I code ssh and telnet in script with Net::Telnet and Net::SSH:
It runs on Linux, but the ssh function of my script fails on Windows.
I then switch to Net::SSH::W32Perl and this change works on Linux
still. It issues `unimplemented getpwuid function error' on Windows. I
comment the getpwuid call in file `./Perl/site/lib/Net/SSH/Perl/
SSH2.pm' on Windows:
#my $home = $ENV{HOME} || (getpwuid($>))[7];
my $home = $ENV{HOME};
And set up an environment variable before run my script on Windows:
$ set home=%HOMEPATH%
$ perl rcmdw32.pl ssh "id" root uit ""
[ hangs for whole night ]
My script hangs at Line 78, the Net::SSH:
erl->cmd() call and shows
no errors.
I manually interrupt it and see different errors accompanied with
`perl.exe application error' every time.
$ perl rcmdw32.pl ssh pwd snmpuser uit ""
Can't coerce UNKNOWN to string in keys at C:/Perl/site/lib/Net/SSH/
pm line 140.
Can't coerce UNKNOWN to string in method_named at C:/Perl/site/lib/
SSH2.pm line 316.
$ perl rcmdw32.pl ssh pwd snmpuser uit ""
Can't coerce UNKNOWN to string in sassign at C:/Perl/lib/IO/Select.pm
line 78.
Use of freed value in iteration at C:/Perl/site/lib/Net/SSH/Perl/
Channel.pm line
$ perl rcmdw32.pl ssh pwd snmpuser uit ""
Terminating on signal SIG e
in an interactive session (see the docs for I<Net::SSH:
and if so will issue a prompt, asking you to enter your password.
If the session is not interactive (if it's in batch mode), we
send a blank password to comply with the protocol, but `!@# INT(2)
$ perl rcmdw32.pl ssh pwd snmpuser uit ""
Can't coerce UNKNOWN to string in shift at C:/Perl/site/lib/Net/SSH/
pm line 154.
Attempt to free unreferenced scalar: SV 0x2458334, Perl interpreter:
0x276014 at
C:/Perl/site/lib/Net/SSH/Perl/Channel.pm line 139.
| perl.exe - Application Error |
| "0x2809b0fb" instruction refers to|
| unwritable memory at "0x00000004" |
| |
| Press OK to exit, CANCEL to debug.|
| |
| [OK] [CANCEL] |
(translation from dialog on Windows
of Chinese version )
Another problem is that I can install Net::SSH::W32Perl with CPAN
cpan> install Net::SSH::W32Perl
Net::SSH::W32Perl is up to date (0.05).
But can't find and install this module through ActivePerl's ppm:
$ ppm install Net::SSH::W32Perl
Downloading ActiveState Package Repository packlist...not modified
Downloading ppm4.activestate.com packlist...not modified
No missing packages to install
Is this the cause of the problem? Can you please tell me how to find
tha install Net::SSH::W32Perl with ppm and any errors in my script.
Thank you for your time.
# Filename : rcmdw32.pl
# Synopsis : rcmdw32.pl <prot> <cmd> <host> <user> <pwd> <altpw>
# Author : (e-mail address removed)0m
# Date : May 30, 2008
#use warnings;
use strict;
use Net::Telnet();
use Net::SSH::W32Perl();
sub rcmd_usage;
sub rcmd;
exit rcmd(@ARGV);
# Function : rcmd <prot> <cmd> <host> <user> <pwd> <altpw>
# Description : Execute command on remote host. root privilege may be
# on some commands. This script is intended to automatically
# telnet to remote host or ssh to remote host in which neither
# /etc/hosts.equiv nor ~/.rhosts files may be available.
# Arguments : prot - telnet or ssh protocol to connect to host,
# cmd - command is to run on host,
# host - ip or name of host,
# user - user account to log on host,
# pwd - user's password,
# altpw - an alternative roots password on host if in need.
# Return : return 0 on success, otherwise non-zero.
sub rcmd
my ($prot, $cmd, $host, $user, $pwd, $altpw) = @_;
my ($narg, $npwd, $naltpw) = (scalar(@ARGV), length($pwd),
my ($lg_prom, $pw_prom, $tmout) = ('/login[: ]*$/i',
'/password[: ]*$/i', 100);
my ($cnn, @aout);
if ($narg < 4 || $narg > 6){
return 1;
# telnet with non-root, roots password required to execute other
# on remote host; or login directly with root on ssh connection.
if ($prot =~ /[Tt][Ee][Ll][Nn][Ee][Tt]/){
$cnn = new Net::Telnet(Timeout => $tmout);
# The null string "" provided as password argument indicates no
# password is required from the user to login. don't check the
# password then.
if ($npwd != 0){
if ($naltpw != 0){
$cnn->print("su -");
} elsif ($prot =~ /[Ss][Ss][Hh]/){
$cnn = Net::SSH::W32Perl->new($host);
$cnn->login($user, $pwd);
} else {
return 1;
@aout = $cnn->cmd($cmd); #LINE 78
print "@aout";
return 0;
# Function : rcmd_usage
# Description : print the usage of rcmd function
sub rcmd_usage
my $s = "Usage: rcmdw32.pl <prot> <cmd> <host> <user> <pwd>
print "$s\n";
It runs on Linux, but the ssh function of my script fails on Windows.
I then switch to Net::SSH::W32Perl and this change works on Linux
still. It issues `unimplemented getpwuid function error' on Windows. I
comment the getpwuid call in file `./Perl/site/lib/Net/SSH/Perl/
SSH2.pm' on Windows:
#my $home = $ENV{HOME} || (getpwuid($>))[7];
my $home = $ENV{HOME};
And set up an environment variable before run my script on Windows:
$ set home=%HOMEPATH%
$ perl rcmdw32.pl ssh "id" root uit ""
[ hangs for whole night ]
My script hangs at Line 78, the Net::SSH:
no errors.
I manually interrupt it and see different errors accompanied with
`perl.exe application error' every time.
$ perl rcmdw32.pl ssh pwd snmpuser uit ""
Can't coerce UNKNOWN to string in keys at C:/Perl/site/lib/Net/SSH/
pm line 140.
Can't coerce UNKNOWN to string in method_named at C:/Perl/site/lib/
SSH2.pm line 316.
$ perl rcmdw32.pl ssh pwd snmpuser uit ""
Can't coerce UNKNOWN to string in sassign at C:/Perl/lib/IO/Select.pm
line 78.
Use of freed value in iteration at C:/Perl/site/lib/Net/SSH/Perl/
Channel.pm line
$ perl rcmdw32.pl ssh pwd snmpuser uit ""
Terminating on signal SIG e
in an interactive session (see the docs for I<Net::SSH:
and if so will issue a prompt, asking you to enter your password.
If the session is not interactive (if it's in batch mode), we
send a blank password to comply with the protocol, but `!@# INT(2)
$ perl rcmdw32.pl ssh pwd snmpuser uit ""
Can't coerce UNKNOWN to string in shift at C:/Perl/site/lib/Net/SSH/
pm line 154.
Attempt to free unreferenced scalar: SV 0x2458334, Perl interpreter:
0x276014 at
C:/Perl/site/lib/Net/SSH/Perl/Channel.pm line 139.
| perl.exe - Application Error |
| "0x2809b0fb" instruction refers to|
| unwritable memory at "0x00000004" |
| |
| Press OK to exit, CANCEL to debug.|
| |
| [OK] [CANCEL] |
(translation from dialog on Windows
of Chinese version )
Another problem is that I can install Net::SSH::W32Perl with CPAN
cpan> install Net::SSH::W32Perl
Net::SSH::W32Perl is up to date (0.05).
But can't find and install this module through ActivePerl's ppm:
$ ppm install Net::SSH::W32Perl
Downloading ActiveState Package Repository packlist...not modified
Downloading ppm4.activestate.com packlist...not modified
No missing packages to install
Is this the cause of the problem? Can you please tell me how to find
tha install Net::SSH::W32Perl with ppm and any errors in my script.
Thank you for your time.
# Filename : rcmdw32.pl
# Synopsis : rcmdw32.pl <prot> <cmd> <host> <user> <pwd> <altpw>
# Author : (e-mail address removed)0m
# Date : May 30, 2008
#use warnings;
use strict;
use Net::Telnet();
use Net::SSH::W32Perl();
sub rcmd_usage;
sub rcmd;
exit rcmd(@ARGV);
# Function : rcmd <prot> <cmd> <host> <user> <pwd> <altpw>
# Description : Execute command on remote host. root privilege may be
# on some commands. This script is intended to automatically
# telnet to remote host or ssh to remote host in which neither
# /etc/hosts.equiv nor ~/.rhosts files may be available.
# Arguments : prot - telnet or ssh protocol to connect to host,
# cmd - command is to run on host,
# host - ip or name of host,
# user - user account to log on host,
# pwd - user's password,
# altpw - an alternative roots password on host if in need.
# Return : return 0 on success, otherwise non-zero.
sub rcmd
my ($prot, $cmd, $host, $user, $pwd, $altpw) = @_;
my ($narg, $npwd, $naltpw) = (scalar(@ARGV), length($pwd),
my ($lg_prom, $pw_prom, $tmout) = ('/login[: ]*$/i',
'/password[: ]*$/i', 100);
my ($cnn, @aout);
if ($narg < 4 || $narg > 6){
return 1;
# telnet with non-root, roots password required to execute other
# on remote host; or login directly with root on ssh connection.
if ($prot =~ /[Tt][Ee][Ll][Nn][Ee][Tt]/){
$cnn = new Net::Telnet(Timeout => $tmout);
# The null string "" provided as password argument indicates no
# password is required from the user to login. don't check the
# password then.
if ($npwd != 0){
if ($naltpw != 0){
$cnn->print("su -");
} elsif ($prot =~ /[Ss][Ss][Hh]/){
$cnn = Net::SSH::W32Perl->new($host);
$cnn->login($user, $pwd);
} else {
return 1;
@aout = $cnn->cmd($cmd); #LINE 78
print "@aout";
return 0;
# Function : rcmd_usage
# Description : print the usage of rcmd function
sub rcmd_usage
my $s = "Usage: rcmdw32.pl <prot> <cmd> <host> <user> <pwd>
print "$s\n";