need help with simple html problem



Hi there,
When visitors click on the red triangle on my home page
( then more text expands. Originally I wanted
this text to expand just by people moving the mouse over the main
paragraph text. This has proven too difficult for me to set up and the
red triangles will do. However, if you click on a triangle to expand
text, then click on it again to make it disappear and then again to
show it again it often is at the wrong place (attached to another
paragraph then where it belongs). This happens on a Mac using Safari.
Not sure about the other browsers. I would much appreciate it if
someone could help me with this.

Thank you much for your help

PS: Here is the entire code:

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
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<script type="text/javascript" src="outliner.js"></script><style

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Adjusted table width is 979 */

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<table width="200" border="0">
<td><img src="Images/Links.jpg" alt="" width="348" height="39"
border="0" usemap="#Map" />
<area shape="rect" coords="251,5,344,34" href="contact.html">
<p><img src="Images/Banner.jpg" width="677" height="65"></p>
<table width="979" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"
<tr><td width="979" class="col1 col_width1 level1"><table border="0"
cellspacing="0" class="col_width subtable1"><tr>
<td width="28" class="subcell indicator col1" style="width: 28px;">
<td width="568" class="subcell col1 level1"><p align="center"
class="style1"> ALTERNIA</p>
<p>We are forming a community!<br>
<td width="48" class="note" style="width: 48px;"></td>
<td width="446" class="note subcell"><p>We are looking for people who
are drawn the following vision (click on the <font color="red">red
triangles</font> to read more):<br>
<div id="plvgkG9Hl0-V" class="expanded">
<table cellspacing="0" border="0" cellpadding="0" width="979"
class="row"><tr><td width="979" class="col1 col_width1 level2"><table
border="0" cellspacing="0" class="col_width subtable1"><tr>
<td width="44" class="subcell indicator col1" style="width: 44px;">
<img onMouseDown="ioSwitch('pfGEboVSkMbR', event.shiftKey)"
id="ifGEboVSkMbR" border="0" hspace="3" vspace="0" alt="&gt;"
src="Collapsed.png" title="expand"> </td>
<td width="594" class="subcell col1 level2">
<span style="font-weight: 900;">communal living</span>: you arrived at
the conclusion that communal living is your way of life and you are
willing to orient your entire life accordingly. You are able to love
in non-traditional ways.<br>
<div id="pfGEboVSkMbR" class="collapsed"><table cellspacing="0"
border="0" cellpadding="0" width="979" class="row"><tr><td class="col1
col_width1 level3"><table border="0" cellspacing="0" class="col_width
<td class="subcell indicator col1" style="width: 60px;">
<img border="0" hspace="3" vspace="0" alt="*" src="LeafRowHandle.png">
<td width="594" class="subcell col1 level3">You are comfortable with
sharing <span style="font-weight: 900; ">love</span>, <span
style="font-weight: 900; ">affection</span> and <span style="font-
weight: 900; ">physical touch</span>. Connections between people
deepen to ultimately become family with all the expectations, care and
support associated with biological <span style="font-weight: 900;
">family. </span>Friendships are of great significance to you and
"being busy" is not a reason for you to neglect maintaining them.<br>
<table cellspacing="0" border="0" cellpadding="0" width="979"
class="row"><tr><td class="col1 col_width1 level2"><table border="0"
cellspacing="0" class="col_width subtable1"><tr>
<br><td width="44" class="subcell indicator col1" style="width:
<img onMouseDown="ioSwitch('piiQvbjdc1J6', event.shiftKey)"
id="iiiQvbjdc1J6" border="0" hspace="3" vspace="0" alt="&gt;"
src="Collapsed.png" title="expand"> </td>
<td width="594" class="subcell col1 level2">
<span style="font-weight: 900;">health-conscious, open-minded, self-
loving</span>: you take good care of your body, heart and soul. You
are a good communicator, tolerant and non-judgmental.<br>
<div id="piiQvbjdc1J6" class="collapsed"><table cellspacing="0"
border="0" cellpadding="0" width="979" class="row"><tr><td class="col1
col_width1 level3"><table border="0" cellspacing="0" class="col_width
<td class="subcell indicator col1" style="width: 60px;">
<img border="0" hspace="3" vspace="0" alt="*" src="LeafRowHandle.png">
<td width="594"class="subcell col1 level3">You have a healthy sense of
self and love yourself enough not to smoke or regularly use drugs,
alcohol, caffeine or pharmaceuticals. You have a concept of nutrition
and you are generally concerned with health subjects like chemicals,
perfumes, toxins, genetic engineering, pesticides, wireless radiation,
Your feet are firmly grounded yet you are spiritually inclined or at
least frequently experience a general sense of gratitude and wonder.
If you are in a monogamous one on one relationships your are still
able to deepen your love with more than one person and you are
tolerant, even supportive of people who live in less traditional
<table cellspacing="0" border="0" cellpadding="0" width="979"
class="row"><tr><td class="col1 col_width1 level2"><table border="0"
cellspacing="0" class="col_width subtable1"><tr>
<br><td width="44" class="subcell indicator col1" style="width:
<img onMouseDown="ioSwitch('palmTReXfcfS', event.shiftKey)"
id="ialmTReXfcfS" border="0" hspace="3" vspace="0" alt="&gt;"
src="Collapsed.png" title="expand"> </td>
<td width="595" class="subcell col1 level2">
<span style="font-weight: 900;">food-growing, alternative energy,
permaculture</span>: you want to live in harmony with nature's ways,
farm the land and grow your food and materials, keep farm animals and
produce whatever you can from home.<br>
<div id="palmTReXfcfS" class="collapsed"><table cellspacing="0"
border="0" cellpadding="0" width="979" class="row"><tr><td class="col1
col_width1 level3"><table border="0" cellspacing="0" class="col_width
<td class="subcell indicator col1" style="width: 60px;">
<img border="0" hspace="3" vspace="0" alt="*" src="LeafRowHandle.png">
<td width="594" class="subcell col1 level3">You are realistic and
aware that this lifestyle is not an easy one yet you are certain that
this is the only way of live which works for you. You are comfortable
with working lots and you are willing to make sacrifices in order to
live the way you want. You understand the value of a locally produced
and home cooked meal vs. one made by corporations with ingredients
often shipped from thousands of miles away.<br><br>
<table cellspacing="0" border="0" cellpadding="0" width="979"
<tr><td class="col1 col_width1 level1"><table border="0"
cellspacing="0" class="col_width subtable1"><tr>
<td class="subcell indicator col1" style="width: 28px;">
<td class="subcell col1 level1"><br>The plan :<br>
<td style="width: 48px;" class="note"></td>
<td class="note subcell">
<span style="font-size: 20px;"> We are going to:</span><br>
<div id="paF9sUa5Rf0J" class="expanded">
<table cellspacing="0" border="0" cellpadding="0" width="979"
class="row"><tr><td class="col1 col_width1 level2"><table border="0"
cellspacing="0" class="col_width subtable1"><tr>
<td width="44" class="subcell indicator col1" style="width: 44px;">
<img onMouseDown="ioSwitch('piOMN35H8kU0', event.shiftKey)"
id="iiOMN35H8kU0" border="0" hspace="3" vspace="0" alt="&gt;"
src="Collapsed.png" title="expand"> </td>
<td width="593" class="subcell col1 level2">
<span style="font-weight: 900;">buy land</span>: Between 20-150 acres
of gorgeous land in California or in Oregon is bought between 3-5
people. Other people will join in. <br>
<div id="piOMN35H8kU0" class="collapsed"><table cellspacing="0"
border="0" cellpadding="0" width="979" class="row"><tr><td class="col1
col_width1 level3"><table border="0" cellspacing="0" class="col_width
<td class="subcell indicator col1" style="width: 60px;">
<img border="0" hspace="3" vspace="0" alt="*" src="LeafRowHandle.png">
<td width="594" class="subcell col1 level3">we will look for land
close to a metropolitan area with a high population of "holistic" type
people yet isolated and pristine. We will carefully select a plot that
will work for our project. Of special concern will be fertility,
forest, water, neighbors and alternative energy potential.<br>
<table cellspacing="0" border="0" cellpadding="0" width="979"
class="row"><tr><td class="col1 col_width1 level2"><table border="0"
cellspacing="0" class="col_width subtable1"><tr>
<br><td width="44" class="subcell indicator col1" style="width:
<img onMouseDown="ioSwitch('pi22iJ4oFoKb', event.shiftKey)"
id="ii22iJ4oFoKb" border="0" hspace="3" vspace="0" alt="&gt;"
src="Collapsed.png" title="expand"> </td>
<td width="593" class="subcell col1 level2">
<span style="font-weight: 900;">create temporary dwellings and a
vegetable garden</span>: In this first phase we will make ourselves
comfortable on our new land and do extensive planning of the next
<div id="pi22iJ4oFoKb" class="collapsed"><table cellspacing="0"
border="0" cellpadding="0" width="979" class="row"><tr><td class="col1
col_width1 level3"><table border="0" cellspacing="0" class="col_width
<td class="subcell indicator col1" style="width: 60px;">
<img border="0" hspace="3" vspace="0" alt="*" src="LeafRowHandle.png">
<td width="594" class="subcell col1 level3">Once the land has been
purchased we will carefully plan how to get through the first year or
two. We will live on the land in temporary buildings we create and we
will immediately start a garden, greenhouse and fruit and nut
orchards. Other temporary buildings like workshops, sheds, nursery,
etc... will be constructed in the order of importance.<br>
<table cellspacing="0" border="0" cellpadding="0" width="979"
class="row"><tr><td class="col1 col_width1 level2"><table border="0"
cellspacing="0" class="col_width subtable1"><tr>
<br><td width="44" class="subcell indicator col1" style="width:
<img onMouseDown="ioSwitch('pjqryPolJL2D', event.shiftKey)"
id="ijqryPolJL2D" border="0" hspace="3" vspace="0" alt="&gt;"
src="Collapsed.png" title="expand"> </td>
<td width="594" class="subcell col1 level2">
<span style="font-weight: 900;">build houses, farm buildings, work
shops and the gardens, alternative energy design</span>: We will
utilize local, natural building materials and styles as much as
possible. Land care management, forestry and alternative energy
designs will be planned in this phase.<br>
<div id="pjqryPolJL2D" class="collapsed"><table cellspacing="0"
border="0" cellpadding="0" width="979" class="row"><tr><td class="col1
col_width1 level3"><table border="0" cellspacing="0" class="col_width
<td class="subcell indicator col1" style="width: 60px;">
<img border="0" hspace="3" vspace="0" alt="*" src="LeafRowHandle.png">
<td width="594" class="subcell col1 level3">The 10 year plan:
The planning phase is most demanding as many final decisions for at
least a 10 year plan have to be made. Full planning of all final
building sites and layout according to Permaculture design, including
workshops, gardens, nurseries, animal shelters, fish ponds, commercial
kitchen, sheds and other buildings. Planning of permanent water and
energy management.
According to plan we will gradually build our own dwellings and
infrastructure including more gardens, green-houses, sheds and
workshops. Some of us may want to have our own houses although
communal areas (with massage table, hot tub and a dance/Yoga studio!!)
will always exist.<br>
<table cellspacing="0" border="0" cellpadding="0" width="979"
class="row"><tr><td class="col1 col_width1 level2"><table border="0"
cellspacing="0" class="col_width subtable1"><tr>
<br><td width="44" class="subcell indicator col1" style="width:
<img onMouseDown="ioSwitch('pdScbpI6IVYz', event.shiftKey)"
id="idScbpI6IVYz" border="0" hspace="3" vspace="0" alt="&gt;"
src="Collapsed.png" title="expand"> </td>
<td width="594" class="subcell col1 level2">
<span style="font-weight: 900;">create an "environmental park</
span>&quot; to draw income and to publicize our cause. We will be
showcasing an exemplary lifestyle, teaching alternative ways and
crafts emphasizing sustainability, Permaculture and low carbon
footprint. Organizing of public events (dances, workshops, community
garden, etc..) <br>
<td width="44" class="subcell indicator col1" style="width: 44px;">
<img onMouseDown="" id="" border="0" hspace="0" vspace="0" alt="&gt;"
src="" title=""> </
<div id="pdScbpI6IVYz" class="collapsed"><table cellspacing="0"
border="0" cellpadding="0" width="979" class="row"><tr><td class="col1
col_width1 level3"><table border="0" cellspacing="0" class="col_width
<td class="subcell indicator col1" style="width: 60px;">
<img border="0" hspace="3" vspace="0" alt="*" src="LeafRowHandle.png">
<td width="594" class="subcell col1 level3">Once we are well
established and found ways to sustain ourselves we will have much to
teach and, <span style="font-weight: 900; ">step by step</span>, (at
our own pace) public activities and programs will commence. However,
the land and buildings will be laid out to separate public and private
areas and increased public exposure and popularity shall never cut
into our simple lifestyle or privacy and serenity. Expansion will be
strictly limited to what was decided in the planning stage.
Eventually, in village-style layout, more workshops will be built for
crafts like blacksmithing, glass blowing, leather making and
utilizing, paper making, a commercial kitchen, fabric shed (spinning
our own cotton or hemp, weaving, dyeing, sewing), cheese making, oil
press, herb remedies making, wine making, wood & metal workshop and
foundry, ceramics, natural plastics workshop, cosmetics, soap and
essential oil production, honey bees and, if it so happens that a wild
wolf attacks one of us and we had no choice but to kill it in self-
defense then we will take it's fur and make shoes and clothing from it
(yes, that's a joke). We will also grow crop for ethanol production to
fuel our vehicles. Naturally, we will not posses all skills for these
crafts but we will call in outside people to teach us or to run
workshops. Further plan is to open a community garden for locals which
will also function as an educational area to teach gardening skills to
locals and schools.
Guest accommodations and an office to manage farm and programs will be
constructed, growing as needed. Public areas will be created and
maintained. <br><br>
<table cellspacing="0" border="0" cellpadding="0" width="979"
class="row"><tr><td class="col1 col_width1 level2"><table border="0"
cellspacing="0" class="col_width subtable1"><tr>
<td width="44" class="subcell indicator col1" style="width: 44px;">
<img onMouseDown="ioSwitch('pdScbpI6IVYz', event.shiftKey)"
id="idScbpI6IVYz" border="0" hspace="3" vspace="0" alt="&gt;" src=""
title=""> </td>
<td width="594" class="subcell col1 level4">
<span style="">Most of all, we are planning to live a rewarding and
meaningful life in community governed by respect and love. <br> <br>
<table cellspacing="0" border="0" cellpadding="0" width="979"
class="row"><tr><td class="col1 col_width1 level1"><table border="0"
cellspacing="0" class="col_width subtable1"><tr>
<td class="subcell indicator col1" style="width: 28px;">
<td class="subcell col1 level1">Other information:<br>
<div id="plmaa_n0oTYZ" class="expanded">
<table cellspacing="0" border="0" cellpadding="0" width="979"
class="row"><tr><td class="col1 col_width1 level2" style="text-
decoration: underline;"><table border="0" cellspacing="0"
class="col_width subtable1"><tr>
<td class="subcell indicator col1" style="width: 44px;">
<img onMouseDown="ioSwitch('pjP-SWRP19sw', event.shiftKey)" id="ijP-
SWRP19sw" border="0" hspace="3" vspace="0" alt="&gt;"
src="Collapsed.png" title="expand"> </td>
<td class="subcell col1 level2" style="font-weight: 900;">Funding<br>
<div id="pjP-SWRP19sw" class="collapsed"><table cellspacing="0"
border="0" cellpadding="0" width="979" class="row"><tr><td class="col1
col_width1 level3"><table border="0" cellspacing="0" class="col_width
<td class="subcell indicator col1" style="width: 60px;">
<img border="0" hspace="3" vspace="0" alt="*" src="LeafRowHandle.png">
<td width="594" class="subcell col1 level3">If we buy the land
outright there won't be a mortgage and living costs will be limited
through aimed self-sufficiency. Goods and foods we cannot make or grow
can be traded with other communities. Expense of course will incur
through building yet these costs can be minimized with alternative
building methods and by using local construction materials. Funding
can be drawn from loans or perhaps grants. Volunteers will be reducing
our work load and receive lodging, free classes & workshops and
apprenticeships in return. Our income could come from several sources:
<br><br> • Farming and farmer's and crafts markets, wool and meat
sales, ethanol production, speciality food items and crafts products
like beer, wine, honey and perhaps spirits.
• Public activities: entry fees to our facility, crafts, farming and
environmental workshops and classes, community garden, events, talks
and teachers, tours and guest houses, The Dance, a weekly freeform
dance event.
• Grants and donations and the media: Alternia will be special,
perhaps unique for more than one reason: <br>
- A functioning "eco-village" amidst energy crisis and food
- The production of prized speciality food and crafts items at a time
when quality and sustainability have given way to overseas mass
- A successful alternative-lifestyle community in spite of a world
where it is getting increasingly difficult to find meaning and a sense
of belonging through the lifestyle modeled to us.
Therefore grants and donations are likely to be given and it could
even be considered to sell film rights for creation of a documentary
about the forming and development of our community. This could lead to
substantial income and the publicizing of our cause. Participation, of
course, would be voluntary as such media attention could be unwelcome
to some of us. <br><br>
<table cellspacing="0" border="0" cellpadding="0" width="979"
class="row"><tr><td class="col1 col_width1 level2" style="text-
decoration: underline;"><table border="0" cellspacing="0"
class="col_width subtable1"><tr>
<td class="subcell indicator col1" style="width: 44px;">
<img onMouseDown="ioSwitch('pkVLF77FA61o', event.shiftKey)"
id="ikVLF77FA61o" border="0" hspace="3" vspace="0" alt="&gt;"
src="Collapsed.png" title="expand"> </td>
<td class="subcell col1 level2" style="font-weight: 900;">Our way of
<div id="pkVLF77FA61o" class="collapsed"><table cellspacing="0"
border="0" cellpadding="0" width="979" class="row"><tr><td class="col1
col_width1 level3"><table border="0" cellspacing="0" class="col_width
<td class="subcell indicator col1" style="width: 60px;">
<img border="0" hspace="3" vspace="0" alt="*" src="LeafRowHandle.png">
<td width="594" class="subcell col1 level3">A few years down the road
after our basic infrastructure is setup most of our effort will go
into farming and crafts, making food and products to sustain us.
Gradually we will rear more animals: goats (milk and lawn mowing,
fertilizers, meat), sheep (wool, milk, meat), chickens (eggs, meat,
feathers), pigs (meat, land care), cows (milk, meat, fertilizer). Some
of us will slaughter one in the most humane way every once in a while
for for food. Some of these animals will become pets in addition to
dogs, cats and (eventually) horses we will live with. Greenhouses will
extend our growing season and allow us to experiment with growing
plants from more exotic regions. Much effort will be put toward
natural food processing and preservation to feed us during winter when
crop yields are lower. We will have a commercial kitchen and bakery
with machinery allowing us to produce on a larger scale if necessary.
The Dance, a weekly freeform shoe-free dance will be formed and
promoted and, depending on the location of the land, might eventually
draw a large number of people. We will have regular Yoga classes and
dances just for us. We will have movie nights, meditation, massage
trade, chants, and so on. We WILL have a hot tub, perhaps even a pool.
We will share some meals. We will have meetings and nonviolent
conflict resolution. Often we will sit together (by the fire) to
finish our day's work and make or repair things. Our children will be
communally schooled and we will support each other in bringing them
up. We all will work from home. We will not work somewhere else in
order to make money in order to buy the things we need while we could
produce most of these things ourselves to begin with. We will employ
technology and innovation yet we will not be dominated or consumed by
it. <br>
<table cellspacing="0" border="0" cellpadding="0" width="583"
class="row"><tr><td class="col1 col_width1 level2" style="text-
decoration: underline;"><table border="0" cellspacing="0"
class="col_width subtable1"><tr>
<td class="subcell indicator col1" style="width: 44px;">
<img onMouseDown="ioSwitch('plqayUz4zdR2', event.shiftKey)"
id="ilqayUz4zdR2" border="0" hspace="3" vspace="0" alt="&gt;"
src="Collapsed.png" title="expand"> </td>
<td class="subcell col1 level2" style="font-weight: 900;">Kurt's
<div id="plqayUz4zdR2" class="collapsed"><table cellspacing="0"
border="0" cellpadding="0" width="583" class="row"><tr><td class="col1
col_width1 level3"><table border="0" cellspacing="0" class="col_width
<td class="subcell indicator col1" style="width: 60px;">
<img border="0" hspace="3" vspace="0" alt="*" src="LeafRowHandle.png">
<td width="594" class="subcell col1 level3">Being the creator and
author of this information I would like to make a few points: What you
have read so far is my vision, my dream. I think it is unlikely to
find people who have the exact same dream, so as the second headline
says: "we are looking for people who are <span style="font-weight:
900; ">drawn</span> to the vision". Look at it as a tendency which
you are wanting to move towards after your life is working and viable.
It is essential that we first establish a solid concept of survival
(paying the bills and for our needs). I think it is probably naive to
think that everyone would just drop their old life and promptly be
successful in this new way of life. I will drop everything but some of
us may still have to draw in money from the outside and make a gradual
shift to bring their life closer to their vision. <br><br>It is
essential to be very realistic to avoid disillusionment. I think many
communities have failed because the participants were in "waiting
mode" until their vision would finally come through and their life
would be worthwhile. So ask yourself, if things move very slowly and
all you got is a beautiful piece of land with a few other people,
would you still be able to live a fulfilling, happy life? To me this
"worst case scenario" (slow move toward farming, permaculture and
alternative energy, no public programs, far from creating the
buildings envisioned, etc...) would still allow me to live a lifestyle
more desirable than any other. Naturally, before we buy land together
we would have to put great effort into sorting out the legal situation
between the members, perhaps even enter a trial period of living
<table cellspacing="0" border="0" cellpadding="0" width="583"
class="row"><tr><td class="col1 col_width1 level2" style="text-
decoration: underline;"><table border="0" cellspacing="0"
class="col_width subtable1"><tr>
<td class="subcell indicator col1" style="width: 44px;">
<img onMouseDown="ioSwitch('paYm14FHt6TG', event.shiftKey)"
id="iaYm14FHt6TG" border="0" hspace="3" vspace="0" alt="&gt;"
src="Collapsed.png" title="expand"> </td>
<td class="subcell col1 level2" style="font-weight: 900;">Permaculture
<div id="paYm14FHt6TG" class="collapsed"><table cellspacing="0"
border="0" cellpadding="0" width="583" class="row"><tr><td class="col1
col_width1 level3" style="text-decoration: underline;"><table
border="0" cellspacing="0" class="col_width subtable1"><tr>
<td class="subcell indicator col1" style="width: 60px;">
<img border="0" hspace="3" vspace="0" alt="*" src="LeafRowHandle.png">
<td width="594" class="subcell col1 level3">
<span style="">The definition of Permaculture leaves room for
interpretation but at it's core it means to incorporate every aspect
of your life into a sustainable framework in accordance with nature. I
don't like labels much and to me the term "holistic" and
"Permaculture" are interchangeable.</span><br><br><span style="">You
can download video files about Permaculture by clicking on their title
below. Very interesting. Talks about the connection between
Permaculture, peak-oil and re-localization. (Slow downloads. Allow a
few hours).</span><br><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><a
href="Images/">Video1</a></span><br><span style="text-
decoration: underline;"><a href="Images/">Video2</a></
span><br><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><a href="Images/">Video3(questions & answers)</a></span><br>


karotto said:
Hi there,
When visitors click on the red triangle on my home page
( then more text expands. Originally I wanted
this text to expand just by people moving the mouse over the main
paragraph text. This has proven too difficult for me to set up and the
red triangles will do. However, if you click on a triangle to expand
text, then click on it again to make it disappear and then again to
show it again it often is at the wrong place (attached to another
paragraph then where it belongs). This happens on a Mac using Safari.
Not sure about the other browsers. I would much appreciate it if
someone could help me with this.

For your js problem, you might ask at a javascript newsgroup. I too have
trouble in Mac Safari. But not at a quick glance with Mac Firefox.

While I am here may suggest:




and sort out all the errors reported. Ask if you have trouble with doing

About your triangles, people who have javascript disabled for whatever
reason, security or otherwise, will not be able to see your further
information. This is quite a bad thing. So before worrying about how to
make the text stay in an expected place after repeated use, I suggest
you rethink to not be dependent on javascript for the fundamentals.
Important to make the triangle images at least normal HTML links.

Consider the following plan:

Use 4.01 Strict Doctype

Use your image of the red triangle but have a simple link like

<a href="expansionPoint1.html><img src="redClosedtriangle.png" ...></a>

and make a simple page in the style of your main page but with the
expanded text showing next to an arrow that is down. You can make that
arrow also a link back to the main pagge. You can even then not mess
about with having important text smaller as in your js design. You can
even add a link about "back to main page" or whatever.

Dead simple and absolutely rock solid for everyone!

We might talk about your table mark up another time. <g>


Thanks much for your suggestion but it is way over my head. I did not
even know I was using javascript. Kurt

Ari Heino

karotto kirjoitti seuraavasti:
Thanks much for your suggestion but it is way over my head. I did not
even know I was using javascript. Kurt

Which part of this line in your markup

<script type="text/javascript" src="outliner.js"></script>

You don't recognize as javascript?

I strongly suggest you learn the basics before playing with more complex


Thanks much for your suggestion but it is way over my head. I did not
even know I was using javascript. Kurt

<script type="text/javascript" src="outliner.js"></script>

This line doesn't mean anything to you?
Did you by any chance upload the file it needs?


karotto said:
Thanks much for your suggestion but it is way over my head. I did not
even know I was using javascript.

If you did not even know you were using JavaScript, how can you hope to
understand the solution to your problem?

Hire somebody who knows what they are doing.


Hi there,
When visitors click on the red triangle on my home page
( then more text expands.

Hi karotto,

here is some code [0]. You find it here: in the folder "spinner". I am not
able to extract the zip file. I did it with the tzg (or what they call
it?). So you can use the code with php. You only need to create your
own arrow-gifs.

The book is on [1]

Or you don't have PHP? Well, that is all I can do for the moment.

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN" "http://">
function start_section( $id, $title )
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<td width="30" valign="top">
<a href="javascript: void twist('<?php echo($id); ?>');">
<IMG src="up.gif" border="0" id="img_<?php echo($id); ?>"/>
<td width="90%">
<h1><?php echo( $title ); ?></h1>
<div STYLE="height:0px;"
id="<?php echo($id); ?>" class="spin-content">
function end_section()
function spinner_header()
<!-- <STYLE type="text/css">
body { font-family: arial, verdana; }
h1 { font-size: medium; border-bottom: 1px solid black; }
..spin-content { font-size: small; overflow:hidden; }
--> </STYLE>
<script language="Javascript">
function twist( sid )
imgobj = document.getElementById( "img_"+sid );
divobj = document.getElementById( sid );
if ( imgobj.src.match( "up.gif" ) )
imgobj.src = "down.gif"; = "auto";
imgobj.src = "up.gif"; = "0px";
<?php spinner_header() ?>
<?php start_section( "one", "Report part one" ) ?>
This report will tell you a lot of stuff you didn't know before.
And that's good. Because that's what a report should do.<br/><br/>
But it will tell you so much that it needs to be rolled up into
so that you don't have to gasp as you see it all at one.
<?php end_section() ?>
<?php start_section( "two", "Report part two" ) ?>
This is a table of numbers and such:<br/>
<?php end_section() ?>

[1] or in German


richard said:
<script type="text/javascript" src="outliner.js"></script>

This line doesn't mean anything to you?
Did you by any chance upload the file it needs?

No, he completely forgot to do this and the triangles worked at least
more or less by complete magic. Did you bother to look?


dorayme said:
No, he completely forgot to do this and the triangles worked at least
more or less by complete magic. Did you bother to look?
Hmmm, from what the OP wrote in his original reply to you, I would
think that he or she is useing a WYSIWYG tool of some description,
(Yahoo Site Builder anyone?).

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