Refresh design time HTML on style change


TJoker .NET

Hi, in my control I have some properties that are style objects (ex of type
One example is below:

private TableItemStyle _itemStyle;

public TableItemStyle ItemStyle {
get {
if (_itemStyle == null) {
_itemStyle = new TableItemStyle();
if (IsTrackingViewState) {
return _itemStyle;

When the developer changes the style settings in this property, using the
properties window, the design time view of the control does not get
refreshed. What can I do to make the changes to the style proeprties be
reflected in the design time view ?


Jesse Sweetland

Make sure your Render method rebuilds and outputs the appropriate HTML
to the HtmlTextWriter every time it is called.

The following example would NOT update on style changes:

private bool _isRendered = false;
public override void Render( HtmlTextWriter output )
if( ! this._isRendered )
// Rendering logic
this._isRendered = true;

If you've implemented a DataBind( ) method, you need to call it every
time the Render method is called as well, especially if you put HTML
rendering logic in the DataBind( ) method (I use DataBind to build an
HtmlTable and then simply call HtmlTableRenderControl( ) on the Render
method's HtmlTextWriter. I have to call DataBind( ) explicitly in each
and every call to the Render( ) method to ensure styles are updated,

The other thing you might want to check is that PersistenceMode and
viewstate stuff...I've never really messed with that before, so I
can't help, but I've never used it and my stuff has so far turned out

Hope that helps,

- Jesse

TJoker .NET

Jesse, thanks for the response but that's not exaclty my
case. I'm creating a composite control, overrding the
CreateChildControls method and leaving the Render method
Let me give you an example.
In any property of my control that changes its visible
HTML (like texts, colors, etc) I do something like this:
public string SomeLabelText
string o = (string)ViewState
return (o == null)?"":eek:;
ViewState["SomeLabelText"] = value;
//force it to rebuild control tree
if(base.HasControls()) {base.Controls.Clear
(); ChildControlsCreated=false;};

But my Style proporties return only have "get" accessors
because they return the Style object, so I cannot detect
when the Style object's properties are being changed:

public virtual Style SomeStyle()
if (this.privateSomeStyle == null)
this.privateSomeStyle = new Style();
if (base.IsTrackingViewState)

return this.privateSomeStyle;

There are no events to help me and I couldn't find any
attribute to put in the Style property to cause my control
to refresh. I think I'm implementing this similarly to how
the DataGrid control does, but I couldn't figure out how
it works for the DataGrid.


MVP: Paint, Notepad, Solitaire

-----Original Message-----
Make sure your Render method rebuilds and outputs the appropriate HTML
to the HtmlTextWriter every time it is called.

The following example would NOT update on style changes:

private bool _isRendered = false;
public override void Render( HtmlTextWriter output )
if( ! this._isRendered )
// Rendering logic
this._isRendered = true;

If you've implemented a DataBind( ) method, you need to call it every
time the Render method is called as well, especially if you put HTML
rendering logic in the DataBind( ) method (I use DataBind to build an
HtmlTable and then simply call HtmlTableRenderControl( ) on the Render
method's HtmlTextWriter. I have to call DataBind( ) explicitly in each
and every call to the Render( ) method to ensure styles are updated,

The other thing you might want to check is that PersistenceMode and
viewstate stuff...I've never really messed with that before, so I
can't help, but I've never used it and my stuff has so far turned out

Hope that helps,

- Jesse

"TJoker .NET" <[email protected]> wrote in message
Hi, in my control I have some properties that are style objects (ex of type
One example is below:

private TableItemStyle _itemStyle;

public TableItemStyle ItemStyle {
get {
if (_itemStyle == null) {
_itemStyle = new TableItemStyle();
if (IsTrackingViewState) {
((IStateManager) _itemStyle).TrackViewState();
return _itemStyle;

When the developer changes the style settings in this property, using the
properties window, the design time view of the control does not get
refreshed. What can I do to make the changes to the style proeprties be
reflected in the design time view ?


John Saunders

TJoker .NET said:
Jesse, thanks for the response but that's not exaclty my
case. I'm creating a composite control, overrding the
CreateChildControls method and leaving the Render method
Let me give you an example.
In any property of my control that changes its visible
HTML (like texts, colors, etc) I do something like this:
public string SomeLabelText
string o = (string)ViewState
return (o == null)?"":eek:;
ViewState["SomeLabelText"] = value;
//force it to rebuild control tree
if(base.HasControls()) {base.Controls.Clear
(); ChildControlsCreated=false;};

Why don't you just set ChildControlsCreated to false? You don't have to
clear the Controls collection.

John Saunders

TJoker .NET said:
Jesse, thanks for the response but that's not exaclty my
case. I'm creating a composite control, overrding the
CreateChildControls method and leaving the Render method

BTW, try the RefreshProperties attribute:

Description("The style for the table caption"),
public Style CaptionStyle
if (captionStyle == null)
captionStyle = new Style();
if (IsTrackingViewState)
((IStateManager) captionStyle).TrackViewState();
return captionStyle;

TJoker .NET

John, the problem here is that the RefreshProperties (I
think) is considered only if I change the value of the
property, exactly what I'm not doing. In this case I'm
changing the value of a subproperty of the Style class, I
don't even have a "set" accessor for my ow property.
I tried and as I suspected it didn;t work, unfortunately.
I would think that the Style class would have some
attribute to help here but it doesn't seem to.

Thanks for the response.


MVP: Paint, Notepad, Solitaire

-----Original Message-----
BTW, try the RefreshProperties attribute:

Description("The style for the table caption"),
DesignerSerializationVisibility (DesignerSerializationVisibility.Content),
public Style CaptionStyle
if (captionStyle == null)
captionStyle = new Style();
if (IsTrackingViewState)
((IStateManager) captionStyle).TrackViewState();
return captionStyle;

John Saunders
John.Saunders at


Alessandro Zifiglio

Have you tried to merge the style into the the table cell to whom you want
this custom style applied. Also just like jesse stated, you will have to
perform this in your render method call if you are databinding
Can you showcase the code where you are copying the custom style you exposed
as a property into the table. I have a hunch you are not merging this style
into the table cell, if you are, show some of this code, makes a lot easier
to help ;P

TJoker .NET said:
John, the problem here is that the RefreshProperties (I
think) is considered only if I change the value of the
property, exactly what I'm not doing. In this case I'm
changing the value of a subproperty of the Style class, I
don't even have a "set" accessor for my ow property.
I tried and as I suspected it didn;t work, unfortunately.
I would think that the Style class would have some
attribute to help here but it doesn't seem to.

Thanks for the response.


MVP: Paint, Notepad, Solitaire

-----Original Message-----
BTW, try the RefreshProperties attribute:

Description("The style for the table caption"),
DesignerSerializationVisibility (DesignerSerializationVisibility.Content),
public Style CaptionStyle
if (captionStyle == null)
captionStyle = new Style();
if (IsTrackingViewState)
((IStateManager) captionStyle).TrackViewState();
return captionStyle;

John Saunders
John.Saunders at


TJoker .NET

Here's what I'm doing. I removed unnecessary code and
tried to show all that involved Styles and viewstate and
I do not have a Render() override. My control is built
during the CreateChildControls() call, using composition.
It is basically a table with some fixed number of rows (no
databinding). I have the ItemStyle property that defines
the Style to be applied to each TableRow. No styles are
applied to any TableCell directly.
So, what is happening is that if I change the Style
directly editing the ASPX markup, the changes are
reflected immediately in the Design view of the page, but
if I change using the Properties window then the changes
are not seen until I manually edit something in the ASPX.
If i change a non-reference property, like SomeLabelText
shown below, I have the "set" accessor to force the
refresh by setting ChildControlsCreated to false.

Thanks for helping.

public TableItemStyle ItemStyle
if (itemStyle == null)
itemStyle = new Style();
if (IsTrackingViewState)
return itemStyle;

private TableItemStyle itemStyle;

public string SomeLabelText
string o = (string)ViewState
return (o == null)?"":eek:;
ViewState["SomeLabelText"] = value;
//force it to rebuild control tree

protected override void CreateChildControls()

TableRow tr;
TableCell td;

Table table = new Table();
table.ID = this.ID;

//add a row
tr = new TableRow();
if(itemStyle != null) tr.ControlStyle.MergeWith
//create table cells without style (omitted)

//add more rows similarly ...



protected override void LoadViewState(object savedState)
object[] data = (object[])savedState;
//first item is the regular viewstate information

//omitted other data

if (data[2] != null)((IStateManager)

protected override object SaveViewState()
object[] data = new object[numberOfItems];
//first item is the regular viewstate information
data[0] = base.SaveViewState();

//omitted other data

data[2] = (this.itemStyle != null)?

return data;

protected override void TrackViewState()

if (this.itemStyle != null) ((IStateManager)

public override void RenderEndTag(HtmlTextWriter writer)
//just avoid the default <span> by doing nothing

public override void RenderBeginTag(HtmlTextWriter writer)
//just avoid the default </span> by doing nothing

Alessandro Zifiglio

1. Instead of overriding RenderEndTag and RenderBeginTag, to stop the spans
supply the controls base attributes to your table that way any styling you
set for your control will go directly into your tables inline style css.
This is as far as the span tags are concerned even if this is not the issue
you want to resolve.

2. You should apply styles to the child controls in the render phase, so
that they are not persisted in the view state.

so in your render method this should work for you with the code in your
createChildControls method as you have it, emitting the style merge part :
protected override void Render(HtmlTextWriter writer) {
// Apply styles to the control hierarchy
// and then render it out.

// Apply styles during render phase, so the user can change
//without the property changes ending
// up in view state.

//RenderContents will outout what your childcontrols

private void PrepareControlHierarchy() {
Table table = (Table)Controls[0];

if (ControlStyleCreated) {
int rowCount = table.Rows.Count;
for (int i = 0; i < rowCount; i++) {
TJoker .NET said:
Here's what I'm doing. I removed unnecessary code and
tried to show all that involved Styles and viewstate and
I do not have a Render() override. My control is built
during the CreateChildControls() call, using composition.
It is basically a table with some fixed number of rows (no
databinding). I have the ItemStyle property that defines
the Style to be applied to each TableRow. No styles are
applied to any TableCell directly.
So, what is happening is that if I change the Style
directly editing the ASPX markup, the changes are
reflected immediately in the Design view of the page, but
if I change using the Properties window then the changes
are not seen until I manually edit something in the ASPX.
If i change a non-reference property, like SomeLabelText
shown below, I have the "set" accessor to force the
refresh by setting ChildControlsCreated to false.

Thanks for helping.

public TableItemStyle ItemStyle
if (itemStyle == null)
itemStyle = new Style();
if (IsTrackingViewState)
return itemStyle;

private TableItemStyle itemStyle;

public string SomeLabelText
string o = (string)ViewState
return (o == null)?"":eek:;
ViewState["SomeLabelText"] = value;
//force it to rebuild control tree

protected override void CreateChildControls()

TableRow tr;
TableCell td;

Table table = new Table();
table.ID = this.ID;

//add a row
tr = new TableRow();
if(itemStyle != null) tr.ControlStyle.MergeWith
//create table cells without style (omitted)

//add more rows similarly ...



protected override void LoadViewState(object savedState)
object[] data = (object[])savedState;
//first item is the regular viewstate information

//omitted other data

if (data[2] != null)((IStateManager)

protected override object SaveViewState()
object[] data = new object[numberOfItems];
//first item is the regular viewstate information
data[0] = base.SaveViewState();

//omitted other data

data[2] = (this.itemStyle != null)?

return data;

protected override void TrackViewState()

if (this.itemStyle != null) ((IStateManager)

public override void RenderEndTag(HtmlTextWriter writer)
//just avoid the default <span> by doing nothing

public override void RenderBeginTag(HtmlTextWriter writer)
//just avoid the default </span> by doing nothing

MVP: Paint, Notepad, Solitaire


-----Original Message-----
Have you tried to merge the style into the the table cell to whom you want
this custom style applied. Also just like jesse stated, you will have to
perform this in your render method call if you are databinding
Can you showcase the code where you are copying the custom style you exposed
as a property into the table. I have a hunch you are not merging this style
into the table cell, if you are, show some of this code, makes a lot easier
to help ;P

TJoker .NET

Alessandro, I much appreciate your help.
However, I think that if I do not put the Style in the
ViewState of the control, then the control user will not
have the ability to change the Style at runtime because
the Merge will keep the current settings of each row for
the same style attribute.
As for setting the styles during the Render method, that
works correctly and that's how the controls based on
BaseDataList do (ex: DataGrid).
It just seems very un-natural for me to build part of my
control during CreateChildControls and part during the
Render method.


-----Original Message-----
1. Instead of overriding RenderEndTag and RenderBeginTag, to stop the spans
supply the controls base attributes to your table that way any styling you
set for your control will go directly into your tables inline style css.
This is as far as the span tags are concerned even if this is not the issue
you want to resolve.

2. You should apply styles to the child controls in the render phase, so
that they are not persisted in the view state.

so in your render method this should work for you with the code in your
createChildControls method as you have it, emitting the style merge part :
protected override void Render(HtmlTextWriter writer) {
// Apply styles to the control hierarchy
// and then render it out.

// Apply styles during render phase, so the user can change
//without the property changes ending
// up in view state.

//RenderContents will outout what your childcontrols

private void PrepareControlHierarchy() {
Table table = (Table)Controls[0];

if (ControlStyleCreated) {
int rowCount = table.Rows.Count;
for (int i = 0; i < rowCount; i++) {
TJoker .NET said:
Here's what I'm doing. I removed unnecessary code and
tried to show all that involved Styles and viewstate and
I do not have a Render() override. My control is built
during the CreateChildControls() call, using composition.
It is basically a table with some fixed number of rows (no
databinding). I have the ItemStyle property that defines
the Style to be applied to each TableRow. No styles are
applied to any TableCell directly.
So, what is happening is that if I change the Style
directly editing the ASPX markup, the changes are
reflected immediately in the Design view of the page, but
if I change using the Properties window then the changes
are not seen until I manually edit something in the ASPX.
If i change a non-reference property, like SomeLabelText
shown below, I have the "set" accessor to force the
refresh by setting ChildControlsCreated to false.

Thanks for helping.

public TableItemStyle ItemStyle
if (itemStyle == null)
itemStyle = new Style();
if (IsTrackingViewState)
return itemStyle;

private TableItemStyle itemStyle;

public string SomeLabelText
string o = (string)ViewState
return (o == null)?"":eek:;
ViewState["SomeLabelText"] = value;
//force it to rebuild control tree

protected override void CreateChildControls()

TableRow tr;
TableCell td;

Table table = new Table();
table.ID = this.ID;

//add a row
tr = new TableRow();
if(itemStyle != null) tr.ControlStyle.MergeWith
//create table cells without style (omitted)

//add more rows similarly ...



protected override void LoadViewState(object savedState)
object[] data = (object[])savedState;
//first item is the regular viewstate information

//omitted other data

if (data[2] != null)((IStateManager)

protected override object SaveViewState()
object[] data = new object[numberOfItems];
//first item is the regular viewstate information
data[0] = base.SaveViewState();

//omitted other data

data[2] = (this.itemStyle != null)?

return data;

protected override void TrackViewState()

if (this.itemStyle != null) ((IStateManager)

public override void RenderEndTag(HtmlTextWriter writer)
//just avoid the default <span> by doing nothing

public override void RenderBeginTag(HtmlTextWriter writer)
//just avoid the default </span> by doing nothing

MVP: Paint, Notepad, Solitaire


-----Original Message-----
Have you tried to merge the style into the the table
to whom you want
this custom style applied. Also just like jesse stated, you will have to
perform this in your render method call if you are databinding
Can you showcase the code where you are copying the custom style you exposed
as a property into the table. I have a hunch you are
merging this style
into the table cell, if you are, show some of this
makes a lot easier
to help ;P


Alessandro Zifiglio

When you create a new style object, the controls viewstate is not passed to
the style constructor(which you are not doing anyway and going about this
correctly). A controls viewstate is passed to the style constructor only
when creating a controls ControlStyle property, and not for any other
properties of type Style. These style objects manage their own state, and
you have already implemented customized state management to preserve
additional styles across round trips to the client so no problem here and
because of this you do the merge in the render phase, this way you do not
additionally persist style in viewstate. I believe this is why you were
having that unwanted retardation behavior in that when applying styles from
the propertygrid your styles werent being written to page immidiately unless
you invoked another non-subproperty of your control.

This is what i meant when I stated : You should apply styles to the child
controls in the render phase, so that they are not persisted in the view
state --

Under most circumstances when developing composite controls you do not have
to override the Render method because child controls provide rendering logic
but there are exceptions to this case and yours is one.

TJoker .NET said:
Alessandro, I much appreciate your help.
However, I think that if I do not put the Style in the
ViewState of the control, then the control user will not
have the ability to change the Style at runtime because
the Merge will keep the current settings of each row for
the same style attribute.
As for setting the styles during the Render method, that
works correctly and that's how the controls based on
BaseDataList do (ex: DataGrid).
It just seems very un-natural for me to build part of my
control during CreateChildControls and part during the
Render method.


-----Original Message-----
1. Instead of overriding RenderEndTag and RenderBeginTag, to stop the spans
supply the controls base attributes to your table that way any styling you
set for your control will go directly into your tables inline style css.
This is as far as the span tags are concerned even if this is not the issue
you want to resolve.

2. You should apply styles to the child controls in the render phase, so
that they are not persisted in the view state.

so in your render method this should work for you with the code in your
createChildControls method as you have it, emitting the style merge part :
protected override void Render(HtmlTextWriter writer) {
// Apply styles to the control hierarchy
// and then render it out.

// Apply styles during render phase, so the user can change
//without the property changes ending
// up in view state.

//RenderContents will outout what your childcontrols

private void PrepareControlHierarchy() {
Table table = (Table)Controls[0];

if (ControlStyleCreated) {
int rowCount = table.Rows.Count;
for (int i = 0; i < rowCount; i++) {
TJoker .NET said:
Here's what I'm doing. I removed unnecessary code and
tried to show all that involved Styles and viewstate and
I do not have a Render() override. My control is built
during the CreateChildControls() call, using composition.
It is basically a table with some fixed number of rows (no
databinding). I have the ItemStyle property that defines
the Style to be applied to each TableRow. No styles are
applied to any TableCell directly.
So, what is happening is that if I change the Style
directly editing the ASPX markup, the changes are
reflected immediately in the Design view of the page, but
if I change using the Properties window then the changes
are not seen until I manually edit something in the ASPX.
If i change a non-reference property, like SomeLabelText
shown below, I have the "set" accessor to force the
refresh by setting ChildControlsCreated to false.

Thanks for helping.

public TableItemStyle ItemStyle
if (itemStyle == null)
itemStyle = new Style();
if (IsTrackingViewState)
return itemStyle;

private TableItemStyle itemStyle;

public string SomeLabelText
string o = (string)ViewState
return (o == null)?"":eek:;
ViewState["SomeLabelText"] = value;
//force it to rebuild control tree

protected override void CreateChildControls()

TableRow tr;
TableCell td;

Table table = new Table();
table.ID = this.ID;

//add a row
tr = new TableRow();
if(itemStyle != null) tr.ControlStyle.MergeWith
//create table cells without style (omitted)

//add more rows similarly ...



protected override void LoadViewState(object savedState)
object[] data = (object[])savedState;
//first item is the regular viewstate information

//omitted other data

if (data[2] != null)((IStateManager)

protected override object SaveViewState()
object[] data = new object[numberOfItems];
//first item is the regular viewstate information
data[0] = base.SaveViewState();

//omitted other data

data[2] = (this.itemStyle != null)?

return data;

protected override void TrackViewState()

if (this.itemStyle != null) ((IStateManager)

public override void RenderEndTag(HtmlTextWriter writer)
//just avoid the default <span> by doing nothing

public override void RenderBeginTag(HtmlTextWriter writer)
//just avoid the default </span> by doing nothing

MVP: Paint, Notepad, Solitaire


-----Original Message-----
Have you tried to merge the style into the the table cell
to whom you want
this custom style applied. Also just like jesse stated,
you will have to
perform this in your render method call if you are
Can you showcase the code where you are copying the
custom style you exposed
as a property into the table. I have a hunch you are not
merging this style
into the table cell, if you are, show some of this code,
makes a lot easier
to help ;P


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