseoverHandlerDIV(e) {
        var el = getEventTarget(e);
        el.style.visibility = 'hidden';

'el' is empty or no object (MSIE).
        el.previousSibling.style.visibility = 'visible';


function addEvent(el, evtType, listener, captures) {
        if (el.addEventListener) {
                el.addEventListener(evtType, listener, captures);
                return true;
        else if (el.attachEvent) {
                return el.attachEvent('on' + evtType, listener);
        else {
                el['on' + evtType] = listener;


function getEventTarget(e) {
        if (window.event && window.event.srcElement) { return
window.event.srcElement; }
        if (e && e.target) { return e.target; }
        return null;


for (var i=0; i < slots.length; i++) {
        if (slots.id.length > 0) {
                slot = slots.firstChild;
                addEvent(slot.firstChild, 'mouseout', mouseoutHandlerDIV, false);
                addEvent(slot.lastChild, 'mouseover', mouseoverHandlerDIV, false);


That's a large amount of code for a quite simple task. I would suggest
to take it one step at the time.

<table border="1">


style = "background-color: lightblue; cursor: pointer;"
onMouseOver = "this.style.backgroundColor='lightyellow';"
onMouseOut = "this.style.backgroundColor='lightblue';"&nbsp;
style = "background-color: lightblue; cursor: pointer;"
onMouseOver = "this.style.backgroundColor='lightyellow';"
onMouseOut = "this.style.backgroundColor='lightblue';"&nbsp;


Now you have a clear base to start working with your <DIV>s in the
cell. The (background-)image in the <DIV>s could have a transparent
back (.gif) as to keep the light yellow colour intact.

Hope this helps,


Could someone check out the following code and please help me
understand the problem and fix it. It seems like some events are not
firing when my mouse moves over thetablecellsto quickly causing
sometablecellsto stay yellow when you move out of them instead of
going back to blue.
(Note that I'm using DIV's inside thistablebecause the lightyellow
one will contain an image that will be mousedowned on to start a cell
selection mode whichtablecellscan be selected or deselected quickly
in acolumnby a drag-N-drop-type procedure). Here is the code.

Missing doctype declaration.

Useth ye W3 Validatour ande Thou shalt acquire Valid Pages:http://validator.w3.org/

#calendar {
.calendarHeader {

.calendarRow {

height: 30px;
<tableid='calendar' border='1' width='700' cellpadding='0'
<td class="calendarHeader">Jennie</td>
<td class="calendarHeader">Mark</td>
<tr class='calendarRow'>
<td id='1|Jennie'></td>

Pipe signs are not allowed in ID's:http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/types.html

<td id='1|Mark'></td>
<tr class='calendarRow'>
<td id='2|Jennie'></td>
<td id='2|Mark'></td>
<tr class='calendarRow'>
<td id='3|Jennie'></td>
<td id='3|Mark'></td>
<tr class='calendarRow'>
<td id='4|Jennie'></td>
<td id='4|Mark'></td>
<tr class='calendarRow'>
<td id='5|Jennie'></td>
<td id='5|Mark'></td>
<tr class='calendarRow'>
<td id='6|Jennie'></td>
<td id='6|Mark'></td>
<tr class='calendarRow'>
<td id='7|Jennie'></td>
<td id='7|Mark'></td>

var calendar = document.getElementById('calendar'),
slots = calendar.getElementsByTagName('td'),
function addDIVs(slot) {
var div = document.createElement('div');

I would avoid the name 'div' here.
div.style.position = 'relative';
div.style.backgroundColor = 'transparent';
div.style.visibility = 'visible';
div.style.top = 0;
div.style.left = 2;
div.style.height = 24;
div.style.width = 342;

Those last four should be with 'px' behind.

var outerDIV = div;
div = document.createElement('div');
div.style.position = 'absolute';
div.style.backgroundColor = 'lightyellow';
div.style.visibility = 'hidden';
div.style.top = 0;
div.style.left = 0;
div.style.height = 24;
div.style.width = 342;
div = document.createElement('div');
div.style.position = 'absolute';
div.style.top = 0;
div.style.left = 0;
div.style.height = 24;
div.style.width = 342;
div.style.backgroundColor = 'transparent';
div.style.visibility = 'visible';

function mouseoutHandlerDIV(e) {
var el = getEventTarget(e);
if (el.nextSibling) {
el.style.visibility = "hidden";
el.nextSibling.style.visibility = "visible";

function mouseoverHandlerDIV(e) {
var el = getEventTarget(e);
el.style.visibility = 'hidden';

'el' is empty or no object (MSIE).

el.previousSibling.style.visibility = 'visible';

function addEvent(el, evtType, listener, captures) {
if (el.addEventListener) {
el.addEventListener(evtType, listener, captures);
return true;
else if (el.attachEvent) {
return el.attachEvent('on' + evtType, listener);
else {
el['on' + evtType] = listener;

function getEventTarget(e) {
if (window.event && window.event.srcElement) { return
window.event.srcElement; }
if (e && e.target) { return e.target; }
return null;

for (var i=0; i < slots.length; i++) {
if (slots.id.length > 0) {
slot = slots.firstChild;
addEvent(slot.firstChild, 'mouseout', mouseoutHandlerDIV, false);
addEvent(slot.lastChild, 'mouseover', mouseoverHandlerDIV, false);


That's a large amount of code for a quite simple task. I would suggest
to take it one step at the time.



style = "background-color: lightblue; cursor: pointer;"
onMouseOver = "this.style.backgroundColor='lightyellow';"
onMouseOut = "this.style.backgroundColor='lightblue';"&nbsp;
style = "background-color: lightblue; cursor: pointer;"
onMouseOver = "this.style.backgroundColor='lightyellow';"
onMouseOut = "this.style.backgroundColor='lightblue';"&nbsp;


Now you have a clear base to start working with your <DIV>s in the
cell. The (background-)image in the <DIV>s could have a transparent
back (.gif) as to keep the light yellow colour intact.

Hope this helps,

Thanks Bart. I started over before reading your post and got rid of
all those DIV's. But I needed an image in each cell to make a button.
The problem which got me going with all those DIV's was a flickering
effect with mouseover/mouseout between the images and their table
cells background color. That's been fixed simple handlers that
determine whether these moves are from child-to-parent or parent-to-

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