Printing a drop down menu for a specific field.


Nick the Gr33k

turvey said:
Say your data is like the following:
data = [('alice', 1), ('alice', 2), ('bob', 5), ('bob', 10), ('carrie', 3)]

Where the first entry is your user and the second entry is a timestamp.
Your data is structured basically like this, except I stripped the
irrelevant details.

user_to_timestamps = {}

# Gather all your users together.
for user,timestamp in data:
if user not in user_to_timestamp:
user_to_timestamp[user] = []

# You now have a data structure like this
# {'alice': [1, 2], 'bob': [5, 10], 'carrie': [3]}

for user, timestamps in user_to_timestamps.iteritems():
print user
for timestamp in timestamps:
print "<select>%s</select>" % timestamp

There. That's how you would do it. It shouldn't be much work to get your
code into that form.

I'am sorry but i still cannot transform my code:

cur.execute( '''SELECT host, city, useros, browser, ref, hits,
lastvisit FROM visitors
WHERE counterID = (SELECT ID FROM counters WHERE url = %s) ORDER
BY lastvisit DESC''', page )
data = cur.fetchall()

for row in data:
(host, city, useros, browser, ref, hits, lastvisit) = row
lastvisit = lastvisit.strftime('%A %e %b, %H:%M')

print( "<tr>" )
for item in (host, city, useros, browser, ref, hits, lastvisit):
print( "<td><center><b><font color=white> %s </td>" % item )
except pymysql.ProgrammingError as e:
print( repr(e) )

to the solution you presented :(
I just dont know how to write it.

Nick the Gr33k

Στις 26/10/2013 5:10 μμ, ο/η Nick the Gr33k έγÏαψε:
turvey said:
Say your data is like the following:
data = [('alice', 1), ('alice', 2), ('bob', 5), ('bob', 10), ('carrie', 3)]

Where the first entry is your user and the second entry is a timestamp.
Your data is structured basically like this, except I stripped the
irrelevant details.

user_to_timestamps = {}

# Gather all your users together.
for user,timestamp in data:
if user not in user_to_timestamp:
user_to_timestamp[user] = []

# You now have a data structure like this
# {'alice': [1, 2], 'bob': [5, 10], 'carrie': [3]}

for user, timestamps in user_to_timestamps.iteritems():
print user
for timestamp in timestamps:
print "<select>%s</select>" % timestamp

There. That's how you would do it. It shouldn't be much work to get your
code into that form.

I'am sorry but i still cannot transform my code:

cur.execute( '''SELECT host, city, useros, browser, ref, hits,
lastvisit FROM visitors
WHERE counterID = (SELECT ID FROM counters
WHERE url = %s) ORDER BY lastvisit DESC''', page )
data = cur.fetchall()

for row in data:
(host, city, useros, browser, ref, hits, lastvisit) = row
lastvisit = lastvisit.strftime('%A %e %b, %H:%M')

print( "<tr>" )
for item in (host, city, useros, browser, ref, hits,
print( "<td><center><b><font color=white> %s </td>" %
item )
except pymysql.ProgrammingError as e:
print( repr(e) )

to the solution you presented :(
I just dont know how to write it.

Can someone write this properly? i tried but cannot make it work.

Steven D'Aprano

Can someone write this properly? i tried but cannot make it work.

Start by writing down what problem you are trying to solve with this
code, and what you expect the code to do. In detail. What input data does
it take, what result should it produce.

Then write down, in Greek, how *you* would solve this problem, again, in
detail. What steps would *you* take? If you don't know how to solve the
problem in real life, how do you expect to write instructions for a
computer to solve it?

Once you know how to solve the problem yourself, then you need to change
those steps into steps the computer can perform. Then, and only then,
should you even think about writing Python code.

That is what programmers do. Since you want to be a programmer, you need
to learn how to do this. Good luck! It's lots of hard work, and sometimes
time consuming. That's all part of the job.


cur.execute( '''SELECT host, city, useros, browser, ref, hits,
lastvisit FROM visitors WHERE counterID = (SELECT ID FROM counters WHERE
url = %s) ORDER BY lastvisit DESC''', page )
data = cur.fetchall()

for row in data:
(host, city, useros, browser, ref, hits, lastvisit) = row
lastvisit = lastvisit.strftime('%A %e %b, %H:%M')

print( "<tr>" )
for item in (host, city, useros, browser, ref, hits, lastvisit):
print( "<td><center><b><font color=white> %s </td>" % item )
except pymysql.ProgrammingError as e:
print( repr(e) )

In the above code i print the record of the mysql table visitors in each
row like this:

Now, i wish to write the same thing but when it comes to print the
'lastvisit' field to display it in a <select></select> tag so all prior
visits for the same host appear in a drop down menu opposed to as i have
it now which i only print the datetime of just the latest visit of that
host and not all its visit datetimes.

Perhaps something like this is what you are looking for?
cur.execute( '''SELECT host, city, useros, browser, ref, hits,
lastvisit FROM visitors WHERE counterID = (SELECT ID FROM counters WHERE
url = %s) ORDER BY lastvisit DESC''', page )
data = cur.fetchall()
newdata = coalesce( data )
for row in newdata:
(host, city, useros, browser, ref, hits, visits) = row
# Note that 'visits' is now a list of visit times.
print( "<tr>" )
for item in (host, city, useros, browser, ref, hits):
print( "<td><center><b><font color=white> %s </td>" % item )
print( "<td><select>" )
for n, visit in enumerate (visits):
visittime = visit.strftime('%A %e %b, %H:%M')
if n == 0: op_selected = 'selected="selected"'
else: op_selected = ''
print( "<option %s>%s</option>" % (op_selected, visittime) )
print( "</select></td>" )
print( "</tr>" )

def coalesce (data):
'''Combine multiple data rows differing only in the 'hits' and
'visits' fields into a single row with 'visits' changed into a
list of the multiple visits values, and hits changed into the
sum of the multiple 'hits' values. Order of rows is preserved
so that rows with most recent visits still come first.'''

newdata = []
seen = {}
for host, city, useros, browser, ref, hits, visit in data:
# Here you have to decide how to group the rows together.
# For example, if you have
# | Europe/Athens | Windows | Explorer | Direct Hit | 1 | ΠαÏασκευή 25 Οκτ, 20:48
# | Europe/Athens | Windows | Explorer | Direct Hit | 3 | ΠαÏασκευή 25 Οκτ, 20:06
# do you want those as one row on the html page, or two?
# If one, what value do you want to show for 'hits' (Επανάληψη)?
# "1", "3", "4"?
# I'll assume that you want an html row for every unique
# combination of (host, city, useros, browser) and that hits
# should be summed together.
key = host, city, useros, browser, ref
if key not in seen:
newdata.append ([host, city, useros, browser, ref, hits, [visit]])
seen[key] = len (newdata) - 1 # Save index (for 'newdata') of this row.
else: # This row is a duplicate row with a different visit time.
rowindex = seen[key]
newdata[rowindex][5] += hits
newdata[rowindex][6].append (visit)
return newdata

Several caveats...
The code above is untested, you'll probably have to fix some errors
but hopefully it is clear enough.
I only read this group intermittently these days so it you respond
with question about the code, or need more help, it is likely I
will not see your message so don't be surprised if you don't get an

Hope this is more helpful than the other answers you got.

Nick the Gr33k

Στις 26/10/2013 9:33 μμ, ο/η (e-mail address removed) έγÏαψε:
cur.execute( '''SELECT host, city, useros, browser, ref, hits,
lastvisit FROM visitors WHERE counterID = (SELECT ID FROM counters WHERE
url = %s) ORDER BY lastvisit DESC''', page )
data = cur.fetchall()

for row in data:
(host, city, useros, browser, ref, hits, lastvisit) = row
lastvisit = lastvisit.strftime('%A %e %b, %H:%M')

print( "<tr>" )
for item in (host, city, useros, browser, ref, hits, lastvisit):
print( "<td><center><b><font color=white> %s </td>" % item )
except pymysql.ProgrammingError as e:
print( repr(e) )

In the above code i print the record of the mysql table visitors in each
row like this:

Now, i wish to write the same thing but when it comes to print the
'lastvisit' field to display it in a <select></select> tag so all prior
visits for the same host appear in a drop down menu opposed to as i have
it now which i only print the datetime of just the latest visit of that
host and not all its visit datetimes.

Perhaps something like this is what you are looking for?
cur.execute( '''SELECT host, city, useros, browser, ref, hits,
lastvisit FROM visitors WHERE counterID = (SELECT ID FROM counters WHERE
url = %s) ORDER BY lastvisit DESC''', page )
data = cur.fetchall()
newdata = coalesce( data )
for row in newdata:
(host, city, useros, browser, ref, hits, visits) = row
# Note that 'visits' is now a list of visit times.
print( "<tr>" )
for item in (host, city, useros, browser, ref, hits):
print( "<td><center><b><font color=white> %s </td>" % item )
print( "<td><select>" )
for n, visit in enumerate (visits):
visittime = visit.strftime('%A %e %b, %H:%M')
if n == 0: op_selected = 'selected="selected"'
else: op_selected = ''
print( "<option %s>%s</option>" % (op_selected, visittime) )
print( "</select></td>" )
print( "</tr>" )

def coalesce (data):
'''Combine multiple data rows differing only in the 'hits' and
'visits' fields into a single row with 'visits' changed into a
list of the multiple visits values, and hits changed into the
sum of the multiple 'hits' values. Order of rows is preserved
so that rows with most recent visits still come first.'''

newdata = []
seen = {}
for host, city, useros, browser, ref, hits, visit in data:
# Here you have to decide how to group the rows together.
# For example, if you have
# | Europe/Athens | Windows | Explorer | Direct Hit | 1 | ΠαÏασκευή 25 Οκτ, 20:48
# | Europe/Athens | Windows | Explorer | Direct Hit | 3 | ΠαÏασκευή 25 Οκτ, 20:06
# do you want those as one row on the html page, or two?
# If one, what value do you want to show for 'hits' (Επανάληψη)?
# "1", "3", "4"?
# I'll assume that you want an html row for every unique
# combination of (host, city, useros, browser) and that hits
# should be summed together.
key = host, city, useros, browser, ref
if key not in seen:
newdata.append ([host, city, useros, browser, ref, hits, [visit]])
seen[key] = len (newdata) - 1 # Save index (for 'newdata') of this row.
else: # This row is a duplicate row with a different visit time.
rowindex = seen[key]
newdata[rowindex][5] += hits
newdata[rowindex][6].append (visit)
return newdata

Several caveats...
The code above is untested, you'll probably have to fix some errors
but hopefully it is clear enough.
I only read this group intermittently these days so it you respond
with question about the code, or need more help, it is likely I
will not see your message so don't be surprised if you don't get an

Hope this is more helpful than the other answers you got.

Thank you very much Rurpy, i appreciate your help very much.
Even of you havent tested it your code runs flawlessly.

Only 1 side effect.
If visitor comes from a referrer link then the visit[] list doesn't not
add its timestamp into it.

It only adds it in case of a direct hit when there is no referer present.

Nick the Gr33k

Στις 27/10/2013 2:31 πμ, ο/η Nick the Gr33k έγÏαψε:
Στις 26/10/2013 9:33 μμ, ο/η (e-mail address removed) έγÏαψε:
cur.execute( '''SELECT host, city, useros, browser, ref, hits,
lastvisit FROM visitors WHERE counterID = (SELECT ID FROM counters WHERE
url = %s) ORDER BY lastvisit DESC''', page )
data = cur.fetchall()

for row in data:
(host, city, useros, browser, ref, hits, lastvisit) = row
lastvisit = lastvisit.strftime('%A %e %b, %H:%M')

print( "<tr>" )
for item in (host, city, useros, browser, ref, hits, lastvisit):
print( "<td><center><b><font color=white> %s </td>" % item )
except pymysql.ProgrammingError as e:
print( repr(e) )

In the above code i print the record of the mysql table visitors in each
row like this:

Now, i wish to write the same thing but when it comes to print the
'lastvisit' field to display it in a <select></select> tag so all prior
visits for the same host appear in a drop down menu opposed to as i have
it now which i only print the datetime of just the latest visit of that
host and not all its visit datetimes.

Perhaps something like this is what you are looking for?
cur.execute( '''SELECT host, city, useros, browser, ref, hits,
lastvisit FROM visitors WHERE counterID = (SELECT ID FROM counters WHERE
url = %s) ORDER BY lastvisit DESC''', page )
data = cur.fetchall()
newdata = coalesce( data )
for row in newdata:
(host, city, useros, browser, ref, hits, visits) = row
# Note that 'visits' is now a list of visit times.
print( "<tr>" )
for item in (host, city, useros, browser, ref, hits):
print( "<td><center><b><font color=white> %s </td>" %
item )
print( "<td><select>" )
for n, visit in enumerate (visits):
visittime = visit.strftime('%A %e %b, %H:%M')
if n == 0: op_selected = 'selected="selected"'
else: op_selected = ''
print( "<option %s>%s</option>" % (op_selected,
visittime) )
print( "</select></td>" )
print( "</tr>" )

def coalesce (data):
'''Combine multiple data rows differing only in the 'hits' and
'visits' fields into a single row with 'visits' changed into a
list of the multiple visits values, and hits changed into the
sum of the multiple 'hits' values. Order of rows is preserved
so that rows with most recent visits still come first.'''

newdata = []
seen = {}
for host, city, useros, browser, ref, hits, visit in data:
# Here you have to decide how to group the rows together.
# For example, if you have
# | Europe/Athens | Windows |
Explorer | Direct Hit | 1 | ΠαÏασκευή 25 Οκτ, 20:48
# | Europe/Athens | Windows |
Explorer | Direct Hit | 3 | ΠαÏασκευή 25 Οκτ, 20:06
# do you want those as one row on the html page, or two?
# If one, what value do you want to show for 'hits'
# "1", "3", "4"?
# I'll assume that you want an html row for every unique
# combination of (host, city, useros, browser) and that hits
# should be summed together.
key = host, city, useros, browser, ref
if key not in seen:
newdata.append ([host, city, useros, browser, ref,
hits, [visit]])
seen[key] = len (newdata) - 1 # Save index (for
'newdata') of this row.
else: # This row is a duplicate row with a different
visit time.
rowindex = seen[key]
newdata[rowindex][5] += hits
newdata[rowindex][6].append (visit)
return newdata

Several caveats...
The code above is untested, you'll probably have to fix some errors
but hopefully it is clear enough.
I only read this group intermittently these days so it you respond
with question about the code, or need more help, it is likely I
will not see your message so don't be surprised if you don't get an

Hope this is more helpful than the other answers you got.

Thank you very much Rurpy, i appreciate your help very much.
Even of you havent tested it your code runs flawlessly.

Only 1 side effect.
If visitor comes from a referrer link then the visit[] list doesn't not
add its timestamp into it.

It only adds it in case of a direct hit when there is no referer present.
Ah foun it had to change in you code this line:
key = host, city, useros, browser, ref

to this line:

key = host, city, useros, browser

so 'ref' wouldnt be calculated in the unique combination key.

I'am still trying to understand the logic of your code and trying to
create a history list column for the 'referrers'

I dont know how to write it though to produce the sam

Nick the Gr33k

Στις 27/10/2013 2:52 πμ, ο/η Nick the Gr33k έγÏαψε:
Ah foun it had to change in you code this line:
key = host, city, useros, browser, ref

to this line:

key = host, city, useros, browser

so 'ref' wouldnt be calculated in the unique combination key.

I'am still trying to understand the logic of your code and trying to
create a history list column for the 'referrers'

I dont know how to write it though to produce the sam

Iam trying.

Ah foun it had to change in you code this line:
key = host, city, useros, browser, ref

to this line:

key = host, city, useros, browser

so 'ref' wouldnt be calculated in the unique combination key.

I'am still trying to understand the logic of your code and trying to
create a history list column for the 'referrers'

I dont know how to write it though to produce the same output for referrers.

The bast i came up with is:

def coalesce( data ):
newdata = []
seen = {}
for host, city, useros, browser, ref, hits, visit in data:
# Here i have to decide how to group the rows together.
# I want an html row for every unique combination of (host, city,
useros, browser) and that hits should be summed together.
key = host, city, useros, browser
if key not in seen:
newdata.append( [host, city, useros, browser, [ref], hits, [visit]] )
seen[key] = len( newdata ) - 1		# Save index (for 'newdata') of this
else:		# This row is a duplicate row with a different visit time.
rowindex = seen[key]
newdata[rowindex][4].append( ref )
newdata[rowindex][5] += hits
newdata[rowindex][6].append( visit )
return newdata

cur.execute( '''SELECT host, city, useros, browser, ref, hits,
lastvisit FROM visitors
WHERE counterID = (SELECT ID FROM counters WHERE url = %s) ORDER BY
lastvisit DESC''', page )
data = cur.fetchall()

newdata = coalesce( data )
for row in newdata:
(host, city, useros, browser, refs, hits, visits) = row
# Note that 'ref' & 'visits' are now lists of visit times.

print( "<tr>" )
for item in (host, city, useros, browser):
print( "<td><center><b><font color=white> %s </td>" % item )

print( "<td><select>" )
for n, ref in enumerate( refs ):
if n == 0:
op_selected = 'selected="selected"'
op_selected = ''
print( "<option %s>%s</option>" % (op_selected, ref) )
print( "</select></td>" )

for item in (hits):
print( "<td><center><b><font color=white> %s </td>" % item )

print( "<td><select>" )
for n, visit in enumerate( visits ):
visittime = visit.strftime('%A %e %b, %H:%M')
if n == 0:
op_selected = 'selected="selected"'
op_selected = ''
print( "<option %s>%s</option>" % (op_selected, visittime) )
print( "</select></td>" )

print( "</tr>" )

But this doesnt work correctly for refs and also doenst not print for
some reason the hits and visit colums.


Στις 27/10/2013 2:52 πμ, ο/η Nickthe Gr33k έγÏαψε:
Ah foun it had to change in you code this line:
key = host, city, useros, browser, ref

to this line:

key = host, city, useros, browser

so 'ref' wouldnt be calculated in the unique combination key.

I'am still trying to understand the logic of your code and trying to
create a history list column for the 'referrers'

I dont know how to write it though to produce the sam

Iam trying.

Ah foun it had to change in you code this line:
key = host, city, useros, browser, ref

to this line:

key = host, city, useros, browser

so 'ref' wouldnt be calculated in the unique combination key.

I'am still trying to understand the logic of your code and trying to
create a history list column for the 'referrers'

I dont know how to write it though to produce the same output for referrers.

The bast i came up with is:

def coalesce( data ):
		newdata = []
		seen = {}
		for host, city, useros, browser, ref, hits, visit in data:
			# Here i have to decide how to group the rows together.
			# I want an html row for every unique combination of (host, city, 
useros, browser) and that hits should be summed together.
			key = host, city, useros, browser
			if key not in seen:
				newdata.append( [host, city, useros, browser, [ref], hits, [visit]] )
				seen[key] = len( newdata ) - 1		# Save index (for 'newdata') of this 
			else:		# This row is a duplicate row with a different visit time.
				rowindex = seen[key]
				newdata[rowindex][4].append( ref )
				newdata[rowindex][5] += hits
				newdata[rowindex][6].append( visit )
		return newdata

	cur.execute( '''SELECT host, city, useros, browser, ref, hits, 
lastvisit FROM visitors
					WHERE counterID = (SELECT ID FROM counters WHERE url = %s) ORDERBY 
lastvisit DESC''', page )
	data = cur.fetchall()

	newdata = coalesce( data )
	for row in newdata:
		(host, city, useros, browser, refs, hits, visits) = row
		# Note that 'ref' & 'visits' are now lists of visit times.
		print( "<tr>" )
		for item in (host, city, useros, browser):
			print( "<td><center><b><font color=white> %s </td>" % item )
		print( "<td><select>" )
		for n, ref in enumerate( refs ):
			if n == 0:
				op_selected = 'selected="selected"'
				op_selected = ''
		print( "<option %s>%s</option>" % (op_selected, ref) )
		print( "</select></td>" )

		for item in (hits):
			print( "<td><center><b><font color=white> %s </td>" % item )
		print( "<td><select>" )
		for n, visit in enumerate( visits ):
			visittime = visit.strftime('%A %e %b, %H:%M')
			if n == 0:
				op_selected = 'selected="selected"'
				op_selected = ''
			print( "<option %s>%s</option>" % (op_selected, visittime) )
		print( "</select></td>" )
		print( "</tr>" )

But this doesnt work correctly for refs and also doenst not print for
some reason the hits and visit colums.

Without a traceback it is hard to figure out what is happening.
(Actually in this case there is one obvious error, but there are
also some unobvious ones.)

Here is what I did to find the problems, and what you can do
the next time. The main thing was to extract the code from
the cgi script so that I could run it outside of the web server
and without needing access to the database. Then you can add
print statements (or run with the pdb debugger) and see tracebacks
and other errors easily.

1. Copy and paste the code from your message into a .py file.
2. Put a "def main(): line at the top of your main code.
3. Add a line at the bottom to call main()
4. Copy and paste a part of the web page you gave that list all the visits.
5. Edit it (change TAB to "|", add comma's after each line, etc, to
create a statement that will create variable, DATA.
6. Add a few statements to turn DATA into variable 'data' which has a
format similar to the format returned by your cur.fetchall() call.

This all took just 10 or 15 minutes, and I ended up with the
following code:
def main():
data = [ln.split('|') for ln in DATA]
for r in data: r[5] = int(r[5]) # Change the 'hit' values from str to int.
print ('<table border="1">')

newdata = coalesce( data )
for row in newdata:
(host, city, useros, browser, refs, hits, visits) = row
# Note that 'ref' & 'visits' are now lists of visit times.

print( "<tr>" )
for item in (host, city, useros, browser):
print( "<td><center><b><font color=white> %s </td>" % item )

print( "<td><select>" )
for n, ref in enumerate( refs ):
if n == 0:
op_selected = 'selected="selected"'
op_selected = ''
print( "<option %s>%s</option>" % (op_selected, ref) )
print( "</select></td>" )

for item in (hits):
print( "<td><center><b><font color=white> %s </td>" % item )

print( "<td><select>" )
for n, visit in enumerate( visits ):
visittime = visit.strftime('%A %e %b, %H:%M')
if n == 0:
op_selected = 'selected="selected"'
op_selected = ''
print( "<option %s>%s</option>" % (op_selected, visittime) )
print( "</select></td>" )
print( "</tr>" )

def coalesce( data ):
newdata = []
seen = {}
for host, city, useros, browser, ref, hits, visit in data:
# Here i have to decide how to group the rows together.
# I want an html row for every unique combination of (host, city, useros, browser) and that hits should be summed together.
key = host, city, useros, browser
if key not in seen:
newdata.append( [host, city, useros, browser, [ref], hits, [visit]] )
seen[key] = len( newdata ) - 1 # Save index (for 'newdata') of this row.
else: # This row is a duplicate row with a different visit time.
rowindex = seen[key]
newdata[rowindex][4].append( ref )
newdata[rowindex][5] += hits
newdata[rowindex][6].append( visit )
return newdata

DATA = [
'|Άγνωστη Πόλη|Windows|Explorer|Direct Hit|1|Σάββατο 26 Οκτ, 18:59',
'|Άγνωστη Πόλη|Windows|Explorer|Direct Hit|1|Σάββατο 26 Οκτ, 18:49',
'|Άγνωστη Πόλη|Windows|Explorer|Direct Hit|1|Σάββατο 26 Οκτ, 18:48',
'|Άγνωστη Πόλη|Windows|Explorer|Direct Hit|1|Σάββατο 26 Οκτ, 18:48',
'|Άγνωστη Πόλη|Windows|Explorer|Direct Hit|1|Σάββατο 26 Οκτ, 18:47',
'|Άγνωστη Πόλη|Windows|Explorer|Direct Hit|1|Σάββατο 26 Οκτ, 18:47',
'|Άγνωστη Πόλη|Windows|Explorer|Direct Hit|1|Σάββατο 26 Οκτ, 18:47',


I then ran it and it reported:
[...some html output...]
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 88, in <module>
if __name__ == '__main__': main()
File "", line 26, in main
for item in (hits):
TypeError: 'int' object is not iterable

Line 88 is:

for item in (hits):

Remember that 'hits' is just an integer number, not a list.
So I changed:

for item in (hits):
print( "<td><center><b><font color=white> %s </td>" % item )


print( "<td><center><b><font color=white> %s </td>" % hits )

and ran again. This time:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 87, in <module>
if __name__ == '__main__': main()
File "", line 30, in main
visittime = visit.strftime('%A %e %b, %H:%M')
AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'strftime'

This is not a problem with the program but with the input data. When
you get data from your database, 'visit' is a datetime object. But
when it comes from the synthetic data we created, it is an already-
formatted string.

So I replaced
visittime = visit.strftime('%A %e %b, %H:%M')


visittime = visit #.strftime('%A %e %b, %H:%M')

I also realized you use white fonts so I changed the table to have
a blue background color:

print ('<table border="1">')


print ('<table border="1" bgcolor="blue">')

Now when I run the program it runs without errors and produces html
output. So run again but save the output to a file.

$ python3 > test.html

And open the file with a browser. Looks ok but none of the 'ref'
buttons has more than one entry. So I edited the data to be:

DATA = [
'|Άγνωστη Πόλη|Windows|Explorer|Direct Hit|1|Σάββατο 26 Οκτ, 18:59',
'|Άγνωστη Πόλη|Windows|Explorer|Direct Hit|1|Σάββατο 26 Οκτ, 18:49',
'|Άγνωστη Πόλη|Windows|Explorer||1|Σάββατο 26 Οκτ, 18:48',
'|Άγνωστη Πόλη|Windows|Explorer|Direct Hit|1|Σάββατο 26 Οκτ, 18:48',
'|Άγνωστη Πόλη|Windows|Explorer|Direct Hit|1|Σάββατο 26 Οκτ, 18:47',
'|Άγνωστη Πόλη|Windows|Explorer|Direct Hit|1|Σάββατο 26 Οκτ, 18:47',
'|Άγνωστη Πόλη|Windows|Explorer||1|Σάββατο 26 Οκτ, 18:22',

And ran again. But still, the 'ref' button for
showed on one item in the dropdown list. After looking at the generated
source code and adding some print statement to the python code I realized
that you had:
for n, ref in enumerate( refs ):
if n == 0:
op_selected = 'selected="selected"'
op_selected = ''
print( "<option %s>%s</option>" % (op_selected, ref) )

but what you want is:

for n, ref in enumerate( refs ):
if n == 0:
op_selected = 'selected="selected"'
op_selected = ''
print( "<option %s>%s</option>" % (op_selected, ref) )

I also realized after looking at the HTML spec for the OPTION element
that 'selected="selected"' should be just 'selected'. So in
both places they occur, I changed

if n == 0:
op_selected = 'selected="selected"'

if n == 0:
op_selected = 'selected'

Now the generated page looks right and the only thing left to do
in to copy the fixed code back into your main cgi script, remember
to undo the temp change made for testing:

visittime = visit #.strftime('%A %e %b, %H:%M')

back to

visittime = visit.strftime('%A %e %b, %H:%M')

So here is the fixed code:
newdata = coalesce( data )
for row in newdata:
(host, city, useros, browser, refs, hits, visits) = row
# Note that 'ref' & 'visits' are now lists of visit times.

print( "<tr>" )
for item in (host, city, useros, browser):
print( "<td><center><b><font color=white> %s </td>" % item )

print( "<td><select>" )
for n, ref in enumerate( refs ):
if n == 0:
op_selected = 'selected'
op_selected = ''
print( "<option %s>%s</option>" % (op_selected, ref) )
print( "</select></td>" )

print( "<td><center><b><font color=white> %s </td>" % hits )

print( "<td><select>" )
for n, visit in enumerate( visits ):
visittime = visit.strftime('%A %e %b, %H:%M')
if n == 0:
op_selected = 'selected'
op_selected = ''
print( "<option %s>%s</option>" % (op_selected, visittime) )
print( "</select></td>" )
print( "</tr>" )

def coalesce( data ):
newdata = []
seen = {}
for host, city, useros, browser, ref, hits, visit in data:
# Here i have to decide how to group the rows together.
# I want an html row for every unique combination of (host, city, useros, browser) and that hits should be summed together.
key = host, city, useros, browser
if key not in seen:
newdata.append( [host, city, useros, browser, [ref], hits, [visit]] )
seen[key] = len( newdata ) - 1 # Save index (for 'newdata') of this row.
else: # This row is a duplicate row with a different visit time.
rowindex = seen[key]
newdata[rowindex][4].append( ref )
newdata[rowindex][5] += hits
newdata[rowindex][6].append( visit )
return newdata

Nick the Gr33k

Στις 27/10/2013 6:00 πμ, ο/η (e-mail address removed) έγÏαψε:
Στις 27/10/2013 2:52 πμ, ο/η Nick the Gr33k έγÏαψε:
Ah foun it had to change in you code this line:
key = host, city, useros, browser, ref

to this line:

key = host, city, useros, browser

so 'ref' wouldnt be calculated in the unique combination key.

I'am still trying to understand the logic of your code and trying to
create a history list column for the 'referrers'

I dont know how to write it though to produce the sam

Iam trying.

Ah foun it had to change in you code this line:
key = host, city, useros, browser, ref

to this line:

key = host, city, useros, browser

so 'ref' wouldnt be calculated in the unique combination key.

I'am still trying to understand the logic of your code and trying to
create a history list column for the 'referrers'

I dont know how to write it though to produce the same output for referrers.

The bast i came up with is:

def coalesce( data ):
		newdata = []
		seen = {}
		for host, city, useros, browser, ref, hits, visit in data:
			# Here i have to decide how to group the rows together.
			# I want an html row for every unique combination of (host, city,
useros, browser) and that hits should be summed together.
			key = host, city, useros, browser
			if key not in seen:
				newdata.append( [host, city, useros, browser, [ref], hits, [visit]] )
				seen[key] = len( newdata ) - 1		# Save index (for 'newdata') of this
			else:		# This row is a duplicate row with a different visit time.
				rowindex = seen[key]
				newdata[rowindex][4].append( ref )
				newdata[rowindex][5] += hits
				newdata[rowindex][6].append( visit )
		return newdata

	cur.execute( '''SELECT host, city, useros, browser, ref, hits,
lastvisit FROM visitors
					WHERE counterID = (SELECT ID FROM counters WHERE url = %s) ORDER BY
lastvisit DESC''', page )
	data = cur.fetchall()

	newdata = coalesce( data )
	for row in newdata:
		(host, city, useros, browser, refs, hits, visits) = row
		# Note that 'ref' & 'visits' are now lists of visit times.

		print( "<tr>" )
		for item in (host, city, useros, browser):
			print( "<td><center><b><font color=white> %s </td>" % item )

		print( "<td><select>" )
		for n, ref in enumerate( refs ):
			if n == 0:
				op_selected = 'selected="selected"'
				op_selected = ''
		print( "<option %s>%s</option>" % (op_selected, ref) )
		print( "</select></td>" )

		for item in (hits):
			print( "<td><center><b><font color=white> %s </td>" % item )

		print( "<td><select>" )
		for n, visit in enumerate( visits ):
			visittime = visit.strftime('%A %e %b, %H:%M')
			if n == 0:
				op_selected = 'selected="selected"'
				op_selected = ''
			print( "<option %s>%s</option>" % (op_selected, visittime) )
		print( "</select></td>" )

		print( "</tr>" )

But this doesnt work correctly for refs and also doenst not print for
some reason the hits and visit colums.

Without a traceback it is hard to figure out what is happening.
(Actually in this case there is one obvious error, but there are
also some unobvious ones.)

Here is what I did to find the problems, and what you can do
the next time. The main thing was to extract the code from
the cgi script so that I could run it outside of the web server
and without needing access to the database. Then you can add
print statements (or run with the pdb debugger) and see tracebacks
and other errors easily.

1. Copy and paste the code from your message into a .py file.
2. Put a "def main(): line at the top of your main code.
3. Add a line at the bottom to call main()
4. Copy and paste a part of the web page you gave that list all the visits.
5. Edit it (change TAB to "|", add comma's after each line, etc, to
create a statement that will create variable, DATA.
6. Add a few statements to turn DATA into variable 'data' which has a
format similar to the format returned by your cur.fetchall() call.

This all took just 10 or 15 minutes, and I ended up with the
following code:
def main():
data = [ln.split('|') for ln in DATA]
for r in data: r[5] = int(r[5]) # Change the 'hit' values from str to int.
print ('<table border="1">')

newdata = coalesce( data )
for row in newdata:
(host, city, useros, browser, refs, hits, visits) = row
# Note that 'ref' & 'visits' are now lists of visit times.

print( "<tr>" )
for item in (host, city, useros, browser):
print( "<td><center><b><font color=white> %s </td>" % item )

print( "<td><select>" )
for n, ref in enumerate( refs ):
if n == 0:
op_selected = 'selected="selected"'
op_selected = ''
print( "<option %s>%s</option>" % (op_selected, ref) )
print( "</select></td>" )

for item in (hits):
print( "<td><center><b><font color=white> %s </td>" % item )

print( "<td><select>" )
for n, visit in enumerate( visits ):
visittime = visit.strftime('%A %e %b, %H:%M')
if n == 0:
op_selected = 'selected="selected"'
op_selected = ''
print( "<option %s>%s</option>" % (op_selected, visittime) )
print( "</select></td>" )
print( "</tr>" )

def coalesce( data ):
newdata = []
seen = {}
for host, city, useros, browser, ref, hits, visit in data:
# Here i have to decide how to group the rows together.
# I want an html row for every unique combination of (host, city, useros, browser) and that hits should be summed together.
key = host, city, useros, browser
if key not in seen:
newdata.append( [host, city, useros, browser, [ref], hits, [visit]] )
seen[key] = len( newdata ) - 1 # Save index (for 'newdata') of this row.
else: # This row is a duplicate row with a different visit time.
rowindex = seen[key]
newdata[rowindex][4].append( ref )
newdata[rowindex][5] += hits
newdata[rowindex][6].append( visit )
return newdata

DATA = [
'|Άγνωστη Πόλη|Windows|Explorer|Direct Hit|1|Σάββατο 26 Οκτ, 18:59',
'|Άγνωστη Πόλη|Windows|Explorer|Direct Hit|1|Σάββατο 26 Οκτ, 18:49',
'|Άγνωστη Πόλη|Windows|Explorer|Direct Hit|1|Σάββατο 26 Οκτ, 18:48',
'|Άγνωστη Πόλη|Windows|Explorer|Direct Hit|1|Σάββατο 26 Οκτ, 18:48',
'|Άγνωστη Πόλη|Windows|Explorer|Direct Hit|1|Σάββατο 26 Οκτ, 18:47',
'|Άγνωστη Πόλη|Windows|Explorer|Direct Hit|1|Σάββατο 26 Οκτ, 18:47',
'|Άγνωστη Πόλη|Windows|Explorer|Direct Hit|1|Σάββατο 26 Οκτ, 18:47',


I then ran it and it reported:
[...some html output...]
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 88, in <module>
if __name__ == '__main__': main()
File "", line 26, in main
for item in (hits):
TypeError: 'int' object is not iterable

Line 88 is:

for item in (hits):

Remember that 'hits' is just an integer number, not a list.
So I changed:

for item in (hits):
print( "<td><center><b><font color=white> %s </td>" % item )


print( "<td><center><b><font color=white> %s </td>" % hits )

and ran again. This time:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 87, in <module>
if __name__ == '__main__': main()
File "", line 30, in main
visittime = visit.strftime('%A %e %b, %H:%M')
AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'strftime'

This is not a problem with the program but with the input data. When
you get data from your database, 'visit' is a datetime object. But
when it comes from the synthetic data we created, it is an already-
formatted string.

So I replaced
visittime = visit.strftime('%A %e %b, %H:%M')


visittime = visit #.strftime('%A %e %b, %H:%M')

I also realized you use white fonts so I changed the table to have
a blue background color:

print ('<table border="1">')


print ('<table border="1" bgcolor="blue">')

Now when I run the program it runs without errors and produces html
output. So run again but save the output to a file.

$ python3 > test.html

And open the file with a browser. Looks ok but none of the 'ref'
buttons has more than one entry. So I edited the data to be:

DATA = [
'|Άγνωστη Πόλη|Windows|Explorer|Direct Hit|1|Σάββατο 26 Οκτ, 18:59',
'|Άγνωστη Πόλη|Windows|Explorer|Direct Hit|1|Σάββατο 26 Οκτ, 18:49',
'|Άγνωστη Πόλη|Windows|Explorer||1|Σάββατο 26 Οκτ, 18:48',
'|Άγνωστη Πόλη|Windows|Explorer|Direct Hit|1|Σάββατο 26 Οκτ, 18:48',
'|Άγνωστη Πόλη|Windows|Explorer|Direct Hit|1|Σάββατο 26 Οκτ, 18:47',
'|Άγνωστη Πόλη|Windows|Explorer|Direct Hit|1|Σάββατο 26 Οκτ, 18:47',
'|Άγνωστη Πόλη|Windows|Explorer||1|Σάββατο 26 Οκτ, 18:22',

And ran again. But still, the 'ref' button for
showed on one item in the dropdown list. After looking at the generated
source code and adding some print statement to the python code I realized
that you had:
for n, ref in enumerate( refs ):
if n == 0:
op_selected = 'selected="selected"'
op_selected = ''
print( "<option %s>%s</option>" % (op_selected, ref) )

but what you want is:

for n, ref in enumerate( refs ):
if n == 0:
op_selected = 'selected="selected"'
op_selected = ''
print( "<option %s>%s</option>" % (op_selected, ref) )

I also realized after looking at the HTML spec for the OPTION element
that 'selected="selected"' should be just 'selected'. So in
both places they occur, I changed

if n == 0:
op_selected = 'selected="selected"'

if n == 0:
op_selected = 'selected'

Now the generated page looks right and the only thing left to do
in to copy the fixed code back into your main cgi script, remember
to undo the temp change made for testing:

visittime = visit #.strftime('%A %e %b, %H:%M')

back to

visittime = visit.strftime('%A %e %b, %H:%M')

So here is the fixed code:
newdata = coalesce( data )
for row in newdata:
(host, city, useros, browser, refs, hits, visits) = row
# Note that 'ref' & 'visits' are now lists of visit times.

print( "<tr>" )
for item in (host, city, useros, browser):
print( "<td><center><b><font color=white> %s </td>" % item )

print( "<td><select>" )
for n, ref in enumerate( refs ):
if n == 0:
op_selected = 'selected'
op_selected = ''
print( "<option %s>%s</option>" % (op_selected, ref) )
print( "</select></td>" )

print( "<td><center><b><font color=white> %s </td>" % hits )

print( "<td><select>" )
for n, visit in enumerate( visits ):
visittime = visit.strftime('%A %e %b, %H:%M')
if n == 0:
op_selected = 'selected'
op_selected = ''
print( "<option %s>%s</option>" % (op_selected, visittime) )
print( "</select></td>" )
print( "</tr>" )

def coalesce( data ):
newdata = []
seen = {}
for host, city, useros, browser, ref, hits, visit in data:
# Here i have to decide how to group the rows together.
# I want an html row for every unique combination of (host, city, useros, browser) and that hits should be summed together.
key = host, city, useros, browser
if key not in seen:
newdata.append( [host, city, useros, browser, [ref], hits, [visit]] )
seen[key] = len( newdata ) - 1 # Save index (for 'newdata') of this row.
else: # This row is a duplicate row with a different visit time.
rowindex = seen[key]
newdata[rowindex][4].append( ref )
newdata[rowindex][5] += hits
newdata[rowindex][6].append( visit )
return newdata

Once again i personally thank you very much for your help and specially
for taking the time and effort to explain to me in detail the logic you
followed to just wanted to make the code work.

I read it thoroughly and tested it and it works as it should.

I just wanted to mention that the definition of the function coalesce()
must come prior of:
newdata = coalesce( data )
for row in newdata:

because function must be defined first before we try to call it and pass
data to ti, so i placed it just before that.

Also i have changed the data insertion to be:

# if first time visitor on this page, create new record, if visitor
exists then update record
cur.execute('''INSERT INTO visitors (counterID, host, city, useros,
browser, ref, lastvisit) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)''',
(cID, host, city, useros, browser, ref, lastvisit) )

removing the 'ON DUPLICATE UPDATE' i had and also removed the unique
index(CounterID, host)

so that every time a visitor comes into my website even with the same
hostname a new database entry will appear for the same hostname.

I almost understand your code, but this part is not so clear to me:
f key not in seen:

seen[key] = len( newdata ) - 1 # Save index (for 'newdata') of this row.
else: # This row is a duplicate row with a different referrer & visit
rowindex = seen[key]
newdata[rowindex][4].append( ref )
newdata[rowindex][5] += hits
newdata[rowindex][6].append( visit )

I couldn't at all be successfull in writing this myself even.

Dave Angel

Óôéò 27/10/2013 6:00 ðì, ï/ç (e-mail address removed) Ýãñáøå:

I read it thoroughly and tested it and it works as it should.

I just wanted to mention that the definition of the function coalesce()
must come prior of:

because function must be defined first before we try to call it and pass
data to ti, so i placed it just before that.

I found the above two lines in the function main(), in Rurpy's code. If
that's where you were talking about, the comment about order does not

If you are calling from one function into another (in this case from
main() into coalesce()), and the two functions are defined at global
scope, then the functions may be appear in either order.

it's only when you're calling a function from global scope, or sometimes
when nesting functions inside each other, that order of
definition of the two functions matters. Naturally, the call to main()
from top-level has to be after both functions are defined.


Στις 27/10/2013 6:00 πμ, ο/η (e-mail address removed) έγÏαψε:
[following quote lightly edited for clarity]
I almost understand your code, but this part is not so clear to me:
key = host, city, useros, browser
if key not in seen:
newdata.append( [host, city, useros, browser, [ref], hits, [visit]] )
seen[key] = len( newdata ) - 1 # Save index (for 'newdata') of this row.
else: # This row is a duplicate row with a different referrer & visit time.
rowindex = seen[key]
newdata[rowindex][4].append( ref )
newdata[rowindex][5] += hits
newdata[rowindex][6].append( visit )

I'm not sure exactly what part is not clear to you so I'll give
you a very long-winded explanation and you can ignore any parts
that are already obvious to you.

The code above is inside a loop that looks at each row in <data>.

In <data> there can be several rows for the same visitor, where you
define a visitor as a unique combination of <host>, <city>, <useros>
and <browser>.

What you want to do is combine all of the rows that are for the same
visitor into one row. That one row, instead of having a single value
for <ref> and <lastvisit> will have lists of all the <ref>s and
<lastvisit>s from all the rows that have the same visitor value.

So first, for each row, we set <key> to a tuple that identifies the
visitor. (Actually, I should have named that variable "visitor"
instead of "key".) Then we use an ordinary python dictionary <seen>
to record each visitor as we see them. Remember that a dictionary
can use a tuple as a key (unlike Perl were a hash key has to be a

For each row we look in the dictionary <seen> to see if this visitor
is a new one that we haven't seen before. If we haven't seen them
before we create a new row in <newdata> for them that is a copy of
the row in <data> except we change the <ref> and <lastvisit> fields
from single values to lists. We also add an entry to <seen> whose
key is the visitor, and whose value is the index of the vistor's row
in <newdata>.

If the visitor *was* seen before (because we find an entry for the
visitor in <seen>), then the value of that entry tells us the index
of that visitor's row in <newdata> and instead of adding a new row
to <newdata> we update the visitors row that is already there.

Maybe it's easier to see what is happening by looking at how the
code actually runs.

Suppose the data you get from your database is

data = ['', 'Άγνωστη Πόλη', 'Windows', 'Explorer', 'Direct Hit', '1', 'Σάββατο 26 Οκτ, 18:49',
'', 'Άγνωστη Πόλη', 'Windows', 'Explorer', 'Direct Hit', '1', 'Σάββατο 26 Οκτ, 18:59',
'', 'Άγνωστη Πόλη', 'Windows', 'Explorer', '', '1', 'Σάββατο 26 Οκτ, 18:48',

When the first row of <data> is processed, <key> will be
set to the 4-tuple:

('','Άγνωστη Πόλη','Windows','Explorer').

Then, when "if key not in seen" is executed. This will look in
dictionary <seen> and see if there in an entry in it with a key that
matches the tuple above. Since <seen> is still an empty dictionary,
<key> is not in the dictionary because there is nothing in the
dictionary and "if key not in seen" is true.

So the first branch of the if statement runs:

newdata.append( [host, city, useros, browser, [ref], hits, [visit]] )
seen[key] = len( newdata ) - 1 # Save index (for 'newdata') of this row.

Now, <newdata> contains 1 row:

[ '','Άγνωστη Πόλη','Windows','Explorer', ['Direct Hit'], 1, ['Σάββατο 26 Οκτ, 18:49'] ]

And, <seen> contains:

{ ('','ΆγνωστηΠόλη','Windows','Explorer'): 0 }

Note the the 0 value in the <seen> dictionary is the index of the
corresponding row in <newdata>.

When the second row of <data> is processed, the same thing happens.
<key> is the tuple

('','Άγνωστη Πόλη','Windows','Explorer')

but since the only key in <seen> is

('','Άγνωστη Πόλη','Windows','Explorer')

again the "not in" branch is executed. When it runs this time it
adds another row to <newdata> so <newdata> now looks like:

[ '','Άγνωστη Πόλη','Windows','Explorer', ['Direct Hit'], 1, ['Σάββατο 26 Οκτ, 18:49'],
'','Άγνωστη Πόλη','Windows','Explorer', ['Direct Hit'], 1, ['Σάββατο 26 Οκτ, 18:59'], ]

and adds another entry to <seen> so that <seen> is now:

{ ('','ΆγνωστηΠόλη','Windows','Explorer'): 0,
('','Άγνωστη Πόλη','Windows','Explorer'): 1 }

Again, the 1 is the index of the corresponding row in <newdata>.

Now the third row of <data> is processed. <key> is set to

('','Άγνωστη Πόλη','Windows','Explorer')

This time when "if key not in seen" is executed, it is false because
that key *is* in seen, it was added the when the first <data> was
processed (look at <seen> above). So the statements

rowindex = seen[key]
newdata[rowindex][4].append( ref )
newdata[rowindex][5] += hits
newdata[rowindex][6].append( visit )

are executed. These statements will update the existing row for
visitor <key> in <newdata>. The value of <key> is

('','Άγνωστη Πόλη','Windows','Explorer')

and seen[key] is 0 and <rowindex> is set to that. newdata[0] is
the row in <newdata> for the same visitor. The next three lines
just update that row by appending the current <data> row's
<lastvisit> time to newdata[0]'s visits list. Similarly for ref,
and hits field of newdata[0] is incremented by the current <data>
row's hits field. After, <newdata> looks like:

[ '','Άγνωστη Πόλη','Windows','Explorer', ['Direct Hit',
''], 2, ['Σάββατο 26 Οκτ, 18:49',
'Σάββατο 26 Οκτ, 18:48'],

'','Άγνωστη Πόλη','Windows','Explorer', ['Direct Hit'], 1, ['Σάββατο 26 Οκτ, 18:59'], ]

And so on for the rest of the data. When a new visitor is seen
a row is added to <newdata> and the visitor (identified as the
tupple <key>) is saved in <seen> along with that index of that
visitor's row in <newdata>. If the same visitor is seen again
later in <data>, the corresponding row in <newdata> is updated
rather then adding a new row to <newdata>.

Did that help make it clearer? It is a lot easier to write
code than to explain it :)

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