I've been trying to teach myself Generics, so I read through the
tutorial at
and it
looked pretty straightforward. I thought to myself, priority queues
might be a
good example of a data structure one might want to genericize, since
the idea
behind a priority queue is pretty independent of the base data type.
So I wrote
"PriorityQueue.java" that I'm attaching below, where I use a heap to
the priority queue. I also wrote "IntPq.java" that instantiates
for integers (or rather, values of type "Integer").
But I can't get it to compile. The first error message I get is
"generic array creation". Is it illegal to use arrays of the type
passed in?
How would I implement a heap _without_ being able to declare an array
of the
type passed in?
The rest of the compilation errors seem to be referring to my use of
"compareTo< Da>()". Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong here?
Kevin Simonson
public class PriorityQueue< Da extends Comparable>
public static class BadSizeException extends Exception {}
public static class UnderflowException extends Exception {}
public static class OverflowException extends Exception {}
Da[] queue;
int nmbrEntries;
public PriorityQueue ( int size)
if (0 <= size)
{ queue = new Da[ size];
nmbrEntries = 0;
{ throw new BadSizeException();
public boolean hasEntries ()
return 0 < nmbrEntries;
public boolean hasRoom ()
return nmbrEntries < queue.length;
public void addEntry ( Da entry)
if (queue.length == nmbrEntries)
{ throw new OverflowException();
Da parent;
int index;
int searcher;
for ( searcher = nmbrEntries++
; 0 < searcher
&& (parent = queue[ index = searcher - 1 >>
1]).compareTo< Da>
( entry)
<= 0
; searcher = index)
{ queue[ searcher] = parent;
queue[ searcher] = entry;
public Da extract ()
if (nmbrEntries == 0)
{ throw new UnderflowException();
Da extractee = queue[ 0];
Da rplcmnt = queue[--nmbrEntries];
int searcher = 0;
int lastborn;
int lrgrChld;
for (;
{ lastborn = searcher + 1 << 1;
if (nmbrEntries < lastborn)
{ break;
= lastborn < nmbrEntries
&& queue[ lastborn - 1].compareTo< Da>( queue[ lastborn])
<= 0
? lastborn
: lastborn - 1;
if (queue[ lrgrChld].compareTo< Da>( rplcmnt) <= 0)
{ break;
queue[ searcher] = queue[ lrgrChld];
searcher = lrgrChld;
queue[ searcher] = rplcmnt;
return extractee;
public void list ()
int index;
for (index = 0; index < nmbrEntries; index++)
{ System.out.println( index + ": [" + queue[ index] + ']');
public class IntPq
public static void main ( String[] arguments)
if (0 < arguments.length)
{ int arg = 0;
{ PriorityQueue< Integer> intPq
= new PriorityQueue< Integer>
( Integer.parseInt( arguments[ 0]));
Integer entry;
String argmnt;
int index;
for (arg = 1; arg < arguments.length; arg++)
{ argmnt = arguments[ arg];
if (argmnt.equals( "x"))
{ entry = intPq.extract();
System.out.println( "Extracted value " + entry + '.');
else if (argmnt.equals( "l"))
{ intPq.list();
else if (argmnt.equals( "hE"))
{ System.out.println
( "Priority queue has entries == " + intPq.hasEntries()
+ '.');
else if (argmnt.equals( "hR"))
{ System.out.println
( "Priority queue has room == " + intPq.hasRoom()
+ '.');
{ entry = new Integer( argmnt);
intPq.addEntry( entry);
System.out.println( "Added entry " + entry + '.');
catch (NumberFormatException excptn)
{ System.err.println
( "Couldn't convert string \"" + arguments[ arg]
+ "\" to an integer!");
catch (OverflowException excptn)
{ System.err.println( "Overflow occurred!");
catch (UnderflowException excptn)
{ System.err.println( "Underflow occurred!");
catch (BadSizeException excptn)
{ System.err.println( "First number entered must be non-
{ System.out.println
( "Usage is\n jave IntPq <queue-size> (x l hE hR <int-
tutorial at
and it
looked pretty straightforward. I thought to myself, priority queues
might be a
good example of a data structure one might want to genericize, since
the idea
behind a priority queue is pretty independent of the base data type.
So I wrote
"PriorityQueue.java" that I'm attaching below, where I use a heap to
the priority queue. I also wrote "IntPq.java" that instantiates
for integers (or rather, values of type "Integer").
But I can't get it to compile. The first error message I get is
"generic array creation". Is it illegal to use arrays of the type
passed in?
How would I implement a heap _without_ being able to declare an array
of the
type passed in?
The rest of the compilation errors seem to be referring to my use of
"compareTo< Da>()". Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong here?
Kevin Simonson
public class PriorityQueue< Da extends Comparable>
public static class BadSizeException extends Exception {}
public static class UnderflowException extends Exception {}
public static class OverflowException extends Exception {}
Da[] queue;
int nmbrEntries;
public PriorityQueue ( int size)
if (0 <= size)
{ queue = new Da[ size];
nmbrEntries = 0;
{ throw new BadSizeException();
public boolean hasEntries ()
return 0 < nmbrEntries;
public boolean hasRoom ()
return nmbrEntries < queue.length;
public void addEntry ( Da entry)
if (queue.length == nmbrEntries)
{ throw new OverflowException();
Da parent;
int index;
int searcher;
for ( searcher = nmbrEntries++
; 0 < searcher
&& (parent = queue[ index = searcher - 1 >>
1]).compareTo< Da>
( entry)
<= 0
; searcher = index)
{ queue[ searcher] = parent;
queue[ searcher] = entry;
public Da extract ()
if (nmbrEntries == 0)
{ throw new UnderflowException();
Da extractee = queue[ 0];
Da rplcmnt = queue[--nmbrEntries];
int searcher = 0;
int lastborn;
int lrgrChld;
for (;
{ lastborn = searcher + 1 << 1;
if (nmbrEntries < lastborn)
{ break;
= lastborn < nmbrEntries
&& queue[ lastborn - 1].compareTo< Da>( queue[ lastborn])
<= 0
? lastborn
: lastborn - 1;
if (queue[ lrgrChld].compareTo< Da>( rplcmnt) <= 0)
{ break;
queue[ searcher] = queue[ lrgrChld];
searcher = lrgrChld;
queue[ searcher] = rplcmnt;
return extractee;
public void list ()
int index;
for (index = 0; index < nmbrEntries; index++)
{ System.out.println( index + ": [" + queue[ index] + ']');
public class IntPq
public static void main ( String[] arguments)
if (0 < arguments.length)
{ int arg = 0;
{ PriorityQueue< Integer> intPq
= new PriorityQueue< Integer>
( Integer.parseInt( arguments[ 0]));
Integer entry;
String argmnt;
int index;
for (arg = 1; arg < arguments.length; arg++)
{ argmnt = arguments[ arg];
if (argmnt.equals( "x"))
{ entry = intPq.extract();
System.out.println( "Extracted value " + entry + '.');
else if (argmnt.equals( "l"))
{ intPq.list();
else if (argmnt.equals( "hE"))
{ System.out.println
( "Priority queue has entries == " + intPq.hasEntries()
+ '.');
else if (argmnt.equals( "hR"))
{ System.out.println
( "Priority queue has room == " + intPq.hasRoom()
+ '.');
{ entry = new Integer( argmnt);
intPq.addEntry( entry);
System.out.println( "Added entry " + entry + '.');
catch (NumberFormatException excptn)
{ System.err.println
( "Couldn't convert string \"" + arguments[ arg]
+ "\" to an integer!");
catch (OverflowException excptn)
{ System.err.println( "Overflow occurred!");
catch (UnderflowException excptn)
{ System.err.println( "Underflow occurred!");
catch (BadSizeException excptn)
{ System.err.println( "First number entered must be non-
{ System.out.println
( "Usage is\n jave IntPq <queue-size> (x l hE hR <int-