Newbie ... Net::SMTP module... where is it?


Sean Berry

I looked on CPAN site but cannot find the Net::SMTP module.

I can find lots of others, like Net::SMTP::Server...

Any help is appreacitated for this newbie.

Sean Berry

Thanks. I got to from another site.
I couln't find it there.

After getting it saved, I am greeted with compilation errors about other
needed modules, such as Net::Cmd.

After that I needed ... IO::Socket... etc.

Is there a way to get all of the modules?

Is there a much easier way to send email with an attachment then using


Sean Berry

Sean Berry said:
Thanks. I got to from another site.
I couln't find it there.

After getting it saved, I am greeted with compilation errors about other
needed modules, such as Net::Cmd.

After that I needed ... IO::Socket... etc.

Is there a way to get all of the modules?

Is there a much easier way to send email with an attachment then using

I meant, " with an attachment then using MIME::Lite?"

Sherm Pendley

Robin said:
maybe you've got the wrong cpan site?

Robin, stop it. Just...stop.

There are no "wrong" CPAN sites. They're mirrors, they're all identical. It
takes a bit of time for a new module to propogate its way to all the mirror
sites, true - but Net::SMTP is far from new. It's on all of them.


Sherm Pendley

Have a look at It mostly automates the process of finding
prerequisites, downloading and installing them.


The .pm extension is necessary in this case, even though it's usually not -
without it you'll get a brief description of the 'cpan' command-line tool,
rather than the more thorough description of the module and shell.


Gunnar Hjalmarsson

Sean said:
I meant, " with an attachment then using MIME::Lite?"

I like the Mail::Sender module, and it has no module dependencies but
standard modules. Even if I only uses it for plain text messages, its
explicit purpose is to handle attachments.

But whichever you choose, you'd better learn how to install CPAN
modules. As Sherm said, handles module dependencies quite nicely.

Sherm Pendley

Joe said:
Actually, Robin is correct this time.

No he isn't. You're giving him *far* too much credit.

Robin's like a child who wants to imitate the "big kids," but doesn't know
enough to get it right. He tells people to RTFM when he himself is still
reluctant to take that exact advice. He tries to cop a snide attitude and
pretend that he's tired of seeing the FAQs asked again, when in fact he's
often the one asking them.

Not so - it's trivially simple to find a module there, provided that you
know its name, which the OP did. You want Net::SMTP? No problem, just go to
the Net/ directory, and there it is.

Even Robin could do it. is the correct place to start a module search.

That's *a* useful place to search, if you don't know the name of the module
you want, and need to do a full-text search for keywords.


Tassilo v. Parseval

Also sprach Sherm Pendley:
No he isn't. You're giving him *far* too much credit.

Robin's like a child who wants to imitate the "big kids," but doesn't know
enough to get it right. He tells people to RTFM when he himself is still
reluctant to take that exact advice. He tries to cop a snide attitude and
pretend that he's tired of seeing the FAQs asked again, when in fact he's
often the one asking them.

Fair enough. However, something that is right in principle is not
invalided when it's said by the "wrong" chap. No rule exists that
dictates to be accredited before giving the right advice. Period.

The fact that there might be comical connotation about Robin giving
advice he isn't following himself too closely should not distract from
the fact that pointing people to the FAQs and documentation is the
proper thing to do.

Other than that, people should move on now and stop regarding Robin (or
Purl Gurl or in fact anyone) as a special kind of species that needs
particular treatment. It's not going to make those people leave this
group. What it does instead is making the noise level increase

It's merely an observation (and not a threat by all means as I am
entirely dispensable) when I say that I get more and more inclined
towards taking a break from usenet for a while. Or from this group. Or
from any place that has an obnoxious noise-to-signal ratio at times.


Sherm Pendley

Tassilo said:
However, something that is right in principle is not
invalided when it's said by the "wrong" chap.

Of course it isn't. But I didn't disagree with Robin because of who he his,
I disagreed because, IMHO, he gave bad advice.

Robin's comment that the OP might have been looking on the "wrong" cpan site
made no sense. The mirrors are all identical, and when the name of the
module is known (as it was in this case), the "by-module" hierarchy is just
as easy to use as the keyword search.

His advice was bogus, and I called him on it. I'm not playing favorites; In
another thread Robin gave accurate (if incomplete) advice, and in that
thread I told him so, and even gave him kudos for his improvement.


Walter Roberson

:Robin's comment that the OP might have been looking on the "wrong" cpan site
:made no sense. The mirrors are all identical,

No they aren't. They -should- be, but in practice they aren't.

I do not -often- run into problems with mirrors having different
content, but it has happened to me. Network problems, disks get
corrupted, files get accidently deleted, propagation delays..
Discrepencies happen.

I make no claim that the discrepencies are a major problem,
but I do assert that the set of discrepencies that have happened
is non-empty.

Sherm Pendley

Walter said:
I do not -often- run into problems with mirrors having different
content, but it has happened to me. Network problems, disks get
corrupted, files get accidently deleted, propagation delays..
Discrepencies happen.

Yeah, but that kind of thing is just plain old bad luck. It's not the result
of having chosen the "wrong" mirror.


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