Multimap: how to get a key list?


Rui Maciel

Is there any way to get a list of keys from a multimap besides relying on a couple of nested
loops to assemble that list?

Thanks in advance,
Rui Maciel


What nested loops? Only one loop is required to iterate over the multimap..

There is no single function that gives you a set of all keys stored in the
multimap, but a single loop is all that's needed to retrieve all the keys..
It's fairly easy to define a template function that gives them to you,
something like this:

template<typename multimap_t>
void keys(const multimap_t &m,
          std::set<typename multimap_t::key_type> &k)
    for (typename multimap_t::const_iterator b(m.begin()), e(m.end());
         b != e; ++b)


The std::set automatically takes care of deduping the multimap's keys.

I think that works fine. This might speed it up a little:

template<typename multimap_t>
void keys(const multimap_t &m,
std::set<typename multimap_t::key_type> &k)
typename std::set<typename multimap_t::key_type>::iterator
keys_end = k.end();
for (typename multimap_t::const_iterator b(m.begin()),
b != e; ++b)
k.insert(keys_end, b->first);

That would work best if k is being passed in
as an empty container as seems likely.

Brian Wood
(651) 251-9384


template < typename map_t, typename OutIt>
void keys(const map_t& aMap, OutIt out)
   typename map_t::const_iterator it = aMap.begin();
   while (it != aMap.end()) {
      typename map_t::key_type key = it++->first;
      out++ = key;
      while (it != aMap.end() && key == it->first)

Needs to be "*out++".

I like that you've used an output iterator: set<> was a wasteful way
of handling duplicate keys, even assuming that they're not wanted in
the result (which the OP didn't specify). list<> or vector<> could
reasonably be expected to outperform set<>.

Might want to make key a reference, as copying the key could be
expensive (alternatively, but probably more expensive, keep an
iterator to it). Post-increments involve iterator copies - could also
be slightly more expensive than ++it/++out afterwards, or a
preincrement ala

while (++it != a.Map.end() and key == it->first)

(The short-circuit logical operator constitutes a sequence point.)

Alternatively, one loop:

typename map_t::key_type* p_key = NULL;

for (typename map_t::const_iterator it = aMap.begin();
it != aMap.end(); ++it)
if (p_key and *p_key == it->first)
p_key = &(it->first);
*out++ = *p_key;

Alternatively, we could shoe-horn an STL algorithm. For example (and
assuming we want each instance of duplicate keys:

template <class Inserter>
struct Assign_First : public Inserter
typedef typename Inserter::container_type container_type;

Assign_First(container_type& c) : Inserter(c) { }

Assign_First& operator*() { return *this; }

template <typename Pair>
Assign_First& operator=(const Pair& value)
return *this;


typedef std::multimap<int, std::string> MM;
MM mm;

typedef std::vector<MM::key_type> Keys;
Keys keys;

std::copy(mm.begin(), mm.end(),
Assign_First<std::back_insert_iterator<Keys> >(keys));



You are right of course. I compiled my code with g++ and oddly, it
didn't complain about this problem.

It's not a compilation error... just at run-time it wouldn't have
copied anything to the output iterator....
Maybe this is what Sam was talking
about when he complained about my "lone post-increment operator."

Not sure; sounded like he was saying that the Standard doesn't require
an output iterator to provide a post-increment operator, which I
understand you to have denied. I haven't looked myself.
I was trying to come up with something along those lines, but it hadn't
occurred to me to hold the key in a pointer (which is the only way this
idea would work.)

You could also keep a second iterator, which is arguably a more "STL"-
ish way to do this, but iterators aren't guaranteed to be as minimal
as a pointer so it didn't seem as good an idea.


Michael Doubez

Now that I understand the question I can give a better answer than I did
the first time around...

Using the code below, you don't have to insert into a set, you can
insert into any output iterator (of course all of these examples work
with both multimaps and regular maps:

template < typename map_t, typename OutIt>
void keys(const map_t& aMap, OutIt out)
   for (typename map_t::const_iterator it = aMap.begin();
         it != aMap.end();
         it = aMap.upper_bound(it->first))
      out++ = it->first;


Another solution is to use decoration:
template<typename iterator_type>
class key_iterator:
std::iterator< typename iterator_type::iterator_category
// return type of iterator is key type
, typename iterator_type::value_type::first_type
, typename iterator_type::difference_type
// put here the typedefs iterator_category, ...

// build from
key_iterator(const iterator_type& i):it(i){}

// usual operation on iterator
key_iterator& operator++()
{ ++it;return *this;}

view_iterator operator++(int)
{ return key_iterator(it++);}

bool operator == (const key_iterator& rhs) const
{return it ==;}

// and so on for other iterator operations

// return key
reference operator*() const
{return it->first; }
pointer operator->() const
{return &it->first; }

iterator_type it;

And then you can use
template<class T>
key_iterator<typename T::iterator_type> key_begin(T& container)
return container.begin();

template<class T>
key_iterator<typename T::iterator_type> key_end(T& container)
return container.end();

You can do whatever you want on the keys of an associative container.

std::accumulate(key_begin(aMap),key_end(aMap), 0 );

Michael Doubez

I think part of the point of the exorcise was to remove duplicate keys
from the multimap.

std::unique_copy() with the decorated iterator does the trick.


Daniel said:
I like this idea better than the ones I came up with. OK if I use it?
There is a caveat: unique_copy will not work for any comparator. In
fact, the uniqueness requirement is not well-defined. If it is "leave no
equivalent keys in terms of map comparator", neither of the proposed
solutions other than set-based and upper_bound-based will work in
general. If it's anything else, it depends on even more.. Blame OP :)


Michael Doubez

There is a caveat: unique_copy will not work for any comparator.

With a multimap, you are guaranteed the keys are ordered according to

unique_copy( key_begin(aMap),key_end(aMap)
, back_inserter(aResult)
, aMap.key_comp()
fact, the uniqueness requirement is not well-defined. If it is "leave no
equivalent keys in terms of map comparator", neither of the proposed
solutions other than set-based and upper_bound-based will work in
general. If it's anything else, it depends on even more.. Blame OP :)

The general solution however entails to copy the keys and sort/unique
them according to a comparison operator (after all the container could
have been an unordered_multimap). If the key supported only an
equality operator, things could get really hairy in terms of

With a sorted container, we can take a few shortcut; IMO that was the
point of the exercise. (And if it was not, t'was still a nice chat)

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