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Jukka K. Korpela

Scripsit Joel Shepherd:
Since it takes effort to disable basic navigational aids like focus
rectangles, I'm not sure you're not already wasting your time.

What's infinitely more important, Jon Slaughter is wasting your time and
many other people's time. Just ignore him. If you wish to enlighten someone,
try the next rock instead; Jon Slaughter firmly resists enlightenment.
Ignorance (and even vulgar disrespect for disabled people) is curable, but
not against the patient's will.

Andy Dingley

I'm not going to waste my time designing my site

Welcome to the group John.

So far your contributions have been:

1. Hi, I want to learn HTML.

2. You guys suck. You're all wrong.

3. I despise my users, they're idiots and beneath me.

Web design can be either a publishing exercise or a communication
exercise. Funny thing is that you get whichever one of these you want:
If you want to communciate with users, you can do this. If you want to
publish into a vacuum where no-one bothers to read it, then you can
have that too. Make it difficult for people and guess what, they won't
bother with it. Your approach is firmly in the latter of these.

You appear to be the worst sort of arrognat tosser, so quite honestly
I've no real interest in reading your posts either. Maybe you'll learn
a clue one day, but it seems unlikely.



"Jon Slaughter said:
My site
will be designed for the avg person. And if I'm wrong that the avg person
doesn't have a mouse then thats just too bad.

What is happening is that you are getting really irritated and so
mad that you are prepared to cut off your nose to spite your
face. It is like road rage. What you don't know, but will find
out later, is that the teachings of this church here will seep
into your every crevice and you will be worrying about the things
you are being told to take account of. You will be a better
person and stronger. If I am not right in 6 months time, I will
supply you with 10 of the best Polish jokes you ever heard. If I
am right, you will send me $US50.


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