Power of Interpreted Languages


T. Onoma

But, would you implement a game with ruby?

Depends on the game, of course.

Probably not 100% Ruby, but from what others have said/implied Ruby could make a good glue language to pull the compiled pieces together, as well as an embedded script language.

Others agree?

Simon Strandgaard

Depends on the game, of course.

Probably not 100% Ruby, but from what others have said/implied Ruby
could make a good glue language to pull the compiled pieces together,
as well as an embedded script language.

Others agree?

I have made a tiny Tetris game using Ruby SDL (271 lines of code).
It runs smooth on my pentium350.

Its distributed with ruby-sdl as a sample:

Andrew Walrond

Depends on the game, of course.

Probably not 100% Ruby, but from what others have said/implied Ruby could
make a good glue language to pull the compiled pieces together, as well as
an embedded script language.

Absolutely. I'm working on a massive multiplayer game which has it's own
internal script language to allow players to create their own AI for
spacecraft/missiles etc. I've been thinking for a while about the feasibility
of ripping that out and replacing it with an internal ruby facility. The main
problem I see is being able to limit the resources available to each player.
I wouldn't want someone allocating some huge array and bringing the server to
its knees. I'm sure it's feasible though; Just haven't applied any thought to
the solution yet ;)

And of course the legal implications of using ruby in a commercial game, which
might be insurmountable.

Andrew Walrond


And of course the legal implications of using ruby in a commercial game, which
might be insurmountable.

Can someone expound on this? Are there problems using ruby in commercial products?

Simon Strandgaard

Can someone expound on this? Are there problems using ruby in commercial products?

Ruby's regexp engine has a GPL license.

If you wish to use Ruby in a commercial product, then compile the
oniguruma regexp engine into Ruby. AFAIK.. that should be it.

Mauricio Fernández

Ruby's regexp engine has a GPL license.

LGPL, a bit nicer for commercial uses

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Running Debian GNU/Linux Sid (unstable)
batsman dot geo at yahoo dot com

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