I'm trying to implement multiple selection functionality in a Tix Hlist
using a control-click. I've bound control-click to a function that uses
selection_set to add to the selection, but it doesn't seem to work.
Only the last clicked item appears selected (highlighted) in the
display and the return from info_selection only ever contains the last
2 items, rather than all the items I have control-clicked.
It's odd, because if I set up the list and then set up a breakpoint, I
can set multiple selections at the debug command line and it works as I
would expect.
My other problem is that there is no "selection_unset()" method, for
using a control click to individually unselect one item from the list.
There is only selection_clear(), which clears all selections. Am I
missing something?
Below is some sample code:
from Tix import *
class ControlClickTest:
def __init__(self, master):
root = master
modalPane = Toplevel(root)
self.listBox = HList(modalPane)
items = ['1','2','4','6','8']
for item in items:
self.listBox.add(item, itemtype=TEXT, text=item)
self.listBox.bind('<Control-Button-1>', self.ctrlClick)
def ctrlClick(self, event):
print "control click!"
index = self.listBox.nearest(event.y)
print self.listBox.info_selection()
if __name__ == "__main__":
Any ideas?
using a control-click. I've bound control-click to a function that uses
selection_set to add to the selection, but it doesn't seem to work.
Only the last clicked item appears selected (highlighted) in the
display and the return from info_selection only ever contains the last
2 items, rather than all the items I have control-clicked.
It's odd, because if I set up the list and then set up a breakpoint, I
can set multiple selections at the debug command line and it works as I
would expect.
My other problem is that there is no "selection_unset()" method, for
using a control click to individually unselect one item from the list.
There is only selection_clear(), which clears all selections. Am I
missing something?
Below is some sample code:
from Tix import *
class ControlClickTest:
def __init__(self, master):
root = master
modalPane = Toplevel(root)
self.listBox = HList(modalPane)
items = ['1','2','4','6','8']
for item in items:
self.listBox.add(item, itemtype=TEXT, text=item)
self.listBox.bind('<Control-Button-1>', self.ctrlClick)
def ctrlClick(self, event):
print "control click!"
index = self.listBox.nearest(event.y)
print self.listBox.info_selection()
if __name__ == "__main__":
Any ideas?