# use strict;
# ************************** #
# Misc. setups and variables #
# ************************** #
$BASEDATA = $root_dir . '/shopcart/data/base_data.txt';
eval "require '$BASEDATA'";
if ($@) {
&sc_popup_msg("STARTUP ERROR SC01: Basic database not found or is in
error. Be sure the SCdatabase ADMIN function was completed
(@cards) = split(/,/, $CARD_TYPES);
($credit_card,$mail_check,$c_o_d) = split(/,/, $PYMT_OPTIONS);
if ($credit_card eq "") {
$credit_card = 1;
if ($mail_check eq "") {
$mail_check = 0;
if ($c_o_d eq "") {
$c_o_d = 0;
$security = 0;
$pa_tax = 0;
$pa_amt = 0;
$tellit = "";
$FILE_LOCK_WAIT = 10; # in seconds #
$ORDER_DATA_KEEP = 20; # in minutes #
$BASE_DIR = $root_dir . '/shopcart/';
$USERDATA = $root_dir . '/shopvar/user_data.txt';
$PRODDATA = $root_dir . '/shopcart/data/product_data.txt';
$SHIPDATA = $root_dir . '/shopcart/data/shipping_data.txt';
$TEMP_DIR = $root_dir . '/shopvar/';
$TEMP_DATA = $root_dir . '/shopvar/rlist_data.txt';
$TEMP_FILE = $root_dir . '/shopvar/r' . "$$" . '.html';
$TEMP_PAGE = $SITE_URL . '/shopvar/r' . "$$" . '.html';
$EMAIL_ORDER = $root_dir . '/shopcart/data/email_order.txt';
$EMAIL_THANKS = $root_dir . '/shopcart/data/email_thanks.txt';
# Remove any expired info in the userdata file #
# ******************************************** #
if (&lock("userdata")) {
if (!(-e $USERDATA)) {
open(USERDATA, $USERDATA) || &sc_popup_msg("SYSTEM ERROR SC02: Unable
to access $USERDATA for cart storage: $!");
@userdata = <USERDATA>;
$current_time = time;
foreach $data_line (@userdata) {
($uid, $expire_time, $SUBTOTAL, $order_info) = split(/\|\|/,
if ($current_time < $expire_time) {
push(@NOT_EXPIRED, $data_line);
else {
$expired_flag = 1;
if ($expired_flag == 1) {
open(USERDATA, ">$USERDATA") || &sc_popup_msg("SYSTEM ERROR SC03:
Unable to access $USERDATA for cart storage: $!");
foreach $data_line (@NOT_EXPIRED) {
print USERDATA $data_line;
# If a UID was in QUERY_STRING set $uid and find their #
# info in the userdata file, otherwise set new user uid #
# ***************************************************** #
if ($FORM{'uid'}) {
$uid = $FORM{'uid'};
if (&lock("userdata")) {
open(USERDATA, $USERDATA) || &sc_popup_msg("SYSTEM ERROR SC04: Unable
to access $USERDATA for cart storage: $!");
while (<USERDATA>) {
if (/^$uid\|\|(.*)/) {
($expire_time, $SUBTOTAL, $order_info) = split(/\|\|/, $1);
$entry_flag = 1;
@items = split(/\|/, $order_info);
foreach $item (@items)
($c_prod, $c_qty, $junk) = split(/¤/, $item);
$ITEMCOUNT += $c_qty;
if (!$entry_flag) {
else {
# Load the database & init global lists
# ***************************************** #
# If HOME in QUERY_STRING pull in and parse the home.html template #
# ***************************************** #
if ($FORM{'home'})
if ($FORM{'uid'})
# no UID in URL, so fix & reload
$link = $SHOPCART_URL . "?uid=" . $uid . "&rootdir=" . $root_dir .
print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
print "<html><head>\n<meta http-equiv=\"refresh\" content=\"1;url=" .
$link . "\">\n</head>\n";
print "<body bgcolor=\"fad6b0\"><font color=\"fad6b0\">\n";
print "click <a href=\"" . $link . "\"></a></font>.\n";
print "</body></html>\n";
# If ITEM was in QUERY_STRING set $item and #
# pull in and parse the item.html template #
# ***************************************** #
if ($FORM{'item'}) {
$item = $FORM{'item'};
$columns = $FORM{'columns'};
# If home was in QUERY_STRING
# pull in and parse the home.html template #
# ***************************************** #
if ($FORM{'home'}) {
# If contact was in QUERY_STRING
# pull in and parse the contact.html template #
# ***************************************** #
if ($FORM{'contact'}) {
# If terms was in QUERY_STRING
# pull in and parse the terms.html template #
# ***************************************** #
if ($FORM{'terms'}) {
# If GROUP was in QUERY_STRING set $group & #
# pull in and parse the group.html template #
# ***************************************** #
if ($FORM{'group'}) {
$group = $FORM{'group'};
$columns = $FORM{'columns'};
if ($FORM{'pagenum'})
$pagenum = 1 * $FORM{'pagenum'};
$pagenum = 1;
# pull in and parse checkout.html & any changes #
# ********************************************* #
if ( ($FORM{'checkout'}) || ($FORM{'edit'}) )
# If the command is advanced search, pull in and parse advsearch.html
if ($FORM{'advsearch'})
# If the command is to search the database, run the search #
# and create a results page. #
if ($FORM{'search'})
# basic search in all of prodname, part code, description
$search_for = $FORM{'searchfor'};
if ($FORM{'pagenum'})
$pagenum = 1 * $FORM{'pagenum'};
$pagenum = 1;
$search_for =~ s/^ +//;
$search_for =~ s/ +$//;
if ($search_for eq "")
&sc_popup_msg('MISSING: Please enter something to search for!');
$search_link = $search_for;
$search_link =~ s/ /%20/g;
$PAGELINK = "<a href=\"$SHOPCART_URL?uid=$uid&rootdir=
@keywords = split(' ', $search_for);
ITEM: foreach $key (sort(keys %ITEMS_CODE))
($groupcode, $itemcode, $littlepic, $bigpic, $prodname, $shortdesc,
$longdesc, $price, $vprice, $sprice, $mprice, $lprice, $xprice,
$mancode, $distributor, $junk) = split(/¤/, $ITEMS_CODE{$key}, 16);
my $data = $prodname . " " . $mancode . " " . $distributor;
foreach $word (@keywords)
next ITEM if (!($data =~ /$word/i));
$itemcode =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/;
push @results, $itemcode;
# ********************************************************* #
# If the command is to search the database, run the search #
# and create a results page. #
if ($FORM{'advanced_search'})
if ($FORM{'pagenum'})
$pagenum = 1 * $FORM{'pagenum'};
$pagenum = 1;
$cats = $FORM{'categories'};
$manu = $FORM{'distributor'};
$search_for = $FORM{'keywords'};
$search_for =~ s/^ +//;
$search_for =~ s/ +$//;
$price_from = $FORM{'pricefrom'};
$price_from =~ s/^ +//;
$price_from =~ s/ +$//;
$price_to = $FORM{'priceto'};
$price_to =~ s/^ +//;
$price_to =~ s/ +$//;
$search_link = $search_for;
$search_link =~ s/ /%20/g;
$PAGELINK = "<a href=\"$SHOPCART_URL?uid=$uid&rootdir=
my $price_lower = 0.0;
my $price_higher = 999999999999.0;
if ($price_from ne "")
$price_lower = 1.0 * $price_from;
if ($price_to ne "")
$price_higher = 1.0 * $price_to;
if ($price_lower >= $price_higher)
&sc_popup_msg('INCORRECT: Lowest price greater than highest price!');
@keywords = split(' ', $search_for);
ITEM: foreach $key (sort(keys %ITEMS_CODE))
($groupcode, $itemcode, $littlepic, $bigpic, $prodname, $shortdesc,
$longdesc, $price, $vprice, $sprice, $mprice, $lprice, $xprice,
$mancode, $distributor, $junk) = split(/¤/, $ITEMS_CODE{$key}, 16);
if ($cats ne "All")
($junk, $junk, $junk, $title, $junk) = split(/¤/, $GROUPS{$groupcode},
next ITEM unless ($title eq $cats);
if ($manu ne "All")
next ITEM unless ($distributor eq $manu);
next unless ($price >= $price_lower);
next unless ($price <= $price_higher);
if ($search_for ne "")
my $data = $prodname . " " . $mancode . " " . $shortdesc . " " .
foreach $word (@keywords)
next ITEM if (!($data =~ /$word/i));
$itemcode =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/;
push @results, $itemcode;
# If the command is to GOTO to a page, check for #
# the page, read it in and parse the output page. #
if ($FORM{'goto'}) {
$goto = $FORM{'goto'};
# If the command is to link to another PERL #
# program, setup the parameters and exec it #
if ($FORM{'link'}) {
$link = $FORM{'link'};
$parm = $FORM{'parm'};
$x = rindex($temp,"/");
$x = $x + 1;
$call = substr($temp, 0, $x) . $link;
$ENV{'QUERY_STRING'} = $parm;
exec "$call";
# If the command is QUICKADD, search for item by code, add one to #
# userdata UID and return review sheet. #
# ************************************** #
if ( $FORM{'quickadd'} )
# this can be an item code or a distributor code
$search = $FORM{'additem'};
$search =~ s/ //g;
$search =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/;
if ($search eq "")
&sc_popup_msg('MISSING: Please enter a valid item or distributor part
my $item = $ITEMS_CODE{$search};
if (!defined($item))
$item = $ITEMS_MANCODE{$search};
if (!defined($item))
&sc_popup_msg('MISSING:' . $search . 'was not found. Please enter a
valid item or distributor part code');
($groupcode, $itemcode, $littlepic, $bigpic, $prodname, $shortdesc,
$longdesc, $price, $vprice, $sprice, $mprice, $lprice, $xprice,
$mancode, $distributor, $available, $condition, $PMCcode, $junk) =
split(/¤/, $item, 19);
$prodcode = $itemcode . " " . $prodname;
$qty = 1;
$idrop = "";
$text1 = "";
$text2 = "";
$text3 = "";
$select = "";
$new_order_info = &add_item_internal;
# If the command is ADDTOCART, add it to #
# userdata UID and return review sheet. #
# ************************************** #
if ( $FORM{'addtocart'} )
$itemcode = $FORM{'additem'};
my $item = $ITEMS_CODE{$itemcode};
if (!defined($item))
&sc_popup_msg('INTERNAL ERROR: item does not exist in database');
($groupcode, $itemcode, $littlepic, $bigpic, $prodname, $shortdesc,
$longdesc, $price, $vprice, $sprice, $mprice, $lprice, $xprice,
$mancode, $distributor, $available, $condition, $PMCcode, $junk) =
split(/¤/, $item, 19);
$prodcode = $itemcode . " " . $prodname;
# read price from form due to combined sizeprice field -- JKR
if ($FORM{'price'}) {
$price = $FORM{'price'};
if ($FORM{'idrop'}) {
$idrop = $FORM{'idrop'};
$workspace = substr($idrop,0,1);
$whatbox = substr($idrop,1);
if ($workspace eq "0") {
&sc_popup_msg("MISSING: " . $whatbox);
else {
$idrop = "";
if (!$FORM{'qty'}) {
&sc_popup_msg('MISSING: Unable to add the item to your cart, please
enter a quantity');
$qty = 0 + $FORM{'qty'};
#if ($qty < 1 || $qty > $available ) {
#&sc_popup_msg('INVALID: Unable to add the item to your cart, please
enter a valid quantity');
if (!$FORM{'text1'}) {
$text1 = "";
if ($FORM{'text1'}) {
$text1 = $FORM{'text1'};
if (!$FORM{'text2'}) {
$text2 = "";
if ($FORM{'text2'}) {
$text2 = $FORM{'text2'};
$text2 =~ tr/\x0A/>/;
$text2 =~ tr/\x0D/>/;
if (!$FORM{'text3'}) {
$text3 = "";
if ($FORM{'text3'}) {
$text3 = $FORM{'text3'};
$text3 =~ tr/\x0A/>/;
$text3 =~ tr/\x0D/>/;
# Get Size into $size variable
if (!$FORM{'select'}) {
$select = "";
if ($FORM{'select'}) {
$select = $FORM{'select'};
$new_order_info = &add_item_internal;
# If the command is REVIEW, get the UID #
# read in the data and 'print' it out. #
# ************************************* #
if ($FORM{'review'}) {
$uid = $FORM{'uid'};
if (&lock("userdata")) {
open(USERDATA, $USERDATA) || &sc_popup_msg("SYSTEM ERROR SC07: Unable
to access $USERDATA for cart storage: $!");
@userdata = <USERDATA>;
foreach $data_line (@userdata) {
if ($data_line =~ /^$uid\|\|(.*)/) {
($expire_time, $SUBTOTAL, $order_info) = split(/\|\|/, $1);
# If the command is EMPTY your cart #
# get the info, delete all. #
# ********************************* #
if ($FORM{'empty'}) {
if (&lock("userdata")) {
open(USERDATA, $USERDATA) || &sc_popup_msg("SYSTEM ERROR SC08: Unable
to access $USERDATA for cart storage: $!");
@userdata = <USERDATA>;
open(USERDATA, ">$USERDATA") || &sc_popup_msg("SYSTEM ERROR SC09:
Unable to access $USERDATA for cart storage: $!");
foreach $data_line (@userdata) {
if ($data_line =~ /^$uid\|\|(.*)/) {
$new_expire_time = (time + ($ORDER_DATA_KEEP * 60));
print USERDATA "$uid||$new_expire_time||$SUBTOTAL||\n";
else {
print USERDATA $data_line;
# &sc_popup_msg("* Your shopping cart has been emptied *");
# If the command is SENDORDER #
# check all input and do it. #
# *************************** #
if ($FORM{'sendorder'}) {
open(EO, $EMAIL_ORDER) || &sc_popup_msg("SYSTEM ERROR SC10: 'Email
Setup data' from SCdatabase unable to be accessed: $!");
@emailorder = <EO>;
open(ET, $EMAIL_THANKS) || &sc_popup_msg("SYSTEM ERROR SC11: 'Email
Setup data' from SCdatabase unable to be accessed: $!");
@emailthanks = <ET>;
$uid = $FORM{'uid'};
$shipping = $FORM{'shipping'};
if ($shipping eq "0") {
&sc_popup_msg("MISSING: Please select a shipping option");
$name = $FORM{'name'};
if ( ((length $name) <= 0) || ( (substr($name,0,1)) eq " ") ) {
&sc_popup_msg("MISSING: Please enter your name");
$email = $FORM{'email'};
if ( ($email =~ /(@.*@)|(\.\.)|(@\.)|(\.@)|(^\.)|(\.$)/) ||
($email !~ /^.+\@\[?(\w|[-.])+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,3}|[0-9]{1,3}\]?$/) ) {
&sc_popup_msg("MISSING: Please enter a valid email addrress");
$address = $FORM{'address'};
if ( ((length $address) <= 0) || ( (substr($address,0,1)) eq " ") ) {
&sc_popup_msg("MISSING: Please enter your address");
$address =~ tr/\x0A/>/;
$address =~ tr/\x0D/>/;
$city = $FORM{'city'};
if ( ((length $city) <= 0) || ( (substr($city,0,1)) eq " ") ) {
&sc_popup_msg("MISSING: Please enter your city");
$state = $FORM{'state'};
if ( ((length $state) <= 0) || ( (substr($state,0,1)) eq " ") ) {
&sc_popup_msg("MISSING: Please enter your state");
$zip = $FORM{'zip'};
if ( ((length $zip) <= 0) || ( (substr($zip,0,1)) eq " ") ) {
&sc_popup_msg("MISSING: Please enter your zipcode");
$phone = $FORM{'phone'};
if ( ((length $phone) <= 0) || ( (substr($phone,0,1)) eq " ") ) {
&sc_popup_msg("MISSING: Please enter your phone number");
$pymtopt = $FORM{'pymtopt'};
$pychk = $FORM{'pychk'};
if ( $pymtopt eq "" && $pychk ) {
&sc_popup_msg("MISSING: Please choose a payment option");
$pa_tax = $FORM{'patax'};
if ($pymtopt eq "CreditCard" || $pymtopt eq "" || $pymtopt eq " ") {
$ccnumber = $FORM{'ccnumber'};
$ccard = $FORM{'cctype'};
$cctype = substr($ccard,0,1);
$ccdate = $FORM{'ccdate'};
if ( &cc_validate($cctype, $ccnumber, $ccdate)) {
$goto = $root_dir . "/shopcart/thankyou.html";
$uid = "ordersent";
$security = 1;
# No specific valid command. End of the line folks. #
# ************************************************** #
&sc_popup_msg("SYSTEM ERROR SC99: A recognized 'group' parameter must
be passed to invoke the shopping cart.");
# SUBROUTINE adds an item to the cart
# ************************************ #
sub add_item_internal
local ($i_prod, $i_qty, $i_pmc, $i_price, $i_select, $i_text1,
$i_text2, $i_text3, $i_idrop);
local (@lines, $line);
# FIXME decrement available count???
if (&lock("userdata")) {
open(USERDATA, $USERDATA) || &sc_popup_msg("SYSTEM ERROR SC05: Unable
to access $USERDATA for cart storage: $!");
@userdata = <USERDATA>;
# find user info
my $expire_time;
my $subtotal = 0;
my $order_info;
foreach $data_line (@userdata)
if ($data_line =~ /^$uid\|\|(.*)/)
($expire_time, $subtotal, $order_info) = split(/\|\|/, $1);
# reset expiry time
$expire_time = (time + ($ORDER_DATA_KEEP * 60));
my $not_found = 1;
@lines = split(/\|/, $order_info);
# look for existing product and modify quantity
foreach $line (@lines)
($i_prod, $i_qty, $i_pmc, $i_price, $i_select, $i_text1, $i_text2,
$i_text3, $i_idrop) = split(/¤/, $line);
if (($i_prod eq $prodcode) && ($i_price eq $price) && ($i_prod ne
"CM001 Custom Mix Chocolates"))
# modify in place
$save_price = $i_price;
$price =~ tr/ //d;
$i_qty += $qty;
$subtotal += (1 * $price * $qty);
$line = join('¤', $i_prod, $i_qty, $i_pmc, $save_price, $i_select,
$i_text1, $i_text2, $i_text3, $i_idrop);
$not_found = 0;
# sanity check (GLOBAL!)
# if ($i_qty > $available)
# {
# &sc_popup_msg("ERROR: you have already purchased all available
# }
if ($not_found)
# new order line
$save_price = $price;
$price =~ tr/ //d;
$subtotal += (1 * $price * $qty);
$line = join('¤', $prodcode, $qty, $PMCcode, $save_price, $select,
$text1, $text2, $text3, $idrop, $cmtext);
push @lines, $line;
# rebuild order_info
$order_info = join('|', @lines);
$SUBTOTAL = sprintf "%5.2f", $subtotal; # GLOBAL!
open(USERDATA, ">$USERDATA") || &sc_popup_msg("SYSTEM ERROR SC06:
Unable to access $USERDATA for cart storage: $!");
foreach $data_line (@userdata)
if ($data_line =~ /^$uid\|\|(.*)/)
print USERDATA $uid . "||" . $expire_time . "||" . $SUBTOTAL . "||" .
$order_info . "\n";
print USERDATA $data_line;
return $order_info;
# SUBROUTINE creates a unique shopper #
# UID and adds it to the userdata file #
# ************************************ #
sub new_user {
local $rpid = reverse $$;
$uid = $ENV{'REMOTE_ADDR'};
$uid = pack("C4", split(/\./, $uid));
$uid = substr(pack("u", $uid), 1);
$uid =~ tr| -_`|A-Za-z0-9*_A|;
$uid = substr($rpid,0,2) . $uid . substr(time,4);
$uid =~ tr|a-z|A-Z|;
$uid =~ tr|*|8|;
$expire_time = time + (60 * $ORDER_DATA_KEEP);
if (&lock("userdata")) {
open(USERDATA, ">>$USERDATA") || &sc_popup_msg("SYSTEM ERROR SC13:
Unable to access $USERDATA for cart storage: $!");
print USERDATA "$uid||$expire_time||$SUBTOTAL||\n";
# ******************************************************** #
# SUBROUTINE updates a user's expire time in userdata file #
# ******************************************************** #
sub update_expire_time {
if (&lock("userdata")) {
open(USERDATA, $USERDATA) || &sc_popup_msg("SYSTEM ERROR SC14: Unable
to access $USERDATA for cart storage: $!");
@userdata = <USERDATA>;
open(USERDATA, ">$USERDATA") || &sc_popup_msg("SYSTEM ERROR SC15:
Unable to access $USERDATA for cart storage: $!");
foreach $data_line (@userdata) {
if ($data_line =~ /^$uid\|\|\d+\|\|(.*)/) {
$order_info = $1;
$new_expire_time = (time + ($ORDER_DATA_KEEP * 60));
print USERDATA "$uid||$new_expire_time||$order_info\n";
else {
print USERDATA $data_line;
# SUBROUTINE reads in ITEM data and item.html page, #
# checks for shopcart markers and href commands, then #
# replaces / changes as needed and outputs the page. #
# *************************************************** #
sub item_html_parse {
$group_chk = 0; $item_chk = 1; $checkout_chk = 0;
if (&lock("proddata")) {
&scd_popup_msg("$Error_Message", 1);
open(PRODUCTS, $PRODDATA) || &sc_popup_msg("SYSTEM ERROR SC16: MAIN
database unable to be accessed: $!");
$not_found = 1;
while ($record = <PRODUCTS>)
($groupcode, $itemcode, $remainder) = split(/¤/, $record, 3);
if ($itemcode eq "AA000")
($groupdescr, $grouptitle, $groupimage, $junk) = split(/¤/,
$remainder, 4);
$groupname = $groupcode;
($littlepic, $bigpic, $prodname, $shortdesc, $longdesc, $price,
$vprice, $sprice, $mprice, $lprice, $xprice, $mancode, $distributor,
$available, $condition, $PMCcode, $packaging, $shipdate, $weight,
$selectA, $selectB, $selectC, $selectD, $selectE, $text1, $text2,
$text3, $idrop) = split(/¤/, $remainder);
$idrop =~ tr/\x0A//d;
$idrop =~ tr/\x0D//d;
if ($itemcode eq $item)
$not_found = 0;
if ($not_found) {
&sc_popup_msg("SYSTEM ERROR SC17: item $item not found in the
local ($goto) = "item.html";
local $filename = $BASE_DIR.$goto;
open(HTMLPAGE, $filename) || &sc_popup_msg("ERROR SC18: item.html
unable to be accessed in shopcart folder: $!");
print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
$have_no_body = 1;
$closed_form = 0;
while ($html_line = <HTMLPAGE>) {
$line_copy = "";
if (($html_line =~ /<\/body/) || ($html_line =~ /<\!\-\- *endform *\-\-
print "</form>\n";
$closed_form = 1;
if ( $html_line =~ /<\+idropdown\+>/ && ( $idrop eq "" || $idrop eq "
") ) {
$html_line = "\n";
if ( $html_line =~ /<\+idropdown\+>/ && $idrop ne "" && $idrop ne " ")
$line_copy .= $`;
@ibb = split(/,/, $idrop);
$line_copy .= "<select name=\"idrop\" size=\"1\">\n";
$x = 0;
foreach $data_line (@ibb) {
if ($x eq 0) {
$line_copy .= "<option value=\"0$ibb[$x]\">$data_line\n";
else {
$line_copy .= "<option value=\"$ibb[$x]\">$data_line\n";
$x = $x + 1;
$line_copy .= "</select>\n";
$html_line = $';
while ( $html_line =~ /(<\+(.+?)\+>)/ ) {
$symbol_all = $1;
$symbol_replace = &token_replace($symbol_all);
if ($symbol_replace eq "*DEL*") {
$symbol_replace = "\n";
$line_copy .= $` . $symbol_replace;
$html_line = $';
$line_copy .= $html_line;
$html_line = $line_copy;
print $html_line;
if ($html_line =~ /<head/) {
print "<script language=\"JavaScript\">var cart_uid=\"" . $uid . "\"</
if ($have_no_body) {
if ($html_line =~ /<\!\-\- *startform *\-\->/ ) {
print "<form method=GET action=\"$SHOPCART_URL\">\n";
print "<input type=hidden name=\"uid\" value=\"$uid\">\n";
print "<input type=hidden name=\"rootdir\" value=\"$root_dir\">\n";
print "<input type=hidden name=\"additem\" value=\"$itemcode\">\n";
$have_no_body = 0;
print $version;
print "\n\n";
# ***************************************************************** #
# SUBROUTINE reads in products data and initialises global data,
# %GROUPS - hash of groups by groupcode
# @DISTRIBUTORS - array of distributors
# %ITEMS_CODE - hash of items by item code
# %ITEMS_MANCODE - hash of items by distributor code
# $HORIZ_CATS - HTML formatted horizontal list of all groups
# $VERT_CATS - HTML formatted vertical list of all groups
# $MANU_LIST - HTML formatted vertical list of all groups
# ***************************************************************** #
sub read_products_database {
local($littlepic, $bigpic, $prodname, $shortdesc, $longdesc, $price,
$vprice, $sprice, $mprice, $lprice, $xprice, $mancode, $distributor,
$available, $condition, $PMCcode, $packaging, $shipdate, $weight,
$selectA, $selectB, $selectC, $selectD, $selectE, $text1, $text2,
$text3, $idrop);
local ($groupcode, $itemcode, $remainder, $junk, $key, $manu, $link);
local (@groups, %distributors, %categories);
if (&lock("proddata")) {
&scd_popup_msg("$Error_Message", 1);
open(PRODUCTS, $PRODDATA) || &sc_popup_msg("SYSTEM ERROR SC20: Main
database unable to be accessed");
# build groups & hashes of things
while ($product = <PRODUCTS>) {
($groupcode, $itemcode, $remainder) = split(/¤/, $product, 3);
$itemcode =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/;
$itemcode =~ s/^ +//g;
$itemcode =~ s/ +$//g;
if ($itemcode eq "AA000")
($descr, $title, $image, $droplist, $cols, $rows, $junk) = split(/¤/,
$remainder, 6);
push @groups, $title;
$categories{$title} = $groupcode;
$images{$title} = $image;
$GROUPS{$groupcode} = $product;
} else {
($littlepic, $bigpic, $prodname, $shortdesc, $longdesc, $price,
$vprice, $sprice, $mprice, $lprice, $xprice, $mancode, $distributor,
$junk) = split(/¤/, $remainder, 14);
$distributor =~ s/^ +//g;
$distributor =~ s/ +$//g;
if ($distributor ne "") {
$distributors{$distributor} = 1;
$mancode =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/;
$mancode =~ s/^ +//g;
$mancode =~ s/ +$//g;
$ITEMS_CODE{$itemcode} = $product;
$ITEMS_MANCODE{$mancode} = $product;
@DISTRIBUTORS = sort(keys %distributors);
# build lists of things
$MANU_LIST = " ";
$VERT_CATS = " ";
$i = 0;
foreach $key (@groups)
$itemcode = $categories{$key};
if (!($itemcode eq "Custom Mix"))
$link = "<a href='".$SHOPCART_URL."?uid=".$uid."&rootdir=".
$link = $link . $key . "</a>";
if ($i != 0) {
$VERT_CATS = $VERT_CATS . "<br> ";
$VERT_CATS = $VERT_CATS . $link;
$i = 0;
foreach $manu (@DISTRIBUTORS)
$link = "<a href='".$SHOPCART_URL."?uid=".$uid."&rootdir=".
$link = $link . $manu . "</a>";
if ($i != 0) {
$MANU_LIST = $MANU_LIST . "<br> ";
$MANU_LIST = $MANU_LIST . $link;
# SUBROUTINE reads in specified page, #
# checks for shopcart markers and enter commands then #
# replaces / changes as needed and outputs the page. #
# *************************************************** #
sub generic_html_parse {
local ($goto) = shift;
local $filename = $BASE_DIR.$goto;
print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
$group_chk = 0; $item_chk = 0; $checkout_chk = 0;
open(HTMLPAGE, $filename) || &sc_popup_msg("ERROR SC19: $goto unable
to be accessed in shopcart folder: $!");
$have_no_body = 1;
$closed_form = 0;
while ($html_line = <HTMLPAGE>)
$line_copy = "";
if (($html_line =~ /<\/body/) || ($html_line =~ /<\!\-\- *endform *\-\-
print "</form>\n";
$closed_form = 1;
while ($html_line =~ /(<\+(.+?)\+>)/)
$symbol_all = $1;
$symbol_replace = &token_replace($symbol_all);
$line_copy .= $` . $symbol_replace;
$html_line = $';
$line_copy .= $html_line;
$html_line = $line_copy;
print $html_line;
if ($html_line =~ /<head/) {
print "<script language=\"JavaScript\">var cart_uid=\"" . $uid . "\"</
if ($have_no_body)
if ($html_line =~ /<\!\-\- *startform *\-\->/ )
print "<form method=GET action=\"$SHOPCART_URL\">\n";
print "<input type=hidden name=\"uid\" value=\"$uid\">\n";
print "<input type=hidden name=\"rootdir\" value=\"$root_dir\">\n";
$have_no_body = 0;
# *************************************************** #
# SUBROUTINE reads in HOME data and home.html page, #
# checks for shopcart markers and enter commands then #
# replaces / changes as needed and outputs the page. #
# *************************************************** #
sub home_html_parse {
local ($goto) = "home.html";
local ($product, @groups);
local ($html_save, $check_end, $thisgroup, $dbgroup, $pn, $dl, $i, $x,
$j, $k, $l, $m);
local (%distributors, %categories, %images, $manu);
local $filename = $BASE_DIR.$goto;
print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
$group_chk = 0; $item_chk = 0; $checkout_chk = 0;
open(HTMLPAGE, $filename) || &sc_popup_msg("ERROR SC19: home.html
unable to be accessed in shopcart folder: $!");
$have_no_body = 1; $home_found = 0; $do_home = 0; $closed_form = 0;
while ($html_line = <HTMLPAGE>)
$line_copy = "";
if (($html_line =~ /<\/body/) || ($html_line =~ /<\!\-\- *endform *\-\-
print "</form>\n";
$closed_form = 1;
while ($html_line =~ /(<\+(.+?)\+>)/)
$symbol_all = $1;
$symbol_replace = &token_replace($symbol_all);
$line_copy .= $` . $symbol_replace;
$html_line = $';
$line_copy .= $html_line;
$html_line = $line_copy;
print $html_line;
if ($html_line =~ /<head/) {
print "<script language=\"JavaScript\">var cart_uid=\"" . $uid . "\"</
if ($have_no_body)
if ($html_line =~ /<\!\-\- *startform *\-\->/ )
print "<form method=GET action=\"$SHOPCART_URL\">\n";
print "<input type=hidden name=\"uid\" value=\"$uid\">\n";
print "<input type=hidden name=\"rootdir\" value=\"$root_dir\">\n";
$have_no_body = 0;
# *************************************************** #
# SUBROUTINE reads in GROUP data and group.html page, #
# checks for shopcart markers and group commands then #
# replaces / changes as needed and outputs the page. #
# *************************************************** #
sub group_html_parse {
local ($goto) = "group.html";
local (@group_items, @item_html, @gdd_array, @gdd_name, @gdd_items);
local ($html_save, $check_end, $thisgroup, $dbgroup, $pn, $dl, $i, $x,
$j, $k, $l, $m);
local $filename = $BASE_DIR.$goto;
$group_chk = 1; $item_chk = 0; $checkout_chk = 0;
open(HTMLPAGE, $filename) || &sc_popup_msg("ERROR SC19: group.html
unable to be accessed in shopcart folder: $!");
if (&lock("proddata")) {
&scd_popup_msg("$Error_Message", 1);
open(PRODUCTS, $PRODDATA) || &sc_popup_msg("SYSTEM ERROR SC20: Main
database unable to be accessed: $!");
$not_found = 1;
$numitems = 0;
$dropitems = 0;
$thisgroup = $group;
$thisgroup =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/;
while ($product = <PRODUCTS>)
($groupcode, $itemcode, $remainder) = split(/¤/, $product, 3);
$dbgroup = $groupcode;
$dbgroup =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/;
next unless ($dbgroup eq $thisgroup);
$groupname = $groupcode;
if ($itemcode eq "AA000")
# process group
($groupdescr, $grouptitle, $groupimage, $droplist, $cols, $rows,
$junk) = split(/¤/, $remainder, 6);
$not_found = 0;
@gdd_array = split(/,/, $droplist);
$cols =~ tr/\x0A//d;
$cols =~ tr/\x0D//d;
$cols =~ tr/ //d;
$rows =~ tr/\x0A//d;
$rows =~ tr/\x0D//d;
$rows =~ tr/ //d;
if ($cols eq "") {
$cols = "3";
if ($rows eq "") {
$rows = -1;
# process items
($littlepic, $bigpic, $prodname, $junk) = split(/¤/, $remainder, 4);
if (!($prodname =~ "¶"))
push @group_items, $product;
$pn = $prodname;
$pn =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/;
foreach $data_line (@gdd_array) {
$dl = $data_line;
$dl =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/;
if ( $dl eq $pn ) {
$gdd_name[$dropitems] = $prodname;
$gdd_items[$dropitems] = $itemcode;
if ($not_found) {
&sc_popup_msg("CODING ERROR: group $group not found in the product
data file.");
$PAGELINK = "<a href=\"$SHOPCART_URL?uid=$uid&rootdir=
$items_per_page = $numitems;
$num_of_pages = 1;
$workspace = $numitems;
$min_items = 0;
$max_items = $numitems;
if ($rows > 0)
$items_per_page = $cols * $rows;
$num_of_pages = 0;
$workspace = $numitems;
while ($workspace > 0) {
$num_of_pages = $num_of_pages + 1;
$workspace -= $items_per_page;
if ( (¬_a_number($pagenum)) ) {
$pagenum = 1;
$min_items = ($pagenum - 1) * $items_per_page;
$max_items = $min_items + $items_per_page;
if ($max_items > $numitems) {
$max_items = $numitems;
print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
$have_no_body = 1; $group_found = 0; $do_group = 0; $closed_form = 0;
$do_drop = 0; $del_drop = 0;
$j = 0; $x = 0;
while ($html_line = <HTMLPAGE>)
if ($group_found)
# save the HTML lines
if ($html_line =~ /\+endgroup\+/)
# emit group HTML
$group_found = 0;
# process the saved HTML lines, once per item in this group
# with token replacement.
# if ($empty_group)
# {
# $itemdescr = "No products are available in this group.";
# }
my $cur_row = 0;
my $cur_col = 0;
# emit table header
print "<table border = \"0\" width=\"100%\">\n<tr>";
# list items, starting at index $min_items, up to $max_items
for (my $index = $min_items; $index < $max_items; $index++)
# get item data
($groupcode, $itemcode, $littlepic, $bigpic, $prodname, $shortdesc,
$longdesc, $price, $vprice, $sprice, $mprice, $lprice, $xprice,
$mancode, $distributor, $available, $condition, $PMCcode, $packaging,
$shipdate, $weight, $selectA, $selectB, $selectC, $selectD, $selectE,
$text1, $text2, $text3, $idrop) = split(/¤/, $group_items[$index]);
print " <!-- Item $index ($itemcode $prodname) -->\n";
# build item description link
$itemdescr = "<a href='".$SHOPCART_URL."?uid=".$uid."&rootdir=".
$root_dir."&item=".$itemcode."&columns=".$cols."'> " .
$prodname . "</a>\n";
$itemprice = $price;
# emit cell in the table
print "<td>\n";
# print HTML for each item
foreach $item_line (@item_html)
# replace all tokens
$html_line = $item_line;
$line_copy = "";
while ($html_line =~ /(<\+(.+?)\+>)/)
$symbol_all = $1;
$symbol_replace = &token_replace($symbol_all);
if ($symbol_replace eq "*DEL*") {
$symbol_replace = "N/A";
$line_copy .= $` . $symbol_replace;
$html_line = $';
$line_copy .= $html_line;
$html_line = $line_copy;
print $html_line;
print "</td>\n";
if ($cur_col == $cols)
$cur_col = 0;
print "</tr>\n<tr>\n";
# emit table footer
print "</tr>\n</table>\n";
push @item_html, $html_line;
elsif ($html_line =~ /\+group\+/)
# save everything until we see an endgroup
$group_found = 1;
elsif ( $html_line =~ /\+dropdown\+/ )
if ($gddlist ne "") {
$do_drop = 1;
else {
$del_drop = 1;
elsif ( $html_line =~ /\+enddropdown\+/ )
$del_drop = 0; $do_drop = 0;
elsif ( $do_drop && ($html_line =~ /\+list\+/) )
print "<select name=\"item\" size=\"1\">\n";
$x = 0;
foreach $data_line (@gdd_name)
print "<option value=\"$gdd_items[$x]\">$data_line\n";
$x = $x + 1;
print "</select><br>\n";
print "<input type=hidden name=\"columns\" value=\"$cols\">\n";
print "<input type=submit value=\"View Selection\">\n";
elsif ( $do_drop )
print $html_line;
elsif ( $del_drop )
$do_nothing = "yes";
# replace tokens in HTML, add FORM tags to body
$line_copy = "";
if (($html_line =~ /<\/body/) || ($html_line =~ /<\!\-\- *endform *\-\-
print "</form>\n";
$closed_form = 1;
while ( $html_line =~ /(<\+(.+?)\+>)/ )
$symbol_all = $1;
$symbol_replace = &token_replace($symbol_all);
$line_copy .= $` . $symbol_replace;
$html_line = $';
$line_copy .= $html_line;
$html_line = $line_copy;
print $html_line;
if ($html_line =~ /<head/) {
print "<script language=\"JavaScript\">var cart_uid=\"" . $uid . "\"</
if ($have_no_body)
if ($html_line =~ /<\!\-\- *startform *\-\->/ )
print "<form method=GET action=\"$SHOPCART_URL\">\n";
print "<input type=hidden name=\"uid\" value=\"$uid\">\n";
print "<input type=hidden name=\"rootdir\" value=\"$root_dir\">\n";
$have_no_body = 0;
print $version;
print "\n\n";
# SUBROUTINE reads in advsearch.html page, #
# checks for shopcart markers and enter commands then #
# replaces / changes as needed and outputs the page. #
# *************************************************** #
sub advsearch_html_parse
local ($goto) = "advsearch.html";
local $filename = $BASE_DIR.$goto;
local ($have_no_body);
open(HTMLPAGE, $filename) || &sc_popup_msg("ERROR SC19: $goto unable
to be accessed in shopcart folder: $!");
print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
$have_no_body = 1; $closed_form = 0;
while ($html_line = <HTMLPAGE>)
$line_copy = "";
if (($html_line =~ /<\/body/) || ($html_line =~ /<\!\-\- *endform *\-\-
print "</form>\n";
$closed_form = 1;
while ($html_line =~ /(<\+(.+?)\+>)/)
$symbol_all = $1;
$symbol_replace = &token_replace($symbol_all);
$line_copy .= $` . $symbol_replace;
$html_line = $';
$line_copy .= $html_line;
$html_line = $line_copy;
print $html_line;
if ($html_line =~ /<head/) {
print "<script language=\"JavaScript\">var cart_uid=\"" . $uid . "\"</
if ($have_no_body)
if ($html_line =~ /<\!\-\- *startform *\-\->/ )
print "<form method=GET action=\"$SHOPCART_URL\">\n";
print "<input type=hidden name=\"uid\" value=\"$uid\">\n";
print "<input type=hidden name=\"rootdir\" value=\"$root_dir\">\n";
$have_no_body = 0;
# SUBROUTINE reads in reults data and results.html page, #
# checks for shopcart markers and commands then #
# replaces / changes as needed and outputs the page. #
# *************************************************** #
sub results_html_parse {
local ($goto) = "results.html";
local (@item_html, $html_save);
local $filename = $BASE_DIR.$goto;
open(HTMLPAGE, $filename) || &sc_popup_msg("ERROR SC19: $goto unable
to be accessed in shopcart folder: $!");
$rows = 12;
$numitems = $#results + 1;
$items_per_page = $rows;
$num_of_pages = 0;
$workspace = $numitems;
while ($workspace > 0) {
$num_of_pages = $num_of_pages + 1;
$workspace -= $items_per_page;
if ( (¬_a_number($pagenum)) ) {
$pagenum = 1;
$min_items = ($pagenum - 1) * $items_per_page;
$max_items = $min_items + $items_per_page;
if ($max_items > $numitems)
$max_items = $numitems;
print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
for (my $index = 0; $index < $numitems; $index++)
print "<!-- " . $results[$index] . " -->\n";
$have_no_body = 1; $results_found = 0; $do_results = 0;
$closed_form = 0;
while ($html_line = <HTMLPAGE>)
if ($results_found)
# save the HTML lines
if ($html_line =~ /\+endresults\+/)
# emit results HTML
$results_found = 0;
# process the saved HTML lines, once per item in this group
# with token replacement.
# if ($empty_group)
# {
# $itemdescr = "No products are available in this group.";
# }
# list items, starting at index $item_start, up to $items_per_page
for (my $index = $min_items; $index < $max_items; $index++)
# get item data
($groupcode, $itemcode, $littlepic, $bigpic, $prodname, $shortdesc,
$longdesc, $price, $vprice, $sprice, $mprice, $lprice, $xprice,
$mancode, $distributor, $available, $condition, $PMCcode, $packaging,
$shipdate, $weight, $selectA, $selectB, $selectC, $selectD, $selectE,
$text1, $text2, $text3, $idrop) = split(/¤/,
if (!($prodname =~ "¶"))
print " <!-- Item $index ($itemcode $prodname) -->\n";
$itemprice = $price;
# print HTML for each item
foreach $item_line (@item_html)
# replace all tokens
$html_line = $item_line;
$line_copy = "";
while ($html_line =~ /(<\+(.+?)\+>)/)
$symbol_all = $1;
$symbol_replace = &token_replace($symbol_all);
$line_copy .= $` . $symbol_replace;
$html_line = $';
$line_copy .= $html_line;
$html_line = $line_copy;
print $html_line;
push @item_html, $html_line;
elsif ($html_line =~ /\+results\+/)
# save everything until we see an endresults
$results_found = 1;
# replace tokens in HTML, add FORM tags to body
$line_copy = "";
if (($html_line =~ /<\/body/) || ($html_line =~ /<\!\-\- *endform *\-\-
print "</form>\n";
$closed_form = 1;
while ( $html_line =~ /(<\+(.+?)\+>)/ )
$symbol_all = $1;
$symbol_replace = &token_replace($symbol_all);
$line_copy .= $` . $symbol_replace;
$html_line = $';
$line_copy .= $html_line;
$html_line = $line_copy;
print $html_line;
if ($html_line =~ /<head/) {
print "<script language=\"JavaScript\">var cart_uid=\"" . $uid . "\"</
if ($have_no_body)
if ($html_line =~ /<\!\-\- *startform *\-\->/ )
print "<form method=GET action=\"$SHOPCART_URL\">\n";
print "<input type=hidden name=\"uid\" value=\"$uid\">\n";
print "<input type=hidden name=\"rootdir\" value=\"$root_dir\">\n";
$have_no_body = 0;
print $version;
print "\n\n";
# SUBROUTINE reads in uid data and CHECKOUT.html page, #
# replaces / changes as needed and outputs the page. #
# **************************************************** #
sub checkout_html_parse {
$group_chk = 0; $item_chk = 0; $checkout_chk = 1;
local ($new_line, $new_order_info, @s_table);
local ($sh_list, @sh_cost);
$uid = $FORM{'uid'};
$gbgroup = $FORM{'gbgroup'};
if ($FORM{'edit'}) {
$qtyerror = 0;
$edititem = $FORM{'edititem'};
if (&lock("userdata")) {
open(USERDATA, $USERDATA) || &sc_popup_msg("SYSTEM ERROR SC21: Unable
to access $USERDATA for cart storage: $!");
@userdata = <USERDATA>;
$new_order_info = "";
open(USERDATA, ">$USERDATA") || &sc_popup_msg("SYSTEM ERROR SC22:
Unable to access $USERDATA for cart storage: $!");
foreach $data_line (@userdata) {
if ($data_line =~ /^$uid\|\|(.*)/) {
($expire_time, $SUBTOTAL, $order_info) = split(/\|\|/, $1);
@each_item = split(/\|/, $order_info);
foreach $bought (@each_item) {
($c_prod, $c_qty, $c_pmc, $c_price, $c_select, $c_text1, $c_text2,
$c_text3, $c_idrop) = split(/¤/, $bought);
$c_idrop =~ tr/\x0A//d;
$c_idrop =~ tr/\x0D//d;
if ($bought eq $edititem) {
($key, $junk) = split(' ', $bought, 2);
($i_groupcode, $i_itemcode, $i_littlepic, $i_bigpic, $i_prodname,
$i_shortdesc, $i_longdesc, $i_price, $i_vprice, $i_sprice, $i_mprice,
$i_lprice, $i_xprice, $i_mancode, $i_manufacturer, $i_available,
$i_condition, $i_PMCcode, $i_junk) = split(/¤/, $ITEMS_CODE{$key},
$maxqty = $i_available;
$price =~ tr/ //d;
$SUBTOTAL -= ( 1 * $c_qty * $price );
$SUBTOTAL = sprintf "%5.2f", $SUBTOTAL;
$SUBTOTAL =~ tr/ //d;
if ( ($FORM{'edit'}) eq "Cha") {
$newqty = $FORM{'newqty'};
# if ( ($newqty eq "") || (¬_a_number($newqty)) || ($newqty >
$maxqty) ) {
if ( ($newqty eq "") || (¬_a_number($newqty)) ) {
$qtyerror = 1;
$newqty = $c_qty;
$SUBTOTAL += ( 1 * $newqty * $price );
$bought = join('¤', $c_prod, $newqty, $c_pmc, $c_price, $c_select,
$new_order_info .= $bought . '|';
else {
$new_order_info .= $bought . '|';
print USERDATA $uid . '||' . $expire_time . '||' . $SUBTOTAL . '||' .
$new_order_info . "\n";
else {
print USERDATA $data_line;
# if ($qtyerror) {
# &sc_popup_msg("You have entered an invalid number in the quantity
field. Try again.");
if (&lock("userdata")) {
open(USERDATA, $USERDATA) || &sc_popup_msg("SYSTEM ERROR SC23: Unable
to access $USERDATA for cart storage: $!");
@userdata = <USERDATA>;
foreach $data_line (@userdata) {
if ($data_line =~ /^$uid\|\|(.*)/) {
($expire_time, $SUBTOTAL, $order_info) = split(/\|\|/, $1);
@each_item = split(/\|/, $order_info);
open(SHIPTABLE, $SHIPDATA) || &sc_popup_msg("SYSTEM ERROR SC24:
'Shipping' SCdatabase incomplete or unable to be accessed: $!");
$x = 0;
$y = 0;
while ($s_input = <SHIPTABLE>) {
($s_type, $lownum, $highnum, $s_amt) = split(/¤/, $s_input);
$lownum =~ tr/\$//d; $highnum =~ tr/\$//d; $s_amt =~ tr/\$//d;
if ( $s_amt =~ /\%/ ) {
$s_amt = ( $` * .01 ) * $SUBTOTAL;
$s_amt = sprintf "%5.2f", $s_amt;
$s_amt =~ tr/ //d;
if ( ( ($SUBTOTAL - $lownum) >= 0) && ( ($SUBTOTAL - $highnum) <= 0) )
$tot_order = $SUBTOTAL + $s_amt;
$tot_order = sprintf "%5.2f", $tot_order;
$tot_order =~ tr/ //d;
sprintf "%5.2f", $c_price;
$s_type .= ' :';
$len = length($s_type);
$z = 20 - $len;
while ($z > 0) {
$s_type = $s_type . ' ';
$z = $z - 1;
$s_table[$x] = "Shipping by $s_type \$ $s_amt";
$s_amt =~ tr/\x0D//d;
$s_amt =~ tr/\x0A//d;
$s_amt =~ tr/ //d;
$sh_cost[$y] = $s_amt;
$x = $x + 1;
$y = $y + 1;
local ($goto) = "checkout.html";
local $filename = $BASE_DIR.$goto;
open(HTMLPAGE, $filename) || &sc_popup_msg("SYSTEM ERROR SC25:
checkout.html unable to be accessed in the shopcart folder: $!");
while ($html_line = <HTMLPAGE>) {
$line_copy = "";
if ($html_line =~ /<\/body/ ) {
print TEMPFILE "<script language=\"JavaScript\">\n";
print TEMPFILE "function compute(coform) {\n";
print TEMPFILE "subtotal = 'Subtotal - \$$SUBTOTAL'\n";
if ( $pa_tax ) {
print TEMPFILE "taxamt = .005 + ( ( 1 * $SUBTOTAL ) * .06 )\n";
print TEMPFILE "string = '' + taxamt\n";
print TEMPFILE "separation = string.length - string.indexOf('.')\n";
print TEMPFILE "if (separation == 2) taxamt = string + '0'\n";
print TEMPFILE "if (separation > 3) taxamt =
print TEMPFILE "patax = ' PA tax : \$ ' + taxamt + ', '\n";
print TEMPFILE "taxamt = ( 1 * taxamt )\n";
else {
print TEMPFILE "taxamt = 0\n";
print TEMPFILE "patax = ''\n";
print TEMPFILE "statecode =
print TEMPFILE "if (statecode != 'PA' && statecode != 'Pa' &&
statecode != 'pa' && statecode != 'PE' && statecode != 'Pe' &&
statecode != 'pe') {\n";
print TEMPFILE "taxamt = 0; patax = ''; }\n";
print TEMPFILE "if (document.coform.shipping.selectedIndex == 0)
{ shipcost = 0 }\n";
print TEMPFILE "if (document.coform.shipping.selectedIndex == 1)
{ shipcost = '$sh_cost[0]' }\n";
print TEMPFILE "if (document.coform.shipping.selectedIndex == 2)
{ shipcost = '$sh_cost[1]' }\n";
print TEMPFILE "if (document.coform.shipping.selectedIndex == 3)
{ shipcost = '$sh_cost[2]' }\n";
print TEMPFILE "if (document.coform.shipping.selectedIndex == 4)
{ shipcost = '$sh_cost[3]' }\n";
print TEMPFILE "shipping = '\\nShipping - \$' + shipcost\n";
print TEMPFILE "subsub = 1 * $SUBTOTAL\n";
print TEMPFILE "shipcost = 1 * shipcost\n";
print TEMPFILE "orderamt = subsub + shipcost + taxamt + .005\n";
print TEMPFILE "string = '' + orderamt\n";
print TEMPFILE "if (string.indexOf('.') == -1) orderamt = string + '.
print TEMPFILE "separation = string.length - string.indexOf('.')\n";
print TEMPFILE "if (separation == 2) orderamt = string + '0'\n";
print TEMPFILE "if (separation > 3) orderamt =
print TEMPFILE "if (patax == '') { totot = 'ORDER TOTAL : \$ ' +
orderamt } \n ";
print TEMPFILE "else { totot = 'ORDER TOTAL : \$ ' + orderamt }\n";
print TEMPFILE "document.coform.finalinfo.value = patax + totot\n}\n";
print TEMPFILE "</script>\n";
print TEMPFILE "</form>\n";
if ($html_line =~ /<!--patax-->/ ) {
$pa_tax = 1;
while ( $html_line =~ /(<\+(.+?)\+>)/ ) {
$symbol_all = $1;
$symbol_replace = &token_replace($symbol_all);
if ($symbol_replace eq "*DEL*") {
$html_line = "\n";
if ($symbol_replace ne "*DEL*") {
$line_copy .= $` . $symbol_replace;
$html_line = $';
$html_line = $';
if ($symbol_replace eq "¤") {
$new_line = "<center><table width=\"778\" border=\"1\" bgcolor=\"D1BFAB
\"><tr><td align=center>\n";
$new_line .= "<table width=\"760\" border=\"0\"\n";
$new_line .= "<tr><td align=center><font size=3 color=43261F
$new_line .= "<td align=center><font size=3 color=43261F
$new_line .= "<td align=left><font size=3 color=43261F
face=arial> <u>Item</u></font></td>\n";
$new_line .= "<td align=left colspan=\"2\"><font size=3 color=43261F
face=arial> <u>Special Information</u></font></td>\n";
$new_line .= "<td align=center><font size=3 color=43261F
face=arial><u>Price Each</u></font></td>\n";
$new_line .= "<td align=center><font size=3 color=43261F
$new_line .= "<td align=center><font size=3 color=43261F
$new_line .= "<tr><td colspan=8> </td></tr>\n";
foreach $bought (@each_item) {
$bought_copy = "";
while ( $bought =~ /'/ ) {
$bought_copy .= $` . "'"; $bought = $';
$bought_copy .= $bought;
$bought = $bought_copy;
$bought_copy = "";
while ( $bought =~ /"/ ) {
$bought_copy .= $` . """; $bought = $';
$bought_copy .= $bought;
$bought = $bought_copy;
($c_prod, $c_qty, $c_pmc, $price, $c_select, $c_idrop) = split(/¤/,
$c_idrop =~ tr/\x0A//d;
$c_idrop =~ tr/\x0D//d;
$price =~ tr/ //d;
$c_size = $size;
$c_price = $price;
$c_price = 1 * $c_price;
$workspace = sprintf "%5.2f", $c_price;
$c_price = $workspace;
$c_price =~ tr/ //d;
$c_total = ( 1 * $c_qty ) * ( 1 * $c_price );
$workspace = sprintf "%5.2f", $c_total;
$c_total = $workspace;
$c_total =~ tr/ //d;
$size_chk = substr($c_size,0,1);
$new_line .= "<tr valign=top><form method=GET action=\"$SHOPCART_SEC\">
$new_line .= "<td align=center valign=top><font size=2 color=43261F
$new_line .= "<input type=hidden name=\"uid\" value=\"$uid\">\n";
$new_line .= "<input type=hidden name=\"rootdir\" value=\"$root_dir\">
$new_line .= "<input type=hidden name=edititem value=\"$bought\">\n";
$new_line .= "<input type=hidden name=\"gbgroup\" value=\"$gbgroup\">
$new_line .= "<input type=submit name=edit value=\"Cha\"></font></td>
$new_line .= "<td align=center><font size=2 color=43261F
face=arial><input type=text name=newqty value=\"$c_qty\" size=2
maxlength=2></font></td></form><td><font size=2 color=43261F
face=arial> <u>" . $c_prod . "</u></font></td>\n";
$new_line .= "<td align=left colspan=\"2\"><font size=3> </
if ($c_idrop ne "") {
$new_line .= "<font size=2 color=43261F face=arial><u>" . $c_idrop .
$workspace1 = substr($c_select,0,1);
if ($workspace1 ne "0" && $workspace1 ne "" ) {
$new_line .= "<font size=2 color=43261F face=arial>";
if ($c_idrop ne "") {
$new_line .= ", ";
$new_line .= "<u>" . $c_select . "</u></font>";
$workspace2 = substr($c_size,0,1);
if ($workspace2 ne "0" && $workspace2 ne "" ) {
$new_line .= "<font size=2 color=43261F face=arial>";
if ($workspace1 ne "" && $workspace1 ne "0" || $c_idrop ne "") {
$new_line .= ", ";
$new_line .= "<u>" . $c_size . "</u></font>";
$new_line .= " </td>\n<td align=center>";
$new_line .= "<font size=2 color=43261F face=arial><u>\$" . $c_price .
"</u></font></td>\n<td align=center><font size=2 color=43261F
face=arial>= <u>\$" . $c_total . "</u></font></td>\n";
$new_line .= "<form method=GET action=\"$SHOPCART_SEC\">\n";
$new_line .= "<td align=center valign=bottom><font size=2 color=545803
$new_line .= "<input type=hidden name=\"uid\" value=\"$uid\">\n";
$new_line .= "<input type=hidden name=\"rootdir\" value=\"$root_dir\">
$new_line .= "<input type=hidden name=\"gbgroup\" value=\"$gbgroup\">
$new_line .= "<input type=hidden name=edititem value=\"$bought\">\n";
$new_line .= "<input type=submit name=edit value=\"Del\"></font></td></
$new_line .= "<tr><td><font size=2> </td></tr>\n";
$new_line .= "<br></table><form name=coform method=GET action=
$new_line .= "<input type=hidden name=\"uid\" value=\"$uid\">\n";
$new_line .= "<input type=hidden name=\"rootdir\" value=\"$root_dir\">
$workspace = sprintf "%5.2f", $SUBTOTAL;
$SUBTOTAL = $workspace;
$SUBTOTAL =~ tr/ //d;
$new_line .= "<font size=3 color=43261F face=arial>Subtotal: \$
" . $SUBTOTAL . "<br></font>\n";
if ($pa_tax) {
$new_line .= "<font size=2 color=43261F face=arial>( PA residents, 6%
sales tax will be added )<br><br></font>\n";
$new_line .= "<font size=3 color=43261F face=arial><select
name=shipping size=1 onChange=\"compute(coform)\">\n";
$new_line .= "<option value=0 selected> Please Choose a Shipping
Method \n";
foreach $s_opt (@s_table) {
$new_line .= "<option>" . $s_opt . "\n";
$new_line .= "</select><br><br>\n</font><font size=3 color=43261F
face=arial><input type=text name=finalinfo size=30 value=\"ORDER
TOTAL :\"></font><br><br>\n";
$new_line .= "</td></tr></table></center>\n";
$line_copy = $new_line;
$line_copy .= $html_line;
$html_line = $line_copy;
print TEMPFILE $html_line;
if ($html_line =~ /<head/) {
print TEMPFILE "<script language=\"JavaScript\">var cart_uid=\"" .
$uid . "\"</script>\n";
$goto = $TEMP_FILE;
$security = 1;
# SUBROUTINE reads in requested goto .html page, #
# checks for shopcart markers and href commands, then #
# replaces / changes as needed and outputs the page. #
# *************************************************** #
sub goto_html_parse {
local ($gopiece, $x, $where_is, $workspace, $sitename);
if ($goto !~ /^\// ) {
$goto = $root_dir . "/" . $goto;
if ($security) {
$workspace = $ENV{'SCRIPT_NAME'};
if ( $workspace =~ /[a-zA-Z0-9\-]+\.com/ ) {
$sURL = "https://www.dianneblair.com/$&";
elsif ( $workspace =~ /[a-zA-Z0-9\-]+\.net/ ) {
$sURL = "https://www.dianneblair.com/$&";
elsif ( $workspace =~ /[a-zA-Z0-9\-]+\.org/ ) {
$sURL = "https://www.dianneblair.com/$&";
$goto =~ /$root_dir/;
$gopiece = $';
$x = rindex($gopiece,"/");
$x = $x + 1;
$where_is = $sURL . substr($gopiece, 0, $x);
open(HTMLPAGE, $goto) || &sc_popup_msg("SYSTEM ERROR SC26: $goto
unable to be accessed: $!");
print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
while ($html_line = <HTMLPAGE>) {
$html_copy = "";
$html_line =~ s/JPG/jpg/g;
$html_line =~ s/GIF/gif/g;
$html_line =~ s/\.\.\///g;
while ( $html_line =~ /[a-zA-Z0-9\.\/]+\.jpg/ ) {
if ($security) {
$html_copy .= $` . $sURL . "\/" . $&;
elsif ( index($&,"/") >= 0 ) {
$html_copy .= $` . $sURL . "\/" . $&;
else {
$html_copy .= $` . $where_is . $&;
$html_line = $';
$html_copy .= $html_line;
$html_line = $html_copy;
$html_copy = "";
while ( $html_line =~ /[a-zA-Z0-9\.\/]+\.gif/ ) {
if ($security) {
$html_copy .= $` . $sURL . "\/" . $&;
elsif ( index($&,"/") >= 0 ) {
$html_copy .= $` . $sURL . "\/" . $&;
else {
$html_copy .= $` . $where_is . $&;
$html_line = $';
$html_copy .= $html_line;
$html_line = $html_copy;
print $html_line;
if ($html_line =~ /<head/) {
print "<script language=\"JavaScript\">var cart_uid=\"" . $uid . "\"</
print $version;
print "\n\n";
# SUBROUTINE replaces html tokens #
# ******************************* #
sub token_replace {
local ($symbol_all) = @_;
local ($RCbutton) = '/shopcart/b-review.gif';
local ($ECbutton) = '/shopcart/b-empty.gif';
local ($ACbutton) = '/shopcart/b-add.gif';
local ($SEbutton) = '/shopcart/b-search.gif';
local ($CObutton) = '/shopcart/b-checkout.gif';
local ($len) = 0;
local ($image_src, $display_price, $goto_token, $web_page, $check_end,
$select, $price_list, @price_array, @select_array, $oneor,
$select_list, $cardtype, $wanted_types, $return_str, $p, $len );
# handle tokens & attributes in the form
# token attrib1 = "value1" attrib2 = "value2" ...
($replace_token, $attrs) = ($symbol_all =~ m/(\w+)(( *(\w+) *= *\"(.+?)
while (($attr, $value) = ($attrs =~ m/^ *(\w+) *= *\"(.+?)\"/))
$ATTRS{$attr} = $value;
$attrs = $';
$workspace = $replace_token;
if ($workspace =~ /[_0-9]{2,3}/) {
if (substr($&,0,1) ne "_") {
&sc_popup_msg("CODING ERROR: $symbol_all is an invalid ShopCart html
$len = substr($&,1);
$replace_token = $`;
if ($replace_token eq "groupname") {
elsif ($replace_token eq "grouptitle") {
elsif ($replace_token eq "grouppic") {
$img_src = "<img src=\"../images/groups/".$groupimage."\" border=
elsif ($replace_token eq "itemdescr") {
elsif ($replace_token eq "mancode") {
elsif ($replace_token eq "distributor") {
elsif ($replace_token eq "condition") {
elsif ($replace_token eq "PMCcode") {
elsif ($replace_token eq "packaging") {
elsif ($replace_token eq "shipdate") {
elsif ($replace_token eq "weight") {
elsif ($replace_token eq "itemcode") {
elsif ($replace_token eq "itemprice") {
elsif ($replace_token eq "littlepic") {
$img_src = "<img src=\"../images/little/".$littlepic."\" border=
elsif ($replace_token eq "bigpic") {
$img_src = "<img src=\"../images/big/".$bigpic."\" border=\"0\">";
elsif ($replace_token eq "prodname") {
elsif ($replace_token eq "shortdesc") {
elsif ($replace_token eq "longdesc") {
elsif ($replace_token eq "blurb") {
elsif ($replace_token eq "price") {
if ( !($price eq "0") ) {
$price =~ tr/ //d;
return("\$ $price \n<input type=hidden name=\"price\" value=\"$price
return("(by size)");
elsif ($replace_token eq "sizeprice") {
@price_array = ($vprice, $sprice, $mprice, $lprice, $xprice);
$nosize = 1;
foreach $select (@price_array) {
if ($select ne "0") {
$nosize = 0;
if ($nosize) {
else {
$x = 1;
$first_time = 1;
# start table
$price_list = "<table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\"
# this font is used to format the sizes & prices
$font = "<font face=\"Verdana, Arial, Helvetica\" size=\"2\" color=
foreach $select (@price_array)
if (! ($select eq "0") )
$price = sprintf "%5.2f", $price;
$price =~ tr/ //d;
$select =~ tr/ /\+/;
# start row
$price_list .= "<tr><td><input type=\"radio\" ";
if ($first_time)
$price_list .= "checked ";
$price_list .= "name=\"price\" value=\"$select\">\n";
$price_list .= "$font$size</font></td>\n";
$price_list .= "<td>$font\$$price</font></td></tr>\n";
# end table
$price_list .= "</table>\n";
elsif ($replace_token eq "oneorother") {
if ($selectA eq "0") {
$select_list = "";
@select_array = ($selectA, $selectB, $selectC, $selectD, $selectE);
$first_time = 1;
foreach $oneor (@select_array) {
$tester = substr($oneor,0,1);
if ($tester ne "0") {
if ( !($first_time) ) {
$select_list .= "<input type=radio name=select value=\"" . $oneor .
"\">" . $oneor . " ";
if ($first_time) {
$select_list .= "<input type=radio checked name=select value=\"" .
$oneor . "\">" . $oneor . " ";
$first_time = 0;
elsif ($replace_token eq "goback") {
if ($item_chk) {
$use_group = $groupcode; $use_group =~ tr/ /+/;
return("<a href='".$SHOPCART_URL."?group=".$use_group."'>");
if ($checkout_chk) {
$gbgroup = $FORM{'gbgroup'};
return("<a href='".$SHOPCART_URL."?group=".$gbgroup."'>");
if ($group_chk) {
&sc_popup_msg("CODING ERROR: the <+goback+> token is invalid in
elsif ($replace_token eq "categories_combo") {
$combo = "<select name=\"categories\">\n";
@groups = sort(keys %GROUPS);
$combo = $combo . "<option value=\"All\">All Categories\n";
foreach $opt (@groups)
($groupcode, $itemcode, $descr, $title, $image, $droplist, $cols,
$rows, $junk) = split(/¤/, $GROUPS{$opt}, 9);
if ($title ne "Custom Mix") { $combo = $combo . "<option value=\"$opt
\">$title\n"; }
$combo = $combo . "</select>\n";
return $combo;
elsif ($replace_token eq "distributor_combo") {
$combo = "<select name=\"distributor\">\n";
$combo = $combo . "<option value=\"All\">All\n";
foreach $opt (@DISTRIBUTORS)
$combo = $combo . "<option value=\"$opt\">$opt\n";
$combo = $combo . "</select>\n";
return $combo;
elsif ($replace_token eq "qty") {
return("<input type=text name=qty size=2 maxlength=2 value=\"1\">");
elsif ($replace_token eq "addtocart") {
$x = $root_dir . $ACbutton;
if (-e $x) {
return("<input type=image src=\"$SITE_URL.$ACbutton\" border=\"0\" alt=
\"Add this item to your shopping cart\" name=\"addtocart\">");
else {
return("<input type=submit name=\"addtocart\" value=\" Add To Your
Cart \">");
elsif ($replace_token eq "quickadd") {
$x = $root_dir . $ACbutton;
if (-e $x) {
return("<input type=image src=\"$SITE_URL.$ACbutton\" border=\"0\" alt=
\"Add this item to your shopping cart\" name=\"quickadd\">");
else {
return("<input type=submit name=\"quickadd\" value=\" Add To Your Cart
elsif ($replace_token eq "search") {
$x = $root_dir . $SEbutton;
if (-e $x) {
return("<input type=image src=\"$SITE_URL.$SEbutton\" border=\"0\" alt=
\"Search\" name=\"search\">");
else {
return("<input type=submit name=\"search\" value=\" Search \">");
elsif ($replace_token eq "advsearch") {
$x = $root_dir . $SEbutton;
if (-e $x) {
return("<input type=image src=\"$SITE_URL.$SEbutton\" border=\"0\" alt=
\"Search\" name=\"advanced_search\">");
else {
return("<input type=submit name=\"advanced_search\" value=\" Search
elsif ($replace_token eq "review") {
$x = $root_dir . $RCbutton;
if (-e $x) {
return("<input type=image src=\"$SITE_URL.$RCbutton\" border=\"0\" alt=
\"Review the contents of your shopping cart\" name=review>");
else {
return("<input type=submit name=review value=\"Review your cart\">");
elsif ($replace_token eq "empty") {
$x = $root_dir . $ECbutton;
if (-e $x) {
return("<input type=image src=\"$SITE_URL.$ECbutton\" border=\"0\" alt=
\"Empty your shopping cart of all items\" name=empty>");
else {
return("<input type=submit name=empty value=\"Empty your cart\">");
elsif ($replace_token eq "endgo") {
elsif ($replace_token eq "text1") {
$workspace = substr($text1,0,1);
if ( $workspace ne "0") {
return($text1."<br><input type=text name=text1 size=30
else {
elsif ($replace_token eq "text2") {
$workspace = substr($text2,0,1);
if ( $workspace ne "0") {
return($text2."<br><textarea name=text2 cols=30 rows=2></
else {
elsif ($replace_token eq "text3") {
$workspace = substr($text3,0,1);
if ( $workspace ne "0") {
return($text3."<br><textarea name=text3 cols=30 rows=3></
else {
elsif ($replace_token eq "rootdir") {
$workspace = substr($root_dir,0,1);
if ( $workspace ne "0") {
return("<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"rootdir\" value=\"$root_dir
else {
elsif ($replace_token eq "checkout") {
$return_str = "\n</form>\n<form method=GET action=\"$SHOPCART_SEC\"
onSubmit=\"return confirm(confirmtxt)\">\n";
$return_str .= "<input type=hidden name=\"uid\" value=\"$uid\">\n";
$return_str .= "<input type=hidden name=\"rootdir\" value=\"$root_dir
$return_str .= "<input type=hidden name=\"gbgroup\" value=\"$groupname
$x = $root_dir . $CObutton;
if (-e $x) {
$return_str .= "<input type=image src=\"$SITE_URL.$CObutton\" border=
\"0\" alt=\"All done shopping, time to checkout\" name=checkout>\n";
else {
$return_str .= "<input type=submit name=checkout value=\"* C h e ck
o u t *\">\n";
$return_str .= "</form>\n<form method=GET action=\"$SHOPCART_URL\">
$return_str .= "<input type=hidden name=\"uid\" value=\"$uid\">\n";
$return_str .= "<input type=hidden name=\"rootdir\" value=\"$root_dir
elsif ($replace_token eq "sendorder") {
$return_str = "\n</font></font></font>\n<font size=\"4\" color=\"black
\" face=\"Arial\">\n";
$return_str .= "</font><font size=3><br>\n<input type=hidden
name=patax value=\"$pa_tax\">\n<input type=submit name=sendorder value=
\"* S u b m i t O r d e r *\">\n</font>";
elsif ($replace_token eq "name") {
if (!$len)
; return("<input type=text name=name size=$len maxlength=50>");
elsif ($replace_token eq "address") {
if (!$len)
; return("<textarea name=address cols=$len rows=3></textarea>");
elsif ($replace_token eq "city") {
if (!$len)
; return("<input type=text name=city size=$len maxlength=50>");
elsif ($replace_token eq "state") {
if (!$len)
; return("<input type=text name=state size=$len maxlength=20 onChange=
elsif ($replace_token eq "zip") {
if (!$len)
; return("<input type=text name=zip size=$len maxlength=10>");
elsif ($replace_token eq "cardholder") {
if (!$len)
; return("<input type=text name=cardholder size=$len maxlength=50>");
elsif ($replace_token eq "email") {
if (!$len)
; return("<input type=text name=email size=$len maxlength=50>");
elsif ($replace_token eq "phone") {
if (!$len)
; return("<input type=text name=phone size=$len maxlength=20>");
elsif ($replace_token eq "ccnumber") {
if (!$credit_card) {
if (!$len) {
return("<input type=text name=ccnumber size=$len maxlength=50>");
elsif ($replace_token eq "ccdate") {
if (!$credit_card) {
if (!$len) {
return("<input type=text name=ccdate size=$len maxlength=20>");
elsif ($replace_token eq "cctype") {
if (!$credit_card) {
$wanted_types = "<select name=cctype size=1>";
foreach $cardtype (@cards) {
$wanted_types .= "<option>" . $cardtype;
$wanted_types .= "</select>";
elsif ($replace_token eq "itemsordered") {
elsif ($replace_token eq "specialinfo") {
if (!$len)
; return("<textarea name=specialinfo cols=$len rows=4></textarea>");
elsif ($replace_token eq "paymentoptions") {
$p = $credit_card + $mail_check + $c_o_d;
if ($p lt 2) {
$wanted_types = '';
if ($p ge 2) {
$wanted_types .= '<input type=hidden name=pychk value=1>';
$wanted_types .= 'Payment Options: ';
if ($credit_card) {
$wanted_types .= '<input type=radio name=pymtopt
value="CreditCard">Credit Card ';
if ($mail_check)
$wanted_types .= '<input type=radio name=pymtopt
value="MailCheck">Check or Money Order ';
if ($c_o_d)
$wanted_types .= '<input type=radio name=pymtopt value="COD">C.O.D.
(cash only)';
elsif ($replace_token eq "hcategories") {
return $HORIZ_CATS;
elsif ($replace_token eq "vcategories") {
return $VERT_CATS;
elsif ($replace_token eq "distributorlist") {
return $MANU_LIST;
elsif ($replace_token eq "itemcount") {
return $ITEMCOUNT;
elsif ($replace_token eq "subtotal") {
return "\$" . $SUBTOTAL;
elsif ($replace_token eq "pagecounts") {
if ($numitems > 0)
$ret = "Displaying " . ($min_items + 1) . " to $max_items (of
$numitems products)";
$ret = "No items to display.";
return $ret;
elsif ($replace_token eq "pagelinks") {
if ($numitems > 0) {
$ret = "Page: ";
if ($pagenum > 1) {
$prev = $pagenum - 1;
$ret = $ret . $PAGELINK . "&pagenum=$prev\">[<<Prev]</
a> ";
for ($i = 1; $i <= $num_of_pages; $i++) {
if ($i == $pagenum) {
$ret = $ret . "<font color=\"761A23\">$i</font> ";
} else {
$ret = $ret . $PAGELINK . "&pagenum=$i\">$i</a> ";
if ($pagenum < $num_of_pages) {
$next = $pagenum + 1;
$ret = $ret . $PAGELINK . "&pagenum=$next\">[Next>>]</a>";
} else {
$ret = "";
return $ret;
elsif ($replace_token eq "uid") {
return $uid;
else {
&sc_popup_msg("CODING ERROR: $symbol_all is an invalid ShopCart html
# SUBROUTINE checks for, and replaces, necessary href #
# *************************************************** #
sub check_href {
local($html_copy, $tempa, $tempb);
$html_copy = "";
while ( $html_line =~ /href/ ) {
if ( $html_line =~ /ShopCart.pl\?/) {
if ( (substr($',0,3)) ne "uid" ) {
$html_copy .= $` . "ShopCart.pl?uid=" . $uid . "&rootdir=" .
$root_dir . "&" ;
$html_line = $';
else {
$html_copy .= $` . $&;
$html_line = $';
elsif ( $html_line =~ /[\w]{1,16}\.pl/ ) {
$html_copy .= $`;
$perl = $&;
$temp = $';
$temp =~ /([a-zA-Z0-9\/\.]{1,30})/;
$parm = $&;
$html_copy .= "ShopCart.pl?uid=$uid" . "&link=$perl" . "&parm=
$html_line = $';
elsif ( (!($html_line =~ /href="http/)) && (!($html_line =~ /
href="mailto/)) && (!($html_line =~ /href="javascript/)) ) {
if ( $html_line =~ /href="..\//) {
$html_copy .= $` . "href=\"" . $SHOPCART_URL . "?uid=" . $uid .
"&goto=" . $root_dir . "/";
$html_line = $';
elsif ( $html_line =~ /href="/) {
$html_copy .= $` . "href=\"" . $SHOPCART_URL . "?uid=" . $uid .
"&goto=" . $root_dir . "/";
$html_line = $';
else {
if ( $html_line =~ /href/) {
$html_copy .= $` . "href";
$html_line = $';
$html_copy .= $html_line;
$html_line = $html_copy;
# SUBROUTINE display shopping cart review window #
# ********************************************** #
sub review_cart
local ($whats_init) = @_;
local (@which_one, $bought, $prod_show, $prod_copy, $qty_show,
$item_amt, $item_stuff, $item_total, $chpid);
local ($goto) = "review.html";
local $filename = $BASE_DIR.$goto;
print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
open(HTMLPAGE, $filename) || &sc_popup_msg("ERROR SC19: $goto unable
to be accessed in shopcart folder: $!");
while ($html_line = <HTMLPAGE>)
$line_copy = "";
if ($html_line =~ /<\+itemsordered\+>/)
if ($whats_init =~ /¤/)
@which_one = split(/\|/, $whats_init);
foreach $bought (@which_one)
$bought_copy = "";
while ( $bought =~ /'/ ) {
$bought_copy .= $` . "'"; $bought = $';
$bought_copy .= $bought;
$bought = $bought_copy;
$bought_copy = "";
while ( $bought =~ /"/ ) {
$bought_copy .= $` . """; $bought = $';
$bought_copy .= $bought;
$bought = $bought_copy;
($prod_show, $qty_show, $pmc_show, $price, $select_show, $text1_show,
$text2_show, $text3_show, $idrop_show) = split(/¤/, $bought);
$idrop_show =~ tr/\x0A//d;
$idrop_show =~ tr/\x0D//d;
if ($idrop_show ne "") {
$prod_show = $prod_show . ", " . $idrop_show;
$price =~ tr/ //d;
$size_show = $size;
$item_amt = $price;
$item_amt = 1 * $item_amt;
$workspace = sprintf "%5.2f", $item_amt;
$item_amt = $workspace;
$item_amt =~ tr/ //d;
$item_total = ( 1 * $qty_show ) * ( 1 * $item_amt );
$workspace = sprintf "%5.2f", $item_total;
$item_total = $workspace;
$item_total =~ tr/ //d;
$size_chk = substr($size_show,0,1);
print "$prod_show";
if (($size_show ne "0") && ($size_show ne ""))
print ", $size_show";
if (($select_show ne "0") && ($select_show ne "")) {
print ", $select_show ";
print " ( $qty_show at $item_amt ) \$$item_total
print "Your shopping cart is empty<br>\n";
while ($html_line =~ /(<\+(.+?)\+>)/)
$symbol_all = $1;
$symbol_replace = &token_replace($symbol_all);
$line_copy .= $` . $symbol_replace;
$html_line = $';
$line_copy .= $html_line;
$html_line = $line_copy;
print $html_line;
if ($html_line =~ /<head/) {
print "<script language=\"JavaScript\">var cart_uid=\"" . $uid . "\"</
# SUBROUTINE temp file/page setups, opens and deletes #
# *************************************************** #
sub TEMP_stuff {
local($x, $y, $thisone, @tempdata);
if (&lock("tempdata")) {
if (!(-e $TEMP_DATA)) {
open(TEMPDATA, ">$TEMP_DATA") || &sc_popup_msg("SYSTEM ERROR SC28:
Unable to create $TEMP_DATA: $!");
print TEMPDATA "dummy.html\ndummy.html";
open(TEMPDATA, $TEMP_DATA) || &sc_popup_msg("SYSTEM ERROR SC28: Unable
to access $TEMP_DATA: $!");
$x = 0; $y = 0;
while ($tempdata[$x] = <TEMPDATA>) {
$x = $x + 1;
$x = $x - 1;
while ( $y < $x ) {
$thisone = $tempdata[$y];
$thisone =~ tr/\x0A//d;
$thisone =~ tr/\x0D//d;
$thisone =~ tr/ //d;
$y = $y + 1;
open(TEMPFILE, ">$TEMP_FILE") || &sc_popup_msg("SYSTEM ERROR SC29:
Unable to create data in the shopvar folder.: $!");
open(TEMPDATA, ">$TEMP_DATA") || &sc_popup_msg("SYSTEM ERROR SC30:
Unable to access data in the shopvar folder.: $!");
print TEMPDATA "$tempdata[$x]\n";
# SUBROUTINES split price and size from same field #
# ************************************************ #
sub split_price {
local($thisone) = @_;
if ( $thisone =~ /Þ/ ) {
$x = index($thisone,"Þ");
$size = substr($thisone,0,$x);
$size =~ tr/+/ /d;
$price = substr($thisone,($x+1));
else {
$price = $thisone;
$size = "";
# SUBROUTINES split price and size from same field - Custom for
PremiseMaid #
# ************************************************ #
sub split_pricePM {
local($thisone) = @_;
if ( $thisone =~ /Þ/ ) {
$x = index($thisone,"Þ");
$sizeCheck = substr($thisone,0,$x);
$sizeCheck =~ tr/+/ /d;
$priceCheck = substr($thisone,($x+1));
else {
$priceCheck = $thisone;
$sizeCheck = "";
# SUBROUTINE debug tracking by a message #
# ************************************** #
sub de_bug {
local($tellit) = @_;
print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
print "<script language='JavaScript'>\n";
print "var winHandle =
window.open('' ,'Debug','top=100,left=100,width=400,height=400')\n";
print "winHandle.window.focus();\n";
print "winHandle.document.open();\n";
print "winHandle.document.write('".$tellit."');";
print "winHandle.document.close();\n";
print "winHandle.window.focus();\n";
print "</script></html>\n";
# SUBROUTINE number check #
# *********************** #
sub not_a_number {
local($thisnum) = @_;
local($len, $lenchk);
$thisnum =~ tr/$//d;
$thisnum =~ tr/.//d;
$thisnum =~ tr/,//d;
$len = length $thisnum;
$thisnum =~ tr/a-z//d; $thisnum =~ tr/A-Z//d;
$thisnum =~ tr/\-//d; $thisnum =~ tr/\=//d; $thisnum =~ tr/\\//d;
$thisnum =~ tr/-//d;
$thisnum =~ tr/\[//d; $thisnum =~ tr/\]//d; $thisnum =~ tr/;//d;
$thisnum =~ tr/'//d;
$thisnum =~ tr/\///d;
$lenchk = length $thisnum;
if ( $len ne $lenchk ) {
# SUBROUTINE error message display #
# ******************************** #
sub sc_popup_msg {
local($popup) = @_;
local($del_lock) = $root_dir . '/shopvar/userdata.lok';
$del_lock = $root_dir . '/shopvar/tempdata.lok'; unlink($del_lock);
$del_lock = $root_dir . '/shopvar/proddata.lok'; unlink($del_lock);
print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
print "<script language='JavaScript'>\n";
print "alert(\"$popup\");\n";
print "history.go(-1);\n";
print "</script>\n\n\n";
# SUBROUTINES lock and unlock userdata file #
# ***************************************** #
sub lock {
local($filename) = @_;
local($wait, $lock_pid);
$Popup_Message = '';
$lock_file = "$TEMP_DIR$filename.lok";
if (-e $lock_file) {
for ($wait = $FILE_LOCK_WAIT; $wait >= 1; $wait--) {
sleep 1;
if (!(-e $lock_file)) {
$wait = 1;
if ((-e $lock_file) && (-M $lock_file < 0)) {
$Popup_Message = "SC31: A lock file is currently in heavy use. Please
try again.";
if (!open(LOCK, ">$lock_file")) {
$Popup_Message = "SYSTEM ERROR SC32: Unable to open a lock file: $!";
else {
print LOCK $$; close LOCK;
if (!open(LOCK, "<$lock_file")) {
$Popup_Message = "SYSTEM ERROR SC33: Unable to open a lock file: $!";
else {
$lock_pid = <LOCK>; close(LOCK);
if ($lock_pid ne $$) {
$Popup_Message = "SC34: A lock file is currently in heavy use. Please
try again.";
else {
# ***************************************************************** #
sub unlock {
local($filename) = @_;
local($lock_file) = "$TEMP_DIR$filename.lok";
$Popup_Message = '';
if (!open(LOCK, "<$lock_file")) {
$Popup_Message = "SYSTEM ERROR SC35: Unable to open a lock file for
clearing: $!";
else {
$lock_pid = <LOCK>; close(LOCK);
if ($lock_pid ne $$) {
$Popup_Message = "SYSTEM ERROR SC36: Unable to open a lock file for
clearing: $!";
if (!unlink($lock_file)) {
$Popup_Message = "SYSTEM ERROR SC37: Unable to clear a lock file:
# ************************************** #
# SUBROUTINE credit card number validate #
# ************************************** #
sub cc_validate {
local($card_type, $card_num, $exp_date) = @_;
local(%card_length) = ('V', '13,15,16', 'M', '16', 'A', '15', 'D',
local($entered_num, $card_length, $total, $d);
if ($card_num == '1111222233334444') {
$card_type =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/;
if (!$card_length{$card_type}) {
$Popup_Message = "MISSING: Please choose a credit card type.";
$entered_num = $card_num;
$card_num =~ s/\D//g;
$card_length = length($card_num);
if (!($card_length{$card_type} =~ /(^|,)$card_length(,|$)/)) {
$Popup_Message = "RE-ENTER: Your card number $entered_num has the
incorrect number of digits.";
local($month_now, $year_now) = (localtime)[4,5];
if ($year_now < 50) {
$year_now += 100;
$exp_date =~ m|(\d+)/(\d+)|;
$exp_month = $1;
$exp_year = ($2 < 50) ? $2 + 100 : $2;
if (!$exp_date || !$exp_month || (($year_now == $exp_year) &&
($month_now > $exp_month))
|| ($exp_year - $year_now < 0) || ($exp_year - $year_now > 10)) {
$Popup_Message = "RE-ENTER: Please enter a valid credit card
expiration date in the form MM/YY.";
while (length($card_num)) {
$total += chop($card_num);
$total += (($d = chop($card_num)) < 9) ? ($d * 2) % 9 : 9;
if ($total % 10) {
$Popup_Message = "RE-ENTER: $entered_num is not a valid credit card
# ************************************** #
# SUBROUTINE parse input to this program #
# ************************************** #
sub parse_input {
local($prename, $name, $value, $len, $pair, $x, $workspace, $formname,
@pairs = split(/&/, $ENV{'QUERY_STRING'});
foreach $pair (@pairs) {
($prename, $value) = split(/=/, $pair);
if ($prename =~ /\./) {
$x = index($prename,".");
$name = substr($prename,0,$x);
else {
$name = $prename;
$name =~ tr/+/ /;
$name =~ s/%([a-fA-F0-9][a-fA-F0-9])/pack("C", hex($1))/eg;
$name =~ s/\n//g;
$value =~ tr/+/ /;
$value =~ s/%([a-fA-F0-9][a-fA-F0-9])/pack("C", hex($1))/eg;
$value =~ s/\n//g;
$value =~ s/<!--(.|\n)*-->//g;
if ($FORM{$name}) {
$FORM{$name} .= ",$value";
else {
$FORM{$name} = $value;
if ($FORM{'rootdir'}) {
$root_dir = $FORM{'rootdir'};
else {
$root_dir = $ENV{'DOCUMENT_ROOT'};
# SUBROUTINE sends email (UNIX sendmail) #
# ************************************** #
sub send_order {
open(MAIL, "|$MAIL_DIR -f $email -t");
$| = 1;
print MAIL "To: $ORDER_TO\n";
print MAIL "From: $email\n";
print MAIL "CC: $ORDER_CC\n";
print MAIL "BCC: \n" if $bcc;
print MAIL "Subject: $ORDER_SUBJECT\n";
print MAIL "\n";
$body = &parse_email("order", @emailorder);
print MAIL $body;
print MAIL "\n";
sleep 2;
open(MAIL, "|$MAIL_DIR -f $THANKS_FROM -t");
$| = 1;
print MAIL "To: $email\n";
print MAIL "From: $THANKS_FROM\n";
print MAIL "CC: \n" if $cc;
print MAIL "BCC: \n" if $bcc;
print MAIL "Subject: $THANKS_SUBJECT\n";
print MAIL "\n";
$body = &parse_email("thanks", @emailthanks);
print MAIL $body;
print MAIL "\n";
# empty the cart
if (&lock("userdata")) {
open(USERDATA, $USERDATA) || &sc_popup_msg("SYSTEM ERROR SC08: Unable
to access $USERDATA for cart storage: $!");
@userdata = <USERDATA>;
open(USERDATA, ">$USERDATA") || &sc_popup_msg("SYSTEM ERROR SC09:
Unable to access $USERDATA for cart storage: $!");
foreach $data_line (@userdata) {
if ($data_line =~ /^$uid\|\|(.*)/) {
$new_expire_time = (time + ($ORDER_DATA_KEEP * 60));
print USERDATA "$uid||$new_expire_time||$SUBTOTAL||\n";
else {
print USERDATA $data_line;
# SUBROUTINE parse email #
# ********************** #
sub parse_email {
local($which_one, @emailbody) = @_;
local($email_line, $line_copy, $new_line, @userdata, @each_item);
$new_line = "";
foreach $email_line (@emailbody) {
if ( !($email_line =~ /<\+itemsordered\+>/) ) {
$new_line .= $email_line;
else {
if (&lock("userdata")) {
open(USERDATA, $USERDATA) || &sc_popup_msg("SYSTEM ERROR SC38: Unable
to access $USERDATA for cart storage: $!");
@userdata = <USERDATA>;
foreach $data_line (@userdata) {
if ($data_line =~ /^$uid\|\|(.*)/) {
($expire_time, $SUBTOTAL, $order_info) = split(/\|\|/, $1);
@each_item = split(/\|/, $order_info);
$first_time = 1;
$new_line .=
foreach $bought (@each_item) {
if (!$first_time) {
$new_line .= "\n";
$first_time = 0;
($c_prod, $c_qty, $c_pmc, $price, $c_select, $c_text1, $c_text2,
$c_text3, $c_idrop, $c_cmtext) = split(/¤/, $bought);
if ($c_cmtext ne "") {
$c_cmtext = "\nSelections: " . $c_cmtext;
$c_idrop =~ tr/\x0A//d;
$c_idrop =~ tr/\x0D//d;
$workspace = substr($c_select,0,1);
if ($workspace eq "0") {
$c_select = "";
$price =~ tr/ //d;
$c_size = $size;
$workspace = substr($c_size,0,1);
if ($workspace eq "0") {
$c_size = "";
$c_price = $price;
$c_price = 1 * $c_price;
$c_price = sprintf "%5.2f", $c_price;
$c_price =~ tr/ //d;
$c_total = ( 1 * $c_qty ) * ( 1 * $c_price );
$c_total = sprintf "%5.2f", $c_total;
$c_total =~ tr/ //d;
if ($c_idrop ne "") {
$c_idrop = "$c_idrop, ";
if ($c_select ne "") {
$c_select = "$c_select, ";
if ($c_size ne "") {
$c_size = "$c_size, ";
$new_line .= sprintf "%s%s%s%s %s %s, %s %s %s %6s %s %s %s%s\n", '*
', "(", $c_qty, ")", $c_prod, $c_pmc, $c_idrop, $c_select, $c_size,
"at", $c_price, "each = \$", $c_total, $c_cmtext;
$workspace1 = substr($c_text1,0,1);
$workspace2 = substr($c_text2,0,1);
$workspace3 = substr($c_text3,0,1);
if ($workspace1 ne "0" || $workspace2 ne "0" || $workspace3 ne "0") {
$new_line .= "\n";
if ($workspace1 ne "0" ) {
while ($c_text1 =~ />(.[a-zA-Z0-9])/) {
$c_text1 = $` . " | " . $1 . $';
$new_line .= " " . $c_text1 . "\n";
if ($workspace2 ne "0" ) {
while ($c_text2 =~ />(.[a-zA-Z0-9])/) {
$c_text2 = $` . " | " . $1 . $';
$new_line .= " " . $c_text2 . "\n";
if ($workspace3 ne "0" ) {
while ($c_text3 =~ />(.[a-zA-Z0-9])/) {
$c_text3 = $` . " | " . $1 . $';
$new_line .= " " . $c_text3 . "\n";
$new_line .=
$specialinfo = $FORM{'specialinfo'};
if ($specialinfo ne "") {
$specialinfo =~ tr/\x0D/\n/;
$specialinfo =~ tr/\x0A/\n/;
$new_line .= "Additional Information:\n$specialinfo\n";
$new_line .=
$x = index($shipping,'$');
$x = $x + 1;
$shipcost = substr($shipping,$x);
$shipcost =~ tr/\x0D//d; $shipcost =~ tr/\x0A//d; $shipcost =~ tr/ //
$pa_check = 0;
$w = substr($state,0,2);
if ( $w eq "PA" || $w eq "Pa" || $w eq "pa" || $w eq "PE" || $w eq
"Pe" || $w eq "pe") {
$pa_check = 1;
if ($pa_tax && $pa_check) {
$pa_amt = .06 * $SUBTOTAL;
else {
$pa_amt = 0;
$grand_total = $SUBTOTAL + $shipcost + $pa_amt;
if ($pa_tax && $pa_check) {
$new_line .= sprintf "%s %5.2f\n%s\n%s %5.2f\n%s %5.2f\n\n",
"SubTotal: \$", $SUBTOTAL, $shipping, "PA tax: \$", $pa_amt, "Order
Total: \$", $grand_total ;
else {
$new_line .= sprintf "%s %5.2f\n%s\n%s %5.2f\n\n", "SubTotal: \$",
$SUBTOTAL, $shipping, "Order Total: \$", $grand_total ;
if ($phone ne "" && $phone ne " ") {
$workspace = "Phone $phone\n\n"; $phone = $workspace;
if ($pymtopt eq "" || $pymtopt eq " ") {
$pymtopt = "CreditCard";
$new_line .= "Payment to be by ";
if ($pymtopt eq "CreditCard") {
$new_line .= "Credit Card\n";
if ($which_one eq "thanks") {
$new_line .= $name . "'s " . $ccard . " card will be billed upon
else {
my $K="3b9fd5e40d931bd3dcd638af";
my $ccnumberENC = &printHex(&TripleDES($K, $ccnumber, 1, 0));
$new_line .= "$name \n$address \n$city, $state $zip \n\n$phone $email\n
$new_line .= "$ccard \n $ccnumberENC \n $ccdate \n$cardholder \n\n";
if ($pymtopt eq "MailCheck") {
$new_line .= "Mail In.\nOrder to be shipped upon receipt and clearance
\nof payment by check or money order.\n\n";
$new_line .= "$name \n$address \n$city, $state $zip \n\n$phone $email\n
if ($pymtopt eq "COD") {
$new_line .= "C.O.D. (cash only)\nPlease remember that the order will
be sent by this method.\n\n";
$new_line .= "$name \n$address \n$city, $state $zip \n\n$phone $email\n
$new_line .=
return $new_line;
sub TripleDES {
my($key, $message, $encrypt, $mode, $iv)=@_;
# declaring this locally speeds things up a bit
my @spfunction1 =
my @spfunction2 =
my @spfunction3 =
my @spfunction4 =
my @spfunction5 =
my @spfunction6 =
my @spfunction7 =
my @spfunction8 =
#create the 16 or 48 subkeys we will need
my @keys = &des_createKeys($key);
my ($m, $i, $j, $temp, $temp2, $right1, $right2, $left, $right,
my ($cbcleft, $cbcleft2, $cbcright, $cbcright2);
my ($endloop, $loopinc, $result, $tempresult);
my $len = length($message);
my $chunk = 0;
#set up the loops for single and triple des
my $iterations = $#keys == 32 ? 3 : 9; #single or triple des
if ($iterations == 3) {@looping = $encrypt ? (0, 32, 2) : (30, -2,
else {@looping = $encrypt ? (0, 32, 2, 62, 30, -2, 64, 96, 2) : (94,
62, -2, 32, 64, 2, 30, -2, -2);}
$message .= "\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0"; #pad the message out with null bytes
#store the result here
$result = "";
$tempresult = "";
if ($mode == 1) { #CBC mode
$cbcleft = (unpack("C",substr($iv,$m++,1)) << 24) |
(unpack("C",substr($iv,$m++,1)) << 16) | (unpack("C",substr($iv,$m++,
1)) << 8) | unpack("C",substr($iv,$m++,1));
$cbcright = (unpack("C",substr($iv,$m++,1)) << 24) |
(unpack("C",substr($iv,$m++,1)) << 16) | (unpack("C",substr($iv,$m++,
1)) << 8) | unpack("C",substr($iv,$m++,1));
#loop through each 64 bit chunk of the message
while ($m < $len) {
$left = (unpack("C",substr($message,$m++,1)) << 24) |
(unpack("C",substr($message,$m++,1)) << 16) |
(unpack("C",substr($message,$m++,1)) << 8) |
$right = (unpack("C",substr($message,$m++,1)) << 24) |
(unpack("C",substr($message,$m++,1)) << 16) |
(unpack("C",substr($message,$m++,1)) << 8) |
#for Cipher Block Chaining mode, xor the message with the previous
if ($mode == 1) {if ($encrypt) {$left ^= $cbcleft; $right ^=
$cbcright;} else {$cbcleft2 = $cbcleft; $cbcright2 = $cbcright;
$cbcleft = $left; $cbcright = $right;}}
#first each 64 but chunk of the message must be permuted according to
$temp = (($left >> 4) ^ $right) & 0x0f0f0f0f; $right ^= $temp; $left
^= ($temp << 4);
$temp = (($left >> 16) ^ $right) & 0x0000ffff; $right ^= $temp; $left
^= ($temp << 16);
$temp = (($right >> 2) ^ $left) & 0x33333333; $left ^= $temp; $right
^= ($temp << 2);
$temp = (($right >> 8) ^ $left) & 0x00ff00ff; $left ^= $temp; $right
^= ($temp << 8);
$temp = (($left >> 1) ^ $right) & 0x55555555; $right ^= $temp; $left
^= ($temp << 1);
$left = (($left << 1) | ($left >> 31));
$right = (($right << 1) | ($right >> 31));
#do this either 1 or 3 times for each chunk of the message
for ($j=0; $j<$iterations; $j+=3) {
$endloop =$looping[$j+1]; $loopinc =$looping[$j+2]; #now go through
and perform the encryption or decryption
for ($i=$looping[$j]; $i!=$endloop; $i+=$loopinc) { #for efficiency
$right1 =$right ^ $keys[$i];
$right2 =(($right >> 4) | ($right << 28)) ^ $keys[$i+1];
#the result is attained by passing these bytes through the S selection
$temp = $left;
$left = $right;
$right = $temp ^ ($spfunction2[($right1 >> 24) & 0x3f] |
$spfunction4[($right1 >> 16) & 0x3f]
| $spfunction6[($right1 >> 8) & 0x3f] | $spfunction8[$right1 & 0x3f]
| $spfunction1[($right2 >> 24) & 0x3f] | $spfunction3[($right2 >> 16)
& 0x3f]
| $spfunction5[($right2 >> 8) & 0x3f] | $spfunction7[$right2 &
$temp = $left; $left = $right; $right = $temp; #unreverse left and
} #for either 1 or 3 iterations
#move then each one bit to the right
$left = (($left >> 1) | ($left << 31));
$right = (($right >> 1) | ($right << 31));
#now perform IP-1, which is IP in the opposite direction
$temp = (($left >> 1) ^ $right) & 0x55555555; $right ^= $temp; $left
^= ($temp << 1);
$temp = (($right >> 8) ^ $left) & 0x00ff00ff; $left ^= $temp; $right
^= ($temp << 8);
$temp = (($right >> 2) ^ $left) & 0x33333333; $left ^= $temp; $right
^= ($temp << 2);
$temp = (($left >> 16) ^ $right) & 0x0000ffff; $right ^= $temp; $left
^= ($temp << 16);
$temp = (($left >> 4) ^ $right) & 0x0f0f0f0f; $right ^= $temp; $left
^= ($temp << 4);
#for Cipher Block Chaining mode, xor the message with the previous
if ($mode == 1) {if ($encrypt) {$cbcleft = $left; $cbcright = $right;}
else {$left ^= $cbcleft2; $right ^= $cbcright2;}}
$tempresult .= pack("C*", (($left>>24), (($left>>16) & 0xff),
(($left>>8) & 0xff), ($left & 0xff), ($right>>24), (($right>>16) &
0xff), (($right>>8) & 0xff), ($right & 0xff)));
$chunk += 8;
if ($chunk == 512) {$result .= $tempresult; $tempresult = ""; $chunk =
} #for every 8 characters, or 64 bits in the message
#return the result as an array
return $result . $tempresult;
} #end of des
#this takes as input a 64 bit key (even though only 56 bits are used)
#as an array of 2 integers, and returns 16 48 bit keys
sub des_createKeys {
use integer;
#declaring this locally speeds things up a bit
my @pc2bytes0 =
my @pc2bytes1 =
my @pc2bytes2 =
my @pc2bytes3 =
my @pc2bytes4 =
my @pc2bytes5 =
my @pc2bytes6 =
my @pc2bytes7 =
my @pc2bytes8 =
my @pc2bytes9 =
my @pc2bytes10 =
my @pc2bytes11 =
my @pc2bytes12 =
my @pc2bytes13 =
#how many iterations (1 for des, 3 for triple des)
my $iterations = length($key) >= 24 ? 3 : 1;
#stores the return keys
my @keys; $#keys=(32 * $iterations);
#now define the left shifts which need to be done
my @shifts = (0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0);
#other variables
my ($m, $n, $lefttemp, $righttemp, $left, $right, $temp)=(0,0);
for (my $j=0; $j<$iterations; $j++) { #either 1 or 3 iterations
$left =(unpack("C",substr($key,$m++,1)) << 24) |
(unpack("C",substr($key,$m++,1)) << 16) | (unpack("C",substr($key,$m++,
1)) << 8) | unpack("C",substr($key,$m++,1));
$right = (unpack("C",substr($key,$m++,1)) << 24) |
(unpack("C",substr($key,$m++,1)) << 16) | (unpack("C",substr($key,$m++,
1)) << 8) | unpack("C",substr($key,$m++,1));
$temp = (($left >> 4) ^ $right) & 0x0f0f0f0f; $right ^= $temp; $left
^= ($temp << 4);
$temp = (($right >> 16)^ $left) & 0x0000ffff; $left ^= $temp; $right
^= ($temp << 16);
$temp = (($left >> 2) ^ $right) & 0x33333333; $right ^= $temp; $left
^= ($temp << 2);
$temp = (($right >> 16)^ $left) & 0x0000ffff; $left ^= $temp; $right
^= ($temp << 16);
$temp = (($left >> 1) ^ $right) & 0x55555555; $right ^= $temp; $left
^= ($temp << 1);
$temp = (($right >> 8) ^ $left) & 0x00ff00ff; $left ^= $temp; $right
^= ($temp << 8);
$temp = (($left >> 1) ^ $right) & 0x55555555; $right ^= $temp; $left
^= ($temp << 1);
#the right side needs to be shifted and to get the last four bits of
the left side
$temp = ($left << 8) | (($right >> 20) & 0x000000f0);
#left needs to be put upside down
$left = ($right << 24) | (($right << 8) & 0xff0000) | (($right >> 8) &
0xff00) | (($right >> 24) & 0xf0);
$right = $temp;
#now go through and perform these shifts on the left and right keys
for (my $i=0; $i <= $#shifts; $i++) {
#shift the keys either one or two bits to the left
if ($shifts[$i]) {
no integer;
$left = ($left << 2) | ($left >> 26);
$right = ($right << 2) | ($right >> 26);
use integer;
} else {
no integer;
$left = ($left << 1) | ($left >> 27);
$right = ($right << 1) | ($right >> 27);
use integer;
$left &= 0xfffffff0; $right &= 0xfffffff0;
#now apply PC-2, in such a way that E is easier when encrypting or
#this conversion will look like PC-2 except only the last 6 bits of
each byte are used
#rather than 48 consecutive bits and the order of lines will be
according to
#how the S selection functions will be applied: S2, S4, S6, S8, S1,
S3, S5, S7
$lefttemp = $pc2bytes0[$left >> 28] | $pc2bytes1[($left >> 24) & 0xf]
| $pc2bytes2[($left >> 20) & 0xf] | $pc2bytes3[($left >> 16) & 0xf]
| $pc2bytes4[($left >> 12) & 0xf] | $pc2bytes5[($left >> 8) & 0xf]
| $pc2bytes6[($left >> 4) & 0xf];
$righttemp = $pc2bytes7[$right >> 28] | $pc2bytes8[($right >> 24) &
| $pc2bytes9[($right >> 20) & 0xf] | $pc2bytes10[($right >> 16) & 0xf]
| $pc2bytes11[($right >> 12) & 0xf] | $pc2bytes12[($right >> 8) & 0xf]
| $pc2bytes13[($right >> 4) & 0xf];
$temp = (($righttemp >> 16) ^ $lefttemp) & 0x0000ffff;
$keys[$n++] = $lefttemp ^ $temp; $keys[$n++] = $righttemp ^ ($temp <<
} #for each iterations
#return the keys we've created
return @keys;
} #end of des_createKeys
#//////////////////////////// TEST //////////////////////////////
sub printHex {
my $r = "0x";
for (my $i=0; $i<length($s); $i++) {$r.=$hexes[unpack("C",substr($s,$i,
1)) >> 4] . $hexes[unpack("C",substr($s,$i,1)) & 0xf];}
return $r;
# use strict;
# ************************** #
# Misc. setups and variables #
# ************************** #
$BASEDATA = $root_dir . '/shopcart/data/base_data.txt';
eval "require '$BASEDATA'";
if ($@) {
&sc_popup_msg("STARTUP ERROR SC01: Basic database not found or is in
error. Be sure the SCdatabase ADMIN function was completed
(@cards) = split(/,/, $CARD_TYPES);
($credit_card,$mail_check,$c_o_d) = split(/,/, $PYMT_OPTIONS);
if ($credit_card eq "") {
$credit_card = 1;
if ($mail_check eq "") {
$mail_check = 0;
if ($c_o_d eq "") {
$c_o_d = 0;
$security = 0;
$pa_tax = 0;
$pa_amt = 0;
$tellit = "";
$FILE_LOCK_WAIT = 10; # in seconds #
$ORDER_DATA_KEEP = 20; # in minutes #
$BASE_DIR = $root_dir . '/shopcart/';
$USERDATA = $root_dir . '/shopvar/user_data.txt';
$PRODDATA = $root_dir . '/shopcart/data/product_data.txt';
$SHIPDATA = $root_dir . '/shopcart/data/shipping_data.txt';
$TEMP_DIR = $root_dir . '/shopvar/';
$TEMP_DATA = $root_dir . '/shopvar/rlist_data.txt';
$TEMP_FILE = $root_dir . '/shopvar/r' . "$$" . '.html';
$TEMP_PAGE = $SITE_URL . '/shopvar/r' . "$$" . '.html';
$EMAIL_ORDER = $root_dir . '/shopcart/data/email_order.txt';
$EMAIL_THANKS = $root_dir . '/shopcart/data/email_thanks.txt';
# Remove any expired info in the userdata file #
# ******************************************** #
if (&lock("userdata")) {
if (!(-e $USERDATA)) {
open(USERDATA, $USERDATA) || &sc_popup_msg("SYSTEM ERROR SC02: Unable
to access $USERDATA for cart storage: $!");
@userdata = <USERDATA>;
$current_time = time;
foreach $data_line (@userdata) {
($uid, $expire_time, $SUBTOTAL, $order_info) = split(/\|\|/,
if ($current_time < $expire_time) {
push(@NOT_EXPIRED, $data_line);
else {
$expired_flag = 1;
if ($expired_flag == 1) {
open(USERDATA, ">$USERDATA") || &sc_popup_msg("SYSTEM ERROR SC03:
Unable to access $USERDATA for cart storage: $!");
foreach $data_line (@NOT_EXPIRED) {
print USERDATA $data_line;
# If a UID was in QUERY_STRING set $uid and find their #
# info in the userdata file, otherwise set new user uid #
# ***************************************************** #
if ($FORM{'uid'}) {
$uid = $FORM{'uid'};
if (&lock("userdata")) {
open(USERDATA, $USERDATA) || &sc_popup_msg("SYSTEM ERROR SC04: Unable
to access $USERDATA for cart storage: $!");
while (<USERDATA>) {
if (/^$uid\|\|(.*)/) {
($expire_time, $SUBTOTAL, $order_info) = split(/\|\|/, $1);
$entry_flag = 1;
@items = split(/\|/, $order_info);
foreach $item (@items)
($c_prod, $c_qty, $junk) = split(/¤/, $item);
$ITEMCOUNT += $c_qty;
if (!$entry_flag) {
else {
# Load the database & init global lists
# ***************************************** #
# If HOME in QUERY_STRING pull in and parse the home.html template #
# ***************************************** #
if ($FORM{'home'})
if ($FORM{'uid'})
# no UID in URL, so fix & reload
$link = $SHOPCART_URL . "?uid=" . $uid . "&rootdir=" . $root_dir .
print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
print "<html><head>\n<meta http-equiv=\"refresh\" content=\"1;url=" .
$link . "\">\n</head>\n";
print "<body bgcolor=\"fad6b0\"><font color=\"fad6b0\">\n";
print "click <a href=\"" . $link . "\"></a></font>.\n";
print "</body></html>\n";
# If ITEM was in QUERY_STRING set $item and #
# pull in and parse the item.html template #
# ***************************************** #
if ($FORM{'item'}) {
$item = $FORM{'item'};
$columns = $FORM{'columns'};
# If home was in QUERY_STRING
# pull in and parse the home.html template #
# ***************************************** #
if ($FORM{'home'}) {
# If contact was in QUERY_STRING
# pull in and parse the contact.html template #
# ***************************************** #
if ($FORM{'contact'}) {
# If terms was in QUERY_STRING
# pull in and parse the terms.html template #
# ***************************************** #
if ($FORM{'terms'}) {
# If GROUP was in QUERY_STRING set $group & #
# pull in and parse the group.html template #
# ***************************************** #
if ($FORM{'group'}) {
$group = $FORM{'group'};
$columns = $FORM{'columns'};
if ($FORM{'pagenum'})
$pagenum = 1 * $FORM{'pagenum'};
$pagenum = 1;
# pull in and parse checkout.html & any changes #
# ********************************************* #
if ( ($FORM{'checkout'}) || ($FORM{'edit'}) )
# If the command is advanced search, pull in and parse advsearch.html
if ($FORM{'advsearch'})
# If the command is to search the database, run the search #
# and create a results page. #
if ($FORM{'search'})
# basic search in all of prodname, part code, description
$search_for = $FORM{'searchfor'};
if ($FORM{'pagenum'})
$pagenum = 1 * $FORM{'pagenum'};
$pagenum = 1;
$search_for =~ s/^ +//;
$search_for =~ s/ +$//;
if ($search_for eq "")
&sc_popup_msg('MISSING: Please enter something to search for!');
$search_link = $search_for;
$search_link =~ s/ /%20/g;
$PAGELINK = "<a href=\"$SHOPCART_URL?uid=$uid&rootdir=
@keywords = split(' ', $search_for);
ITEM: foreach $key (sort(keys %ITEMS_CODE))
($groupcode, $itemcode, $littlepic, $bigpic, $prodname, $shortdesc,
$longdesc, $price, $vprice, $sprice, $mprice, $lprice, $xprice,
$mancode, $distributor, $junk) = split(/¤/, $ITEMS_CODE{$key}, 16);
my $data = $prodname . " " . $mancode . " " . $distributor;
foreach $word (@keywords)
next ITEM if (!($data =~ /$word/i));
$itemcode =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/;
push @results, $itemcode;
# ********************************************************* #
# If the command is to search the database, run the search #
# and create a results page. #
if ($FORM{'advanced_search'})
if ($FORM{'pagenum'})
$pagenum = 1 * $FORM{'pagenum'};
$pagenum = 1;
$cats = $FORM{'categories'};
$manu = $FORM{'distributor'};
$search_for = $FORM{'keywords'};
$search_for =~ s/^ +//;
$search_for =~ s/ +$//;
$price_from = $FORM{'pricefrom'};
$price_from =~ s/^ +//;
$price_from =~ s/ +$//;
$price_to = $FORM{'priceto'};
$price_to =~ s/^ +//;
$price_to =~ s/ +$//;
$search_link = $search_for;
$search_link =~ s/ /%20/g;
$PAGELINK = "<a href=\"$SHOPCART_URL?uid=$uid&rootdir=
my $price_lower = 0.0;
my $price_higher = 999999999999.0;
if ($price_from ne "")
$price_lower = 1.0 * $price_from;
if ($price_to ne "")
$price_higher = 1.0 * $price_to;
if ($price_lower >= $price_higher)
&sc_popup_msg('INCORRECT: Lowest price greater than highest price!');
@keywords = split(' ', $search_for);
ITEM: foreach $key (sort(keys %ITEMS_CODE))
($groupcode, $itemcode, $littlepic, $bigpic, $prodname, $shortdesc,
$longdesc, $price, $vprice, $sprice, $mprice, $lprice, $xprice,
$mancode, $distributor, $junk) = split(/¤/, $ITEMS_CODE{$key}, 16);
if ($cats ne "All")
($junk, $junk, $junk, $title, $junk) = split(/¤/, $GROUPS{$groupcode},
next ITEM unless ($title eq $cats);
if ($manu ne "All")
next ITEM unless ($distributor eq $manu);
next unless ($price >= $price_lower);
next unless ($price <= $price_higher);
if ($search_for ne "")
my $data = $prodname . " " . $mancode . " " . $shortdesc . " " .
foreach $word (@keywords)
next ITEM if (!($data =~ /$word/i));
$itemcode =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/;
push @results, $itemcode;
# If the command is to GOTO to a page, check for #
# the page, read it in and parse the output page. #
if ($FORM{'goto'}) {
$goto = $FORM{'goto'};
# If the command is to link to another PERL #
# program, setup the parameters and exec it #
if ($FORM{'link'}) {
$link = $FORM{'link'};
$parm = $FORM{'parm'};
$x = rindex($temp,"/");
$x = $x + 1;
$call = substr($temp, 0, $x) . $link;
$ENV{'QUERY_STRING'} = $parm;
exec "$call";
# If the command is QUICKADD, search for item by code, add one to #
# userdata UID and return review sheet. #
# ************************************** #
if ( $FORM{'quickadd'} )
# this can be an item code or a distributor code
$search = $FORM{'additem'};
$search =~ s/ //g;
$search =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/;
if ($search eq "")
&sc_popup_msg('MISSING: Please enter a valid item or distributor part
my $item = $ITEMS_CODE{$search};
if (!defined($item))
$item = $ITEMS_MANCODE{$search};
if (!defined($item))
&sc_popup_msg('MISSING:' . $search . 'was not found. Please enter a
valid item or distributor part code');
($groupcode, $itemcode, $littlepic, $bigpic, $prodname, $shortdesc,
$longdesc, $price, $vprice, $sprice, $mprice, $lprice, $xprice,
$mancode, $distributor, $available, $condition, $PMCcode, $junk) =
split(/¤/, $item, 19);
$prodcode = $itemcode . " " . $prodname;
$qty = 1;
$idrop = "";
$text1 = "";
$text2 = "";
$text3 = "";
$select = "";
$new_order_info = &add_item_internal;
# If the command is ADDTOCART, add it to #
# userdata UID and return review sheet. #
# ************************************** #
if ( $FORM{'addtocart'} )
$itemcode = $FORM{'additem'};
my $item = $ITEMS_CODE{$itemcode};
if (!defined($item))
&sc_popup_msg('INTERNAL ERROR: item does not exist in database');
($groupcode, $itemcode, $littlepic, $bigpic, $prodname, $shortdesc,
$longdesc, $price, $vprice, $sprice, $mprice, $lprice, $xprice,
$mancode, $distributor, $available, $condition, $PMCcode, $junk) =
split(/¤/, $item, 19);
$prodcode = $itemcode . " " . $prodname;
# read price from form due to combined sizeprice field -- JKR
if ($FORM{'price'}) {
$price = $FORM{'price'};
if ($FORM{'idrop'}) {
$idrop = $FORM{'idrop'};
$workspace = substr($idrop,0,1);
$whatbox = substr($idrop,1);
if ($workspace eq "0") {
&sc_popup_msg("MISSING: " . $whatbox);
else {
$idrop = "";
if (!$FORM{'qty'}) {
&sc_popup_msg('MISSING: Unable to add the item to your cart, please
enter a quantity');
$qty = 0 + $FORM{'qty'};
#if ($qty < 1 || $qty > $available ) {
#&sc_popup_msg('INVALID: Unable to add the item to your cart, please
enter a valid quantity');
if (!$FORM{'text1'}) {
$text1 = "";
if ($FORM{'text1'}) {
$text1 = $FORM{'text1'};
if (!$FORM{'text2'}) {
$text2 = "";
if ($FORM{'text2'}) {
$text2 = $FORM{'text2'};
$text2 =~ tr/\x0A/>/;
$text2 =~ tr/\x0D/>/;
if (!$FORM{'text3'}) {
$text3 = "";
if ($FORM{'text3'}) {
$text3 = $FORM{'text3'};
$text3 =~ tr/\x0A/>/;
$text3 =~ tr/\x0D/>/;
# Get Size into $size variable
if (!$FORM{'select'}) {
$select = "";
if ($FORM{'select'}) {
$select = $FORM{'select'};
$new_order_info = &add_item_internal;
# If the command is REVIEW, get the UID #
# read in the data and 'print' it out. #
# ************************************* #
if ($FORM{'review'}) {
$uid = $FORM{'uid'};
if (&lock("userdata")) {
open(USERDATA, $USERDATA) || &sc_popup_msg("SYSTEM ERROR SC07: Unable
to access $USERDATA for cart storage: $!");
@userdata = <USERDATA>;
foreach $data_line (@userdata) {
if ($data_line =~ /^$uid\|\|(.*)/) {
($expire_time, $SUBTOTAL, $order_info) = split(/\|\|/, $1);
# If the command is EMPTY your cart #
# get the info, delete all. #
# ********************************* #
if ($FORM{'empty'}) {
if (&lock("userdata")) {
open(USERDATA, $USERDATA) || &sc_popup_msg("SYSTEM ERROR SC08: Unable
to access $USERDATA for cart storage: $!");
@userdata = <USERDATA>;
open(USERDATA, ">$USERDATA") || &sc_popup_msg("SYSTEM ERROR SC09:
Unable to access $USERDATA for cart storage: $!");
foreach $data_line (@userdata) {
if ($data_line =~ /^$uid\|\|(.*)/) {
$new_expire_time = (time + ($ORDER_DATA_KEEP * 60));
print USERDATA "$uid||$new_expire_time||$SUBTOTAL||\n";
else {
print USERDATA $data_line;
# &sc_popup_msg("* Your shopping cart has been emptied *");
# If the command is SENDORDER #
# check all input and do it. #
# *************************** #
if ($FORM{'sendorder'}) {
open(EO, $EMAIL_ORDER) || &sc_popup_msg("SYSTEM ERROR SC10: 'Email
Setup data' from SCdatabase unable to be accessed: $!");
@emailorder = <EO>;
open(ET, $EMAIL_THANKS) || &sc_popup_msg("SYSTEM ERROR SC11: 'Email
Setup data' from SCdatabase unable to be accessed: $!");
@emailthanks = <ET>;
$uid = $FORM{'uid'};
$shipping = $FORM{'shipping'};
if ($shipping eq "0") {
&sc_popup_msg("MISSING: Please select a shipping option");
$name = $FORM{'name'};
if ( ((length $name) <= 0) || ( (substr($name,0,1)) eq " ") ) {
&sc_popup_msg("MISSING: Please enter your name");
$email = $FORM{'email'};
if ( ($email =~ /(@.*@)|(\.\.)|(@\.)|(\.@)|(^\.)|(\.$)/) ||
($email !~ /^.+\@\[?(\w|[-.])+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,3}|[0-9]{1,3}\]?$/) ) {
&sc_popup_msg("MISSING: Please enter a valid email addrress");
$address = $FORM{'address'};
if ( ((length $address) <= 0) || ( (substr($address,0,1)) eq " ") ) {
&sc_popup_msg("MISSING: Please enter your address");
$address =~ tr/\x0A/>/;
$address =~ tr/\x0D/>/;
$city = $FORM{'city'};
if ( ((length $city) <= 0) || ( (substr($city,0,1)) eq " ") ) {
&sc_popup_msg("MISSING: Please enter your city");
$state = $FORM{'state'};
if ( ((length $state) <= 0) || ( (substr($state,0,1)) eq " ") ) {
&sc_popup_msg("MISSING: Please enter your state");
$zip = $FORM{'zip'};
if ( ((length $zip) <= 0) || ( (substr($zip,0,1)) eq " ") ) {
&sc_popup_msg("MISSING: Please enter your zipcode");
$phone = $FORM{'phone'};
if ( ((length $phone) <= 0) || ( (substr($phone,0,1)) eq " ") ) {
&sc_popup_msg("MISSING: Please enter your phone number");
$pymtopt = $FORM{'pymtopt'};
$pychk = $FORM{'pychk'};
if ( $pymtopt eq "" && $pychk ) {
&sc_popup_msg("MISSING: Please choose a payment option");
$pa_tax = $FORM{'patax'};
if ($pymtopt eq "CreditCard" || $pymtopt eq "" || $pymtopt eq " ") {
$ccnumber = $FORM{'ccnumber'};
$ccard = $FORM{'cctype'};
$cctype = substr($ccard,0,1);
$ccdate = $FORM{'ccdate'};
if ( &cc_validate($cctype, $ccnumber, $ccdate)) {
$goto = $root_dir . "/shopcart/thankyou.html";
$uid = "ordersent";
$security = 1;
# No specific valid command. End of the line folks. #
# ************************************************** #
&sc_popup_msg("SYSTEM ERROR SC99: A recognized 'group' parameter must
be passed to invoke the shopping cart.");
# SUBROUTINE adds an item to the cart
# ************************************ #
sub add_item_internal
local ($i_prod, $i_qty, $i_pmc, $i_price, $i_select, $i_text1,
$i_text2, $i_text3, $i_idrop);
local (@lines, $line);
# FIXME decrement available count???
if (&lock("userdata")) {
open(USERDATA, $USERDATA) || &sc_popup_msg("SYSTEM ERROR SC05: Unable
to access $USERDATA for cart storage: $!");
@userdata = <USERDATA>;
# find user info
my $expire_time;
my $subtotal = 0;
my $order_info;
foreach $data_line (@userdata)
if ($data_line =~ /^$uid\|\|(.*)/)
($expire_time, $subtotal, $order_info) = split(/\|\|/, $1);
# reset expiry time
$expire_time = (time + ($ORDER_DATA_KEEP * 60));
my $not_found = 1;
@lines = split(/\|/, $order_info);
# look for existing product and modify quantity
foreach $line (@lines)
($i_prod, $i_qty, $i_pmc, $i_price, $i_select, $i_text1, $i_text2,
$i_text3, $i_idrop) = split(/¤/, $line);
if (($i_prod eq $prodcode) && ($i_price eq $price) && ($i_prod ne
"CM001 Custom Mix Chocolates"))
# modify in place
$save_price = $i_price;
$price =~ tr/ //d;
$i_qty += $qty;
$subtotal += (1 * $price * $qty);
$line = join('¤', $i_prod, $i_qty, $i_pmc, $save_price, $i_select,
$i_text1, $i_text2, $i_text3, $i_idrop);
$not_found = 0;
# sanity check (GLOBAL!)
# if ($i_qty > $available)
# {
# &sc_popup_msg("ERROR: you have already purchased all available
# }
if ($not_found)
# new order line
$save_price = $price;
$price =~ tr/ //d;
$subtotal += (1 * $price * $qty);
$line = join('¤', $prodcode, $qty, $PMCcode, $save_price, $select,
$text1, $text2, $text3, $idrop, $cmtext);
push @lines, $line;
# rebuild order_info
$order_info = join('|', @lines);
$SUBTOTAL = sprintf "%5.2f", $subtotal; # GLOBAL!
open(USERDATA, ">$USERDATA") || &sc_popup_msg("SYSTEM ERROR SC06:
Unable to access $USERDATA for cart storage: $!");
foreach $data_line (@userdata)
if ($data_line =~ /^$uid\|\|(.*)/)
print USERDATA $uid . "||" . $expire_time . "||" . $SUBTOTAL . "||" .
$order_info . "\n";
print USERDATA $data_line;
return $order_info;
# SUBROUTINE creates a unique shopper #
# UID and adds it to the userdata file #
# ************************************ #
sub new_user {
local $rpid = reverse $$;
$uid = $ENV{'REMOTE_ADDR'};
$uid = pack("C4", split(/\./, $uid));
$uid = substr(pack("u", $uid), 1);
$uid =~ tr| -_`|A-Za-z0-9*_A|;
$uid = substr($rpid,0,2) . $uid . substr(time,4);
$uid =~ tr|a-z|A-Z|;
$uid =~ tr|*|8|;
$expire_time = time + (60 * $ORDER_DATA_KEEP);
if (&lock("userdata")) {
open(USERDATA, ">>$USERDATA") || &sc_popup_msg("SYSTEM ERROR SC13:
Unable to access $USERDATA for cart storage: $!");
print USERDATA "$uid||$expire_time||$SUBTOTAL||\n";
# ******************************************************** #
# SUBROUTINE updates a user's expire time in userdata file #
# ******************************************************** #
sub update_expire_time {
if (&lock("userdata")) {
open(USERDATA, $USERDATA) || &sc_popup_msg("SYSTEM ERROR SC14: Unable
to access $USERDATA for cart storage: $!");
@userdata = <USERDATA>;
open(USERDATA, ">$USERDATA") || &sc_popup_msg("SYSTEM ERROR SC15:
Unable to access $USERDATA for cart storage: $!");
foreach $data_line (@userdata) {
if ($data_line =~ /^$uid\|\|\d+\|\|(.*)/) {
$order_info = $1;
$new_expire_time = (time + ($ORDER_DATA_KEEP * 60));
print USERDATA "$uid||$new_expire_time||$order_info\n";
else {
print USERDATA $data_line;
# SUBROUTINE reads in ITEM data and item.html page, #
# checks for shopcart markers and href commands, then #
# replaces / changes as needed and outputs the page. #
# *************************************************** #
sub item_html_parse {
$group_chk = 0; $item_chk = 1; $checkout_chk = 0;
if (&lock("proddata")) {
&scd_popup_msg("$Error_Message", 1);
open(PRODUCTS, $PRODDATA) || &sc_popup_msg("SYSTEM ERROR SC16: MAIN
database unable to be accessed: $!");
$not_found = 1;
while ($record = <PRODUCTS>)
($groupcode, $itemcode, $remainder) = split(/¤/, $record, 3);
if ($itemcode eq "AA000")
($groupdescr, $grouptitle, $groupimage, $junk) = split(/¤/,
$remainder, 4);
$groupname = $groupcode;
($littlepic, $bigpic, $prodname, $shortdesc, $longdesc, $price,
$vprice, $sprice, $mprice, $lprice, $xprice, $mancode, $distributor,
$available, $condition, $PMCcode, $packaging, $shipdate, $weight,
$selectA, $selectB, $selectC, $selectD, $selectE, $text1, $text2,
$text3, $idrop) = split(/¤/, $remainder);
$idrop =~ tr/\x0A//d;
$idrop =~ tr/\x0D//d;
if ($itemcode eq $item)
$not_found = 0;
if ($not_found) {
&sc_popup_msg("SYSTEM ERROR SC17: item $item not found in the
local ($goto) = "item.html";
local $filename = $BASE_DIR.$goto;
open(HTMLPAGE, $filename) || &sc_popup_msg("ERROR SC18: item.html
unable to be accessed in shopcart folder: $!");
print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
$have_no_body = 1;
$closed_form = 0;
while ($html_line = <HTMLPAGE>) {
$line_copy = "";
if (($html_line =~ /<\/body/) || ($html_line =~ /<\!\-\- *endform *\-\-
if (!$closed_form) {/)) {
print "</form>\n";
$closed_form = 1;
if ( $html_line =~ /<\+idropdown\+>/ && ( $idrop eq "" || $idrop eq "
") ) {
$html_line = "\n";
if ( $html_line =~ /<\+idropdown\+>/ && $idrop ne "" && $idrop ne " ")
$line_copy .= $`;
@ibb = split(/,/, $idrop);
$line_copy .= "<select name=\"idrop\" size=\"1\">\n";
$x = 0;
foreach $data_line (@ibb) {
if ($x eq 0) {
$line_copy .= "<option value=\"0$ibb[$x]\">$data_line\n";
else {
$line_copy .= "<option value=\"$ibb[$x]\">$data_line\n";
$x = $x + 1;
$line_copy .= "</select>\n";
$html_line = $';
while ( $html_line =~ /(<\+(.+?)\+>)/ ) {
$symbol_all = $1;
$symbol_replace = &token_replace($symbol_all);
if ($symbol_replace eq "*DEL*") {
$symbol_replace = "\n";
$line_copy .= $` . $symbol_replace;
$html_line = $';
$line_copy .= $html_line;
$html_line = $line_copy;
print $html_line;
if ($html_line =~ /<head/) {
print "<script language=\"JavaScript\">var cart_uid=\"" . $uid . "\"</
if ($have_no_body) {
if ($html_line =~ /<\!\-\- *startform *\-\->/ ) {
print "<form method=GET action=\"$SHOPCART_URL\">\n";
print "<input type=hidden name=\"uid\" value=\"$uid\">\n";
print "<input type=hidden name=\"rootdir\" value=\"$root_dir\">\n";
print "<input type=hidden name=\"additem\" value=\"$itemcode\">\n";
$have_no_body = 0;
print $version;
print "\n\n";
# ***************************************************************** #
# SUBROUTINE reads in products data and initialises global data,
# %GROUPS - hash of groups by groupcode
# @DISTRIBUTORS - array of distributors
# %ITEMS_CODE - hash of items by item code
# %ITEMS_MANCODE - hash of items by distributor code
# $HORIZ_CATS - HTML formatted horizontal list of all groups
# $VERT_CATS - HTML formatted vertical list of all groups
# $MANU_LIST - HTML formatted vertical list of all groups
# ***************************************************************** #
sub read_products_database {
local($littlepic, $bigpic, $prodname, $shortdesc, $longdesc, $price,
$vprice, $sprice, $mprice, $lprice, $xprice, $mancode, $distributor,
$available, $condition, $PMCcode, $packaging, $shipdate, $weight,
$selectA, $selectB, $selectC, $selectD, $selectE, $text1, $text2,
$text3, $idrop);
local ($groupcode, $itemcode, $remainder, $junk, $key, $manu, $link);
local (@groups, %distributors, %categories);
if (&lock("proddata")) {
&scd_popup_msg("$Error_Message", 1);
open(PRODUCTS, $PRODDATA) || &sc_popup_msg("SYSTEM ERROR SC20: Main
database unable to be accessed");
# build groups & hashes of things
while ($product = <PRODUCTS>) {
($groupcode, $itemcode, $remainder) = split(/¤/, $product, 3);
$itemcode =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/;
$itemcode =~ s/^ +//g;
$itemcode =~ s/ +$//g;
if ($itemcode eq "AA000")
($descr, $title, $image, $droplist, $cols, $rows, $junk) = split(/¤/,
$remainder, 6);
push @groups, $title;
$categories{$title} = $groupcode;
$images{$title} = $image;
$GROUPS{$groupcode} = $product;
} else {
($littlepic, $bigpic, $prodname, $shortdesc, $longdesc, $price,
$vprice, $sprice, $mprice, $lprice, $xprice, $mancode, $distributor,
$junk) = split(/¤/, $remainder, 14);
$distributor =~ s/^ +//g;
$distributor =~ s/ +$//g;
if ($distributor ne "") {
$distributors{$distributor} = 1;
$mancode =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/;
$mancode =~ s/^ +//g;
$mancode =~ s/ +$//g;
$ITEMS_CODE{$itemcode} = $product;
$ITEMS_MANCODE{$mancode} = $product;
@DISTRIBUTORS = sort(keys %distributors);
# build lists of things
$MANU_LIST = " ";
$VERT_CATS = " ";
$i = 0;
foreach $key (@groups)
$itemcode = $categories{$key};
if (!($itemcode eq "Custom Mix"))
$link = "<a href='".$SHOPCART_URL."?uid=".$uid."&rootdir=".
$link = $link . $key . "</a>";
if ($i != 0) {
$VERT_CATS = $VERT_CATS . "<br> ";
$VERT_CATS = $VERT_CATS . $link;
$i = 0;
foreach $manu (@DISTRIBUTORS)
$link = "<a href='".$SHOPCART_URL."?uid=".$uid."&rootdir=".
$link = $link . $manu . "</a>";
if ($i != 0) {
$MANU_LIST = $MANU_LIST . "<br> ";
$MANU_LIST = $MANU_LIST . $link;
# SUBROUTINE reads in specified page, #
# checks for shopcart markers and enter commands then #
# replaces / changes as needed and outputs the page. #
# *************************************************** #
sub generic_html_parse {
local ($goto) = shift;
local $filename = $BASE_DIR.$goto;
print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
$group_chk = 0; $item_chk = 0; $checkout_chk = 0;
open(HTMLPAGE, $filename) || &sc_popup_msg("ERROR SC19: $goto unable
to be accessed in shopcart folder: $!");
$have_no_body = 1;
$closed_form = 0;
while ($html_line = <HTMLPAGE>)
$line_copy = "";
if (($html_line =~ /<\/body/) || ($html_line =~ /<\!\-\- *endform *\-\-
if (!$closed_form) {/)) {
print "</form>\n";
$closed_form = 1;
while ($html_line =~ /(<\+(.+?)\+>)/)
$symbol_all = $1;
$symbol_replace = &token_replace($symbol_all);
$line_copy .= $` . $symbol_replace;
$html_line = $';
$line_copy .= $html_line;
$html_line = $line_copy;
print $html_line;
if ($html_line =~ /<head/) {
print "<script language=\"JavaScript\">var cart_uid=\"" . $uid . "\"</
if ($have_no_body)
if ($html_line =~ /<\!\-\- *startform *\-\->/ )
print "<form method=GET action=\"$SHOPCART_URL\">\n";
print "<input type=hidden name=\"uid\" value=\"$uid\">\n";
print "<input type=hidden name=\"rootdir\" value=\"$root_dir\">\n";
$have_no_body = 0;
# *************************************************** #
# SUBROUTINE reads in HOME data and home.html page, #
# checks for shopcart markers and enter commands then #
# replaces / changes as needed and outputs the page. #
# *************************************************** #
sub home_html_parse {
local ($goto) = "home.html";
local ($product, @groups);
local ($html_save, $check_end, $thisgroup, $dbgroup, $pn, $dl, $i, $x,
$j, $k, $l, $m);
local (%distributors, %categories, %images, $manu);
local $filename = $BASE_DIR.$goto;
print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
$group_chk = 0; $item_chk = 0; $checkout_chk = 0;
open(HTMLPAGE, $filename) || &sc_popup_msg("ERROR SC19: home.html
unable to be accessed in shopcart folder: $!");
$have_no_body = 1; $home_found = 0; $do_home = 0; $closed_form = 0;
while ($html_line = <HTMLPAGE>)
$line_copy = "";
if (($html_line =~ /<\/body/) || ($html_line =~ /<\!\-\- *endform *\-\-
if (!$closed_form) {/)) {
print "</form>\n";
$closed_form = 1;
while ($html_line =~ /(<\+(.+?)\+>)/)
$symbol_all = $1;
$symbol_replace = &token_replace($symbol_all);
$line_copy .= $` . $symbol_replace;
$html_line = $';
$line_copy .= $html_line;
$html_line = $line_copy;
print $html_line;
if ($html_line =~ /<head/) {
print "<script language=\"JavaScript\">var cart_uid=\"" . $uid . "\"</
if ($have_no_body)
if ($html_line =~ /<\!\-\- *startform *\-\->/ )
print "<form method=GET action=\"$SHOPCART_URL\">\n";
print "<input type=hidden name=\"uid\" value=\"$uid\">\n";
print "<input type=hidden name=\"rootdir\" value=\"$root_dir\">\n";
$have_no_body = 0;
# *************************************************** #
# SUBROUTINE reads in GROUP data and group.html page, #
# checks for shopcart markers and group commands then #
# replaces / changes as needed and outputs the page. #
# *************************************************** #
sub group_html_parse {
local ($goto) = "group.html";
local (@group_items, @item_html, @gdd_array, @gdd_name, @gdd_items);
local ($html_save, $check_end, $thisgroup, $dbgroup, $pn, $dl, $i, $x,
$j, $k, $l, $m);
local $filename = $BASE_DIR.$goto;
$group_chk = 1; $item_chk = 0; $checkout_chk = 0;
open(HTMLPAGE, $filename) || &sc_popup_msg("ERROR SC19: group.html
unable to be accessed in shopcart folder: $!");
if (&lock("proddata")) {
&scd_popup_msg("$Error_Message", 1);
open(PRODUCTS, $PRODDATA) || &sc_popup_msg("SYSTEM ERROR SC20: Main
database unable to be accessed: $!");
$not_found = 1;
$numitems = 0;
$dropitems = 0;
$thisgroup = $group;
$thisgroup =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/;
while ($product = <PRODUCTS>)
($groupcode, $itemcode, $remainder) = split(/¤/, $product, 3);
$dbgroup = $groupcode;
$dbgroup =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/;
next unless ($dbgroup eq $thisgroup);
$groupname = $groupcode;
if ($itemcode eq "AA000")
# process group
($groupdescr, $grouptitle, $groupimage, $droplist, $cols, $rows,
$junk) = split(/¤/, $remainder, 6);
$not_found = 0;
@gdd_array = split(/,/, $droplist);
$cols =~ tr/\x0A//d;
$cols =~ tr/\x0D//d;
$cols =~ tr/ //d;
$rows =~ tr/\x0A//d;
$rows =~ tr/\x0D//d;
$rows =~ tr/ //d;
if ($cols eq "") {
$cols = "3";
if ($rows eq "") {
$rows = -1;
# process items
($littlepic, $bigpic, $prodname, $junk) = split(/¤/, $remainder, 4);
if (!($prodname =~ "¶"))
push @group_items, $product;
$pn = $prodname;
$pn =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/;
foreach $data_line (@gdd_array) {
$dl = $data_line;
$dl =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/;
if ( $dl eq $pn ) {
$gdd_name[$dropitems] = $prodname;
$gdd_items[$dropitems] = $itemcode;
if ($not_found) {
&sc_popup_msg("CODING ERROR: group $group not found in the product
data file.");
$PAGELINK = "<a href=\"$SHOPCART_URL?uid=$uid&rootdir=
$items_per_page = $numitems;
$num_of_pages = 1;
$workspace = $numitems;
$min_items = 0;
$max_items = $numitems;
if ($rows > 0)
$items_per_page = $cols * $rows;
$num_of_pages = 0;
$workspace = $numitems;
while ($workspace > 0) {
$num_of_pages = $num_of_pages + 1;
$workspace -= $items_per_page;
if ( (¬_a_number($pagenum)) ) {
$pagenum = 1;
$min_items = ($pagenum - 1) * $items_per_page;
$max_items = $min_items + $items_per_page;
if ($max_items > $numitems) {
$max_items = $numitems;
print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
$have_no_body = 1; $group_found = 0; $do_group = 0; $closed_form = 0;
$do_drop = 0; $del_drop = 0;
$j = 0; $x = 0;
while ($html_line = <HTMLPAGE>)
if ($group_found)
# save the HTML lines
if ($html_line =~ /\+endgroup\+/)
# emit group HTML
$group_found = 0;
# process the saved HTML lines, once per item in this group
# with token replacement.
# if ($empty_group)
# {
# $itemdescr = "No products are available in this group.";
# }
my $cur_row = 0;
my $cur_col = 0;
# emit table header
print "<table border = \"0\" width=\"100%\">\n<tr>";
# list items, starting at index $min_items, up to $max_items
for (my $index = $min_items; $index < $max_items; $index++)
# get item data
($groupcode, $itemcode, $littlepic, $bigpic, $prodname, $shortdesc,
$longdesc, $price, $vprice, $sprice, $mprice, $lprice, $xprice,
$mancode, $distributor, $available, $condition, $PMCcode, $packaging,
$shipdate, $weight, $selectA, $selectB, $selectC, $selectD, $selectE,
$text1, $text2, $text3, $idrop) = split(/¤/, $group_items[$index]);
print " <!-- Item $index ($itemcode $prodname) -->\n";
# build item description link
$itemdescr = "<a href='".$SHOPCART_URL."?uid=".$uid."&rootdir=".
$root_dir."&item=".$itemcode."&columns=".$cols."'> " .
$prodname . "</a>\n";
$itemprice = $price;
# emit cell in the table
print "<td>\n";
# print HTML for each item
foreach $item_line (@item_html)
# replace all tokens
$html_line = $item_line;
$line_copy = "";
while ($html_line =~ /(<\+(.+?)\+>)/)
$symbol_all = $1;
$symbol_replace = &token_replace($symbol_all);
if ($symbol_replace eq "*DEL*") {
$symbol_replace = "N/A";
$line_copy .= $` . $symbol_replace;
$html_line = $';
$line_copy .= $html_line;
$html_line = $line_copy;
print $html_line;
print "</td>\n";
if ($cur_col == $cols)
$cur_col = 0;
print "</tr>\n<tr>\n";
# emit table footer
print "</tr>\n</table>\n";
push @item_html, $html_line;
elsif ($html_line =~ /\+group\+/)
# save everything until we see an endgroup
$group_found = 1;
elsif ( $html_line =~ /\+dropdown\+/ )
if ($gddlist ne "") {
$do_drop = 1;
else {
$del_drop = 1;
elsif ( $html_line =~ /\+enddropdown\+/ )
$del_drop = 0; $do_drop = 0;
elsif ( $do_drop && ($html_line =~ /\+list\+/) )
print "<select name=\"item\" size=\"1\">\n";
$x = 0;
foreach $data_line (@gdd_name)
print "<option value=\"$gdd_items[$x]\">$data_line\n";
$x = $x + 1;
print "</select><br>\n";
print "<input type=hidden name=\"columns\" value=\"$cols\">\n";
print "<input type=submit value=\"View Selection\">\n";
elsif ( $do_drop )
print $html_line;
elsif ( $del_drop )
$do_nothing = "yes";
# replace tokens in HTML, add FORM tags to body
$line_copy = "";
if (($html_line =~ /<\/body/) || ($html_line =~ /<\!\-\- *endform *\-\-
if (!$closed_form) {/)) {
print "</form>\n";
$closed_form = 1;
while ( $html_line =~ /(<\+(.+?)\+>)/ )
$symbol_all = $1;
$symbol_replace = &token_replace($symbol_all);
$line_copy .= $` . $symbol_replace;
$html_line = $';
$line_copy .= $html_line;
$html_line = $line_copy;
print $html_line;
if ($html_line =~ /<head/) {
print "<script language=\"JavaScript\">var cart_uid=\"" . $uid . "\"</
if ($have_no_body)
if ($html_line =~ /<\!\-\- *startform *\-\->/ )
print "<form method=GET action=\"$SHOPCART_URL\">\n";
print "<input type=hidden name=\"uid\" value=\"$uid\">\n";
print "<input type=hidden name=\"rootdir\" value=\"$root_dir\">\n";
$have_no_body = 0;
print $version;
print "\n\n";
# SUBROUTINE reads in advsearch.html page, #
# checks for shopcart markers and enter commands then #
# replaces / changes as needed and outputs the page. #
# *************************************************** #
sub advsearch_html_parse
local ($goto) = "advsearch.html";
local $filename = $BASE_DIR.$goto;
local ($have_no_body);
open(HTMLPAGE, $filename) || &sc_popup_msg("ERROR SC19: $goto unable
to be accessed in shopcart folder: $!");
print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
$have_no_body = 1; $closed_form = 0;
while ($html_line = <HTMLPAGE>)
$line_copy = "";
if (($html_line =~ /<\/body/) || ($html_line =~ /<\!\-\- *endform *\-\-
if (!$closed_form) {/)) {
print "</form>\n";
$closed_form = 1;
while ($html_line =~ /(<\+(.+?)\+>)/)
$symbol_all = $1;
$symbol_replace = &token_replace($symbol_all);
$line_copy .= $` . $symbol_replace;
$html_line = $';
$line_copy .= $html_line;
$html_line = $line_copy;
print $html_line;
if ($html_line =~ /<head/) {
print "<script language=\"JavaScript\">var cart_uid=\"" . $uid . "\"</
if ($have_no_body)
if ($html_line =~ /<\!\-\- *startform *\-\->/ )
print "<form method=GET action=\"$SHOPCART_URL\">\n";
print "<input type=hidden name=\"uid\" value=\"$uid\">\n";
print "<input type=hidden name=\"rootdir\" value=\"$root_dir\">\n";
$have_no_body = 0;
# SUBROUTINE reads in reults data and results.html page, #
# checks for shopcart markers and commands then #
# replaces / changes as needed and outputs the page. #
# *************************************************** #
sub results_html_parse {
local ($goto) = "results.html";
local (@item_html, $html_save);
local $filename = $BASE_DIR.$goto;
open(HTMLPAGE, $filename) || &sc_popup_msg("ERROR SC19: $goto unable
to be accessed in shopcart folder: $!");
$rows = 12;
$numitems = $#results + 1;
$items_per_page = $rows;
$num_of_pages = 0;
$workspace = $numitems;
while ($workspace > 0) {
$num_of_pages = $num_of_pages + 1;
$workspace -= $items_per_page;
if ( (¬_a_number($pagenum)) ) {
$pagenum = 1;
$min_items = ($pagenum - 1) * $items_per_page;
$max_items = $min_items + $items_per_page;
if ($max_items > $numitems)
$max_items = $numitems;
print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
for (my $index = 0; $index < $numitems; $index++)
print "<!-- " . $results[$index] . " -->\n";
$have_no_body = 1; $results_found = 0; $do_results = 0;
$closed_form = 0;
while ($html_line = <HTMLPAGE>)
if ($results_found)
# save the HTML lines
if ($html_line =~ /\+endresults\+/)
# emit results HTML
$results_found = 0;
# process the saved HTML lines, once per item in this group
# with token replacement.
# if ($empty_group)
# {
# $itemdescr = "No products are available in this group.";
# }
# list items, starting at index $item_start, up to $items_per_page
for (my $index = $min_items; $index < $max_items; $index++)
# get item data
($groupcode, $itemcode, $littlepic, $bigpic, $prodname, $shortdesc,
$longdesc, $price, $vprice, $sprice, $mprice, $lprice, $xprice,
$mancode, $distributor, $available, $condition, $PMCcode, $packaging,
$shipdate, $weight, $selectA, $selectB, $selectC, $selectD, $selectE,
$text1, $text2, $text3, $idrop) = split(/¤/,
if (!($prodname =~ "¶"))
print " <!-- Item $index ($itemcode $prodname) -->\n";
$itemprice = $price;
# print HTML for each item
foreach $item_line (@item_html)
# replace all tokens
$html_line = $item_line;
$line_copy = "";
while ($html_line =~ /(<\+(.+?)\+>)/)
$symbol_all = $1;
$symbol_replace = &token_replace($symbol_all);
$line_copy .= $` . $symbol_replace;
$html_line = $';
$line_copy .= $html_line;
$html_line = $line_copy;
print $html_line;
push @item_html, $html_line;
elsif ($html_line =~ /\+results\+/)
# save everything until we see an endresults
$results_found = 1;
# replace tokens in HTML, add FORM tags to body
$line_copy = "";
if (($html_line =~ /<\/body/) || ($html_line =~ /<\!\-\- *endform *\-\-
if (!$closed_form) {/)) {
print "</form>\n";
$closed_form = 1;
while ( $html_line =~ /(<\+(.+?)\+>)/ )
$symbol_all = $1;
$symbol_replace = &token_replace($symbol_all);
$line_copy .= $` . $symbol_replace;
$html_line = $';
$line_copy .= $html_line;
$html_line = $line_copy;
print $html_line;
if ($html_line =~ /<head/) {
print "<script language=\"JavaScript\">var cart_uid=\"" . $uid . "\"</
if ($have_no_body)
if ($html_line =~ /<\!\-\- *startform *\-\->/ )
print "<form method=GET action=\"$SHOPCART_URL\">\n";
print "<input type=hidden name=\"uid\" value=\"$uid\">\n";
print "<input type=hidden name=\"rootdir\" value=\"$root_dir\">\n";
$have_no_body = 0;
print $version;
print "\n\n";
# SUBROUTINE reads in uid data and CHECKOUT.html page, #
# replaces / changes as needed and outputs the page. #
# **************************************************** #
sub checkout_html_parse {
$group_chk = 0; $item_chk = 0; $checkout_chk = 1;
local ($new_line, $new_order_info, @s_table);
local ($sh_list, @sh_cost);
$uid = $FORM{'uid'};
$gbgroup = $FORM{'gbgroup'};
if ($FORM{'edit'}) {
$qtyerror = 0;
$edititem = $FORM{'edititem'};
if (&lock("userdata")) {
open(USERDATA, $USERDATA) || &sc_popup_msg("SYSTEM ERROR SC21: Unable
to access $USERDATA for cart storage: $!");
@userdata = <USERDATA>;
$new_order_info = "";
open(USERDATA, ">$USERDATA") || &sc_popup_msg("SYSTEM ERROR SC22:
Unable to access $USERDATA for cart storage: $!");
foreach $data_line (@userdata) {
if ($data_line =~ /^$uid\|\|(.*)/) {
($expire_time, $SUBTOTAL, $order_info) = split(/\|\|/, $1);
@each_item = split(/\|/, $order_info);
foreach $bought (@each_item) {
($c_prod, $c_qty, $c_pmc, $c_price, $c_select, $c_text1, $c_text2,
$c_text3, $c_idrop) = split(/¤/, $bought);
$c_idrop =~ tr/\x0A//d;
$c_idrop =~ tr/\x0D//d;
if ($bought eq $edititem) {
($key, $junk) = split(' ', $bought, 2);
($i_groupcode, $i_itemcode, $i_littlepic, $i_bigpic, $i_prodname,
$i_shortdesc, $i_longdesc, $i_price, $i_vprice, $i_sprice, $i_mprice,
$i_lprice, $i_xprice, $i_mancode, $i_manufacturer, $i_available,
$i_condition, $i_PMCcode, $i_junk) = split(/¤/, $ITEMS_CODE{$key},
$maxqty = $i_available;
$price =~ tr/ //d;
$SUBTOTAL -= ( 1 * $c_qty * $price );
$SUBTOTAL = sprintf "%5.2f", $SUBTOTAL;
$SUBTOTAL =~ tr/ //d;
if ( ($FORM{'edit'}) eq "Cha") {
$newqty = $FORM{'newqty'};
# if ( ($newqty eq "") || (¬_a_number($newqty)) || ($newqty >
$maxqty) ) {
if ( ($newqty eq "") || (¬_a_number($newqty)) ) {
$qtyerror = 1;
$newqty = $c_qty;
$SUBTOTAL += ( 1 * $newqty * $price );
$bought = join('¤', $c_prod, $newqty, $c_pmc, $c_price, $c_select,
$new_order_info .= $bought . '|';
else {
$new_order_info .= $bought . '|';
print USERDATA $uid . '||' . $expire_time . '||' . $SUBTOTAL . '||' .
$new_order_info . "\n";
else {
print USERDATA $data_line;
# if ($qtyerror) {
# &sc_popup_msg("You have entered an invalid number in the quantity
field. Try again.");
if (&lock("userdata")) {
open(USERDATA, $USERDATA) || &sc_popup_msg("SYSTEM ERROR SC23: Unable
to access $USERDATA for cart storage: $!");
@userdata = <USERDATA>;
foreach $data_line (@userdata) {
if ($data_line =~ /^$uid\|\|(.*)/) {
($expire_time, $SUBTOTAL, $order_info) = split(/\|\|/, $1);
@each_item = split(/\|/, $order_info);
open(SHIPTABLE, $SHIPDATA) || &sc_popup_msg("SYSTEM ERROR SC24:
'Shipping' SCdatabase incomplete or unable to be accessed: $!");
$x = 0;
$y = 0;
while ($s_input = <SHIPTABLE>) {
($s_type, $lownum, $highnum, $s_amt) = split(/¤/, $s_input);
$lownum =~ tr/\$//d; $highnum =~ tr/\$//d; $s_amt =~ tr/\$//d;
if ( $s_amt =~ /\%/ ) {
$s_amt = ( $` * .01 ) * $SUBTOTAL;
$s_amt = sprintf "%5.2f", $s_amt;
$s_amt =~ tr/ //d;
if ( ( ($SUBTOTAL - $lownum) >= 0) && ( ($SUBTOTAL - $highnum) <= 0) )
$tot_order = $SUBTOTAL + $s_amt;
$tot_order = sprintf "%5.2f", $tot_order;
$tot_order =~ tr/ //d;
sprintf "%5.2f", $c_price;
$s_type .= ' :';
$len = length($s_type);
$z = 20 - $len;
while ($z > 0) {
$s_type = $s_type . ' ';
$z = $z - 1;
$s_table[$x] = "Shipping by $s_type \$ $s_amt";
$s_amt =~ tr/\x0D//d;
$s_amt =~ tr/\x0A//d;
$s_amt =~ tr/ //d;
$sh_cost[$y] = $s_amt;
$x = $x + 1;
$y = $y + 1;
local ($goto) = "checkout.html";
local $filename = $BASE_DIR.$goto;
open(HTMLPAGE, $filename) || &sc_popup_msg("SYSTEM ERROR SC25:
checkout.html unable to be accessed in the shopcart folder: $!");
while ($html_line = <HTMLPAGE>) {
$line_copy = "";
if ($html_line =~ /<\/body/ ) {
print TEMPFILE "<script language=\"JavaScript\">\n";
print TEMPFILE "function compute(coform) {\n";
print TEMPFILE "subtotal = 'Subtotal - \$$SUBTOTAL'\n";
if ( $pa_tax ) {
print TEMPFILE "taxamt = .005 + ( ( 1 * $SUBTOTAL ) * .06 )\n";
print TEMPFILE "string = '' + taxamt\n";
print TEMPFILE "separation = string.length - string.indexOf('.')\n";
print TEMPFILE "if (separation == 2) taxamt = string + '0'\n";
print TEMPFILE "if (separation > 3) taxamt =
print TEMPFILE "patax = ' PA tax : \$ ' + taxamt + ', '\n";
print TEMPFILE "taxamt = ( 1 * taxamt )\n";
else {
print TEMPFILE "taxamt = 0\n";
print TEMPFILE "patax = ''\n";
print TEMPFILE "statecode =
print TEMPFILE "if (statecode != 'PA' && statecode != 'Pa' &&
statecode != 'pa' && statecode != 'PE' && statecode != 'Pe' &&
statecode != 'pe') {\n";
print TEMPFILE "taxamt = 0; patax = ''; }\n";
print TEMPFILE "if (document.coform.shipping.selectedIndex == 0)
{ shipcost = 0 }\n";
print TEMPFILE "if (document.coform.shipping.selectedIndex == 1)
{ shipcost = '$sh_cost[0]' }\n";
print TEMPFILE "if (document.coform.shipping.selectedIndex == 2)
{ shipcost = '$sh_cost[1]' }\n";
print TEMPFILE "if (document.coform.shipping.selectedIndex == 3)
{ shipcost = '$sh_cost[2]' }\n";
print TEMPFILE "if (document.coform.shipping.selectedIndex == 4)
{ shipcost = '$sh_cost[3]' }\n";
print TEMPFILE "shipping = '\\nShipping - \$' + shipcost\n";
print TEMPFILE "subsub = 1 * $SUBTOTAL\n";
print TEMPFILE "shipcost = 1 * shipcost\n";
print TEMPFILE "orderamt = subsub + shipcost + taxamt + .005\n";
print TEMPFILE "string = '' + orderamt\n";
print TEMPFILE "if (string.indexOf('.') == -1) orderamt = string + '.
print TEMPFILE "separation = string.length - string.indexOf('.')\n";
print TEMPFILE "if (separation == 2) orderamt = string + '0'\n";
print TEMPFILE "if (separation > 3) orderamt =
print TEMPFILE "if (patax == '') { totot = 'ORDER TOTAL : \$ ' +
orderamt } \n ";
print TEMPFILE "else { totot = 'ORDER TOTAL : \$ ' + orderamt }\n";
print TEMPFILE "document.coform.finalinfo.value = patax + totot\n}\n";
print TEMPFILE "</script>\n";
print TEMPFILE "</form>\n";
if ($html_line =~ /<!--patax-->/ ) {
$pa_tax = 1;
while ( $html_line =~ /(<\+(.+?)\+>)/ ) {
$symbol_all = $1;
$symbol_replace = &token_replace($symbol_all);
if ($symbol_replace eq "*DEL*") {
$html_line = "\n";
if ($symbol_replace ne "*DEL*") {
$line_copy .= $` . $symbol_replace;
$html_line = $';
$html_line = $';
if ($symbol_replace eq "¤") {
$new_line = "<center><table width=\"778\" border=\"1\" bgcolor=\"D1BFAB
\"><tr><td align=center>\n";
$new_line .= "<table width=\"760\" border=\"0\"\n";
$new_line .= "<tr><td align=center><font size=3 color=43261F
$new_line .= "<td align=center><font size=3 color=43261F
$new_line .= "<td align=left><font size=3 color=43261F
face=arial> <u>Item</u></font></td>\n";
$new_line .= "<td align=left colspan=\"2\"><font size=3 color=43261F
face=arial> <u>Special Information</u></font></td>\n";
$new_line .= "<td align=center><font size=3 color=43261F
face=arial><u>Price Each</u></font></td>\n";
$new_line .= "<td align=center><font size=3 color=43261F
$new_line .= "<td align=center><font size=3 color=43261F
$new_line .= "<tr><td colspan=8> </td></tr>\n";
foreach $bought (@each_item) {
$bought_copy = "";
while ( $bought =~ /'/ ) {
$bought_copy .= $` . "'"; $bought = $';
$bought_copy .= $bought;
$bought = $bought_copy;
$bought_copy = "";
while ( $bought =~ /"/ ) {
$bought_copy .= $` . """; $bought = $';
$bought_copy .= $bought;
$bought = $bought_copy;
($c_prod, $c_qty, $c_pmc, $price, $c_select, $c_idrop) = split(/¤/,
$c_idrop =~ tr/\x0A//d;
$c_idrop =~ tr/\x0D//d;
$price =~ tr/ //d;
$c_size = $size;
$c_price = $price;
$c_price = 1 * $c_price;
$workspace = sprintf "%5.2f", $c_price;
$c_price = $workspace;
$c_price =~ tr/ //d;
$c_total = ( 1 * $c_qty ) * ( 1 * $c_price );
$workspace = sprintf "%5.2f", $c_total;
$c_total = $workspace;
$c_total =~ tr/ //d;
$size_chk = substr($c_size,0,1);
$new_line .= "<tr valign=top><form method=GET action=\"$SHOPCART_SEC\">
$new_line .= "<td align=center valign=top><font size=2 color=43261F
$new_line .= "<input type=hidden name=\"uid\" value=\"$uid\">\n";
$new_line .= "<input type=hidden name=\"rootdir\" value=\"$root_dir\">
$new_line .= "<input type=hidden name=edititem value=\"$bought\">\n";
$new_line .= "<input type=hidden name=\"gbgroup\" value=\"$gbgroup\">
$new_line .= "<input type=submit name=edit value=\"Cha\"></font></td>
$new_line .= "<td align=center><font size=2 color=43261F
face=arial><input type=text name=newqty value=\"$c_qty\" size=2
maxlength=2></font></td></form><td><font size=2 color=43261F
face=arial> <u>" . $c_prod . "</u></font></td>\n";
$new_line .= "<td align=left colspan=\"2\"><font size=3> </
if ($c_idrop ne "") {
$new_line .= "<font size=2 color=43261F face=arial><u>" . $c_idrop .
$workspace1 = substr($c_select,0,1);
if ($workspace1 ne "0" && $workspace1 ne "" ) {
$new_line .= "<font size=2 color=43261F face=arial>";
if ($c_idrop ne "") {
$new_line .= ", ";
$new_line .= "<u>" . $c_select . "</u></font>";
$workspace2 = substr($c_size,0,1);
if ($workspace2 ne "0" && $workspace2 ne "" ) {
$new_line .= "<font size=2 color=43261F face=arial>";
if ($workspace1 ne "" && $workspace1 ne "0" || $c_idrop ne "") {
$new_line .= ", ";
$new_line .= "<u>" . $c_size . "</u></font>";
$new_line .= " </td>\n<td align=center>";
$new_line .= "<font size=2 color=43261F face=arial><u>\$" . $c_price .
"</u></font></td>\n<td align=center><font size=2 color=43261F
face=arial>= <u>\$" . $c_total . "</u></font></td>\n";
$new_line .= "<form method=GET action=\"$SHOPCART_SEC\">\n";
$new_line .= "<td align=center valign=bottom><font size=2 color=545803
$new_line .= "<input type=hidden name=\"uid\" value=\"$uid\">\n";
$new_line .= "<input type=hidden name=\"rootdir\" value=\"$root_dir\">
$new_line .= "<input type=hidden name=\"gbgroup\" value=\"$gbgroup\">
$new_line .= "<input type=hidden name=edititem value=\"$bought\">\n";
$new_line .= "<input type=submit name=edit value=\"Del\"></font></td></
$new_line .= "<tr><td><font size=2> </td></tr>\n";
$new_line .= "<br></table><form name=coform method=GET action=
$new_line .= "<input type=hidden name=\"uid\" value=\"$uid\">\n";
$new_line .= "<input type=hidden name=\"rootdir\" value=\"$root_dir\">
$workspace = sprintf "%5.2f", $SUBTOTAL;
$SUBTOTAL = $workspace;
$SUBTOTAL =~ tr/ //d;
$new_line .= "<font size=3 color=43261F face=arial>Subtotal: \$
" . $SUBTOTAL . "<br></font>\n";
if ($pa_tax) {
$new_line .= "<font size=2 color=43261F face=arial>( PA residents, 6%
sales tax will be added )<br><br></font>\n";
$new_line .= "<font size=3 color=43261F face=arial><select
name=shipping size=1 onChange=\"compute(coform)\">\n";
$new_line .= "<option value=0 selected> Please Choose a Shipping
Method \n";
foreach $s_opt (@s_table) {
$new_line .= "<option>" . $s_opt . "\n";
$new_line .= "</select><br><br>\n</font><font size=3 color=43261F
face=arial><input type=text name=finalinfo size=30 value=\"ORDER
TOTAL :\"></font><br><br>\n";
$new_line .= "</td></tr></table></center>\n";
$line_copy = $new_line;
$line_copy .= $html_line;
$html_line = $line_copy;
print TEMPFILE $html_line;
if ($html_line =~ /<head/) {
print TEMPFILE "<script language=\"JavaScript\">var cart_uid=\"" .
$uid . "\"</script>\n";
$goto = $TEMP_FILE;
$security = 1;
# SUBROUTINE reads in requested goto .html page, #
# checks for shopcart markers and href commands, then #
# replaces / changes as needed and outputs the page. #
# *************************************************** #
sub goto_html_parse {
local ($gopiece, $x, $where_is, $workspace, $sitename);
if ($goto !~ /^\// ) {
$goto = $root_dir . "/" . $goto;
if ($security) {
$workspace = $ENV{'SCRIPT_NAME'};
if ( $workspace =~ /[a-zA-Z0-9\-]+\.com/ ) {
$sURL = "https://www.dianneblair.com/$&";
elsif ( $workspace =~ /[a-zA-Z0-9\-]+\.net/ ) {
$sURL = "https://www.dianneblair.com/$&";
elsif ( $workspace =~ /[a-zA-Z0-9\-]+\.org/ ) {
$sURL = "https://www.dianneblair.com/$&";
$goto =~ /$root_dir/;
$gopiece = $';
$x = rindex($gopiece,"/");
$x = $x + 1;
$where_is = $sURL . substr($gopiece, 0, $x);
open(HTMLPAGE, $goto) || &sc_popup_msg("SYSTEM ERROR SC26: $goto
unable to be accessed: $!");
print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
while ($html_line = <HTMLPAGE>) {
$html_copy = "";
$html_line =~ s/JPG/jpg/g;
$html_line =~ s/GIF/gif/g;
$html_line =~ s/\.\.\///g;
while ( $html_line =~ /[a-zA-Z0-9\.\/]+\.jpg/ ) {
if ($security) {
$html_copy .= $` . $sURL . "\/" . $&;
elsif ( index($&,"/") >= 0 ) {
$html_copy .= $` . $sURL . "\/" . $&;
else {
$html_copy .= $` . $where_is . $&;
$html_line = $';
$html_copy .= $html_line;
$html_line = $html_copy;
$html_copy = "";
while ( $html_line =~ /[a-zA-Z0-9\.\/]+\.gif/ ) {
if ($security) {
$html_copy .= $` . $sURL . "\/" . $&;
elsif ( index($&,"/") >= 0 ) {
$html_copy .= $` . $sURL . "\/" . $&;
else {
$html_copy .= $` . $where_is . $&;
$html_line = $';
$html_copy .= $html_line;
$html_line = $html_copy;
print $html_line;
if ($html_line =~ /<head/) {
print "<script language=\"JavaScript\">var cart_uid=\"" . $uid . "\"</
print $version;
print "\n\n";
# SUBROUTINE replaces html tokens #
# ******************************* #
sub token_replace {
local ($symbol_all) = @_;
local ($RCbutton) = '/shopcart/b-review.gif';
local ($ECbutton) = '/shopcart/b-empty.gif';
local ($ACbutton) = '/shopcart/b-add.gif';
local ($SEbutton) = '/shopcart/b-search.gif';
local ($CObutton) = '/shopcart/b-checkout.gif';
local ($len) = 0;
local ($image_src, $display_price, $goto_token, $web_page, $check_end,
$select, $price_list, @price_array, @select_array, $oneor,
$select_list, $cardtype, $wanted_types, $return_str, $p, $len );
# handle tokens & attributes in the form
# token attrib1 = "value1" attrib2 = "value2" ...
($replace_token, $attrs) = ($symbol_all =~ m/(\w+)(( *(\w+) *= *\"(.+?)
while (($attr, $value) = ($attrs =~ m/^ *(\w+) *= *\"(.+?)\"/))
$ATTRS{$attr} = $value;
$attrs = $';
$workspace = $replace_token;
if ($workspace =~ /[_0-9]{2,3}/) {
if (substr($&,0,1) ne "_") {
&sc_popup_msg("CODING ERROR: $symbol_all is an invalid ShopCart html
$len = substr($&,1);
$replace_token = $`;
if ($replace_token eq "groupname") {
elsif ($replace_token eq "grouptitle") {
elsif ($replace_token eq "grouppic") {
$img_src = "<img src=\"../images/groups/".$groupimage."\" border=
elsif ($replace_token eq "itemdescr") {
elsif ($replace_token eq "mancode") {
elsif ($replace_token eq "distributor") {
elsif ($replace_token eq "condition") {
elsif ($replace_token eq "PMCcode") {
elsif ($replace_token eq "packaging") {
elsif ($replace_token eq "shipdate") {
elsif ($replace_token eq "weight") {
elsif ($replace_token eq "itemcode") {
elsif ($replace_token eq "itemprice") {
elsif ($replace_token eq "littlepic") {
$img_src = "<img src=\"../images/little/".$littlepic."\" border=
elsif ($replace_token eq "bigpic") {
$img_src = "<img src=\"../images/big/".$bigpic."\" border=\"0\">";
elsif ($replace_token eq "prodname") {
elsif ($replace_token eq "shortdesc") {
elsif ($replace_token eq "longdesc") {
elsif ($replace_token eq "blurb") {
elsif ($replace_token eq "price") {
if ( !($price eq "0") ) {
$price =~ tr/ //d;
return("\$ $price \n<input type=hidden name=\"price\" value=\"$price
return("(by size)");
elsif ($replace_token eq "sizeprice") {
@price_array = ($vprice, $sprice, $mprice, $lprice, $xprice);
$nosize = 1;
foreach $select (@price_array) {
if ($select ne "0") {
$nosize = 0;
if ($nosize) {
else {
$x = 1;
$first_time = 1;
# start table
$price_list = "<table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\"
# this font is used to format the sizes & prices
$font = "<font face=\"Verdana, Arial, Helvetica\" size=\"2\" color=
foreach $select (@price_array)
if (! ($select eq "0") )
$price = sprintf "%5.2f", $price;
$price =~ tr/ //d;
$select =~ tr/ /\+/;
# start row
$price_list .= "<tr><td><input type=\"radio\" ";
if ($first_time)
$price_list .= "checked ";
$price_list .= "name=\"price\" value=\"$select\">\n";
$price_list .= "$font$size</font></td>\n";
$price_list .= "<td>$font\$$price</font></td></tr>\n";
# end table
$price_list .= "</table>\n";
elsif ($replace_token eq "oneorother") {
if ($selectA eq "0") {
$select_list = "";
@select_array = ($selectA, $selectB, $selectC, $selectD, $selectE);
$first_time = 1;
foreach $oneor (@select_array) {
$tester = substr($oneor,0,1);
if ($tester ne "0") {
if ( !($first_time) ) {
$select_list .= "<input type=radio name=select value=\"" . $oneor .
"\">" . $oneor . " ";
if ($first_time) {
$select_list .= "<input type=radio checked name=select value=\"" .
$oneor . "\">" . $oneor . " ";
$first_time = 0;
elsif ($replace_token eq "goback") {
if ($item_chk) {
$use_group = $groupcode; $use_group =~ tr/ /+/;
return("<a href='".$SHOPCART_URL."?group=".$use_group."'>");
if ($checkout_chk) {
$gbgroup = $FORM{'gbgroup'};
return("<a href='".$SHOPCART_URL."?group=".$gbgroup."'>");
if ($group_chk) {
&sc_popup_msg("CODING ERROR: the <+goback+> token is invalid in
elsif ($replace_token eq "categories_combo") {
$combo = "<select name=\"categories\">\n";
@groups = sort(keys %GROUPS);
$combo = $combo . "<option value=\"All\">All Categories\n";
foreach $opt (@groups)
($groupcode, $itemcode, $descr, $title, $image, $droplist, $cols,
$rows, $junk) = split(/¤/, $GROUPS{$opt}, 9);
if ($title ne "Custom Mix") { $combo = $combo . "<option value=\"$opt
\">$title\n"; }
$combo = $combo . "</select>\n";
return $combo;
elsif ($replace_token eq "distributor_combo") {
$combo = "<select name=\"distributor\">\n";
$combo = $combo . "<option value=\"All\">All\n";
foreach $opt (@DISTRIBUTORS)
$combo = $combo . "<option value=\"$opt\">$opt\n";
$combo = $combo . "</select>\n";
return $combo;
elsif ($replace_token eq "qty") {
return("<input type=text name=qty size=2 maxlength=2 value=\"1\">");
elsif ($replace_token eq "addtocart") {
$x = $root_dir . $ACbutton;
if (-e $x) {
return("<input type=image src=\"$SITE_URL.$ACbutton\" border=\"0\" alt=
\"Add this item to your shopping cart\" name=\"addtocart\">");
else {
return("<input type=submit name=\"addtocart\" value=\" Add To Your
Cart \">");
elsif ($replace_token eq "quickadd") {
$x = $root_dir . $ACbutton;
if (-e $x) {
return("<input type=image src=\"$SITE_URL.$ACbutton\" border=\"0\" alt=
\"Add this item to your shopping cart\" name=\"quickadd\">");
else {
return("<input type=submit name=\"quickadd\" value=\" Add To Your Cart
elsif ($replace_token eq "search") {
$x = $root_dir . $SEbutton;
if (-e $x) {
return("<input type=image src=\"$SITE_URL.$SEbutton\" border=\"0\" alt=
\"Search\" name=\"search\">");
else {
return("<input type=submit name=\"search\" value=\" Search \">");
elsif ($replace_token eq "advsearch") {
$x = $root_dir . $SEbutton;
if (-e $x) {
return("<input type=image src=\"$SITE_URL.$SEbutton\" border=\"0\" alt=
\"Search\" name=\"advanced_search\">");
else {
return("<input type=submit name=\"advanced_search\" value=\" Search
elsif ($replace_token eq "review") {
$x = $root_dir . $RCbutton;
if (-e $x) {
return("<input type=image src=\"$SITE_URL.$RCbutton\" border=\"0\" alt=
\"Review the contents of your shopping cart\" name=review>");
else {
return("<input type=submit name=review value=\"Review your cart\">");
elsif ($replace_token eq "empty") {
$x = $root_dir . $ECbutton;
if (-e $x) {
return("<input type=image src=\"$SITE_URL.$ECbutton\" border=\"0\" alt=
\"Empty your shopping cart of all items\" name=empty>");
else {
return("<input type=submit name=empty value=\"Empty your cart\">");
elsif ($replace_token eq "endgo") {
elsif ($replace_token eq "text1") {
$workspace = substr($text1,0,1);
if ( $workspace ne "0") {
return($text1."<br><input type=text name=text1 size=30
else {
elsif ($replace_token eq "text2") {
$workspace = substr($text2,0,1);
if ( $workspace ne "0") {
return($text2."<br><textarea name=text2 cols=30 rows=2></
else {
elsif ($replace_token eq "text3") {
$workspace = substr($text3,0,1);
if ( $workspace ne "0") {
return($text3."<br><textarea name=text3 cols=30 rows=3></
else {
elsif ($replace_token eq "rootdir") {
$workspace = substr($root_dir,0,1);
if ( $workspace ne "0") {
return("<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"rootdir\" value=\"$root_dir
else {
elsif ($replace_token eq "checkout") {
$return_str = "\n</form>\n<form method=GET action=\"$SHOPCART_SEC\"
onSubmit=\"return confirm(confirmtxt)\">\n";
$return_str .= "<input type=hidden name=\"uid\" value=\"$uid\">\n";
$return_str .= "<input type=hidden name=\"rootdir\" value=\"$root_dir
$return_str .= "<input type=hidden name=\"gbgroup\" value=\"$groupname
$x = $root_dir . $CObutton;
if (-e $x) {
$return_str .= "<input type=image src=\"$SITE_URL.$CObutton\" border=
\"0\" alt=\"All done shopping, time to checkout\" name=checkout>\n";
else {
$return_str .= "<input type=submit name=checkout value=\"* C h e ck
o u t *\">\n";
$return_str .= "</form>\n<form method=GET action=\"$SHOPCART_URL\">
$return_str .= "<input type=hidden name=\"uid\" value=\"$uid\">\n";
$return_str .= "<input type=hidden name=\"rootdir\" value=\"$root_dir
elsif ($replace_token eq "sendorder") {
$return_str = "\n</font></font></font>\n<font size=\"4\" color=\"black
\" face=\"Arial\">\n";
$return_str .= "</font><font size=3><br>\n<input type=hidden
name=patax value=\"$pa_tax\">\n<input type=submit name=sendorder value=
\"* S u b m i t O r d e r *\">\n</font>";
elsif ($replace_token eq "name") {
if (!$len)
; return("<input type=text name=name size=$len maxlength=50>");
elsif ($replace_token eq "address") {
if (!$len)
; return("<textarea name=address cols=$len rows=3></textarea>");
elsif ($replace_token eq "city") {
if (!$len)
; return("<input type=text name=city size=$len maxlength=50>");
elsif ($replace_token eq "state") {
if (!$len)
; return("<input type=text name=state size=$len maxlength=20 onChange=
elsif ($replace_token eq "zip") {
if (!$len)
; return("<input type=text name=zip size=$len maxlength=10>");
elsif ($replace_token eq "cardholder") {
if (!$len)
; return("<input type=text name=cardholder size=$len maxlength=50>");
elsif ($replace_token eq "email") {
if (!$len)
; return("<input type=text name=email size=$len maxlength=50>");
elsif ($replace_token eq "phone") {
if (!$len)
; return("<input type=text name=phone size=$len maxlength=20>");
elsif ($replace_token eq "ccnumber") {
if (!$credit_card) {
if (!$len) {
return("<input type=text name=ccnumber size=$len maxlength=50>");
elsif ($replace_token eq "ccdate") {
if (!$credit_card) {
if (!$len) {
return("<input type=text name=ccdate size=$len maxlength=20>");
elsif ($replace_token eq "cctype") {
if (!$credit_card) {
$wanted_types = "<select name=cctype size=1>";
foreach $cardtype (@cards) {
$wanted_types .= "<option>" . $cardtype;
$wanted_types .= "</select>";
elsif ($replace_token eq "itemsordered") {
elsif ($replace_token eq "specialinfo") {
if (!$len)
; return("<textarea name=specialinfo cols=$len rows=4></textarea>");
elsif ($replace_token eq "paymentoptions") {
$p = $credit_card + $mail_check + $c_o_d;
if ($p lt 2) {
$wanted_types = '';
if ($p ge 2) {
$wanted_types .= '<input type=hidden name=pychk value=1>';
$wanted_types .= 'Payment Options: ';
if ($credit_card) {
$wanted_types .= '<input type=radio name=pymtopt
value="CreditCard">Credit Card ';
if ($mail_check)
$wanted_types .= '<input type=radio name=pymtopt
value="MailCheck">Check or Money Order ';
if ($c_o_d)
$wanted_types .= '<input type=radio name=pymtopt value="COD">C.O.D.
(cash only)';
elsif ($replace_token eq "hcategories") {
return $HORIZ_CATS;
elsif ($replace_token eq "vcategories") {
return $VERT_CATS;
elsif ($replace_token eq "distributorlist") {
return $MANU_LIST;
elsif ($replace_token eq "itemcount") {
return $ITEMCOUNT;
elsif ($replace_token eq "subtotal") {
return "\$" . $SUBTOTAL;
elsif ($replace_token eq "pagecounts") {
if ($numitems > 0)
$ret = "Displaying " . ($min_items + 1) . " to $max_items (of
$numitems products)";
$ret = "No items to display.";
return $ret;
elsif ($replace_token eq "pagelinks") {
if ($numitems > 0) {
$ret = "Page: ";
if ($pagenum > 1) {
$prev = $pagenum - 1;
$ret = $ret . $PAGELINK . "&pagenum=$prev\">[<<Prev]</
a> ";
for ($i = 1; $i <= $num_of_pages; $i++) {
if ($i == $pagenum) {
$ret = $ret . "<font color=\"761A23\">$i</font> ";
} else {
$ret = $ret . $PAGELINK . "&pagenum=$i\">$i</a> ";
if ($pagenum < $num_of_pages) {
$next = $pagenum + 1;
$ret = $ret . $PAGELINK . "&pagenum=$next\">[Next>>]</a>";
} else {
$ret = "";
return $ret;
elsif ($replace_token eq "uid") {
return $uid;
else {
&sc_popup_msg("CODING ERROR: $symbol_all is an invalid ShopCart html
# SUBROUTINE checks for, and replaces, necessary href #
# *************************************************** #
sub check_href {
local($html_copy, $tempa, $tempb);
$html_copy = "";
while ( $html_line =~ /href/ ) {
if ( $html_line =~ /ShopCart.pl\?/) {
if ( (substr($',0,3)) ne "uid" ) {
$html_copy .= $` . "ShopCart.pl?uid=" . $uid . "&rootdir=" .
$root_dir . "&" ;
$html_line = $';
else {
$html_copy .= $` . $&;
$html_line = $';
elsif ( $html_line =~ /[\w]{1,16}\.pl/ ) {
$html_copy .= $`;
$perl = $&;
$temp = $';
$temp =~ /([a-zA-Z0-9\/\.]{1,30})/;
$parm = $&;
$html_copy .= "ShopCart.pl?uid=$uid" . "&link=$perl" . "&parm=
$html_line = $';
elsif ( (!($html_line =~ /href="http/)) && (!($html_line =~ /
href="mailto/)) && (!($html_line =~ /href="javascript/)) ) {
if ( $html_line =~ /href="..\//) {
$html_copy .= $` . "href=\"" . $SHOPCART_URL . "?uid=" . $uid .
"&goto=" . $root_dir . "/";
$html_line = $';
elsif ( $html_line =~ /href="/) {
$html_copy .= $` . "href=\"" . $SHOPCART_URL . "?uid=" . $uid .
"&goto=" . $root_dir . "/";
$html_line = $';
else {
if ( $html_line =~ /href/) {
$html_copy .= $` . "href";
$html_line = $';
$html_copy .= $html_line;
$html_line = $html_copy;
# SUBROUTINE display shopping cart review window #
# ********************************************** #
sub review_cart
local ($whats_init) = @_;
local (@which_one, $bought, $prod_show, $prod_copy, $qty_show,
$item_amt, $item_stuff, $item_total, $chpid);
local ($goto) = "review.html";
local $filename = $BASE_DIR.$goto;
print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
open(HTMLPAGE, $filename) || &sc_popup_msg("ERROR SC19: $goto unable
to be accessed in shopcart folder: $!");
while ($html_line = <HTMLPAGE>)
$line_copy = "";
if ($html_line =~ /<\+itemsordered\+>/)
if ($whats_init =~ /¤/)
@which_one = split(/\|/, $whats_init);
foreach $bought (@which_one)
$bought_copy = "";
while ( $bought =~ /'/ ) {
$bought_copy .= $` . "'"; $bought = $';
$bought_copy .= $bought;
$bought = $bought_copy;
$bought_copy = "";
while ( $bought =~ /"/ ) {
$bought_copy .= $` . """; $bought = $';
$bought_copy .= $bought;
$bought = $bought_copy;
($prod_show, $qty_show, $pmc_show, $price, $select_show, $text1_show,
$text2_show, $text3_show, $idrop_show) = split(/¤/, $bought);
$idrop_show =~ tr/\x0A//d;
$idrop_show =~ tr/\x0D//d;
if ($idrop_show ne "") {
$prod_show = $prod_show . ", " . $idrop_show;
$price =~ tr/ //d;
$size_show = $size;
$item_amt = $price;
$item_amt = 1 * $item_amt;
$workspace = sprintf "%5.2f", $item_amt;
$item_amt = $workspace;
$item_amt =~ tr/ //d;
$item_total = ( 1 * $qty_show ) * ( 1 * $item_amt );
$workspace = sprintf "%5.2f", $item_total;
$item_total = $workspace;
$item_total =~ tr/ //d;
$size_chk = substr($size_show,0,1);
print "$prod_show";
if (($size_show ne "0") && ($size_show ne ""))
print ", $size_show";
if (($select_show ne "0") && ($select_show ne "")) {
print ", $select_show ";
print " ( $qty_show at $item_amt ) \$$item_total
print "Your shopping cart is empty<br>\n";
while ($html_line =~ /(<\+(.+?)\+>)/)
$symbol_all = $1;
$symbol_replace = &token_replace($symbol_all);
$line_copy .= $` . $symbol_replace;
$html_line = $';
$line_copy .= $html_line;
$html_line = $line_copy;
print $html_line;
if ($html_line =~ /<head/) {
print "<script language=\"JavaScript\">var cart_uid=\"" . $uid . "\"</
# SUBROUTINE temp file/page setups, opens and deletes #
# *************************************************** #
sub TEMP_stuff {
local($x, $y, $thisone, @tempdata);
if (&lock("tempdata")) {
if (!(-e $TEMP_DATA)) {
open(TEMPDATA, ">$TEMP_DATA") || &sc_popup_msg("SYSTEM ERROR SC28:
Unable to create $TEMP_DATA: $!");
print TEMPDATA "dummy.html\ndummy.html";
open(TEMPDATA, $TEMP_DATA) || &sc_popup_msg("SYSTEM ERROR SC28: Unable
to access $TEMP_DATA: $!");
$x = 0; $y = 0;
while ($tempdata[$x] = <TEMPDATA>) {
$x = $x + 1;
$x = $x - 1;
while ( $y < $x ) {
$thisone = $tempdata[$y];
$thisone =~ tr/\x0A//d;
$thisone =~ tr/\x0D//d;
$thisone =~ tr/ //d;
$y = $y + 1;
open(TEMPFILE, ">$TEMP_FILE") || &sc_popup_msg("SYSTEM ERROR SC29:
Unable to create data in the shopvar folder.: $!");
open(TEMPDATA, ">$TEMP_DATA") || &sc_popup_msg("SYSTEM ERROR SC30:
Unable to access data in the shopvar folder.: $!");
print TEMPDATA "$tempdata[$x]\n";
# SUBROUTINES split price and size from same field #
# ************************************************ #
sub split_price {
local($thisone) = @_;
if ( $thisone =~ /Þ/ ) {
$x = index($thisone,"Þ");
$size = substr($thisone,0,$x);
$size =~ tr/+/ /d;
$price = substr($thisone,($x+1));
else {
$price = $thisone;
$size = "";
# SUBROUTINES split price and size from same field - Custom for
PremiseMaid #
# ************************************************ #
sub split_pricePM {
local($thisone) = @_;
if ( $thisone =~ /Þ/ ) {
$x = index($thisone,"Þ");
$sizeCheck = substr($thisone,0,$x);
$sizeCheck =~ tr/+/ /d;
$priceCheck = substr($thisone,($x+1));
else {
$priceCheck = $thisone;
$sizeCheck = "";
# SUBROUTINE debug tracking by a message #
# ************************************** #
sub de_bug {
local($tellit) = @_;
print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
print "<script language='JavaScript'>\n";
print "var winHandle =
window.open('' ,'Debug','top=100,left=100,width=400,height=400')\n";
print "winHandle.window.focus();\n";
print "winHandle.document.open();\n";
print "winHandle.document.write('".$tellit."');";
print "winHandle.document.close();\n";
print "winHandle.window.focus();\n";
print "</script></html>\n";
# SUBROUTINE number check #
# *********************** #
sub not_a_number {
local($thisnum) = @_;
local($len, $lenchk);
$thisnum =~ tr/$//d;
$thisnum =~ tr/.//d;
$thisnum =~ tr/,//d;
$len = length $thisnum;
$thisnum =~ tr/a-z//d; $thisnum =~ tr/A-Z//d;
$thisnum =~ tr/\-//d; $thisnum =~ tr/\=//d; $thisnum =~ tr/\\//d;
$thisnum =~ tr/-//d;
$thisnum =~ tr/\[//d; $thisnum =~ tr/\]//d; $thisnum =~ tr/;//d;
$thisnum =~ tr/'//d;
$thisnum =~ tr/\///d;
$lenchk = length $thisnum;
if ( $len ne $lenchk ) {
# SUBROUTINE error message display #
# ******************************** #
sub sc_popup_msg {
local($popup) = @_;
local($del_lock) = $root_dir . '/shopvar/userdata.lok';
$del_lock = $root_dir . '/shopvar/tempdata.lok'; unlink($del_lock);
$del_lock = $root_dir . '/shopvar/proddata.lok'; unlink($del_lock);
print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
print "<script language='JavaScript'>\n";
print "alert(\"$popup\");\n";
print "history.go(-1);\n";
print "</script>\n\n\n";
# SUBROUTINES lock and unlock userdata file #
# ***************************************** #
sub lock {
local($filename) = @_;
local($wait, $lock_pid);
$Popup_Message = '';
$lock_file = "$TEMP_DIR$filename.lok";
if (-e $lock_file) {
for ($wait = $FILE_LOCK_WAIT; $wait >= 1; $wait--) {
sleep 1;
if (!(-e $lock_file)) {
$wait = 1;
if ((-e $lock_file) && (-M $lock_file < 0)) {
$Popup_Message = "SC31: A lock file is currently in heavy use. Please
try again.";
if (!open(LOCK, ">$lock_file")) {
$Popup_Message = "SYSTEM ERROR SC32: Unable to open a lock file: $!";
else {
print LOCK $$; close LOCK;
if (!open(LOCK, "<$lock_file")) {
$Popup_Message = "SYSTEM ERROR SC33: Unable to open a lock file: $!";
else {
$lock_pid = <LOCK>; close(LOCK);
if ($lock_pid ne $$) {
$Popup_Message = "SC34: A lock file is currently in heavy use. Please
try again.";
else {
# ***************************************************************** #
sub unlock {
local($filename) = @_;
local($lock_file) = "$TEMP_DIR$filename.lok";
$Popup_Message = '';
if (!open(LOCK, "<$lock_file")) {
$Popup_Message = "SYSTEM ERROR SC35: Unable to open a lock file for
clearing: $!";
else {
$lock_pid = <LOCK>; close(LOCK);
if ($lock_pid ne $$) {
$Popup_Message = "SYSTEM ERROR SC36: Unable to open a lock file for
clearing: $!";
if (!unlink($lock_file)) {
$Popup_Message = "SYSTEM ERROR SC37: Unable to clear a lock file:
# ************************************** #
# SUBROUTINE credit card number validate #
# ************************************** #
sub cc_validate {
local($card_type, $card_num, $exp_date) = @_;
local(%card_length) = ('V', '13,15,16', 'M', '16', 'A', '15', 'D',
local($entered_num, $card_length, $total, $d);
if ($card_num == '1111222233334444') {
$card_type =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/;
if (!$card_length{$card_type}) {
$Popup_Message = "MISSING: Please choose a credit card type.";
$entered_num = $card_num;
$card_num =~ s/\D//g;
$card_length = length($card_num);
if (!($card_length{$card_type} =~ /(^|,)$card_length(,|$)/)) {
$Popup_Message = "RE-ENTER: Your card number $entered_num has the
incorrect number of digits.";
local($month_now, $year_now) = (localtime)[4,5];
if ($year_now < 50) {
$year_now += 100;
$exp_date =~ m|(\d+)/(\d+)|;
$exp_month = $1;
$exp_year = ($2 < 50) ? $2 + 100 : $2;
if (!$exp_date || !$exp_month || (($year_now == $exp_year) &&
($month_now > $exp_month))
|| ($exp_year - $year_now < 0) || ($exp_year - $year_now > 10)) {
$Popup_Message = "RE-ENTER: Please enter a valid credit card
expiration date in the form MM/YY.";
while (length($card_num)) {
$total += chop($card_num);
$total += (($d = chop($card_num)) < 9) ? ($d * 2) % 9 : 9;
if ($total % 10) {
$Popup_Message = "RE-ENTER: $entered_num is not a valid credit card
# ************************************** #
# SUBROUTINE parse input to this program #
# ************************************** #
sub parse_input {
local($prename, $name, $value, $len, $pair, $x, $workspace, $formname,
@pairs = split(/&/, $ENV{'QUERY_STRING'});
foreach $pair (@pairs) {
($prename, $value) = split(/=/, $pair);
if ($prename =~ /\./) {
$x = index($prename,".");
$name = substr($prename,0,$x);
else {
$name = $prename;
$name =~ tr/+/ /;
$name =~ s/%([a-fA-F0-9][a-fA-F0-9])/pack("C", hex($1))/eg;
$name =~ s/\n//g;
$value =~ tr/+/ /;
$value =~ s/%([a-fA-F0-9][a-fA-F0-9])/pack("C", hex($1))/eg;
$value =~ s/\n//g;
$value =~ s/<!--(.|\n)*-->//g;
if ($FORM{$name}) {
$FORM{$name} .= ",$value";
else {
$FORM{$name} = $value;
if ($FORM{'rootdir'}) {
$root_dir = $FORM{'rootdir'};
else {
$root_dir = $ENV{'DOCUMENT_ROOT'};
# SUBROUTINE sends email (UNIX sendmail) #
# ************************************** #
sub send_order {
open(MAIL, "|$MAIL_DIR -f $email -t");
$| = 1;
print MAIL "To: $ORDER_TO\n";
print MAIL "From: $email\n";
print MAIL "CC: $ORDER_CC\n";
print MAIL "BCC: \n" if $bcc;
print MAIL "Subject: $ORDER_SUBJECT\n";
print MAIL "\n";
$body = &parse_email("order", @emailorder);
print MAIL $body;
print MAIL "\n";
sleep 2;
open(MAIL, "|$MAIL_DIR -f $THANKS_FROM -t");
$| = 1;
print MAIL "To: $email\n";
print MAIL "From: $THANKS_FROM\n";
print MAIL "CC: \n" if $cc;
print MAIL "BCC: \n" if $bcc;
print MAIL "Subject: $THANKS_SUBJECT\n";
print MAIL "\n";
$body = &parse_email("thanks", @emailthanks);
print MAIL $body;
print MAIL "\n";
# empty the cart
if (&lock("userdata")) {
open(USERDATA, $USERDATA) || &sc_popup_msg("SYSTEM ERROR SC08: Unable
to access $USERDATA for cart storage: $!");
@userdata = <USERDATA>;
open(USERDATA, ">$USERDATA") || &sc_popup_msg("SYSTEM ERROR SC09:
Unable to access $USERDATA for cart storage: $!");
foreach $data_line (@userdata) {
if ($data_line =~ /^$uid\|\|(.*)/) {
$new_expire_time = (time + ($ORDER_DATA_KEEP * 60));
print USERDATA "$uid||$new_expire_time||$SUBTOTAL||\n";
else {
print USERDATA $data_line;
# SUBROUTINE parse email #
# ********************** #
sub parse_email {
local($which_one, @emailbody) = @_;
local($email_line, $line_copy, $new_line, @userdata, @each_item);
$new_line = "";
foreach $email_line (@emailbody) {
if ( !($email_line =~ /<\+itemsordered\+>/) ) {
$new_line .= $email_line;
else {
if (&lock("userdata")) {
open(USERDATA, $USERDATA) || &sc_popup_msg("SYSTEM ERROR SC38: Unable
to access $USERDATA for cart storage: $!");
@userdata = <USERDATA>;
foreach $data_line (@userdata) {
if ($data_line =~ /^$uid\|\|(.*)/) {
($expire_time, $SUBTOTAL, $order_info) = split(/\|\|/, $1);
@each_item = split(/\|/, $order_info);
$first_time = 1;
$new_line .=
foreach $bought (@each_item) {
if (!$first_time) {
$new_line .= "\n";
$first_time = 0;
($c_prod, $c_qty, $c_pmc, $price, $c_select, $c_text1, $c_text2,
$c_text3, $c_idrop, $c_cmtext) = split(/¤/, $bought);
if ($c_cmtext ne "") {
$c_cmtext = "\nSelections: " . $c_cmtext;
$c_idrop =~ tr/\x0A//d;
$c_idrop =~ tr/\x0D//d;
$workspace = substr($c_select,0,1);
if ($workspace eq "0") {
$c_select = "";
$price =~ tr/ //d;
$c_size = $size;
$workspace = substr($c_size,0,1);
if ($workspace eq "0") {
$c_size = "";
$c_price = $price;
$c_price = 1 * $c_price;
$c_price = sprintf "%5.2f", $c_price;
$c_price =~ tr/ //d;
$c_total = ( 1 * $c_qty ) * ( 1 * $c_price );
$c_total = sprintf "%5.2f", $c_total;
$c_total =~ tr/ //d;
if ($c_idrop ne "") {
$c_idrop = "$c_idrop, ";
if ($c_select ne "") {
$c_select = "$c_select, ";
if ($c_size ne "") {
$c_size = "$c_size, ";
$new_line .= sprintf "%s%s%s%s %s %s, %s %s %s %6s %s %s %s%s\n", '*
', "(", $c_qty, ")", $c_prod, $c_pmc, $c_idrop, $c_select, $c_size,
"at", $c_price, "each = \$", $c_total, $c_cmtext;
$workspace1 = substr($c_text1,0,1);
$workspace2 = substr($c_text2,0,1);
$workspace3 = substr($c_text3,0,1);
if ($workspace1 ne "0" || $workspace2 ne "0" || $workspace3 ne "0") {
$new_line .= "\n";
if ($workspace1 ne "0" ) {
while ($c_text1 =~ />(.[a-zA-Z0-9])/) {
$c_text1 = $` . " | " . $1 . $';
$new_line .= " " . $c_text1 . "\n";
if ($workspace2 ne "0" ) {
while ($c_text2 =~ />(.[a-zA-Z0-9])/) {
$c_text2 = $` . " | " . $1 . $';
$new_line .= " " . $c_text2 . "\n";
if ($workspace3 ne "0" ) {
while ($c_text3 =~ />(.[a-zA-Z0-9])/) {
$c_text3 = $` . " | " . $1 . $';
$new_line .= " " . $c_text3 . "\n";
$new_line .=
$specialinfo = $FORM{'specialinfo'};
if ($specialinfo ne "") {
$specialinfo =~ tr/\x0D/\n/;
$specialinfo =~ tr/\x0A/\n/;
$new_line .= "Additional Information:\n$specialinfo\n";
$new_line .=
$x = index($shipping,'$');
$x = $x + 1;
$shipcost = substr($shipping,$x);
$shipcost =~ tr/\x0D//d; $shipcost =~ tr/\x0A//d; $shipcost =~ tr/ //
$pa_check = 0;
$w = substr($state,0,2);
if ( $w eq "PA" || $w eq "Pa" || $w eq "pa" || $w eq "PE" || $w eq
"Pe" || $w eq "pe") {
$pa_check = 1;
if ($pa_tax && $pa_check) {
$pa_amt = .06 * $SUBTOTAL;
else {
$pa_amt = 0;
$grand_total = $SUBTOTAL + $shipcost + $pa_amt;
if ($pa_tax && $pa_check) {
$new_line .= sprintf "%s %5.2f\n%s\n%s %5.2f\n%s %5.2f\n\n",
"SubTotal: \$", $SUBTOTAL, $shipping, "PA tax: \$", $pa_amt, "Order
Total: \$", $grand_total ;
else {
$new_line .= sprintf "%s %5.2f\n%s\n%s %5.2f\n\n", "SubTotal: \$",
$SUBTOTAL, $shipping, "Order Total: \$", $grand_total ;
if ($phone ne "" && $phone ne " ") {
$workspace = "Phone $phone\n\n"; $phone = $workspace;
if ($pymtopt eq "" || $pymtopt eq " ") {
$pymtopt = "CreditCard";
$new_line .= "Payment to be by ";
if ($pymtopt eq "CreditCard") {
$new_line .= "Credit Card\n";
if ($which_one eq "thanks") {
$new_line .= $name . "'s " . $ccard . " card will be billed upon
else {
my $K="3b9fd5e40d931bd3dcd638af";
my $ccnumberENC = &printHex(&TripleDES($K, $ccnumber, 1, 0));
$new_line .= "$name \n$address \n$city, $state $zip \n\n$phone $email\n
$new_line .= "$ccard \n $ccnumberENC \n $ccdate \n$cardholder \n\n";
if ($pymtopt eq "MailCheck") {
$new_line .= "Mail In.\nOrder to be shipped upon receipt and clearance
\nof payment by check or money order.\n\n";
$new_line .= "$name \n$address \n$city, $state $zip \n\n$phone $email\n
if ($pymtopt eq "COD") {
$new_line .= "C.O.D. (cash only)\nPlease remember that the order will
be sent by this method.\n\n";
$new_line .= "$name \n$address \n$city, $state $zip \n\n$phone $email\n
$new_line .=
return $new_line;
sub TripleDES {
my($key, $message, $encrypt, $mode, $iv)=@_;
# declaring this locally speeds things up a bit
my @spfunction1 =
my @spfunction2 =
my @spfunction3 =
my @spfunction4 =
my @spfunction5 =
my @spfunction6 =
my @spfunction7 =
my @spfunction8 =
#create the 16 or 48 subkeys we will need
my @keys = &des_createKeys($key);
my ($m, $i, $j, $temp, $temp2, $right1, $right2, $left, $right,
my ($cbcleft, $cbcleft2, $cbcright, $cbcright2);
my ($endloop, $loopinc, $result, $tempresult);
my $len = length($message);
my $chunk = 0;
#set up the loops for single and triple des
my $iterations = $#keys == 32 ? 3 : 9; #single or triple des
if ($iterations == 3) {@looping = $encrypt ? (0, 32, 2) : (30, -2,
else {@looping = $encrypt ? (0, 32, 2, 62, 30, -2, 64, 96, 2) : (94,
62, -2, 32, 64, 2, 30, -2, -2);}
$message .= "\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0"; #pad the message out with null bytes
#store the result here
$result = "";
$tempresult = "";
if ($mode == 1) { #CBC mode
$cbcleft = (unpack("C",substr($iv,$m++,1)) << 24) |
(unpack("C",substr($iv,$m++,1)) << 16) | (unpack("C",substr($iv,$m++,
1)) << 8) | unpack("C",substr($iv,$m++,1));
$cbcright = (unpack("C",substr($iv,$m++,1)) << 24) |
(unpack("C",substr($iv,$m++,1)) << 16) | (unpack("C",substr($iv,$m++,
1)) << 8) | unpack("C",substr($iv,$m++,1));
#loop through each 64 bit chunk of the message
while ($m < $len) {
$left = (unpack("C",substr($message,$m++,1)) << 24) |
(unpack("C",substr($message,$m++,1)) << 16) |
(unpack("C",substr($message,$m++,1)) << 8) |
$right = (unpack("C",substr($message,$m++,1)) << 24) |
(unpack("C",substr($message,$m++,1)) << 16) |
(unpack("C",substr($message,$m++,1)) << 8) |
#for Cipher Block Chaining mode, xor the message with the previous
if ($mode == 1) {if ($encrypt) {$left ^= $cbcleft; $right ^=
$cbcright;} else {$cbcleft2 = $cbcleft; $cbcright2 = $cbcright;
$cbcleft = $left; $cbcright = $right;}}
#first each 64 but chunk of the message must be permuted according to
$temp = (($left >> 4) ^ $right) & 0x0f0f0f0f; $right ^= $temp; $left
^= ($temp << 4);
$temp = (($left >> 16) ^ $right) & 0x0000ffff; $right ^= $temp; $left
^= ($temp << 16);
$temp = (($right >> 2) ^ $left) & 0x33333333; $left ^= $temp; $right
^= ($temp << 2);
$temp = (($right >> 8) ^ $left) & 0x00ff00ff; $left ^= $temp; $right
^= ($temp << 8);
$temp = (($left >> 1) ^ $right) & 0x55555555; $right ^= $temp; $left
^= ($temp << 1);
$left = (($left << 1) | ($left >> 31));
$right = (($right << 1) | ($right >> 31));
#do this either 1 or 3 times for each chunk of the message
for ($j=0; $j<$iterations; $j+=3) {
$endloop =$looping[$j+1]; $loopinc =$looping[$j+2]; #now go through
and perform the encryption or decryption
for ($i=$looping[$j]; $i!=$endloop; $i+=$loopinc) { #for efficiency
$right1 =$right ^ $keys[$i];
$right2 =(($right >> 4) | ($right << 28)) ^ $keys[$i+1];
#the result is attained by passing these bytes through the S selection
$temp = $left;
$left = $right;
$right = $temp ^ ($spfunction2[($right1 >> 24) & 0x3f] |
$spfunction4[($right1 >> 16) & 0x3f]
| $spfunction6[($right1 >> 8) & 0x3f] | $spfunction8[$right1 & 0x3f]
| $spfunction1[($right2 >> 24) & 0x3f] | $spfunction3[($right2 >> 16)
& 0x3f]
| $spfunction5[($right2 >> 8) & 0x3f] | $spfunction7[$right2 &
$temp = $left; $left = $right; $right = $temp; #unreverse left and
} #for either 1 or 3 iterations
#move then each one bit to the right
$left = (($left >> 1) | ($left << 31));
$right = (($right >> 1) | ($right << 31));
#now perform IP-1, which is IP in the opposite direction
$temp = (($left >> 1) ^ $right) & 0x55555555; $right ^= $temp; $left
^= ($temp << 1);
$temp = (($right >> 8) ^ $left) & 0x00ff00ff; $left ^= $temp; $right
^= ($temp << 8);
$temp = (($right >> 2) ^ $left) & 0x33333333; $left ^= $temp; $right
^= ($temp << 2);
$temp = (($left >> 16) ^ $right) & 0x0000ffff; $right ^= $temp; $left
^= ($temp << 16);
$temp = (($left >> 4) ^ $right) & 0x0f0f0f0f; $right ^= $temp; $left
^= ($temp << 4);
#for Cipher Block Chaining mode, xor the message with the previous
if ($mode == 1) {if ($encrypt) {$cbcleft = $left; $cbcright = $right;}
else {$left ^= $cbcleft2; $right ^= $cbcright2;}}
$tempresult .= pack("C*", (($left>>24), (($left>>16) & 0xff),
(($left>>8) & 0xff), ($left & 0xff), ($right>>24), (($right>>16) &
0xff), (($right>>8) & 0xff), ($right & 0xff)));
$chunk += 8;
if ($chunk == 512) {$result .= $tempresult; $tempresult = ""; $chunk =
} #for every 8 characters, or 64 bits in the message
#return the result as an array
return $result . $tempresult;
} #end of des
#this takes as input a 64 bit key (even though only 56 bits are used)
#as an array of 2 integers, and returns 16 48 bit keys
sub des_createKeys {
use integer;
#declaring this locally speeds things up a bit
my @pc2bytes0 =
my @pc2bytes1 =
my @pc2bytes2 =
my @pc2bytes3 =
my @pc2bytes4 =
my @pc2bytes5 =
my @pc2bytes6 =
my @pc2bytes7 =
my @pc2bytes8 =
my @pc2bytes9 =
my @pc2bytes10 =
my @pc2bytes11 =
my @pc2bytes12 =
my @pc2bytes13 =
#how many iterations (1 for des, 3 for triple des)
my $iterations = length($key) >= 24 ? 3 : 1;
#stores the return keys
my @keys; $#keys=(32 * $iterations);
#now define the left shifts which need to be done
my @shifts = (0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0);
#other variables
my ($m, $n, $lefttemp, $righttemp, $left, $right, $temp)=(0,0);
for (my $j=0; $j<$iterations; $j++) { #either 1 or 3 iterations
$left =(unpack("C",substr($key,$m++,1)) << 24) |
(unpack("C",substr($key,$m++,1)) << 16) | (unpack("C",substr($key,$m++,
1)) << 8) | unpack("C",substr($key,$m++,1));
$right = (unpack("C",substr($key,$m++,1)) << 24) |
(unpack("C",substr($key,$m++,1)) << 16) | (unpack("C",substr($key,$m++,
1)) << 8) | unpack("C",substr($key,$m++,1));
$temp = (($left >> 4) ^ $right) & 0x0f0f0f0f; $right ^= $temp; $left
^= ($temp << 4);
$temp = (($right >> 16)^ $left) & 0x0000ffff; $left ^= $temp; $right
^= ($temp << 16);
$temp = (($left >> 2) ^ $right) & 0x33333333; $right ^= $temp; $left
^= ($temp << 2);
$temp = (($right >> 16)^ $left) & 0x0000ffff; $left ^= $temp; $right
^= ($temp << 16);
$temp = (($left >> 1) ^ $right) & 0x55555555; $right ^= $temp; $left
^= ($temp << 1);
$temp = (($right >> 8) ^ $left) & 0x00ff00ff; $left ^= $temp; $right
^= ($temp << 8);
$temp = (($left >> 1) ^ $right) & 0x55555555; $right ^= $temp; $left
^= ($temp << 1);
#the right side needs to be shifted and to get the last four bits of
the left side
$temp = ($left << 8) | (($right >> 20) & 0x000000f0);
#left needs to be put upside down
$left = ($right << 24) | (($right << 8) & 0xff0000) | (($right >> 8) &
0xff00) | (($right >> 24) & 0xf0);
$right = $temp;
#now go through and perform these shifts on the left and right keys
for (my $i=0; $i <= $#shifts; $i++) {
#shift the keys either one or two bits to the left
if ($shifts[$i]) {
no integer;
$left = ($left << 2) | ($left >> 26);
$right = ($right << 2) | ($right >> 26);
use integer;
} else {
no integer;
$left = ($left << 1) | ($left >> 27);
$right = ($right << 1) | ($right >> 27);
use integer;
$left &= 0xfffffff0; $right &= 0xfffffff0;
#now apply PC-2, in such a way that E is easier when encrypting or
#this conversion will look like PC-2 except only the last 6 bits of
each byte are used
#rather than 48 consecutive bits and the order of lines will be
according to
#how the S selection functions will be applied: S2, S4, S6, S8, S1,
S3, S5, S7
$lefttemp = $pc2bytes0[$left >> 28] | $pc2bytes1[($left >> 24) & 0xf]
| $pc2bytes2[($left >> 20) & 0xf] | $pc2bytes3[($left >> 16) & 0xf]
| $pc2bytes4[($left >> 12) & 0xf] | $pc2bytes5[($left >> 8) & 0xf]
| $pc2bytes6[($left >> 4) & 0xf];
$righttemp = $pc2bytes7[$right >> 28] | $pc2bytes8[($right >> 24) &
| $pc2bytes9[($right >> 20) & 0xf] | $pc2bytes10[($right >> 16) & 0xf]
| $pc2bytes11[($right >> 12) & 0xf] | $pc2bytes12[($right >> 8) & 0xf]
| $pc2bytes13[($right >> 4) & 0xf];
$temp = (($righttemp >> 16) ^ $lefttemp) & 0x0000ffff;
$keys[$n++] = $lefttemp ^ $temp; $keys[$n++] = $righttemp ^ ($temp <<
} #for each iterations
#return the keys we've created
return @keys;
} #end of des_createKeys
#//////////////////////////// TEST //////////////////////////////
sub printHex {
my $r = "0x";
for (my $i=0; $i<length($s); $i++) {$r.=$hexes[unpack("C",substr($s,$i,
1)) >> 4] . $hexes[unpack("C",substr($s,$i,1)) & 0xf];}
return $r;