My first web service: some newbie questions




I have written my very first Web Service. And I have some
newbie question.

Here is what I have done (please advice if there is a better way).

I have created a simple service that does the following.
Takes in input a file name and return its content.

Here is the service:
Imports System.Web
Imports System.Web.Services
Imports System.Web.Services.Protocols

<WebService(Namespace:="http://localhost/", _
Name:="MyReportServices", _
Description:="Update and displays a file")> _
<WebServiceBinding(ConformsTo:=WsiProfiles.BasicProfile1_1)> _
<Global.Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices.DesignerGenerated()> _
Public Class Service
Inherits System.Web.Services.WebService

<WebMethod()> _
Public Function GetReportByName(ByVal FileName As String) As String

Dim FileNameOnServer = Server.MapPath(FileName)

If Not System.IO.File.Exists(FileNameOnServer) Then
Return "File " & FileNameOnServer & " not found on Server"
End If

Return System.IO.File.ReadAllText(FileNameOnServer)

End Function

End Class

I placed the service on my web root.

Then I had to figure out how to call it from a web page.
I didn't have a clue and did the following. Created a new
page. Placed on it a Button and a TextBox. Added a reference to my
And under the Button click handler I wrote:

Partial Class _Default
Inherits System.Web.UI.Page

Protected Sub ButtonLoadFile_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e
As System.EventArgs) Handles ButtonLoadFile.Click

Dim MyReportServices As New localhost.MyReportServices
With MyReportServices
End With

End Sub

End Class

This seems to work fine (file content appears before the button
and the textbox). Now my questions:

1. If I want to call the service from a simple html page
with just a textbox and a button form. What would the code be?

2. I want to distribute the .asmx so that anyone can use the service
on his/her own server.
In such a case it is correct to have -->
or what should it be in order to work independently of the server
where the service is

3. I see that the response appears before the button and TextBox.
How would I change the code to make it appear past them?

Please do advice if you see I am not doing things in a right manner.


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