Reverse Engineering InstallShield EXE



Hi folks,

I have unpacked an all-in-one exe produced by InstallShield. I've made
the necessary changes and now I'm ready to repack the files.

How can I do that? Which program should I use?

For unpacking I used IsXunpack. But which one should I use to repack
the files into an all-in-one exe again? Maybe I should use
InstallShield itself, but how?

Any tips are welcome.



Hi folks,

I have unpacked an all-in-one exe produced by InstallShield. I've made
the necessary changes and now I'm ready to repack the files.

How can I do that? Which program should I use?

For unpacking I used IsXunpack. But which one should I use to repack
the files into an all-in-one exe again? Maybe I should use
InstallShield itself, but how?

Any tips are welcome.


Any ideas??


Ask elsewhere. Here we talk C++ and your question has nothing to
do with it.


It's easy to say to ask elsewhere. How about suggesting this place?

I have looked for InstallShield related groups, but those I found are
almost died with few and not so active users. That's why I gave C++ a



It's easy to say to ask elsewhere. How about suggesting this place?

I have looked for InstallShield related groups, but those I found are
almost died with few and not so active users. That's why I gave C++ a


NSIS is the one I love. Google is your friend.


NSIS is the one I love. Google is your friend.

Nullsoft Install System (NSIS)? I can't use it.

The reason being all my install files are InstallShield's, including
the installation script, the CAB files etc. It would be infeasible to
convert all these files to NSIS formats.

I need a way to put them back into the InstallShield all-in-one exe.

I find it interesting that IsXunpack is capable of unpacking the the
all-in-one exe, but cannot repack it. Why can't repack it? It should
be as simple as unpacking...

I suspect the reason is there already exist an easy way to do it,
which I am missing because I am a newbie on InstallShield matters.
There's got to be a way using some InstallShield itself.

Anyone with InstallShield experience??

My final attempt to figure it out will be asking on InstallShied
forums. But I'm reluctant because InstallShield folks don't quite like
the idea of reverse engineering their exe packages...


red floyd

Gui said:
It's easy to say to ask elsewhere. How about suggesting this place?

I have looked for InstallShield related groups, but those I found are
almost died with few and not so active users. That's why I gave C++ a

I'm looking for banana daquiri recipes.

I have looked for banana daquire related groups, but those I found are
almost dead with few and not so active users. That's why I gave the C++
group a try.

See the point?


Gui said:
Nullsoft Install System (NSIS)? I can't use it.

The reason being all my install files are InstallShield's, including
the installation script, the CAB files etc. It would be infeasible to
convert all these files to NSIS formats.

I need a way to put them back into the InstallShield all-in-one exe.

I find it interesting that IsXunpack is capable of unpacking the the
all-in-one exe, but cannot repack it. Why can't repack it? It should
be as simple as unpacking...

I suspect the reason is there already exist an easy way to do it,
which I am missing because I am a newbie on InstallShield matters.
There's got to be a way using some InstallShield itself.

Anyone with InstallShield experience??

My final attempt to figure it out will be asking on InstallShied
forums. But I'm reluctant because InstallShield folks don't quite like
the idea of reverse engineering their exe packages...


First of all, I know for a fact that this has nothing to do with
reverse engineering. Second of all, if you knew the definition of
reverse engineering then you would not have used the term incorrectly.
Reverse engineering is simply taking something apart, studying the
inner works of that system, and possibly creating something new that
is similar to the original system, however, the new system does not
use any parts of the originating system. You specifically said that
you, "unpacked the files from an InstallShield .exe file which has
nothing to do with reverse engineering because you technically did not
take apart the exe, but simply extracted the files that were
compressed within the InstallShield exe. Hell, I can do that with just
winrar by just right clicking on the .exe Install Shield file and
telling it to unpack all the files to that directory. I just wanted to
verify with you that what you are doing is not considered reverse
engineering. As the rest have mentioned, this is not the right
community to ask. That's like someone asking a police officer if he/
she knew the best place to get a pack of weed. You just don't ask
certain things at certain places.

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