Thank you for that wonderful code! One question I have is this. Is this intended to be used after I run the existing code and collect the information? Or is this a replacement for that code? With the getElementById requests, it seems like it should be a replacement for my code. Right now, I can't get any of it to work, unless I go back to the original code from the book I am working out of. zipped below.
But what I am trying to do is use this code as the basis for collecting all of the information in my add-del-song page, which is part of a bigger system of creating a setlist manager for working musicians. When I use the code below and add to it, it doesn't do anything. I can get it to work, but I can't get it to append the other fields to the record, and display the whole thing (title, key, kbd1, kbd2, notes) as one <li>.
I don't care if its an <li> or not. I would actually prefer it to be displayed like this:
Set 1
Title Key Keyboard1 Keyboard2
============ ==== ========= ========
Song1 E 036 6-334
Song2 Am 021 4-039
etc........... for each of 4 sets
I assumed that this would involve the use of a database. This would be possible because this app will be server bound anyway. The admin has to create the master songlist, and create the sets first, then the users connect to the website at the gig, and pull up each set as it occurs.
My basic problem here is that I don't know enough about js to do this yet.