RadioButtonList, and more



Although I am an experienced VB programmer, I am an ***absolute*** beginner
with ASP, net or otherwise, so my question might be silly....

I have written this code as an exercise (in notepad - I don't want to use
VSNet until I know ASP well enough):

<%@ Import namespace=""%>
<form id="RadioButtonList" runat="server">
<asp:label id="lblTitle1" text="Radio Button List - RGB created in
declaration." runat="server"/>
<asp:label id="lblTitle2" text="Radio Button List - 'Pink' and 'Indigo'
created with Items.Add in Page_Load." runat="server"/>
<asp:label id="lblTitle3" text="Radio Button List - 'Magenta' and 'Black'
created by binding to a data source." runat="server"/>
<asp:radiobuttonlist id="radFavColour1" Value="Blue" Tooltip="Unbound"
Enableviewstate="false" runat="server">
<asp:listitem text="Red" forecolor="Red" Backcolor = "Black" Value="R"/>
<asp:listitem text="Green" forecolor="Green" Value="G"/>
<asp:listitem text="Blue" Value="B"/>
<asp:radiobuttonlist id="radFavColour2" datatextformatstring="Bound item -
{0}" Tooltip="Bound" Enableviewstate="false" runat="server"/>
<asp:button text="Okay" accesskey="O" onclick="Button_Click"
<asp:label id="lblTitle4" runat="server"/>

<script runat="server">
sub Page_load
dim dtblColours as new datatable
dim drowNewColour as datarow

if not ispostback then
radfavcolour1.items.add(new listitem("Pink", "P"))
radfavcolour1.items.add(new listitem("Indigo", "I"))

dtblcolours.columns.add(new datacolumn("Name", gettype(string)))
dtblcolours.columns.add(new datacolumn("Code", gettype(string)))



end if
end sub

sub Button_Click(s as object, e as eventargs)

dim boolSelCount1 as boolean
dim boolSelCount2 as boolean
dim intCount as integer

for intcount=0 to radFavColour1.items.count-1
if radFavColour1.items(intcount).selected=True then
exit for
end if
next intcount

for intcount=0 to radFavColour2.items.count-1
if radFavColour2.items(intcount).selected=True then
exit for
end if
next intcount

if (boolSelCount1 and boolSelCount2)=true then
lbltitle4.text = "You have selected: <br><li>" &
radFavColour1.selecteditem.text & ", " & radFavColour1.selectedindex & ", "
& radFavColour1.selecteditem.value & "<br><li>" &
radFavColour2.selecteditem.text & ", " & radFavColour2.selectedindex & ", "
& radFavColour2.selecteditem.value

elseif boolSelCount1 =true then
lbltitle4.text = "You have selected: <br><li>" &
radFavColour1.selecteditem.text & ", " & radFavColour1.selectedindex & ", "
& radFavColour1.selecteditem.value

elseif boolSelCount2 =true then
lbltitle4.text = "You have selected: <br><li>" &
radFavColour2.selecteditem.text & ", " & radFavColour2.selectedindex & ", "
& radFavColour2.selecteditem.value

end if
end sub

Note - The whole thing with boolSelCount1 and boolSelCount2 is for avoiding
the "not an object" error.

Question 1: EnableViewState, at laest for the radiobuttonlists, behaves
strangely. Since I added Enableviewstate="false" to BOTH controls, when I
click on Okay the second buttonlist simply disappears !!! The first one
stays put, however. Is there any explanation to this ?

Question 2: Even for the first RadioButtonList, if I press F5 I expected it
to reload clean, without my previous selection, green, for instance. Still,
it loads the same - the only way to obtain a clean page again is to go into
the address bar and press Enter. Is this the way it should behave ? In this
case, what does F5 do ? Doesn't it reload the page ??? Even worse, say I
make a mod in the code - let's say I add an item in some list. I press F5 -
I can't see the new item. I press enter in the address box - the same
result. I navigate onto another page, I return - the same. Sometimes THE
ONLY WAY to see my mod is to close the browser and restart it. I'm
completely confused, especially because it doesn't happen always !

Question 3: In the help file I read that Forecolor is a property of almost
all controls, including this one. Still, specifying a forecolour doesn't do
anything. I tried that with a table, and it works fine. Where is the problem
? Is it on my side, or is there something wrong with the RadioButtonList ?

Thank you for reading my post.

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