PVCS-Wishful Thinking


Erich Timkar

So, I'm going to ask this question knowing full well that I'm going to
be grossly disappointed in the answer; however, I have to try.

<clearing throat>

Has anyone within the sound of this post developed or heard anyone who
has developed ruby tools to speak with Serena PVCS (Formerly, Merrant
PVCS (Formerly, Intersolv PVCS))?

There I asked it. Now I can be disappointed.

Tim Pease

So, I'm going to ask this question knowing full well that I'm going to
be grossly disappointed in the answer; however, I have to try.

<clearing throat>

Has anyone within the sound of this post developed or heard anyone who
has developed ruby tools to speak with Serena PVCS (Formerly, Merrant
PVCS (Formerly, Intersolv PVCS))?

There I asked it. Now I can be disappointed.

Eeeewww! Our company just switched to Change Synergy from Telelogic
(not much better).

Does good ol' Poly-Vinyl Chloride System have a command line
interface? If so, then you can just wrapper it with IO::popen and
expect. Unfortunately, it has not been on my machine for a year or
two now, and all memories have faded into blissful obscurity.


Richard Conroy

Eeeewww! Our company just switched to Change Synergy from Telelogic
(not much better).

Wait, you migrated *to* Change Synergy?

Source control gets worse than that?

Erich Timkar

Source control gets worse than that?
There is nothing (I repeat: NOTHING) that is worse than PVCS.

Tim Pease

Wait, you migrated *to* Change Synergy?

Source control gets worse than that?

Ahh yes, Synergy. I can't say enough good things about it ;)

The little goup I work with gets to use subversion and Trac, though.
We were grandfathered in before the big switch to Synergy took place.
We were the lucky ones.


Bennett, Patrick

-----Original Message-----
From: (e-mail address removed)=20
[mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of Erich Timkar
Sent: Wednesday, August 30, 2006 12:43 PM
To: ruby-talk ML
Subject: PVCS-Wishful Thinking
So, I'm going to ask this question knowing full well that I'm=20
going to be grossly disappointed in the answer; however, I=20
have to try.
<clearing throat>
Has anyone within the sound of this post developed or heard=20
anyone who has developed ruby tools to speak with Serena PVCS=20
(Formerly, Merrant PVCS (Formerly, Intersolv PVCS))?
There I asked it. Now I can be disappointed.

I didn't know people still used PVCS. Wow. You made my day. :>
We switched to Perforce from PVCS about 5 years ago and the day we
switched was a great day indeed.
It's not what you wanted to hear, but I have a feeling you probably
won't find many other people using PVCS. :(

Good luck!


Richard Conroy

We switched to Perforce from PVCS about 5 years ago and the day we
switched was a great day indeed.

When we switched from Synergy to Subversion, the clouds broke, sun
started to shine, and lambs and kittens started playing in the blooming
meadows around our office ....

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