objectdataSource case sensitive with parameters??



I'have this error on a runtime page:
ObjectDataSource 'dataSourceActivityLogs' could not find a non-generic
method 'GetActivityLogsCount' that has parameters: veichleID, originalName,

My class has this method declared:
Public Function GetActivityLogsCount(ByVal veichleID As Nullable(Of Int32),
ByVal originalName As String, ByVal Status As Nullable(Of
BusinessEntities.ActivityLog.ActivityLogStatus)) As Int32

I noticed that if "Status" is writted capitalized, I have the error. If it
is written as "status", the objectdatasource works. My big problem is that I
have an other datasource, in the same asp.net project, that raises the error
only if parameter is written as "status" and works only if I write
"Status"!!! :((

This is the objectdatasource declaration:

<asp:ObjectDataSource ID="dataSourceActivityLogs" runat="server"

EnableViewState="False" OldValuesParameterFormatString="original_{0}"

SelectMethod="GetActivityLogs" TypeName="DataSources.ActivityLogs">


<asp:parameter Name="veichleID" Type="Int32" />

<asp:parameter Name="originalName" Type="String" />

<asp:parameter DefaultValue="2" Name="status" Type="Object" />



Whis this behavor?? How can I solve this?


Steven Cheng[MSFT]

Hello Trapulo,

It seems you're encountering some method paramter mismatching error when
using ObjectDataSource control in ASP.NET page.

I've ever met some issue with similar error which is caused by the paramter
type or count mismatch. However, the problem in your case seems a bit
strange as you said the "Status" paramter will work for one datasource but
not for anotehr one.

Have you tried comparing the two datasource's declaration in the aspx
template to see whether there is any difference between them? Also, you can
try copying them onto the same page to see what's the behavior.

If convenient, you can create a simplified business class(with some hard
coded dummy datas) which can reproduct the problem so that I can also
perform some tests on my local side.

Please feel free to let me know if there is any other finding.


Steven Cheng

Microsoft MSDN Online Support Lead


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Hello Steven,
I made some other test, and it seems the problem is related to the name
"status". Now I've this problem on others datasources. I've tried to rename
the param, and this is how the error has changed:

ObjectDataSource 'dsLogs' could not find a non-generic method
'GetActivityLogs' that has parameters: veichleID, originalName, logStatus,
Status, maximumRows, startRowIndex.
As you can see, my parameter has been called "logStatus", but the datasource
is still looking for a "Status" parameter... :(

This is the datasource that is raising that error:

<asp:ObjectDataSource ID="dsLogs" runat="server" EnablePaging="True"
EnableViewState="False" OldValuesParameterFormatString="original_{0}"

SelectMethod="GetActivityLogs" TypeName="DataSources.ActivityLogs">


<asp:ControlParameter ControlID="ddlVeichles" DefaultValue="0"
Name="veichleID" PropertyName="SelectedValue" Type="Int32" />

<asp:parameter Name="originalName" Type="String" />

<asp:parameter DefaultValue="2" Name="logStatus" Type="Object" />



And this is the target method:

Public Function GetActivityLogs(ByVal veichleID As Nullable(Of Int32), ByVal
originalName As String, _

ByVal logStatus As Nullable(Of
BusinessEntities.ActivityLog.ActivityLogStatus), _

ByVal startRowIndex As Int32, ByVal maximumRows As Int32) As

Dim filter As New BusinessEntities.Filters.FilterLog(originalName)

filter.StartRowIndex = startRowIndex

filter.MaximumRows = maximumRows

If veichleID.HasValue Then filter.Veichle = New

If logStatus.HasValue Then filter.Status = logStatus.Value

Dim out As BusinessEntities.LogsCollection =

_totalRowsCache = filter.TotalRows

Return out

End Function


I add that I have, on an other page, this datasource that is working well:

<asp:ObjectDataSource ID="ObjectDataSource1" runat="server"

EnableViewState="False" OldValuesParameterFormatString="original_{0}"

SelectMethod="GetActivityLogs" TypeName="DataSources.ActivityLogs">


<asp:ControlParameter ControlID="ddlVeichles" DefaultValue="0"
Name="veichleID" PropertyName="SelectedValue"

Type="Int32" />

<asp:parameter Name="originalName" Type="String" />

<asp:parameter Name="logStatus" Type="Object" />




Ok, this was my error. When I tried to rename the parameter from "status" to
"logStatus", I forgot that I have this code-behind:

Protected Sub dsLogs_Selecting(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As
System.Web.UI.WebControls.ObjectDataSourceSelectingEventArgs) Handles
e.InputParameters("logStatus") =

End Sub

So, renaming the parameter from "status" to "logStatus" is a solution to my
problem: now all objectdataSources are working well and they all are calling
this methods:

Public Function GetActivityLogs(ByVal veichleID As Nullable(Of Int32), ByVal
originalName As String, _

ByVal logStatus As Nullable(Of
BusinessEntities.ActivityLog.ActivityLogStatus), _

ByVal startRowIndex As Int32, ByVal maximumRows As Int32) As


Public Function GetActivityLogsCount(ByVal veichleID As Nullable(Of Int32),
ByVal originalName As String, _

ByVal logStatus As Nullable(Of
BusinessEntities.ActivityLog.ActivityLogStatus)) As Int32

I think there is some problem when a parameter is called "status" ..... very
strange, but renamig it solve my problem...

Steven Cheng[MSFT]

Thanks for your followup Trapulo,

Glad that you've figured out the problem.


Steven Cheng

Microsoft MSDN Online Support Lead

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