Reading contents of DataList problem




This one appears a little strange to me. Here is the scenario.

I load a datalist the first time a page is run. The page has a !IsPostback
and the datalist gets loaded at this point.

I have a button on the page, where I want to read the contents of the
datalist. As an example that I have found on MS...

if (MyDataList.Items.Count > 0)


Response.Write("The Items collection contains: " + MyDataList.Items.Count +

foreach(DataListItem item in MyDataList.Items)


Response.Write(((Label)item.Controls[0]).Text + "<br>");



Now, here is the puzzling part.

The datalist reports 7 items in the items.count. This is absolutely correct,
BUT, I cannot read any of the items.

Initially, I was trying to read it as data from the datalist. As this was
not working, I have tried setting up a hidden label with the text. (I have
made the label visible to see what is happening)

Neither of them appear to contain anything, but the return count is 7 items.

The way I am doing it is practically the same way that MS are doing it...

The only difference is that the data in my itemTemplate of the datalist is
inside a label control. (Incidentally, I have also tried doing
item.FindControl("LabelName") to get something out)

Any help would be appreciated.

Best regards,
Dave Colliver.
~~ - Local franchises available


I guess this is too difficult to answer.

In order to get me closer, I have been experimenting. I have found some
further detail that may lead someone to help me.

From the MS link in my original posting, I have written a test page that I
actually take the same data from my database. This works as expected.

I then modify the listing to put a label around the content in the datalist
(instead of it being a bound literal).

I then try reading the label with
((label)item.findcontrol("labelname")).text which then fails.

Why does having a label cause it to fail?

Any help on this would be appreciated.

Best regards,
Dave Colliver.
~~ - Local franchises available

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