Plan Your Move



Plan Your Move
You know you have a lot ahead of you, so why wait until the last
minute to throw things together? Plan well in advance and start taking
steps now to make your move more manageable. Be an Informed Mover
Start by creating a "move file." You'll need a place to keep important
information and receipts for moving related expenses. Contact the IRS
or visit their Web Site to determine what expenses can be deducted on
your next tax return. Research your new community. Start by visiting
your new city and state's Web Site or contact their chambers of
commerce for relocation packets. Check out local entertainment,
shopping and restaurants. This can be lots of fun and will give you
much to look forward to. You'll also want to order a phone book and
city map for your new location. This will allow you to start
researching new schools and service providers and is a must for your
"essentials" box.

Finally, consider ordering a local newspaper. Most news providers will
send a complimentary issue to prospective customers. Start Paring Down
Moving is tough, but it can also be an opportunity. This is the
perfect time to get rid of the extra "stuff" you've accumulated. Take
it one room at a time and prepare to make tough decisions. Survey each
room and ask yourself: Does this have sentimental or monetary value?
Does anyone really use it? Is it worth lugging around? Is there room
for it in our new home? If the item in question doesn't make the cut,
ditch it! Plan a yard sale, post an online auction or simply donate
anything that does not meet your criteria. This is a great way to earn
a little extra cash or another tax deduction. Start using up items
that can't be moved to your new home. Properly dispose of flammable or
potentially hazardous chemicals. This would include anything in an
aerosol can, cleaning and lighting fluids, paint, matches and
ammunition. Eat foods that are frozen or stored in glass jars and
don't plan on replacing these items until you are in your new home.

Finally, be aware that live plants cannot be shipped with your other
household goods. Plan on taking these in your car or find new homes
for them. Take Inventory Sorting through your home gives you the
opportunity to take inventory of your belongings. Make a list of
everything you decide to keep and assign replacement values for
insurance purposes. Make note of items that are difficult to replace.
Either carry these items with you or ship them by insured or certified
mail. Such items might include: Photos and home videos Birth
certificates, wills and other legal documentation Jewelry, rare coins
and special collections Stock certificates, insurance policies and
financial records Computer diskettes with backups of important files.
Know what you will need upon arrival to your new home. Plan ahead and
make a checklist of things you will need to pack in suitcases and an
"essentials" box. Allow for extra clothing and be sure to make room
for treasures, toys and snacks for the kids. Your essentials box
should include things you'll be scrambling for upon arrival. Scissors,
masking tape, utility knife, can opener Coffee cups, paper plates,
paper towels Plastic forks, spoons, knives Dish soap, trash bags,
towels Instant coffee, tea, beverages Toilet paper, toiletries
Prescriptions, aspirin or other pain relievers Flashlight, light
bulbs, hammer Phone books, pencils and paper, your "move file"
Telephone, radio, batteries Plan on keeping your essentials box and
luggage handy, preferably in your automobile.

Bone Ur

Well bust mah britches and call me cheeky, on Fri, 21 Dec 2007 18:03:48 GMT
linkswanted scribed:
Plan Your Move
You know you have a lot ahead of you, so why wait until the last
minute to throw things together? Plan well in advance and start taking
steps now to make your move more manageable.

Oy, a friend of mine told me that another friend of his visited the link
you left, hired someone he found on the page, and got charged $450.00 for
what turned out to be nothing but advice for a move of just 8 miles from
his then-current location. Is this true?
Sep 21, 2023
Reaction score
Hi all! I’m sorry, my question is not about the coding, but topic of this thread. I just found found the link on google. I live in Sherman Oaks and plan to move to DTLA, from my 2 bedroom apt to 3 bedroom apartment. The link in this thread is not active, but maybe someone knows the same services where I can compare moving prices? does anyone know approximately how much will cost my move, and any advise about local moving companies near Los Angeles.

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