Perl Script to be automated


Graham Feeley

Hi there perl programmers.
I have a script that scrapes web data which i invoke by the command prompt
Basically it scrapes results from sports events on a daily basis.
It was written for me by a friend whom dabbles in Perl and he says he has no
idea how to automate it to cycle through events.
I am happy with this script , but it would be interesting to see what extra
code would be involved to automate the cycling through the events.
Is there anyone willing to do this Please ?????

Jens Thoms Toerring

Graham Feeley said:
Hi there perl programmers.
I have a script that scrapes web data which i invoke by the command prompt
Basically it scrapes results from sports events on a daily basis.
It was written for me by a friend whom dabbles in Perl and he says he has no
idea how to automate it to cycle through events.
I am happy with this script , but it would be interesting to see what extra
code would be involved to automate the cycling through the events.
Is there anyone willing to do this Please ?????

What are "events"? If you just want the scipt to be started at
regular intervals most systems probably have some service that
would do that. Under UNIX you would e.g. use cron for that.

Regards, Jens


Hi there perl programmers.
I have a script that scrapes web data which i invoke by the command prompt
Basically it scrapes results from sports events on a daily basis.
It was written for me by a friend whom dabbles in Perl and he says he has no
idea how to automate it to cycle through events.
I am happy with this script , but it would be interesting to see what extra
code would be involved to automate the cycling through the events.
Is there anyone willing to do this Please ?????

cron will do the same thing every [enter time period], check the man

The incredible wget utility, actuated by a cron entry, will probably do
what you want. Again , read the man pages. I have it checking on music
files which appear on a website. Its amazing what an amount of utter crud
it downloads.

Jürgen Exner

Graham Feeley said:
Basically it scrapes results from sports events on a daily basis.
It was written for me by a friend whom dabbles in Perl and he says he has no
idea how to automate it to cycle through events.
I am happy with this script , but it would be interesting to see what extra
code would be involved to automate the cycling through the events.

Please explain what you mean by "cycling through events".

From your first sentence it appears as if the script already
- handles multiple sport events
- runs daily
So I don't see where you want any additional cycling.


Graham Feeley

Hmmm, sorry I have not made myself clear.
Here is the site I am using with all pages to be scraped

this is the script


# last updated 24/06/2007
# Purpose
# To extract horse result details for each race at a nominated race meet
# The ozeform site has an archive of race meetings going back several
# by date by meeting location. By submitting the date and the meet name
# the results for each race and each horse can be retrieved in html format
# The retrieved data is then processed to csv format for use by Excel or
MS Access
use diagnostics;
use sigtrap;
use strict;
use warnings;

use LWP::Simple;

print "\t$0 Starting ", scalar localtime, " \n";
print "\tOperating System\t$^O\n";
print "\tPerl version \t$] \n";

my $meet_code = "G"; # meet types are R or Greyhound or T
my $file_name_1 = 'web5.txt'; # Output file name
my $file_name_2 = 'web5.csv'; # Output excel file
my $fstype = Win32::FsType();
my $item_num = 4; # the element number within the
result array
my $race_num = 1;
my $result_count = 0;
my @result ;
my $suffix ;
my $test = 0; # 0 is the default and provides minimum
# 1 will provide extended
displays for debugging any problems

print "\tCurrent Active Drive Type is $fstype\n";

my $race_date = shift; # format CCyymmdd 20070117

unless (defined $race_date)
print "\n\tPROBLEM: Race Meet Date is missing \n";
my $meet_date = $race_date;

my $meet_name = shift;

unless (defined $meet_name)
print "\n\tPROBLEM: Race Meet Name is missing \n";
$meet_name = uc($meet_name);

my $meet_type = shift;

$meet_type = "R" unless (defined($meet_type)) ;

# Thoroughbred Harness(Trotter) or Greyhound

if ($meet_type eq "T")
{ # Trotter
$suffix = '&grt=t';
$meet_code = $meet_type;
elsif ($meet_type eq "G")
{ # Greyhound
$suffix = '&grt=g';
$meet_code = $meet_type;
{ # Thoroughbreed
$suffix = '&grt=r';
$meet_code = "R";

# Save the Meet Name and Date into the result array
$result[0] = $meet_name;
$result[1] = $race_date;

get_url(); # Scrape the web page and store it in web5.txt file for further

print "\tGetting $meet_name results for the meet held on $race_date ... \n";

open_file_1(); # Open the web5.txt file which holds the retrieved scrapped
web page
open_file_2(); # web5.csv



sub filter_results
# Start looking through web5.txt for race results
while (<INF>)
$_ =~ s/^\s+//;
chomp ;

# If record starts with
# Name
# Race
# <span
# <td class
# then we check further for selection

if (/^name:/i)
{ # Race name
print "$_\n" if ($test == 1);
if (m!^name:.nbsp.([A-Z0-9 \-'&/.]+)<!i)
print "$.\tRace Name :\t$1 \n" if ($test == 1);
$result[3] = $1;
} # End race name

if (/^Race/i)
{ # Meet name and date
} # End meet name

if (/^<span id/i)
{ # Winner place price
next if (/pbuc8/i);
next if (/pbuc9/i);
if (m!^<span id.+>([0-9.]*)<!i)
print "$.\tWinner place :\t$1\n" if ($test == 1);
print "$_\n" if ($test == 1);
} # End Winner place price

if (/^<td class/i)
{ # Place Number Horse name and payout for Super NSW UNI STAB
next unless (/Row/i);
next if (/Row2/i);
print "$_ \n" if ($test == 1);
if (m!^<td class.+Row1.+>Race no:.nbsp.(\d+).nbsp.-.nbsp!i)
{ # Race number
print "$.\tRace number :\t$1 \n" if ($test == 1);
if ($1 ne $race_num)
{ # If it is the next race number
$item_num = 4;
$race_num = $1;
$result[2] = $1;
} # End race number

if (m!^<td class.+Row..>([1-3dnrst]+)<\/td>!i)
{ # Horse result for 1st 2nd or 3rd
print "$.\tHorse result :\t$1\n" if ($test == 1);
} # End horse result

if (m!^<td class.+Row....+>(\d+)<\/span><\/td>!i)
{ # Horse number
print "$.\tHorse Number :\t$1\n" if ($test == 1);
} # End horse number

if (m!^<td class.+Row.+Name..>([A-Z '\&]+)<!i)
{ # Horse name
print "$.\tHorse name :\t$1\n" if ($test == 1);
} # End horse name

if ((m!^<td class.+Row.+first.+>([0-9.A_Z]*)<\/span>!i) ||
(m!^<td class.+Row.+econd.+>([0-9.A_Z]*)<\/span>!i) ||
(m!^<td class.+Row.+third.+>([0-9.A-Z]*)<\/span>!i))
{ # Result payout
print "$.\tResult payout :\t$1\n" if ($test == 1);
} # End result payout

# print "$_\n";

} # End td class

} # End while record processing


} # End of sub filter_results

sub display_meet_name
if (m!.+Name.>([A-Za-z ]+)<.+Date.>([0-9A-Za-z ]+)<!i)
print "$.\tMeeting held at $1 on $2 \n" if ($test == 1);
} # End of sub display_meet_name

sub get_url
{ # Scrape the web page and store it in web5.txt file for further processing
my $criteria = '&track=';
my $scheme = 'http://';
my $server = '';
my $prefix =

# Sample page ref

my $url =
print "\tSearching $url ...\n";

my $html = get($url)
or die "\tget_url : No reply from server : $!";

print "\tReceived ", length($html), " bytes of data\n";

print "\tOpening file $file_name_1 for output \n";
open FH1, ">", $file_name_1
or die "\tget_url : Cannot open file $file_name_1 : $!";

print FH1 $html
or die "\tget_url : Cannot write to $file_name_1 : $!";

print "\tClosing file $file_name_1 \n";

close FH1 || die "\tget_url : Cannot close file $file_name_1 : $!";

# print "$html \n" if ($test == 2);

} # End of sub get_url

sub store_data
{ # Store the matched data into the result array
my $select = shift;
unless (defined($select))
print "\tstore_data: Parameter missing from sub call\n";
die "\tstore_data: Internal program error : $!";

unless ($select == 1 || $select ==2)
print "store_data: Invalid sub call parameter $select\n";
die "store_data: Internal program error : $!";

my $data;

if ($select == 1)
$data = $1;
elsif ($select == 2)
$data = $2;

if (length($data) == 0)
$data = '0.00';

if ($data eq "NPP" || $data eq "npp" || $data eq "NTD" )
$data = '0.00';

print " $data " if ($test == 2);
$result[$item_num++] = $data;

} # End of sub store_data

sub write_record
{ # Extract the data from the result array and reformat to csv

my $rcd = '"'.$meet_code.'",';
my $num_items = @result;

for (my $i = 0; $i < @result; $i++)
$rcd .= '"'.$result[$i].'",';
my $x = chop $rcd;
print OUF $rcd,"\n" ||
die "\twrite_record : Cannot write to file : $!";

} # End of sub write_record

sub open_file_1
# Open the input file
print "\tOpening file $file_name_1 for input \n";
open INF, "<", $file_name_1 ||
die "open_file_1 : Cannot open file $file_name_1 : $! ";

} # End of sub open_file_1

sub open_file_2
# Open the output file
print "\tOpening file $file_name_2 for output \n";
open OUF, ">>", $file_name_2 ||
die "open_file_2 : Cannot open file $file_name_2 : $! ";

} # End of sub open_file_2

sub close_file_1
print "\n\n\tClosing input file $file_name_1 $. records\n";
close INF || die "close_file_1 : Can't close $file_name_1: $!";

} # End of sub close_file_1

sub close_file_2
print "\tClosing output file $file_name_2 $result_count records\n";
close OUF || die "close_file_2 : Can't close $file_name_2 : $!";

} # End of sub close_file_2

sub validate_meet_date
# Check that the meet date submitted is valid
# ccyymmdd
# Re format the date to dd/mm/yyyy
my $error_code = 0;
my $century ;
my $year ;
my $cal_month ;
my $month_day ;

if (length($race_date) < 8)
$error_code = 1;
print "\n\tERROR $error_code: Meet date is less than 8 digits\n";

$century = substr($race_date,0,2);

if (int($century) != 20)
$error_code = 2;
print "\n\tERROR $error_code: Incorrect Century number\n" ;

$year = substr($race_date,2,2);

if (int($year) < 1 || int($year) > 99)
$error_code = 3;
print "\n\tERROR $error_code: Incorrect year number\n" ;

$cal_month = substr($race_date,4,2);

if (int($cal_month) < 1 || int($cal_month) > 12)
$error_code = 4;
print "\n\tERROR $error_code: Incorrect month number\n" ;

$month_day = substr($race_date,6,2);

if (int($month_day) < 1 || int($month_day) > 31)
$error_code = 5;
print "\n\tERROR $error_code: Incorrect day number\n" ;

$race_date = $month_day.'/'.$cal_month.'/'.$century.$year;
usage() if($error_code != 0);

} # End of sub validate_meet_date

sub usage
# Operating instructions
my $usage = <<'****';


perl [race meeting date] [race meeting name]

Race meeting date is an 8 digit date in the format CCyymmdd

Example: 20070117 for 17th January 2007

Race meeting name is alphabetic with no numbers or special characters



print "$usage\n\n";

} # End of sub usage

if ($test == 1)
{ # Print web5.csv for checking
open INF, "<", $file_name_2 ||
die "Cannot open file $file_name_2 : $! ";
print $_;
close INF || die "Cannot close file $file_name_2 : $!";
} # End of print web5.csv

my $num = @result;
print "\tNumber of items in result array is $num\n";
print "\t$0 Ended at ", scalar localtime, " \n";

just need it to be automated really
in other words go through each venue automatically

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