Reading attributes of nested properties


mr dropdown

Hi, I have 2 questions:

1. How can I read attributes of inner property of a web server control?
2. How can I read inner properties of inner properties of a web server

for example:
<myInnerProperty attributeThatIWantToRead="yes">


Brock Allen

If the control has all the custom attributes to allow this syntax in the
ASPX page, then those attributes are simply property assignments on the control
and its properties. So they should be accessible via the control's object
model. It will be something like "DataGrid.RowStyle.BackColor".

Mike MacMillan

mr. dropdown,
im assuming <myControl> is a custom control you've authored. there
are two ways to do what you're asking.
1) if myControl has a property called myInnerProperty (or any of the
other nested tags' names), you can set the attribute
[ParseChildren(true)] in your custom control to have any children it
parses parsed as properties.
2) parse these tags as custom controls. you'll first need a class to
associate with each nested tag. ex:

public class myInnerProperty : Control

you can then attach a ControlBuilder to myControl and override
GetChildControlType and have it return any myInnerProperty tags it sees
as a myInnerProperty control. then, during myControls
AddParsedSubObject method, if the object is a myInnerProperty control,
you can do with it as you it will be a concrete class rather
than an HtmlGenericControl.

let me know if this helps,
Mike MacMillan

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