Multi-Objective Bin packing using linear aggregation

Apr 4, 2016
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I want to load items into an optimal number of containers.

Each item is defined by its volume and priority and the containers are defined by their volumes.

I want to prioritize the items with the highest priorities.

I wrote a best fit, a first fit and a branch&bound algorithms to solve this problem after sorting the items from the highest priority to the lowest.
But, I guess this is not an effective method, so I thought about using the linear aggregation method of the multi-objective bin packing problem.

I chose to use a wheight λ= 0.5 for both objective functions (which is relative to their importance). So that makes the problem a mono-objective one whith an objective function = 0.5*f1 +0.5*f2 .

SO, what I would like to know is how can I apply this to my code?

This is what I wrote (I am really not sure if I am right)

if (currentSize + ((0.5*item.getVolume())+(0.5*item.getPriority())) <= volume) {
currentSize += item.getVolume();
return true; //item fits
} else {
return false; // item didn't fit

Can anyone explain to me how to do it? or has a useful document about it?
Thank you

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