Printing lines out of a text file



I have a text file with contents:

ENTRY= entry 1
here goes the contents for entry 1
here goes the contents for entry 1
here goes the contents for entry 1
ENTRY= entry 2
here goes the contents for entry 2
here goes the contents for entry 2
here goes the contents for entry 2
ENTRY= entry 3
here goes the contents for entry 3
here goes the contents for entry 3
here goes the contents for entry 2

In the text file, entry 1 is on line 1, entry 2 is on line 5, entry 3 is on
line 9.

I wish to display just one entry. eg. entry 2, like so:
here goes the contents for entry 2
here goes the contents for entry 2
here goes the contents for entry 2

I've done it like this:

# get the entry's line number in the text file

while (! file[$line_of_file]=~m/ENTRY=(.*)/) # for each line of the entry
until the next entry.
print file[$line_of_file]; # print the line of the entry

For printing entry 3 the condition in the while loop has to test the end of
the file, like so:

while ("$line_of_file" eq "$total_number_of_lines_in_file") # while not
end of file
print file[$line_of_file]; # print the line of the entry

I've tried to combine the two condition statements into one while loop as
below but it didn't work, yet the conditions work separately. Any ideas?

while ((! file[$line_of_file]=~m/ENTRY=(.*)/) || ("$line_of_file" eq

Ben Morrow

Quoth "EmJayEm said:
I have a text file with contents:

ENTRY= entry 1
here goes the contents for entry 1
here goes the contents for entry 1
here goes the contents for entry 1
ENTRY= entry 2
here goes the contents for entry 2
here goes the contents for entry 2
here goes the contents for entry 2
ENTRY= entry 3
here goes the contents for entry 3
here goes the contents for entry 3
here goes the contents for entry 2

In the text file, entry 1 is on line 1, entry 2 is on line 5, entry 3 is on
line 9.

I wish to display just one entry. eg. entry 2, like so:
here goes the contents for entry 2
here goes the contents for entry 2
here goes the contents for entry 2

I've done it like this:

# get the entry's line number in the text file

while (! file[$line_of_file]=~m/ENTRY=(.*)/) # for each line of the entry
^^ $

Please post real code. It is just a waste of everybody's time if you
post fake code. Have you read the posting guidelines?
until the next entry.
print file[$line_of_file]; # print the line of the entry

For printing entry 3 the condition in the while loop has to test the end of
the file, like so:

while ("$line_of_file" eq "$total_number_of_lines_in_file") # while not
end of file
print file[$line_of_file]; # print the line of the entry

I've tried to combine the two condition statements into one while loop as
below but it didn't work, yet the conditions work separately. Any ideas?

while ((! file[$line_of_file]=~m/ENTRY=(.*)/) || ("$line_of_file" eq

I think you want to look at the .. operator in scalar context. Try
something like this:

my $entry = 'entry 1';

for (@file) {
print if (/ENTRY= $entry/ ... /ENTRY=/) > 1;

See perldoc perlop.


John W. Krahn

EmJayEm said:
I have a text file with contents:

ENTRY= entry 1
here goes the contents for entry 1
here goes the contents for entry 1
here goes the contents for entry 1
ENTRY= entry 2
here goes the contents for entry 2
here goes the contents for entry 2
here goes the contents for entry 2
ENTRY= entry 3
here goes the contents for entry 3
here goes the contents for entry 3
here goes the contents for entry 2

In the text file, entry 1 is on line 1, entry 2 is on line 5, entry 3 is on
line 9.

I wish to display just one entry. eg. entry 2, like so:
here goes the contents for entry 2
here goes the contents for entry 2
here goes the contents for entry 2

my $entry = qr/\bentry 2\b/;

while ( <FILE> ) {
if ( /^ENTRY=(?=.*?$entry)/ ... /^ENTRY=/ and !/^ENTRY=/ ) {


Matt Garrish

EmJayEm said:
comments please.

I like it!

If you mean explanation, that's usually left to the reader. Take a look at
perlre if you don't understand regular expressions and perlop if the '...'
has you confused.


Uri Guttman

E> comments please.

it's intuitively obvious!

perldoc perlop and look for range

perldoc perlre and look for lookahead.

the best comments are in the docs.


Gunnar Hjalmarsson

EmJayEm said:
I have a text file with contents:

ENTRY= entry 1
here goes the contents for entry 1
here goes the contents for entry 1
here goes the contents for entry 1
ENTRY= entry 2
here goes the contents for entry 2
here goes the contents for entry 2
here goes the contents for entry 2
ENTRY= entry 3
here goes the contents for entry 3
here goes the contents for entry 3
here goes the contents for entry 2

In the text file, entry 1 is on line 1, entry 2 is on line 5,
entry 3 is on line 9.

I wish to display just one entry. eg. entry 2, like so:
here goes the contents for entry 2
here goes the contents for entry 2
here goes the contents for entry 2

A variant, playing with the input record separator (see "perldoc

my $entry = qr/^\s*entry 2\b/;
local $/ = 'ENTRY=';
while ( <FILE> ) {
if (/$entry/) {
print /.+\n([\S\s]+?)(?:ENTRY|$)/;


while (! file[$line_of_file]=~m/ENTRY=(.*)/) # for each line of the
^^ $

Please post real code. It is just a waste of everybody's time if you
post fake code. Have you read the posting guidelines?

Sorry, that should have been @file

Michele Dondi

Wow ... what a great solution to the OP's problem! IMNSHO YMMV HAND :)

Personally I find Ben's solution more interesting and intuitively
simpler in that it uses ...'s return value (to exclude one endpoint),
which is something I had forgotten about!! Only it must be slightly
modified in order to exclude the other endpoint as of the OP's

while (<FILE>) {
my $t = /ENTRY= entry 2/ ... /ENTRY=/;
last if $t =~ /E0$/;
print if $t>1;


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