Rails on Ruby 1.9


Rajinder Yadav

I am wondering if Rails has been ported successfully to run on Ruby 1.9, and
what web-servers run Ruby 1.9 without issues, at least for playing around with.
On the Rails website I don't see any mention of Ruby 1.9 support.

Would others please share links they've found good write ups on related to Ruby 1.9.

Kind Regards,
Rajinder Yadav

Do Good ~ Share Freely


I am wondering if Rails has been ported successfully to run on Ruby 1.9, and
what web-servers run Ruby 1.9 without issues, at least for playing aroundwith.
On the Rails website I don't see any mention of Ruby 1.9 support.

Would others please share links they've found good write ups on related to Ruby 1.9.

Kind Regards,
Rajinder Yadav

Do Good ~ Share Freely

Rails 2.3 work does without issue on Ruby 1.9 (well, Rails 2.3.4 has a
newly introduced bug, but :\). I know Passenger has no issues with
Ruby 1.9, and the FastCGI handler has no problems either, but I
haven't tested with anything else yet. Of course, not all gems or
plugins may be compatible with 1.9, but I personally haven't run into
issue in those regards. You might get some more thoughtful answers on
the Rails list though.

Rajinder Yadav

pharrington said:
Rails 2.3 work does without issue on Ruby 1.9 (well, Rails 2.3.4 has a
newly introduced bug, but :\). I know Passenger has no issues with
Ruby 1.9, and the FastCGI handler has no problems either, but I
haven't tested with anything else yet. Of course, not all gems or
plugins may be compatible with 1.9, but I personally haven't run into
issue in those regards. You might get some more thoughtful answers on
the Rails list though.

Was able to install Passenger/Nginx from source, looked a bit daunting but
panned out really well, thanks for the tip.

Next step is running a test Ruby 1.9/Rails app.

Kind Regards,
Rajinder Yadav

Do Good ~ Share Freely

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