Nexus Programming Language


Tom Cloyd

Robert said:
Of course, this provokes the question "what is beauty?" (or "what is a
beautiful program?"). Pascal seems to like cascades of brackets so he
even writes Ruby code that way (or maybe it's just a habit) - other
people will like something else. IIRC there is this saying about the
"eye of the beholder"... :)

What I probably wanted to say was: if you consider beauty as a
criterion for discussing languages it comes as no surprise that there
is so little agreement among people. :)

And yes, we've gone completely OT. :)

Kind regards


PS: For me beauty in a program is clear structure and few but well
chosen lines of code.
Not me. It was the beauty I saw in Ruby that drew me in. Beauty in art
is often about a kind of integrity - be it structural (music, sculpture,
architecture, programming), expressive (graphic art, poetry,
programming) textural (drawing, music). A very incomplete analysis, of
course, but the point is that certain abstract qualities tickle the
brain, and our brains all come from the same genetic pool, so we share
common joys. Drawing closer to a clear vision of how that happens is
also beautiful, I think.

Beauty also has something to do with novelty, with surprise. I find both
surprise (sorry, Matz), and integrity in Ruby, and love both. Surprise
that a relative few powerful ideas can be so gainfully permuted, and
with such integrity. Stravinsky knew how to do that.



Tom Cloyd, MS MA, LMHC - Private practice Psychotherapist
Bellingham, Washington, U.S.A: (360) 920-1226
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Eleanor McHugh

Of course, this provokes the question "what is beauty?" (or "what is
a beautiful program?"). Pascal seems to like cascades of brackets
so he even writes Ruby code that way (or maybe it's just a habit) -
other people will like something else. IIRC there is this saying
about the "eye of the beholder"... :)

What I probably wanted to say was: if you consider beauty as a
criterion for discussing languages it comes as no surprise that
there is so little agreement among people. :)

A lot of these arguments though have less to do with beauty per se
than they do with an evangelical zeal to save the poor benighted
heathens from their dark and superstitious coding ways. Personally I
like my superstitious ways and I'm happy to leave benighted heathens
to their own devices :)
And yes, we've gone completely OT. :)

Kind regards


PS: For me beauty in a program is clear structure and few but well
chosen lines of code.

The same here, and I like to believe that insofar as there are any
objective criterion for beauty in code those are the most easily


Eleanor McHugh
Games With Brains

Dylan Evans

[Note: parts of this message were removed to make it a legal post.]

I'm not sure how that "seems funny", considering you just confirmed some
of what I said -- that RPN parsers are easier to write than Polish
notation parsers.

My mistake, i thought you were saying the opposite of that. None the less it
sounds like a challenge. I guess the easiest way would be to read tokens
into an array and then parse them as RPN, but that's not very elegant
besides being a little harder. So i'll come back to using a tree, presumably
were using ruby since this is a ruby list so i would choose to implement my
branch nodes as Hashs of the form;

{ :eek:p => '+', : lval => 7, :rval => 8 }

There are two ways to do it from here, but in both you read the tokens
creating a node if an operator is read or by populating it's values, the
difference is whether you choose to evaluate a node when it's complete or
the whole expression when it is finished.
Is that more complex? I'm not really sure, i think i'll write it up when i
finish work.

Martin DeMello

I find my randomly selected signature block stragely ironic.

Chad Perrin [ original content licensed OWL: ]
Common Reformulation of Greenspun's Tenth Rule: =A0Any sufficiently
complicated non-Lisp program contains an ad hoc informally-specified
bug-ridden slow implementation of half of Common Lisp.

But don't forget: Any sufficiently well-documented Lisp program
contains an ML program in the comments :)


Mike Gold

David said:
Mike Gold wrote:
I believe I've shown that either of the following is true:

Ruby can do everything Lisp can (ParseTree, etc)...
- OR -
there are things Ruby can do that Lisp cannot.

Uh, what? Where are you getting this?

In ruby, can you take a given method and make some of its arguments
lazily evaluated, without changing a thing in the program except the
method definition? Not even ParseTree will help you there. I rest my

Incidentally, 1.8 is odd because it is one big AST in C, with no
compilation. Obviously 1.8 is very slow because of this. ParseTree
is just giving back what is already there. ParseTree is not available
in 1.9 or JRuby, nor is there a plan for it (and due to the nature of
compilation and optimization, I don't think it will happen). MRI is a
prototype, implementation-wise.
Again, a _syntactical_ difference.

Nope, not just a syntactical difference. In ruby, from a method you do
not have access to the caller's argument expressions, even with
ParseTree. That is just one example.
Then try responding to that counter-argument, rather than "wiggling
around it" by simply repeating your own, and tacking on an argument from

Uh, what?

Well I've had enough experience to recognize incuriosity when I see
it. You are missing a specific piece of knowledge. If you were
curious, you could spend a few minutes reading about lisp macros in
order to gain some understanding of the issue at hand. But you want
to sit back and watch me "prove" something to you. No, I cannot make
you learn. It never works; you must learn for yourself.

I have already given sufficient context, and now I have provided a
specific case: lazy evaluation.

If you don't want to learn, then that's fine. But at least have the
good sense to recognize when you don't know something.

Mike Gold

Homoiconicity doesn't afford power so much as simplicity. Using parse
transformations in Ruby requires learning what the Ruby parser's "sexps"
look like, whereas in Lisp you write your code directly in those sexps
so there is no disconnect.

No, it is more than convenience or simplicity. See below.
Once you have the Ruby parser's sexps, the same class of transformations
are still available, as they are in any language which allows you to
programatically retrieve parser output and invoke the compiler from
within the language itself.

Aha! Now we are getting somewhere. How are you going to get the
sexps? You could convert your source to sexps, but then what? How
will you relate the sexps to the running code? If someone gives you a
Method instance, how will you find its sexp? Or if your sexp says how was defined, how do you know the definition has not changed
during run-time? Or when you are inside a method, how can you get the
sexps of the argument expressions before they were passed?
However, for day-to-day programming tasks I find code in sexp form
harder to read (and write) than code in a more complex grammar which
is able to express the same idea with fewer tokens and less
syntactic noise.

Lisp is certainly better optimized for macros, but in my opinion
Ruby is better optimized for day-to-day use and readability.

I said earlier that I was leaving subjective issues aside. Lisp
programmers eventually do not see parens, so your subjective
assessment does not apply to them.

If you look at my posting history, you'll see that I do ruby.

Tony Arcieri

[Note: parts of this message were removed to make it a legal post.]

Incidentally, 1.8 is odd because it is one big AST in C, with no
compilation. Obviously 1.8 is very slow because of this. ParseTree
is just giving back what is already there. ParseTree is not available
in 1.9 or JRuby, nor is there a plan for it (and due to the nature of
compilation and optimization, I don't think it will happen). MRI is a
prototype, implementation-wise.

Yes, you are correct, and I really wish ruby-core would embrace ParseTree
and make it a standard feature of the language. The fact they haven't has
precluded alternative implementations like JRuby from implementing it.
There is JParseTree for JRuby but it isn't actively maintained. And of
course YARV practically precludes a ParseTree implementation so there's
little motivation for alternative implementations to even try to support
it. The future of Ruby seems to be one without ParseTree.

So Lisp 1, Ruby 0 I guess.
Once you have the Ruby parser's sexps, the same class of transformations

Aha! Now we are getting somewhere. How are you going to get the
sexps? You could convert your source to sexps, but then what? How
will you relate the sexps to the running code? If someone gives you a
Method instance, how will you find its sexp? Or if your sexp says how was defined, how do you know the definition has not changed
during run-time? Or when you are inside a method, how can you get the
sexps of the argument expressions before they were passed?

Conceeded, and given I accept the future of Ruby is one without ParseTree
this argument is moot.

I said earlier that I was leaving subjective issues aside. Lisp
programmers eventually do not see parens, so your subjective
assessment does not apply to them.

Yes, however I would count them among the extreme minority of programmers,
and would argue this is indicative of the fact that humans prefer complex
grammars where more structure can be expressed by fewer tokens. Humans have
really awesome brains which can infer meaning from ambiguous grammatical
constructions no computer possibly can (at least until computers become
sentient), so minimalistic grammars are really an insult to human
intelligence. But I guess there's a certain class of Lisp weenie who would
rather parse grammars like a computer :)

Robert Klemme

2009/2/26 Eleanor McHugh said:
On 25 Feb 2009, at 21:54, Robert Klemme wrote:

A lot of these arguments though have less to do with beauty per se than they
do with an evangelical zeal to save the poor benighted heathens from their
dark and superstitious coding ways. Personally I like my superstitious ways
and I'm happy to leave benighted heathens to their own devices :)

I see we seem to have a quite similar approach to those language
"discussions". That's why my engagement in them is usually brief.
There is no point in trying to "convert" someone of a different

<wandering even="more off topic">I find the meta discussion about what
makes people have such strong feelings about particular positions and
why they want to convert others much more interesting. I guess it has
something to do with basic instincts of humans who need to know where
they "belong to", i.e. what is their peer group and what are their
convictions. But this discussion is rarely seen in our forums; maybe
it has something to do with IT guys (they mostly are - unfortunately)
seeing themselves as rational people who believe there are rational
reasons for most or all of their decision. Which reminds me of
zealotry in political leftist circles who also believe(d) that they
know how history works and what it needs to make everyone happy. I
find it surprising that after Third Reich and Gulag there are still
people who believe that they are able to force happiness on
everyone... said:
The same here, and I like to believe that insofar as there are any objective
criterion for beauty in code those are the most easily expressed.

What a wonderful conclusion of a lengthy debate!

Warm regards


Eleanor McHugh

I see we seem to have a quite similar approach to those language
"discussions". That's why my engagement in them is usually brief.
There is no point in trying to "convert" someone of a different

I just like a good argument ;) Plus I've always believed that the best
way to find out stuff is to make someone who already knows it so
defensively apoplectic that they give you their very best material in
defence. Lather, rinse, repeat :)
<wandering even="more off topic">I find the meta discussion about what
makes people have such strong feelings about particular positions and
why they want to convert others much more interesting. I guess it has
something to do with basic instincts of humans who need to know where
they "belong to", i.e. what is their peer group and what are their
convictions. But this discussion is rarely seen in our forums; maybe
it has something to do with IT guys (they mostly are - unfortunately)
seeing themselves as rational people who believe there are rational
reasons for most or all of their decision. Which reminds me of
zealotry in political leftist circles who also believe(d) that they
know how history works and what it needs to make everyone happy. I
find it surprising that after Third Reich and Gulag there are still
people who believe that they are able to force happiness on

Rationality has its uses, but carried to extremes it leaves the mind
trapped in a particular logical fallacies with no means of breaking
free. The universe after all is nothing more than a multi-dimensional
bumpy phase space full of highly misleading localised minima and
anyone who sits atop one is bound to be even more misguided than those
of us who get to the top of one slope and then decide to go for a
wander into the next valley. Who knows what exciting rabbit-holes we
may find there >8p


Eleanor McHugh
Games With Brains

David Masover

Mike said:
Well I've had enough experience to recognize incuriosity when I see
it. You are missing a specific piece of knowledge. If you were
curious, you could spend a few minutes reading about lisp macros in
order to gain some understanding of the issue at hand.

I have spent a few, before this discussion. I didn't see much to
interest me -- it seemed like a glorified preprocessor, so I wasn't
terribly interested.

I have already given sufficient context, and now I have provided a
specific case: lazy evaluation.

Yes, you have. I stand corrected -- thank you.

David Masover

Mike said:
Tony said:
Once you have the Ruby parser's sexps, the same class of transformations
are still available, as they are in any language which allows you to
programatically retrieve parser output and invoke the compiler from
within the language itself.
will you relate the sexps to the running code? If someone gives you a
Method instance, how will you find its sexp?

That's solvable -- easy enough just to add an instance method to Method
objects. After all, we already have things like #arity, on Method and on
Proc objects.
Or if your sexp says how was defined, how do you know the definition has not changed
during run-time?

Of course you don't. How do you know this hasn't happened in Lisp?

That's like insisting that we can know that

class Foo
def bar

hasn't changed. Of course it can:

Foo.send :remove_method, :bar
Or when you are inside a method, how can you get the
sexps of the argument expressions before they were passed?

Ah, that would be trickier, and depends very much on how much order of
execution is allowed to change.

I see no reason to believe it wouldn't be possible with a slight
departure from current Ruby syntax -- as an alternate way to accept
arguments. The question is whether that's worth the potential confusion
-- after all, we can already get explicit lazy evaluation easily enough
by passing a block instead of arguments.

For example, it's possible to imagine a construct like this:

if foo(a = b)
# do something with a

If a method is allowed to lazily evaluate its arguments -- or not
evaluate them at all -- I can't count on 'a' being set, there, if 'foo'
decides to do something strange. I'm guessing this kind of thing
wouldn't come up much in practice, but I'm not sure.

David Masover

Eleanor said:
There seems to be a fairly clean divide between the folks who like
language for being language, and those who like language for the
specific things it can do.

I would say, these aren't completely unrelated -- the grammar and
structure of a language, the way in which it lends itself to
communication, or to poetry, is one of the things a language can do.

And yet, part of the beauty of a language can be revealed in what it can
actually do. For example, I consider this to be beautiful:

get '/' do
'Hello, world!'

But while I'm sure someone can demonstrate far more elegant examples of
Sinatra code, and of code that Sinatra does better than other
frameworks, it might be difficult to show the full extent of its beauty
without the context that this is an http service, matching a request to
an intended response.

That was a bit of a 'duh' moment for me. I was still relatively new to
Rails and REST, but it was both aesthetically pleasing and immediately
obvious what it does -- it was as if a full web stack hit my brain in an

I would say, dissolving beauty into separate ideas of form and function,
and then appreciating one without the other, is a bit like falling in
love with a photograph, never having met the person behind it. I am not
saying photographs cannot be beautiful, but if that is all you see in a
person, you are missing a lot.
We abandon the quest for beauty at our peril as it is the keenest
guide to correctness that we possess. Unfortunately an age of
aesthetic relativism has given it a bum wrap by attributing its
quality to things which patently aren't beautiful and are far from

The most blatant reminder of this that I've seen was in this presentation:

I won't spoil it, though -- anyone who hasn't seen this, just find an
hour and watch it for yourself.

Jörg W Mittag

Tony said:
Yes, you are correct, and I really wish ruby-core would embrace ParseTree
and make it a standard feature of the language. The fact they haven't has
precluded alternative implementations like JRuby from implementing it.

Actually, I believe it is the other way round: embracing ParseTree
would preclude alternative implementations like JRuby from being
implemented in the first place.

Well, I admit, I was exaggerating. However, until recently, JRuby
*had* a (somewhat) ParseTree-compatible AST. The reason why they
decided to drop ParseTree-compatibility was simply that it would be
impossible to evolve the compiler while keeping the AST compatible.

ParseTree is intimately tied to the actual layout of the AST inside
MRI and to the actual inner workings of MRI. That would mean that the
alternative implementations would be intimately tied to the inner
workings of MRI -- in other words, they wouldn't actually be
"alternative" implementations any more, just clones.

This is especially bad, since MRI is actually a pretty marginal edge
case: it only supports Ruby 1.8, most other implementations support
either Ruby 1.9 or Ruby 1.8 *and* 1.9 in the same parser. MRI is the
only pure interpreter, *every* other implementation (and there's about
a dozen of them) has a compiler -- some even have *only* a compiler
and no interpreter at all. And, last but not least, even MRI's creator
doesn't consider it a very good Ruby Implementation.

JRuby is actually a pretty extreme countercase: where MRI's parser and
AST are doing exactly one thing, JRuby's parser and AST are used to
implement an interpreter, a dynamic JIT and a static ahead-of-time
batch compiler within the JRuby project, plus an interactive resident
background parser for syntax checking, syntax highlighting, code
formatting, code generation, code completion, static analysis, type
inference, code transformation and refactoring in at least 3 different
IDEs, and even to implement a compiler and type inference engine for
*another* language implementation (Duby).
There is JParseTree for JRuby but it isn't actively maintained. And of
course YARV practically precludes a ParseTree implementation so there's
little motivation for alternative implementations to even try to support
it. The future of Ruby seems to be one without ParseTree.

So Lisp 1, Ruby 0 I guess.

I wouldn't say that. There are better ways than ParseTree. A
standardized generic, abstract, high-level parser API for example.

Countless man-hours and dollars, and even entire companies have been
lost in the battle for implementation-independent ASTs. There is a
reason why JVM bytecode and not ANDF rules the world. Let's learn from
those mistakes.


Robert Klemme

I just like a good argument ;)

Hm, ok then we do have a bit different approach.
Plus I've always believed that the best
way to find out stuff is to make someone who already knows it so
defensively apoplectic that they give you their very best material in

I see. But you do have to admit that it can be painful at times (not
necessarily for you but the peer). :)
Lather, rinse, repeat :)

Rationality has its uses, but carried to extremes it leaves the mind
trapped in a particular logical fallacies with no means of breaking
free. The universe after all is nothing more than a multi-dimensional
bumpy phase space full of highly misleading localised minima and
anyone who sits atop one is bound to be even more misguided than those
of us who get to the top of one slope and then decide to go for a
wander into the next valley. Who knows what exciting rabbit-holes we
may find there >8p

That's another interesting way to look at it. May way to look at
decision making is this: rational decision making can only do "I choose
X because of Y". Then you have to say "I choose Y because of Z".
Basically the chain would not end unless at some point Y is something
which you simply do not question. It's either a requirement coming from
the outside or it is a value that is part of your system of convictions.
In that sense rational decision making is a myth because all decisions
are rooted in the irrational. Hopefully I wasn't too cryptic...

Kind regards


Eleanor McHugh

That's another interesting way to look at it. May way to look at
decision making is this: rational decision making can only do "I
choose X because of Y". Then you have to say "I choose Y because of
Z". Basically the chain would not end unless at some point Y is
something which you simply do not question. It's either a
requirement coming from the outside or it is a value that is part of
your system of convictions. In that sense rational decision making
is a myth because all decisions are rooted in the irrational.
Hopefully I wasn't too cryptic...

It seems we're both rationally irrational then as opposed to
irrationally rational lol


Eleanor McHugh
Games With Brains

Charles Oliver Nutter

Jörg W Mittag said:
Actually, I believe it is the other way round: embracing ParseTree
would preclude alternative implementations like JRuby from being
implemented in the first place.

Well, I admit, I was exaggerating. However, until recently, JRuby
*had* a (somewhat) ParseTree-compatible AST. The reason why they
decided to drop ParseTree-compatibility was simply that it would be
impossible to evolve the compiler while keeping the AST compatible.

Not impossible...there's just been practically *zero* demand, limited
resources, and other things that needed more attention. I'm not opposed
to supporting PT in JRuby, but it's never been a very high priority. And
now that ruby_parser can be used for almost all the offline PT-based
tools, there's even less motivation.
ParseTree is intimately tied to the actual layout of the AST inside
MRI and to the actual inner workings of MRI. That would mean that the
alternative implementations would be intimately tied to the inner
workings of MRI -- in other words, they wouldn't actually be
"alternative" implementations any more, just clones.

I've also had an issue with PT basically just *being* MRI's AST. We've
made numerous changes to the structure of the AST, some of them for very
good reasons. We've also unified a number of constructs that MRI still
keeps separate. In short, we've evolved, and while PT did a good job
exposing the general structure of MRI's AST, it also exposes MRI's
implementation warts. We don't feel a strong need to emulate those
warts. But it's doable :) The fact that it hasn't been done says more
about the demand for it than the challenge of making it happen.
I wouldn't say that. There are better ways than ParseTree. A
standardized generic, abstract, high-level parser API for example.

ruby_parser handles some of this, but it's another all-at-once parser;
you can't stop and start it or handle subsections of code easily.
Really, it's just a port of MRI's Yacc/Bison parser to Racc.

- Charlie

Martin DeMello

Nice. =A0I hadn't heard that one.

I've sadly lost the attribution, been trying to find it again for
years because I really would like to give credit to the genius who
came up with it.


David Masover

Charles said:
And now that ruby_parser can be used for almost all the offline
PT-based tools, there's even less motivation.

Merb uses ParseTree for something called ActionArgs feature which, as I
understand it, actually relies on the name of function parameters. For
example, if you have an action which takes an argument called 'foo', and
that URL is hit with a querystring like ?foo=bar, it will pass that
value ('bar', in that case) as that argument.

This actually seems to no longer need ParseTree -- that's used on MRI --
but it also seems to have very different code for each of the three VMs

It's worth mentioning that Merb is being merged into Rails. Merb 2 will
be Rails 3, and vice versa. So, while it's solved, it's not an entirely
obscure concern.
while PT did a good job exposing the general structure of MRI's AST,
it also exposes MRI's implementation warts. We don't feel a strong
need to emulate those warts.

Ideally, the goal wouldn't be to emulate MRI's warts, but to expose
something generic enough to be common, but practical. I would hope it
would do a good job of exposing the original structure of the source
code, even if that is completely annihilated by optimizations in the
version actually executed.

In fact, I think the closest we have to "something like ParseTree" which
"helps support alternate implementations" might be Rubinius.
Unfortunately, I don't seem to see any of the other alternate
implementations moving in that direction.


=A0 =A0 <wander where=3D"even more off-topic"></wandering>
^ Parse error,
Wandering does not

Charles Oliver Nutter

David said:
Merb uses ParseTree for something called ActionArgs feature which, as I
understand it, actually relies on the name of function parameters. For
example, if you have an action which takes an argument called 'foo', and
that URL is hit with a querystring like ?foo=bar, it will pass that
value ('bar', in that case) as that argument.

This actually seems to no longer need ParseTree -- that's used on MRI --
but it also seems to have very different code for each of the three VMs

Well, in JRuby this is taking advantage of us being the most reflectable
Ruby implementation. Basically it's a bit of Ruby code that accesses
JRuby internals directly to get at the method args. That approach works
reasonably well for small cases, but we'd probably want to expose our
AST to Ruby in a more direct way that could then be massaged into sexps.
JParseTree tried to do this, but without any JRuby runtime/API
help...I'm willing to provide that help, if someone wanted to give it
another go.

However there's another complication with exposing the AST: sometimes we
don't have one. For example, if a script is precompiled to JVM bytecode,
there's no AST to present. And we would like to get to a point where JIT
compiling a method at runtime makes its associated AST eligible for GC,
since a substantial portion of memory in a typical Ruby app is taken up
by the AST itself. What do we do in those cases?
Ideally, the goal wouldn't be to emulate MRI's warts, but to expose
something generic enough to be common, but practical. I would hope it
would do a good job of exposing the original structure of the source
code, even if that is completely annihilated by optimizations in the
version actually executed.

Sure, I'm game for that. And with a little more revising, I think the
"unified parse tree" in later PT releases is pretty close. If we wanted
to do this right, we'd get the implementers together to agree what a
standard sexp-based representation of Ruby code should look like,
avoiding impl-specific warts and conveying exactly the information needed.
In fact, I think the closest we have to "something like ParseTree" which
"helps support alternate implementations" might be Rubinius.
Unfortunately, I don't seem to see any of the other alternate
implementations moving in that direction.

Rubinius is actually eliminating the intermediate sexps now because
going from parse to sexp to AST to compilation is just too slow. But
they're still basically using MRI's C parser, so PT is probably still
supportable in some capacity.

- Charlie

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