Once again: CGI help



Hello all!

Sorry for this long posting. I boiled down my script as far as I
could. But it is still very long!

My Questions:

1. How do I create the $order_date. I am doing something wrong here
2. How do I check, whether the $order_date was changed against the
default: 01/Jan/2009 - 00:00. The $order_date would be later
obligatory (must => 1; it is commented out)
3. How to pass the form elements to the formmail.pl from :
http://nms-cgi.sourceforge.net/ ???

Thank you all for your patience.


#! /usr/bin/perl

use strict;
use warnings;
use CGI qw:)standard);
use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser);

$CGI::pOST_MAX = $CGI::pOST_MAX = 4096;

my $color;
my $order_date;
my $warnung;

my @element_liste = (
type => "headline",
name => "Pickup Time",
color => "#C0C0C4"
type => 'popup',
bez => 'Day/Month/Year/ - hr:min',

# must => 1;
date_time1 => [
name => 'day',
value => [
"01", "02", "03", "04", "05", "06", "07", "08",
"09", "10", "11", "12", "13", "14", "15", "16",
"17", "18", "19", "20", "21", "22", "23", "24",
"25", "26", "27", "28", "29", "30", "31"
name => 'month',
value => [
"Jan", "Feb", "Mär", "Apr", "Mai", "Jun",
"Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Okt", "Nov", "Dez"
name => 'year',
value => [ '2009', '2010', '2011', '2012' ]
date_time2 => [
name => 'hour',
value => [
"01", "02", "03", "04", "05", "06", "07", "08",
"09", "10", "11", "12", "13", "14", "15", "16",
"17", "18", "19", "20", "21", "22", "23", "24"
name => 'minutes',
value => [
"05", "10", "15", "20", "25", "30", "35", "45",
"55", "55"
type => "headline",
name => "Pickup Place/Destination",
color => "#FFFFFF"
type => "text",
name => "from_where",
bez => "Von:",
size => 36,
must => 1
type => "text",
name => "whereto",
bez => "Whereto:",
size => 36,
must => 1

my $table_start = <<"EOF";
<table width="1006" align="center" border="0" cellspacing="0"
<td align="left" valign="middle" bgcolor="#0E1E3F" rowspan="37">
<img src="http://www.munich-taxis.de/pix/grafix/transparent.gif"
alt="" width="3" height="3" />
<td align="left" valign="middle" bgcolor="#0E1E3F" colspan="2">
<img src="http://www.munich-taxis.de/pix/grafix/transparent.gif"
alt="" width="3" height="3" />
<td align="left" valign="middle" bgcolor="#0E1E3F" rowspan="37">
<img src="http://www.munich-taxis.de/pix/grafix/transparent.gif"
alt="" width="3" height="3" />
<td width="500">
<img src="http://www.munich-taxis.de/grandtaxi/images/
grandtaxi_logo_01.jpg" alt="Logo Grand Taxi" width="500" height="100"/</td>
<td width="500" bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
<td bgcolor="#EDD4C3" colspan="2">
<img src="http://www.munich-taxis.de/pix/grafix/transparent.gif"
alt="" width="3" height="3" />
<tr bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
<td valign="middle" colspan="2" align="center">

my $table_start2 = <<"EOF";
<td bgcolor="#EDD4C3" colspan="2">
<img src="http://www.munich-taxis.de/pix/grafix/transparent.gif"
alt="" width="3" height="3" />

my $table_end = <<"EOF";
<td bgcolor="#EDD4C3" colspan="2" height="3">
<img src="http://www.munich-taxis.de/pix/grafix/transparent.gif"
alt="" width="3" height="3" />
<td bgcolor="#0E1E3F" colspan="2" height="3">
<img src="http://www.munich-taxis.de/pix/grafix/transparent.gif"
alt="" width="3" height="3" />

print header ( -charset => 'utf-8' ),
-dtd => '-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN',
-title => 'FormTest',
-style =>
{ 'src' => 'http://www.munich-taxis.de/style/
style_giessl.css' }

# Dispatch to proper action based on user selection

my $action = lc( param("action") );
if ( $action eq "" ) {
show_form( \@element_liste );
elsif ( $action eq "send" ) {
formular_check( \@element_liste );

print end_html();


# Eingabe-Formular anzeigen

sub show_form {
my $element_liste_ref = shift;
my @zeilen;

print start_form ( -action => url() );
print $table_start;
if ( defined $order_date ) {
print h1 ("Ihre Bestellung für den $order_date");
print p (
{ -class => "vorwort" },
"Bitte geben sie die Registrierungs-Daten ein, und dr&uuml;cken Sie
dann den <strong>Absenden</strong>-Knopf. <br />Felder mit einem
Sternchen* sind Pflichtfelder!"

if ( defined $warnung ) {
print p ( { -class => "warnung" }, $warnung )
; # This is the warning, if something is not filled out in
the form ...
print $table_start2;

foreach my $f ( @{$element_liste_ref} ) {
my $type = $f->{type};
my $bez = $f->{bez};
$bez .= "*" if $f->{must};
my $class;
if ( $f->{class} ) {
$class = $f->{class};
else {
$class = "no_alert";
if ( $type eq "headline" ) {
$color = $f->{color};
my $headline = $f->{name};
{ -bgcolor => "$color" },
td( { -colspan => '2' }, h1($headline) )

elsif ( $type eq 'popup' and $f->{bez} =~ /Month/ ) {
my @menus1 = ();
my @menus2 = ();
for ( @{ $f->{date_time1} } ) {
push @menus1,
-name => $_->{name},
-value => $_->{value}
for ( @{ $f->{date_time2} } ) {
push @menus2,
-name => $_->{name},
-value => $_->{value}
push @zeilen,
{ -bgcolor => "$color" },
td( p( { -class => $class }, $bez ) ),
{ -align => 'left' },
join( "/", @menus1 ) . " - " . join( ":",
@menus2 )
if ( $type eq "text" ) {
{ -bgcolor => "$color" },
td( p( { -class => $class }, $bez ) ),
-name => $f->{name},
-size => $f->{size}

foreach my $zeile (@zeilen) {
print $zeile;
print qq(<tr><td bgcolor="#EDD4C3" colspan="2">);
print p( { -align => 'right' },
defaults( -value => "Alles L&ouml;schen" ),
submit( -name => "action", -value => "Send" ) );
print "</td></tr>";
print $table_end;
print endform;
print "<p>&nbsp;</p>";


sub formular_check {
my $element_liste_ref = shift;
my @probleme;
foreach my $f ( @{$element_liste_ref} ) {
my $value = param( $f->{name} );
$value = "" unless defined($value);
$value =~ s/^\s+//;
$value =~ s/\s+$//;
$f->{value} = $value;

if ( $f->{bez} =~ /Monat/ ) {
my @dates_day = ();
my @dates_hour = ();
for ( @{ $f->{date_time1} } ) {
my $value = param( $f->{name} );
push( @dates_day, $value ); # but this is not
for ( @{ $f->{date_time2} } ) {
my $value = param( $f->{name} );
push( @dates_day, $value ); # but this is not
$order_date =
join( '/', @dates_day ) . " - " . join( ':',
@dates_hour );

if ( $value eq "" && $f->{must} ) {
my $problem = $f->{bez};
$problem =~ s/:\s*$//;
$problem =~ s/^\s+//;
push( @probleme, $problem );
$f->{class} = 'red_alert'
; # "red_alert" from Stylesheet
if (@probleme) {
$warnung =
"Es fehlt noch etwas. Bitte f&uuml;llen Sie die rot markierten Felder
aus: ";
$warnung .= join( ", ", @probleme );
$warnung .= "!";

# neu anzeigen
else {

# send_order($element_liste_ref);


sub feedback {

my $element_liste_ref = shift;

print $table_start;
if ( defined $order_date ) {
print h1 ("Your order for $order_date");

my @order;
foreach my $f ( @{$element_liste_ref} ) {
my $class = "no_alert";
my $bez = $f->{bez};
my $size = 36;
next if $f->{value} eq "";
my $value = param( $f->{name} );
$value = "" unless defined($value);
$value =~ s/^\s+//;
$value =~ s/\s+$//;
$f->{value} = $value;
{ -bgcolor => "$color" },
td( p( { -class => $class }, $bez ) ),
-name => $f->{name},
-size => $size
print p("Folgende Bestelldaten wurden abgeschickt:");
print $table_start2;
foreach my $best (@order) {
print $best;
print qq(<tr><td bgcolor="#EDD4C3" colspan="2">);
print p( { -align => 'right' }, "R&uuml;ckfahrt bestellen: " );
print "</td></tr>";
print $table_end;
print endform;
print "<p>&nbsp;</p>";
print end_html();


# sub send_order {
# Formmail.pl # see nms
# }


Jim Gibson

Marek said:
Hello all!

Sorry for this long posting. I boiled down my script as far as I
could. But it is still very long!

It is too long. If you expect to get help with your problem(s), you
need to write a shorter program that exhibits the problem you are
My Questions:

1. How do I create the $order_date. I am doing something wrong here

What is $order_date supposed to contain?
2. How do I check, whether the $order_date was changed against the
default: 01/Jan/2009 - 00:00. The $order_date would be later
obligatory (must => 1; it is commented out)

You can compare strings with the eq and ne operators:

if( $order_date ne $default_date ) {
# $order_date has been changed
3. How to pass the form elements to the formmail.pl from :
http://nms-cgi.sourceforge.net/ ???

You would define the query string that formmail expects from an
appropriate web page and call formmail. However, that is probably not
what you want to do. You would be better off combining your script with
formmail. If all you want to do is email some information somewhere,
you don't need all of formmail. Just extract the parts of formmail that
send email (paying attention to the security measures that formmail
uses) and add those to your program. Or use one of the many other ways
to send email from a Perl program.
Thank you all for your patience.

My patience is limited.


My patience is limited.

So why are you answering? I am beginner, and your answers you gave are
not really helpful!

What is $order_date supposed to contain?

For that reason I posted the very long (sorry again!) script:

push( @dates_day, $value ); # but this is not working!

You can compare strings with the eq and ne operators:

if( $order_date ne $default_date ) {
# $order_date has been changed

This I know! Even as a beginner.

you don't need all of formmail. Just extract the parts of formmail that
send email

Not really helpful either. Considering the logic of my script, I have
no place for <form method="post" action="../cgi-bin/FormMail.pl">. How
do I hand over the form elements after sub formular_check to
FormMail.pl ?

There are people jumping on every excuse, to make them smaller to seem
themselves bigger.


Charlton Wilbur

M> So why are you answering? I am beginner, and your answers you
M> gave are not really helpful!

1 - The answers he gave answered your questions clearly and concisely.

2 - He is also helping you to realize that *everyone's* patience here is
limited, and that you would do very well to read the Posting Guidelines
that are posted here frequently and follow them.


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