Return value from Stored Procedure



I have a stored procedure that takes a number of inputs, does a bulk
insert, and then outputs a recordset. When I run the stored procedure in
Server Management Studio I also get a return value from the stored
procedure which is an INT.

I want to access this return value on my ASP/VBScript page, but do not
know how to access it.

Here is my code so far:

Dim rsImport
Dim rsImport_cmd
Dim rsImport_numRows

Set rsImport_cmd = Server.CreateObject ("ADODB.Command")
rsImport_cmd.ActiveConnection = MM_aclv4test_STRING
rsImport_cmd.CommandText = "{call dbo.PriceUpdateImport(?,?,?,?,?)}"
rsImport_cmd.Prepared = true
rsImport_cmd.Parameters.Append rsImport_cmd.CreateParameter("param1",
200, 1, 255, rsImport__vendor)
rsImport_cmd.Parameters.Append rsImport_cmd.CreateParameter("param2",
200, 1, 255, rsImport__name)
rsImport_cmd.Parameters.Append rsImport_cmd.CreateParameter("param3",
200, 1, 255, rsImport__filename)
rsImport_cmd.Parameters.Append rsImport_cmd.CreateParameter("param4",
200, 1, 255, rsImport__validfrom)
rsImport_cmd.Parameters.Append rsImport_cmd.CreateParameter("param5",
200, 1, 255, rsImport__user)

Set rsImport = rsImport_cmd.Execute
rsImport_numRows = 0

There is more code above that sets the variable for each parameter.

I have tried adding this: rsImport_cmd.CreateParameter("@RETURN_VALUE",
3, 4) but I got this error:

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80040e21'

Multiple-step OLE DB operation generated errors. Check each OLE DB
status value, if available. No work was done.

My stored procedure doesn't declare an output return value, which may be
the problem, but when I execute the stored procedure in server
management studio I am given a return value.

Any ideas or pointers?



Bob Barrows [MVP]

Dooza said:
I have a stored procedure that takes a number of inputs, does a bulk
insert, and then outputs a recordset. When I run the stored procedure
in Server Management Studio I also get a return value from the stored
procedure which is an INT.

I want to access this return value on my ASP/VBScript page, but do not
know how to access it.

Here is my code so far:

Dim rsImport
Dim rsImport_cmd
Dim rsImport_numRows

Set rsImport_cmd = Server.CreateObject ("ADODB.Command")
rsImport_cmd.ActiveConnection = MM_aclv4test_STRING
rsImport_cmd.CommandText = "{call dbo.PriceUpdateImport(?,?,?,?,?)}"
rsImport_cmd.Prepared = true
rsImport_cmd.Parameters.Append rsImport_cmd.CreateParameter("param1",
200, 1, 255, rsImport__vendor)
rsImport_cmd.Parameters.Append rsImport_cmd.CreateParameter("param2",
200, 1, 255, rsImport__name)
rsImport_cmd.Parameters.Append rsImport_cmd.CreateParameter("param3",
200, 1, 255, rsImport__filename)
rsImport_cmd.Parameters.Append rsImport_cmd.CreateParameter("param4",
200, 1, 255, rsImport__validfrom)
rsImport_cmd.Parameters.Append rsImport_cmd.CreateParameter("param5",
200, 1, 255, rsImport__user)

Set rsImport = rsImport_cmd.Execute
rsImport_numRows = 0

There is more code above that sets the variable for each parameter.

I have tried adding this:
rsImport_cmd.CreateParameter("@RETURN_VALUE", 3, 4) but I got this
The return parameter should be the first one you append. You will
probably appreciate my free Command object code generator available
My stored procedure doesn't declare an output return value, which may
be the problem,
No. A peculiarity of SQL Server is that it will not send output or
return parameters until all resultsets generated by the procedure have
been consumed by the caller. This is done for you behind the scenes in
Query Manager. In ADO code, you have to do this yourself. You have to
either navigate to the last record in the recordset, or close the
recordset, before attempting to read the output or return parameter
values. Switching to a client-side cursor guarantees that the current
resultset is consumed.

Moreover, you need to make sure the procedure is not generating any
unexpected resultsets. Another peculiarity of SQL Server is that it
sends those "x rows were affected" messages to the caller as closed
resultsets. If your ADO code does not handle them, you will never see
the output or return parameters. So, your standard practice should be to
suppress those messages by including the line "SET NOCOUNT ON" at the
beginning of your procedure.

Sylvain Lafontaine

The parameter @RETURN_VALUE must be the *first* parameter to be
created/appended to the Paramaters collection. In the same way, all the
other parameters must be created/appended in the same order as their
declaration in the SP.

You also have a line with a call to .Append with no parameter:


I don't know what this instruction is doing but you should remove it.

You're also using the old canonical syntax for calling a SP: "{call
dbo.PriceUpdateImport(?,?,?,?,?)}". I really don't know what this syntax is
doing here but as you are using ADO to call your Sql-Server, you should
forget about using ODBC. I won't be surprised if the error message that
you're getting is coming from that. However, as we don't know anything the
connection string/provider that you're using, I cannot tell you anything
more on this one.

You will also have other problems if you don't add the SET NOCOUNT ON
instruction at the beginning of your SP or if this SP returns the result of
multiples queries.

Finally, don't forget the other recommandations from Bob Barrows.


Bob said:
The return parameter should be the first one you append. You will
probably appreciate my free Command object code generator available

Thanks Bob, I will give it a go.
No. A peculiarity of SQL Server is that it will not send output or
return parameters until all resultsets generated by the procedure have
been consumed by the caller. This is done for you behind the scenes in
Query Manager. In ADO code, you have to do this yourself. You have to
either navigate to the last record in the recordset, or close the
recordset, before attempting to read the output or return parameter
values. Switching to a client-side cursor guarantees that the current
resultset is consumed.

Aha, the missing piece of the pie, that will explain it.
Moreover, you need to make sure the procedure is not generating any
unexpected resultsets. Another peculiarity of SQL Server is that it
sends those "x rows were affected" messages to the caller as closed
resultsets. If your ADO code does not handle them, you will never see
the output or return parameters. So, your standard practice should be to
suppress those messages by including the line "SET NOCOUNT ON" at the
beginning of your procedure.

Thats something I have always let Server Studio Manager do for me each
time I create an SP... I didn't know what it was to begin with, so
Googled it and realised how important it was.

Thanks for the advice, I will let you know how I get on.


Bob Barrows [MVP]

Dooza said:
Bob, just to let you know this doesn't do anything in Firefox, but it
does work in Internet Explorer.
I knew that and was willing to live with it. After all, I created it for my
own use and I use IE at work. You are certainly free to rewrite it to make
it browser-independent.


Bob said:
I knew that and was willing to live with it. After all, I created it for my
own use and I use IE at work. You are certainly free to rewrite it to make
it browser-independent.

No thanks, I can live with using IE now and then :)



Bob said:
No. A peculiarity of SQL Server is that it will not send output or
return parameters until all resultsets generated by the procedure have
been consumed by the caller. This is done for you behind the scenes in
Query Manager. In ADO code, you have to do this yourself. You have to
either navigate to the last record in the recordset, or close the
recordset, before attempting to read the output or return parameter
values. Switching to a client-side cursor guarantees that the current
resultset is consumed.

I have decided to change my tactics, as I needed the return parameter
before the recordset.

The stored procedure does a bulk insert into a temporary table, does
some checks on the data. If there are duplicates it returns an error
code and a recordset with the duplicate data.

If there are no duplicates but other errors it will output different
error numbers.

If there are no errors, a success number is returned and the data is
inserted into a permanent table and its details inserted into a job
table, with its ID returned.

My ASP needs to check the error number and display a message. If the
duplicates are found it needs to list them. I need the error message
before the recordset.

I need to change my stored procedure to return 3 recordsets:

1. Error number
2. ID of import job if it was successful
3. Recordset of duplicates

Am I thinking this the right way?


Bob Barrows [MVP]

Dooza said:
I have decided to change my tactics, as I needed the return parameter
before the recordset.

Actually, from reading the next paragraphs, you don't. You need either a
recordset and error number, or a returned ID
The stored procedure does a bulk insert into a temporary table, does
some checks on the data. If there are duplicates it returns an error
code and a recordset with the duplicate data.

If there are no duplicates but other errors it will output different
error numbers.

If there are no errors, a success number is returned and the data is
inserted into a permanent table and its details inserted into a job
table, with its ID returned.

I'm not clear here: if there are multiple records involved, why would there
necessarily be a single ID returned?
My ASP needs to check the error number and display a message. If the
duplicates are found it needs to list them. I need the error message
before the recordset.

? no, you don't. Why does it matter which order you retrieve the data?
I need to change my stored procedure to return 3 recordsets:

1. Error number
2. ID of import job if it was successful
3. Recordset of duplicates

Am I thinking this the right way?
I don't think so. Why does everyone want to return data in the form of
resultsets? :)

My thinking would be on the lines:
A return parameter to pass an error number
An output parameter to pass an ID
A recordset to return any duplicates (this recordset could be empty)

In the procedure:
do the bulk insert
check the data
if no dupes,
-insert the details
-set the output parameter value to the id(?)
-truncate the temp table
-select the contents of the empty temp table
- set the return value to 0 - RETURN(0)
if dupes exist
-insert the non-dupes
-set the output parm value to the id(?)
-delete the non-dupes from the temp table
-select the contents of the temp table
set the return value to your error code

In vbscript:
Set conn = CreateObject ("ADODB.Connection") MM_aclv4test_STRING
Set rsImport_cmd = CreateObject ("ADODB.Command")
Set rsImport_cmd.ActiveConnection = conn
rsImport_cmd.CommandText = "PriceUpdateImport"
rsImport_cmd.CommandType = 4 'adCmdStoredProc
'parameter creation here

set rsImport= rsImport_cmd.Execute
'forget about that num_rows variable - it's useless
if not rsImport,eof then ardata=rsImport.GetRows
outpos=<index of output parameter in Parameters collection>


Bob said:
Actually, from reading the next paragraphs, you don't. You need either a
recordset and error number, or a returned ID

I'm not clear here: if there are multiple records involved, why would there
necessarily be a single ID returned?

? no, you don't. Why does it matter which order you retrieve the data?
I don't think so. Why does everyone want to return data in the form of
resultsets? :)

My thinking would be on the lines:
A return parameter to pass an error number
An output parameter to pass an ID
A recordset to return any duplicates (this recordset could be empty)

In the procedure:
do the bulk insert
check the data
if no dupes,
-insert the details
-set the output parameter value to the id(?)
-truncate the temp table
-select the contents of the empty temp table
- set the return value to 0 - RETURN(0)
if dupes exist
-insert the non-dupes
-set the output parm value to the id(?)
-delete the non-dupes from the temp table
-select the contents of the temp table
set the return value to your error code

In vbscript:
Set conn = CreateObject ("ADODB.Connection") MM_aclv4test_STRING
Set rsImport_cmd = CreateObject ("ADODB.Command")
Set rsImport_cmd.ActiveConnection = conn
rsImport_cmd.CommandText = "PriceUpdateImport"
rsImport_cmd.CommandType = 4 'adCmdStoredProc
'parameter creation here

set rsImport= rsImport_cmd.Execute
'forget about that num_rows variable - it's useless
if not rsImport,eof then ardata=rsImport.GetRows
outpos=<index of output parameter in Parameters collection>

Hi Bob,
Thank you very much for doing this, I really appreciate you taking time
out of your day to help me.

My stored procedure rolls back when it finds the duplicates, showing the
user the duplicates so that they can try again, but with cleaner data.

You see once I have imported the clean data, I return the job ID (which
is used when inserting the data as one of the primary keys) so that it
can be passed onto the next stage of the import process. There are
multiple stages to the import process, each updating different things.
This is just the first part, there are all sorts of different checks
that need to be done before the final updates take place.

I think I can use your code to get where I want to.

Thanks again,



Bob said:
Actually, from reading the next paragraphs, you don't. You need either a
recordset and error number, or a returned ID

I'm not clear here: if there are multiple records involved, why would there
necessarily be a single ID returned?

Just re-read this...

There are 3 tables
#Import - for the initial bulk insert from a tab separated file
PriceUpdateJob - the main details of the import, with an auto-id, name
of job, date of job, active from date, username, and various other bit
checks to indicate progress throughout the import process
PriceUpdateImportData - for the actual data from the initial file, with
the job id and item id being primary keys.

Not sure if that makes much difference :)



Hi Bob,
I have changed my SP so that it doesn't specify an output parameter, I
am going to rely on the return value instead, if thats possible.

Throughout my SP I have RETURN 50001 to stop the SP and give the error
number. Right at the end, if everything has been successful I use RETURN
@import (which is the I job ID)

In SSMS I always get a recordset, even if its empty, and always get a
return value.

The return value is either 50000, 50001, 50002 or the ID of the job. I
may have to change the error numbers to something bigger, or do as you
suggest and have an output parameter.

I have also changed my code as per your instructions:

Dim rsImport
Dim rsImport_cmd
Dim rsImport_numRows

Set conn = CreateObject ("ADODB.Connection") MM_aclv4test_STRING
Set rsImport_cmd = CreateObject ("ADODB.Command")
Set rsImport_cmd.ActiveConnection = conn
rsImport_cmd.CommandText = "PriceUpdateImport"
rsImport_cmd.CommandType = 4 'adCmdStoredProc
rsImport_cmd.Parameters.Append rsImport_cmd.CreateParameter("param1",
200, 1, 255, rsImport__vendor) ' adVarChar
rsImport_cmd.Parameters.Append rsImport_cmd.CreateParameter("param2",
200, 1, 255, rsImport__name) ' adVarChar
rsImport_cmd.Parameters.Append rsImport_cmd.CreateParameter("param3",
200, 1, 255, rsImport__filename) ' adVarChar
rsImport_cmd.Parameters.Append rsImport_cmd.CreateParameter("param4",
200, 1, 255, rsImport__validfrom) ' adVarChar
rsImport_cmd.Parameters.Append rsImport_cmd.CreateParameter("param5",
200, 1, 255, rsImport__user) ' adVarChar

Set rsImport = rsImport_cmd.Execute

If NOT rsImport.EOF Then
ardata = rsImport.GetRows
End if
errcode = rsImport_cmd(0)

Set conn = Nothing

When there are duplicates I can loop through the array of data and see
the duplicates, but I never get the correct errcode. I always get the
value of the first parameter. I have tried adding the @RETURN_VALUE
parameter but always get an error about there being too many arguments.

Am I making an obvious mistake?



Bob Barrows [MVP]

Dooza said:
Hi Bob,
I have changed my SP so that it doesn't specify an output parameter, I
am going to rely on the return value instead, if thats possible.

It's possible, but not advisable.
Throughout my SP I have RETURN 50001 to stop the SP and give the error
number. Right at the end, if everything has been successful I use
RETURN @import (which is the I job ID)

In SSMS I always get a recordset, even if its empty, and always get a
return value.

The return value is either 50000, 50001, 50002 or the ID of the job. I
may have to change the error numbers to something bigger, or do as you
suggest and have an output parameter.

There should be no problem returning the
I have also changed my code as per your instructions:

Dim rsImport
Dim rsImport_cmd
Dim rsImport_numRows

Set conn = CreateObject ("ADODB.Connection") MM_aclv4test_STRING
Set rsImport_cmd = CreateObject ("ADODB.Command")
Set rsImport_cmd.ActiveConnection = conn
rsImport_cmd.CommandText = "PriceUpdateImport"
rsImport_cmd.CommandType = 4 'adCmdStoredProc

The Return parameter should have been appended here - this is very
rsImport_cmd.Parameters.Append rsImport_cmd.CreateParameter("param1",
200, 1, 255, rsImport__vendor) ' adVarChar
rsImport_cmd.Parameters.Append rsImport_cmd.CreateParameter("param2",
200, 1, 255, rsImport__name) ' adVarChar
rsImport_cmd.Parameters.Append rsImport_cmd.CreateParameter("param3",
200, 1, 255, rsImport__filename) ' adVarChar
rsImport_cmd.Parameters.Append rsImport_cmd.CreateParameter("param4",
200, 1, 255, rsImport__validfrom) ' adVarChar
rsImport_cmd.Parameters.Append rsImport_cmd.CreateParameter("param5",
200, 1, 255, rsImport__user) ' adVarChar

Set rsImport = rsImport_cmd.Execute

If NOT rsImport.EOF Then
ardata = rsImport.GetRows
End if
errcode = rsImport_cmd(0)
The 0 refers to the first item in the Parameters collection. Right now,
that is the rsImport__vendor parameter. You need to append the
RETURN_VALUE parameter first!
Set conn = Nothing

When there are duplicates I can loop through the array of data and see
the duplicates, but I never get the correct errcode. I always get the
value of the first parameter. I have tried adding the @RETURN_VALUE
parameter but always get an error about there being too many

Am I making an obvious mistake?

See above


I was missing the 2 from the end

rsImport_cmd.CreateParameter("@RETURN_VALUE", 3, 4,2)

It now does return the correct error number AND the successfully
inserted ID.


Bob Barrows [MVP]

Use the code generator! Just substitute your variable names for the
names I used in the generator.


Bob said:
It's possible, but not advisable.

I have taken your advice and used an output parameter, and its working!
There should be no problem returning the

The Return parameter should have been appended here - this is very

I am there now, thanks to you Bob. Its all starting to make sense and
work, my days of relying on Dreamweaver are almost over :)

Thanks again!


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