Problem doing an e-mail program in C



hi there peeps...
like I say in the topic, I need to do an e-mail program in C language, and
has to be made until the 3th of january..the problem is I'm having some
problems with it.
I was wondering if someone had a program like has to send
e-mails, read e-mails from a .txt file and show them in the screen with
the subject, date, etc...
can someone please help me out?

Joona I Palaste

tyler_durden said:
hi there peeps...
like I say in the topic, I need to do an e-mail program in C language, and
has to be made until the 3th of january..the problem is I'm having some
problems with it.
I was wondering if someone had a program like has to send
e-mails, read e-mails from a .txt file and show them in the screen with
the subject, date, etc...
can someone please help me out?

Sending or reading e-mails is not possible in ISO standard C. Please ask
in a newsgroup dedicated to your own implementation.

Flash Gordon

hi there peeps...
like I say in the topic, I need to do an e-mail program in C language,
and has to be made until the 3th of january..the problem is I'm having
some problems with it.
I was wondering if someone had a program like has to send
e-mails, read e-mails from a .txt file and show them in the screen
with the subject, date, etc...
can someone please help me out?

Yes, lots of people could help you. For 50UKP I'll send you the source
for a program that does all this and more. I'll even give you the
following advice for free.

1) All the network stuff is beyond the scope of the C language and hence
off topic here.

2) Any sophisticated screen handling you might want is beyond the scope
of the C standard and hence off topic here.

3) Around here we tend to help people fix on-topic code that they post,
not write it for people.

4) You will certainly need advice from people who know the OS you are
programing for, so you will have questions that should be asked on an OS
specific group.

So I suggest you try to start on the program and find groups where
specific questions are topical. To do the latter you will have to read
the FAQ and a weeks worth of posts for any group you think might be
appropriate before posting.

Keith Thompson

tyler_durden said:
hi there peeps...
like I say in the topic, I need to do an e-mail program in C language, and
has to be made until the 3th of january..the problem is I'm having some
problems with it.
I was wondering if someone had a program like has to send
e-mails, read e-mails from a .txt file and show them in the screen with
the subject, date, etc...

The January 3 deadline makes me suspect this is a homework assignment.
There are enough existing e-mail programs floating around that I don't
believe someone would ask you do to this as part of a paying job; if
it's a hobby there shouldn't be a deadline. (I'm assuming that's what
"has to be made until the 3th of january" means; I hope you're taking
classes in English as well as in C.)

If this is homework, just send us your instructor's e-mail address,
and we'll consider writing the program and sending it directly. (You
wouldn't expect us to do your work for you and not get any credit for
it, would you?)


tyler_durden said:
hi there peeps...
like I say in the topic, I need to do an e-mail program in C language, and
has to be made until the 3th of january..the problem is I'm having some
problems with it.

Ah, so the problem is that you're having problems. Okay. What problems
might they be?
I was wondering if someone had a program like has to send
e-mails, read e-mails from a .txt file and show them in the screen with
the subject, date, etc...

Many of us have email clients, yes. Some of us even have the C source
for email clients. But I hope none of us think it would be a good idea
to send you such source code simply to help you fake your way through
an assignment.
can someone please help me out?

Sure. The whole of your program, with the exception of the sockets bit
(and it's not clear from your article whether you're supposed to do a
"real" email client or something that merely imitates one using files),
can be written in ISO C if you're clever.

So write it in ISO C, and then let us know if you have problems.

If you decide to go for flashy
stuff like graphics, then you'd have to ask about problems with the
flashy stuff in a newsgroup where flashy stuff is topical, such as


thanks a lot for all your replyes.
the program is simplier than that, because it doesn't need to actyually
send the e-mails..
I have the sheet with the specifications it has to have, but it's in
I've already made some of it, the help menu, and the command that asks you
for the adress, the subject and the message..
then when you want to exit the program if you press "x" it exits without
changing anything, but with "q" it has to keep all of the sent messages in
a file with a certain structure...
and it has to be able to present the mails in the file by pressing
"h" shows each mail, and its subsject,date and adress..then you can
delete the mails, os view them...
Yes, its a homework assignment.
all the help you can give me is appreciated, and if you think it will help
I could put my work done till now online, for you to view it...
thanks a lot...


If you could at least send me a source code for a simple e-mail program it
would be great....just to get some ideas of it..

Mark McIntyre

If you could at least send me a source code for a simple e-mail program it
would be great....just to get some ideas of it..

This is offtopic. I suggest you go look in the gnu archives, or at
sourceforge. The implementation of blat might be interesting.

Robert B. Clark

hi there peeps...
like I say in the topic, I need to do an e-mail program in C language, and
has to be made until the 3th of january..the problem is I'm having some
problems with it.

Dude, you really need to get started on your assignments earlier. I'm
sure your instructor didn't assign this problem just today?

What are the problems you're having with your code? Procrastination
aside, I mean. Post relevant sections of your code and indicate where
you're having difficulty.


It sounds like you are having problems with specific things (handling
file storage and retrieval maybe? Something else?) but you have not
identified the specific things you are having issues with.

It would be more helpful to start from there and identify those
specific issues to the group.


I made this command but it gives me a "segmentation fault" error...can you
help me?


#include <stdio.h>

typedef struct mail
char from[120];
char to[120];
char sub[120];
char msg[120];

void comandom(MAIL *ptr)
printf("From: \n"); gets(ptr->from);
printf("To: \n"); gets(ptr->to);
printf("Subject:\n"); gets(ptr->sub);
printf("Message:\n"); gets(ptr->msg);



and I need to implement the time and date when I write each e-mail..I have
the function which is:
#define MAX 120

void tempo(char *tempo){

time_t horact;



tyler_durden what I did until now is this...
the main file is this one:
#include <stdio.h> /* para funcoes como printf, scanf, etc */
#include <stdlib.h> /* para a funcao exit */
#include <string.h> /* para funcoes relacionadas com strings */
#define DIMMAIN 20

void comandom(void);
void comandoC(void);
void comandoL(void);

int help(){

printf ("Help \n \n");
printf ("Mail Commands \n \n");

printf("| t <message list> type messages
printf("| d <message list> delete messages
printf("| R <message list> reply to message senders
printf("| r <message list> reply to message senders and all
recipients |\n");
printf("| m <user list> mail to specific users
printf("| q quit, saving unresolved messages in mbox
printf("| x quit, do not remove system mailbox
printf("| h print out active message headers


return 0;


int main (){
char c;


printf("E-mail program.\n");

putchar ('&');

switch (c)
case '?':help();break;
case 't':printf("ok\n");break;
case 'd':printf("ok\n");break;
case 'R':printf("ok\n");break;
case 'r':printf("ok\n");break;
case 'm':comandom();break;
case 'q':printf("ok\n");break;
case 'x':printf("Program shutting down!\n"); break;
case 'h':printf("ok\n");break;
case 'C':comandoC();break;
case 'L':comandoL();break;
default: printf("Unknown command!\n");break;

}while (c!='x');

return 0;

my "m" command, which is supposed to ask you for the email informations is
this one:
#include <stdio.h>

typedef struct mail
char from[120];
char to[120];
char sub[120];
char msg[120];

void comandom(MAIL *ptr)
printf("From: \n"); gets(ptr->from);
printf("To: \n"); gets(ptr->to);
printf("Subject:\n"); gets(ptr->sub);
printf("Message:\n"); gets(ptr->msg);


then I have the command "q" which when pressed has to keep all the written
emails in a mail.txt fuile..I made this:
#include <stdio.h>

FILE *fp;

fp = fopen("mail.txt","a");



it's not complete so I woudl like you to help me, please.
the output of the mail.txt file has to be something like this:
From: (e-mail address removed)
to: (e-mail address removed)
Date: ....
Subject: hfdhrt
Message: fdhdh

From: (e-mail address removed)
to: (e-mail address removed)
Date: ....
Subject: hfdhrt
Message: fdhdh

From: (e-mail address removed)
to: (e-mail address removed)
Date: ....
Subject: hfdhrt
Message: fdhdh


kan you help me please?
next I have to do a command that shows in the program the to,date and
subject of each message in "mail.txt" like this:

& h
N 1 <endereço da mensagem1> <data1> <titulo da mensagem1>
N 2 <endereço da mensagem2> <data2> <titulo da mensagem2>
N 3 <endereço da mensagem3> <data3> <titulo da mensagem3>

thanks a lot, help me please, it's a case of life or death =)

Flash Gordon

I made this command but it gives me a "segmentation fault" error...can
you help me?


#include <stdio.h>

typedef struct mail
char from[120];
char to[120];
char sub[120];
char msg[120];

void comandom(MAIL *ptr)
printf("From: \n"); gets(ptr->from);

Using gets is a *very* bad idea. You cannot prevent a user causing a
buffer overflow by entering a string too long to enter in to the buffer.
Use fgets, but look at what it does first especially in terms of new
line and lines longer than the buffer.
printf("To: \n"); gets(ptr->to);
printf("Subject:\n"); gets(ptr->sub);
printf("Message:\n"); gets(ptr->msg);



and I need to implement the time and date when I write each e-mail..I
have the function which is:
#define MAX 120

void tempo(char *tempo){

time_t horact;


The compiler should have complained about this.

This is not a standard C function so we don't know about it here.
However, the compiler should have complained about this as well

You have the source for a function but don't know how to use it? Well,
in this case you pass a pointer to a buffer large enough for the longest
possible string representation of the time.


So I should not use gets?
but I need the user to insert the from,to,subject and message...the
function of fgets is to get something from a file,right?
I thought of using scanf, but then if a space was inserted, it would not
keep the information correctly...
in the "What I have until now" is all my program until this phase...
thanks a lot for your help..

Flash Gordon what I did until now is this...
the main file is this one:
#include <stdio.h> /* para funcoes como printf, scanf, etc */
#include <stdlib.h> /* para a funcao exit */
#include <string.h> /* para funcoes relacionadas com strings */
#define DIMMAIN 20

void comandom(void);
void comandoC(void);
void comandoL(void);

int help(){

printf ("Help \n \n");
printf ("Mail Commands \n \n");

printf("| t <message list> type messages

printf("| d <message list> delete messages

printf("| R <message list> reply to message senders

printf("| r <message list> reply to message senders and all
recipients |\n");
printf("| m <user list> mail to specific users

printf("| q quit, saving unresolved messages in mbox

printf("| x quit, do not remove system mailbox

printf("| h print out active message headers



return 0;


int main (){
char c;


printf("E-mail program.\n");

putchar ('&');


%s means read a string, which is 0 or more characters followed by a
'\0'. So if there are any characters input then a minimum of 2 bytes
will be written to c which is only large enough for 1 byte.
switch (c)
case '?':help();break;
case 't':printf("ok\n");break;
case 'd':printf("ok\n");break;
case 'R':printf("ok\n");break;
case 'r':printf("ok\n");break;
case 'm':comandom();break;
case 'q':printf("ok\n");break;
case 'x':printf("Program shutting down!\n"); break;
case 'h':printf("ok\n");break;
case 'C':comandoC();break;
case 'L':comandoL();break;
default: printf("Unknown command!\n");break;

}while (c!='x');

return 0;

my "m" command, which is supposed to ask you for the email
informations is this one:
#include <stdio.h>

typedef struct mail
char from[120];
char to[120];
char sub[120];
char msg[120];

void comandom(MAIL *ptr)

You called this without any parameters. Always make sure functions are
prototyped before they are called.
printf("From: \n"); gets(ptr->from);

Still using gets, so once again BANG!

Mike Wahler

tyler_durden said:
So I should not use gets?
but I need the user to insert the from,to,subject and message...the
function of fgets is to get something from a file,right?

From a stream. One of the standard streams is 'stdin'.
Look it up.


Flash Gordon

So I should not use gets?

Definitely not. Ever.
but I need the user to insert the from,to,subject and message...the
function of fgets is to get something from a file,right?

What do you think stdin is?
I thought of using scanf, but then if a space was inserted, it would
not keep the information correctly...

Well, there are scan sets, but using fgets is the simplest solution if
you want to read a line. Although you still have to be careful. The
alternatives are reading a character at a time or using a library
implemented by one of the regulars. However, using a third party library
might upset your tutor.
in the "What I have until now" is all my program until this phase...
thanks a lot for your help..

Well, we do help with C questions.

Robert B. Clark what I did until now is this...
the main file is this one:
#include <stdio.h> /* para funcoes como printf, scanf, etc */
#include <stdlib.h> /* para a funcao exit */
#include <string.h> /* para funcoes relacionadas com strings */
#define DIMMAIN 20

void comandom(void);
void comandoC(void);
void comandoL(void);

The above declarations do not match the definitions you used later
on--e.g., comandom() takes a pointer to MAIL as its sole argument, yet
here you declare the function as taking no arguments.
int help(){

If you mean void, say so:

int help(void)

Actually, I fail to see why help returns an int. The return value seems
to not be used elsewhere in your code. You could simply defined help as
a void function:

void help(void)

and omitted the return 0 statement at the end of the function.

int main (){


int main(void)
char c;


You discarded the returned FILE pointer--why?

Unless you planned to pass the FILE pointer to one of your comandox
functions, I fail to see why you opened the file at all.
printf("E-mail program.\n");

putchar ('&');

fgets would be a better choice for user input. You could write a
function around fgets and make it general enough to use for a variety of
user input.
switch (c)
case '?':help();break;
case 'm':comandom();break;

In your comandom.c file, you define comandom() as taking a pointer to
MAIL. Here you omit the argument, and even if you hadn't, there is no
definition in scope for the MAIL data type--unless you omitted this in
your posted code.

case 'C':comandoC();break;
case 'L':comandoL();break;
default: printf("Unknown command!\n");break;

See above comments about the comandox functions.

Also, the default case would also be a good place to call your help()
}while (c!='x');

return 0;

Use EXIT_SUCCESS or EXIT_FAILURE instead of 0.
my "m" command, which is supposed to ask you for the email informations is
this one:
#include <stdio.h>

typedef struct mail
char from[120];
char to[120];
char sub[120];
char msg[120];

DEFINEd macros would be a good choice instead of hard-coding these

#define MSG_MAX_FROM 120
#define MSG_MAX_MSG 1024
// Did you really want only 120 chars for the message?

typedef struct mail
char from[MSG_MAX_FROM];
char to[MSG_MAX_TO];
char sub[MSG_MAX_SUB];
char msg[MSG_MAX_MSG];

This data type should be accessible to all of your modules that require
it, not just this one. I'd suggest placing it in a header file that
your other modules can read.
void comandom(MAIL *ptr)
printf("From: \n"); gets(ptr->from);
printf("To: \n"); gets(ptr->to);
printf("Subject:\n"); gets(ptr->sub);
printf("Message:\n"); gets(ptr->msg);

See comments about fgets.

I'd assume that the MAIL pointer in this function would point to a MAIL
object that already exists? Nowhere in your posted code is a MAIL
object created.

then I have the command "q" which when pressed has to keep all the written
emails in a mail.txt fuile..I made this:
#include <stdio.h>
There is no function here!

I'm assuming you meant

void comandoq(MAIL *ptr)

For that matter, void is a poor choice of return type for this function.
More on this below.
FILE *fp;

fp = fopen("mail.txt","a");

This needs error-checking. What if the system could not open or create

Where are from, to, sub and msg? Are these supposed to be members of
the MAIL data type that you neglected to pass as an argument to this


If there had been an error opening the file, your code as written does
not communicate that back to the caller. I'd suggest something more

#include <stdio.h>
#define MAIL_FILE "mail.txt"

int comandoq(MAIL *ptr)
FILE *fp;

if ((fp = fopen(MAIL_FILE, "a")) != NULL)
fprintf(fp, "From: %s\n", ptr->from);
fprintf(fp, "To: %s\n", ptr->to);
fprintf(stderr, "\aError opening %s!\n", MAIL_FILE);

return fp != NULL; // Returns 0 if file error; true otherwise

You're not kidding. The code you posted doesn't even compile. :)

Try this: Focus on writing routines to read the mail data from the user
and write it to a file. Make sure that you can append several emails to
the file.

When this is working cleanly, THEN proceed to the next step.

Then, write a routine to read those emails from the file and display
them to the user.

The rest should come easily after this initial hurdle is passed.

Keep in mind that some declarations need to be accessible to all of your
modules--the MAIL data type, for one.
thanks a lot, help me please, it's a case of life or death =)

Hope this helps.

Robert B. Clark

So I should not use gets?
but I need the user to insert the from,to,subject and message...the
function of fgets is to get something from a file,right?

A stream, which is not necessarily a file. stdin can be a stream.

Unlike gets, fgets can be told when to stop, preventing nasty buffer
overflows that are possible with gets.

fgets gets a string from a stream

char *fgets(char *s, int n, FILE *stream);

fgets reads characters from a stream into the string s. It stops when
it reads either n-1 characters or a newline character, whichever comes

fgets retains the newline character at the end of s and appends a null
byte to s to mark the end of the string.

Barry Schwarz

I made this command but it gives me a "segmentation fault" error...can you
help me?

C doesn't have commands. You wrote a function.

#include <stdio.h>

typedef struct mail
char from[120];
char to[120];
char sub[120];
char msg[120];

void comandom(MAIL *ptr)
printf("From: \n"); gets(ptr->from);
printf("To: \n"); gets(ptr->to);
printf("Subject:\n"); gets(ptr->sub);
printf("Message:\n"); gets(ptr->msg);

While using gets is undesirable, as long as you typed in short (<120)
strings it did not cause the problem you are experiencing.
You need to show us how you are calling this function.

<<Remove the del for email>>

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