Please fill out this dev tool survey



If you could help me out, I would appreciate it. I work for a company
that is developing a new app framework built on Java. I'm tasked with
gathering market data that we can present to investors. The survey will
take about five minutes, and is located here:

Your time is much appreciated.

Alex Hunsley

If you could help me out, I would appreciate it. I work for a company
that is developing a new app framework built on Java. I'm tasked with
gathering market data that we can present to investors. The survey will
take about five minutes, and is located here:

Your time is much appreciated.

And what do we get out of this again? Warm fuzzies for giving you market
data which is worth lots of money?


Perhaps warm fuzzies for helping to extend the Java community. We're a
group of four programmers who gave up our day jobs with the Really Nice
Salary to work out of a basement to solve a set of problems that almost
everyone faces when trying to develop a particular type of app. We
don't have a lot of money, which is why we're going the newsgroup route
vs. hiring Big Expensive Agency to do our survey.

Either way, we need the data to move forward, or we give up on our
dreams and go back to our former jobs as developers in a cubicle.

So I guess I'm asking you to throw us a bone and spend 5 minutes to
help us out.




Perhaps warm fuzzies for helping to extend the Java community. We're a
group of four programmers who gave up our day jobs with the Really Nice
Salary to work out of a basement to solve a set of problems that almost
everyone faces when trying to develop a particular type of app. We
don't have a lot of money, which is why we're going the newsgroup route
vs. hiring Big Expensive Agency to do our survey.

Either way, we need the data to move forward, or we give up on our
dreams and go back to our former jobs as developers in a cubicle.

So I guess I'm asking you to throw us a bone and spend 5 minutes to
help us out.



Patricia Shanahan

If you could help me out, I would appreciate it. I work for a company
that is developing a new app framework built on Java. I'm tasked with
gathering market data that we can present to investors. The survey will
take about five minutes, and is located here:

Your time is much appreciated.

I started to fill it out, but gave up because the first page was all
"Does you company" type of questions. I'm a student, and don't have a

It might save people some time if you indicated the target audience.


Timo Stamm

We don't have a lot of money, which is why we're going the newsgroup
route vs. hiring Big Expensive Agency to do our survey.

You can also write good old-fashioned mails. I have been told that you
can expect a reply rate of about 8% this way.

I did a similar survey a few years ago and to my surprise, that number
had been absolulety exact :)

And by the way: Maybe a wrapping framework would be a good alternative
to the dozens of ORMs already available in Java.



That's cool. Just put in a 0, or answer the lowest # for people and
customer size. We are looking for some feedback on potential features,
and that comes later in the survey. Thanks for helping out.

Alex Hunsley

Perhaps warm fuzzies for helping to extend the Java community. We're a
group of four programmers who gave up our day jobs with the Really Nice
Salary to work out of a basement to solve a set of problems that almost
everyone faces when trying to develop a particular type of app. We
don't have a lot of money, which is why we're going the newsgroup route
vs. hiring Big Expensive Agency to do our survey.

Either way, we need the data to move forward, or we give up on our
dreams and go back to our former jobs as developers in a cubicle.

So I guess I'm asking you to throw us a bone and spend 5 minutes to
help us out.

Hi Aaron
Thanks for replying! You're obviously above board - I was having an
attack of cynicism earlier.... but I've just answered your questionnaire.
Good luck with the project!

Jeff Kish

Perhaps warm fuzzies for helping to extend the Java community. We're a
group of four programmers who gave up our day jobs with the Really Nice
Salary to work out of a basement to solve a set of problems that almost
everyone faces when trying to develop a particular type of app. We
don't have a lot of money, which is why we're going the newsgroup route
vs. hiring Big Expensive Agency to do our survey.

Either way, we need the data to move forward, or we give up on our
dreams and go back to our former jobs as developers in a cubicle.

So I guess I'm asking you to throw us a bone and spend 5 minutes to
help us out.


Send me a picture of your basement and I'll fill out your survey!
Better yet point me to some more detail on what you are doing. Are you
involved with an open source effort? Do you have a web page?
Do you need any more help besides a survey?
Jeff Kish


The cynicism is overwhelming... We do have a basement, it has 5
computers in it, a bookshelf of books that has made O'Reilly very
wealthy, a whiteboard from Walmart, a desk made of an old countertop on
top of two sawhorses, a couple of folding tables and a Cat 5 cable that
was threaded through a hole drilled a the top of the wall because the
router is the main floor where the phone line is -- the whole works!
What I don't have handy is a camera right now. My apologies.

We have a webpage. But it won't tell you anything yet

The core framework for our product, or at least a portion of it, might
be made open source but we haven't decided yet (hence the survey).
Other parts won't be open source.

The survey is for market research. Meaning, are we wasting our time by
building something that no one needs? We're still in the early stages
so a lot of our decisions will be based on the survey.

Again, thanks for your time.

Oliver Wong

Patricia Shanahan said:
I started to fill it out, but gave up because the first page was all
"Does you company" type of questions. I'm a student, and don't have a

It might save people some time if you indicated the target audience.

Furthermore, it looks like it's mainly for companies which does web
application development. Questions include:

How many dynamic web applications does your company build per year?
How many web application developers does your company employ?
How are the web applications you build primarily hosted?

With no "Not Applicable" option for an answer.

My company does do some web development, but the department I'm working
in is mainly concerned with compiler technologies and source code analysis
(e.g. adding support for more languages in Eclipse), so I have no idea how
many dynamic web applications my company builds per year. I know that the
number of dynamic web applications my department builds per year is zero

I also gave up after the first page, and felt like my time was wasted.

- Oliver

Roedy Green

Again, thanks for your time.

There are people who whole joy in life is to rain on other people's
parades. Some join the military. Others hang out in newsgroups.

They are as common as ants at a picnic. You may note they never
create anything themselves.

You have done nothing wrong.

Jeff Kish

The cynicism is overwhelming... We do have a basement, it has 5
computers in it, a bookshelf of books that has made O'Reilly very
wealthy, a whiteboard from Walmart, a desk made of an old countertop on
top of two sawhorses, a couple of folding tables and a Cat 5 cable that
was threaded through a hole drilled a the top of the wall because the
router is the main floor where the phone line is -- the whole works!
What I don't have handy is a camera right now. My apologies.

We have a webpage. But it won't tell you anything yet

The core framework for our product, or at least a portion of it, might
be made open source but we haven't decided yet (hence the survey).
Other parts won't be open source.

The survey is for market research. Meaning, are we wasting our time by
building something that no one needs? We're still in the early stages
so a lot of our decisions will be based on the survey.

Again, thanks for your time.
Hey, you didn't answer if you needed any other help.
I guess that will come if you make something interesting and partially open
I filled out your survey.

See if you can release pieces slowly and guage interest as it proceeds to
augment survey results.

good luck.
Jeff Kish

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