right adjusted strings containing umlauts


Kurt Mueller

I'd like to print strings right adjusted.
( Python 2.7.3, Linux 3.4.47-2.38-desktop )

from __future__ import print_function
print( '>{0:>3}<'.format( 'a' ) )

But if the string contains an Umlaut:
print( '>{0:>3}<'.format( 'ä' ) )

Same with % notation:
print( '>%3s<' % ( 'a' ) )
a< print( '>%3s<' % ( 'ä' ) )

For a string with no Umlaut it uses 3 characters, but for an Umlaut
it uses only 2 characters.

I guess it has to to with unicode.
How do I get it right?


Neil Cerutti

I'd like to print strings right adjusted.
( Python 2.7.3, Linux 3.4.47-2.38-desktop )

from __future__ import print_function
print( '>{0:>3}<'.format( 'a' ) )

But if the string contains an Umlaut:
print( '>{0:>3}<'.format( '??' ) )

Same with % notation:
print( '>%3s<' % ( 'a' ) )

For a string with no Umlaut it uses 3 characters, but for an
Umlaut it uses only 2 characters.

I guess it has to to with unicode.
How do I get it right?

You guessed it!

Use unicode strings instead of byte strings, e.g., u"...".


I'd like to print strings right adjusted.

print( '>{0:>3}<'.format( 'ä' ) )

Make both strings unicode

print( u'>{0:>3}<'.format( u'ä' ) )

Why not use rjust for it though?



You guessed it!

Use unicode strings instead of byte strings, e.g., u"...".
It also matters which actual codepoints you're using in the Unicode

You could have u'ä', which is one codepoint (u'\xE4' or u'\N{LATIN
SMALL LETTER A WITH DIAERESIS}'), or u'ä', which two codepoints

Kurt Mueller

Am 08.08.2013 16:43, schrieb (e-mail address removed):
Make both strings unicode
print( u'>{0:>3}<'.format( u'ä' ) )
Why not use rjust for it though?

In real life there is a list of strings in output_list from a command like:
output_list = shlex.split( input_string, bool_cmnt, bool_posi, )
input_string is from a file, bool_* are either True or False
repr( output_list )
['\xc3\xb6', '\xc3\xbc', 'i', 's', 'f']
which should be printed right aligned.
print( u'{0:>3} {1:>3} {2:>3} {3:>3} {4:>3}'.format( *output_list ) )
( In real life, the alignement and the width is variable )

How do I prepare output_list the pythonic way to be unicode strings?
What do I do, when input_strings/output_list has other codings like iso-8859-1?


Peter Otten

Kurt said:
Am 08.08.2013 16:43, schrieb (e-mail address removed):
Make both strings unicode
print( u'>{0:>3}<'.format( u'ä' ) )
Why not use rjust for it though?

In real life there is a list of strings in output_list from a command
like: output_list = shlex.split( input_string, bool_cmnt, bool_posi, )
input_string is from a file, bool_* are either True or False
repr( output_list )
['\xc3\xb6', '\xc3\xbc', 'i', 's', 'f']
which should be printed right aligned.
print( u'{0:>3} {1:>3} {2:>3} {3:>3} {4:>3}'.format( *output_list ) )
( In real life, the alignement and the width is variable )

How do I prepare output_list the pythonic way to be unicode strings?
What do I do, when input_strings/output_list has other codings like

You have to know the actual encoding. With that information it's easy:
output_list ['\xc3\xb6', '\xc3\xbc', 'i', 's', 'f']
encoding = "utf-8"
output_list = [s.decode(encoding) for s in output_list]
print output_list
[u'\xf6', u'\xfc', u'i', u's', u'f']

Don't worry that there are still escape codes -- when you print the
individual list items the caracters will show up as expected:
ö, ü, i, s, f

Dave Angel

Kurt said:
Am 08.08.2013 16:43, schrieb (e-mail address removed):
Make both strings unicode
print( u'>{0:>3}<'.format( u'ä' ) )
Why not use rjust for it though?

In real life there is a list of strings in output_list from a command like:
output_list = shlex.split( input_string, bool_cmnt, bool_posi, )
input_string is from a file, bool_* are either True or False
repr( output_list )
['\xc3\xb6', '\xc3\xbc', 'i', 's', 'f']
which should be printed right aligned.
print( u'{0:>3} {1:>3} {2:>3} {3:>3} {4:>3}'.format( *output_list ) )
( In real life, the alignement and the width is variable )

How do I prepare output_list the pythonic way to be unicode strings?
What do I do, when input_strings/output_list has other codings like iso-8859-1?

In general, when reading from an outside device like a file, convert to
unicode immediately, while you still know the encoding used in that
particular file. Then after all processing, worry about alignment only
when you're about to output the string. And at that point, you're
subject to the quirks of the font as well as the quirks of the
encoding of the terminal.

As MRAB has pointed out, sometimes two code points are used to represent
a single character which will end up taking a single column. Likewise
sometimes a single code point will take more than one "column" to
display. Ideograms are one example, but a font which is not fixed pitch
is another.

If you're going to a standard terminal, all you can do is get close.
This is why there are special functions for gui's to help with

Kurt Mueller

Am 08.08.2013 17:44, schrieb Peter Otten:
Kurt said:
What do I do, when input_strings/output_list has other codings like

You have to know the actual encoding. With that information it's easy:
output_list ['\xc3\xb6', '\xc3\xbc', 'i', 's', 'f']
encoding = "utf-8"
output_list = [s.decode(encoding) for s in output_list]
print output_list
[u'\xf6', u'\xfc', u'i', u's', u'f']

How do I get to know the actual encoding?
I read from stdin. There can be different encondings.
Usually utf8 but also iso-8859-1/latin9 are to be expected.
But sys.stdin.encoding sais always 'None'.


Kurt Mueller

Now I have this small example:
#!/usr/bin/env python
# vim: set fileencoding=utf-8 :

from __future__ import print_function
import sys, shlex

print( repr( sys.stdin.encoding ) )

strg_form = u'{0:>3} {1:>3} {2:>3} {3:>3} {4:>3}'
for inpt_line in sys.stdin:
proc_line = shlex.split( inpt_line, False, True, )
encoding = "utf-8"
proc_line = [ strg.decode( encoding ) for strg in proc_line ]
print( strg_form.format( *proc_line ) )

$ echo -e "a b c d e\na ö u 1 2" | file -
/dev/stdin: UTF-8 Unicode text
$ echo -e "a b c d e\na ö u 1 2" | ./align_compact.py
a b c d e
a ö u 1 2
$ echo -e "a b c d e\na ö u 1 2" | recode utf8..latin9 | file -
/dev/stdin: ISO-8859 text
$ echo -e "a b c d e\na ö u 1 2" | recode utf8..latin9 | ./align_compact.py
a b c d e
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "./align_compact.py", line 13, in <module>
proc_line = [ strg.decode( encoding ) for strg in proc_line ]
File "/usr/lib64/python2.7/encodings/utf_8.py", line 16, in decode
return codecs.utf_8_decode(input, errors, True)
UnicodeDecodeError: 'utf8' codec can't decode byte 0xf6 in position 0: invalid start byte

How do I handle this two inputs?


Peter Otten

Kurt said:
Am 08.08.2013 17:44, schrieb Peter Otten:
Kurt said:
What do I do, when input_strings/output_list has other codings like

You have to know the actual encoding. With that information it's easy:
['\xc3\xb6', '\xc3\xbc', 'i', 's', 'f']
encoding = "utf-8"
output_list = [s.decode(encoding) for s in output_list]
print output_list
[u'\xf6', u'\xfc', u'i', u's', u'f']

How do I get to know the actual encoding?
I read from stdin. There can be different encondings.
Usually utf8 but also iso-8859-1/latin9 are to be expected.
But sys.stdin.encoding sais always 'None'.

Even with

$ cat funny_pic.jpg | ./mypythonscript.py

you could "successfully" (i. e. no errors) decode stdin using iso-8859-1.
So unfortunately you have to guess.

A simple strategy is to try utf-8 and fall back to iso-8859-1 if that fails
with a UnicodeDecodeError. There's also


Chris Angelico

Am 08.08.2013 17:44, schrieb Peter Otten:
Kurt said:
What do I do, when input_strings/output_list has other codings like

You have to know the actual encoding. With that information it's easy:
['\xc3\xb6', '\xc3\xbc', 'i', 's', 'f']
encoding = "utf-8"
output_list = [s.decode(encoding) for s in output_list]
print output_list
[u'\xf6', u'\xfc', u'i', u's', u'f']

How do I get to know the actual encoding?
I read from stdin. There can be different encondings.
Usually utf8 but also iso-8859-1/latin9 are to be expected.
But sys.stdin.encoding sais always 'None'.

If you can switch to Python 3, life becomes a LOT easier. The Python 3
input() function (which does the same job as raw_input() from Python
2) returns a Unicode string, meaning that it takes care of encodings
for you.


Dave Angel

Kurt said:
Now I have this small example:
#!/usr/bin/env python
# vim: set fileencoding=utf-8 :

from __future__ import print_function
import sys, shlex

print( repr( sys.stdin.encoding ) )

strg_form = u'{0:>3} {1:>3} {2:>3} {3:>3} {4:>3}'
for inpt_line in sys.stdin:
proc_line = shlex.split( inpt_line, False, True, )
encoding = "utf-8"
proc_line = [ strg.decode( encoding ) for strg in proc_line ]
print( strg_form.format( *proc_line ) )

$ echo -e "a b c d e\na ö u 1 2" | file -
/dev/stdin: UTF-8 Unicode text
$ echo -e "a b c d e\na ö u 1 2" | ./align_compact.py
a b c d e
a ö u 1 2
$ echo -e "a b c d e\na ö u 1 2" | recode utf8..latin9 | file -
/dev/stdin: ISO-8859 text
$ echo -e "a b c d e\na ö u 1 2" | recode utf8..latin9 | ./align_compact.py
a b c d e
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "./align_compact.py", line 13, in <module>
proc_line = [ strg.decode( encoding ) for strg in proc_line ]
File "/usr/lib64/python2.7/encodings/utf_8.py", line 16, in decode
return codecs.utf_8_decode(input, errors, True)
UnicodeDecodeError: 'utf8' codec can't decode byte 0xf6 in position 0: invalid start byte

How do I handle this two inputs?

Once you're using pipes, you've given up any hope that the terminal will
report a useful encoding, so I'm not surprised you're getting None for

So you can either do as others have suggested, and guess, or you can get
the information explicitly, say from argv. In any case you'll need a
different way to assign encoding =

Terry Reedy

print( u'{0:>3} {1:>3} {2:>3} {3:>3} {4:>3}'.format( *output_list ) )

Using autonumbering feature, same as

print( u'{:>3} {:>3} {:>3} {:>3} {:>3}'.format( *output_list ) )
print( (u' '.join([u'{:>3}']*5)).format(*output_list) )
print( (u' '.join([u'{:>3}']*len(output_list))).format(*output_list) )


Le jeudi 8 août 2013 18:27:06 UTC+2, Kurt Mueller a écrit :
Now I have this small example:


#!/usr/bin/env python

# vim: set fileencoding=utf-8 :

from __future__ import print_function

import sys, shlex

print( repr( sys.stdin.encoding ) )

strg_form = u'{0:>3} {1:>3} {2:>3} {3:>3} {4:>3}'

for inpt_line in sys.stdin:

proc_line = shlex.split( inpt_line, False, True, )

encoding = "utf-8"

proc_line = [ strg.decode( encoding ) for strg in proc_line ]

print( strg_form.format( *proc_line ) )


$ echo -e "a b c d e\na ö u 1 2" | file -

/dev/stdin: UTF-8 Unicode text

$ echo -e "a b c d e\na ö u 1 2" | ./align_compact.py


a b c d e

a ö u 1 2

$ echo -e "a b c d e\na ö u 1 2" | recode utf8..latin9 | file -

/dev/stdin: ISO-8859 text

$ echo -e "a b c d e\na ö u 1 2" | recode utf8..latin9 | ./align_compact.py


a b c d e

Traceback (most recent call last):

File "./align_compact.py", line 13, in <module>

proc_line = [ strg.decode( encoding ) for strg in proc_line ]

File "/usr/lib64/python2.7/encodings/utf_8.py", line 16, in decode

return codecs.utf_8_decode(input, errors, True)

UnicodeDecodeError: 'utf8' codec can't decode byte 0xf6 in position 0: invalid start byte


How do I handle this two inputs?



It's very easy.

The error msg indicates, you cann't decode your series of bytes
with the utf-8 codec, simply because your string is encoded
in iso-8859-* (you did it explicitly!).

Your problem is not Python, your problem is the coding
of the characters.

You should be aware about the coding of the strings you are
manipulating (creating) and if necessary decode and/or encode
correctly accordingly to what you wish, eg. a suitable coding
for the display. That's on this level that Python (or any
language) matters.

The sys.std*.encoding is a different problem.

iso-8859-* ?

iso-8859-1 == latin-1 and latin9 == iso-8859-15.

If one excepts "das grosse Eszett", both codings are
able to handle German (it seems to be your case) and
there are no problems when working directly with these


Steven D'Aprano

What do I do, when input_strings/output_list has other codings like

When reading from a text file, honour some sort of encoding cookie at the
top (or bottom) of the file, like Emacs and Vim use, or a BOM. If there
is no encoding cookie, assume UTF-8.

When reading from stdin, assume UTF-8.

Otherwise, make it the caller's responsibility to specify the encoding if
they wish to use something else.


encoding = None

if command line arguments include '--encoding':
encoding = --encoding argument

if encoding is None:
if input file is stdin:
encoding = 'utf-8'
open file as binary
if first 2-4 bytes look like a BOM:
encoding = one of UTF-8 or UTF-16 or UTF-32
read first two lines
if either looks like an encoding cookie:
encoding = cookie
# optionally check the end of the file as well
close file

if encoding is None:
encoding = 'utf-8'

read from file using encoding

Kurt Mueller

Am 08.08.2013 18:37, schrieb Chris Angelico:
Am 08.08.2013 17:44, schrieb Peter Otten:
Kurt Mueller wrote:
What do I do, when input_strings/output_list has other codings like
You have to know the actual encoding. With that information it's easy:
['\xc3\xb6', '\xc3\xbc', 'i', 's', 'f']
encoding = "utf-8"
output_list = [s.decode(encoding) for s in output_list]
print output_list
[u'\xf6', u'\xfc', u'i', u's', u'f']
How do I get to know the actual encoding?
I read from stdin. There can be different encondings.
Usually utf8 but also iso-8859-1/latin9 are to be expected.
But sys.stdin.encoding sais always 'None'.

If you can switch to Python 3, life becomes a LOT easier. The Python 3
input() function (which does the same job as raw_input() from Python
2) returns a Unicode string, meaning that it takes care of encodings
for you.

Because I cannot switch to Python 3 for now my life is not so easy:)

For some text manipulation tasks I need a template to split lines
from stdin into a list of strings the way shlex.split() does it.
The encoding of the input can vary.
For further processing in Python I need the list of strings to be in unicode.

Here is template.py:

#!/usr/bin/env python
# vim: set fileencoding=utf-8 :
# split lines from stdin into a list of unicode strings
# Muk 2013-08-23
# Python 2.7.3

from __future__ import print_function
import sys
import shlex
import chardet

bool_cmnt = True # shlex: skip comments
bool_posx = True # shlex: posix mode (strings in quotes)

for inpt_line in sys.stdin:
print( 'inpt_line=' + repr( inpt_line ) )
enco_type = chardet.detect( inpt_line )[ 'encoding' ] # {'encoding': 'EUC-JP', 'confidence': 0.99}
print( 'enco_type=' + repr( enco_type ) )
strg_inpt = shlex.split( inpt_line, bool_cmnt, bool_posx, ) # shlex does not work on unicode
except Exception, errr: # usually 'No closing quotation'
print( "error='%s' on inpt_line='%s'" % ( errr, inpt_line.rstrip(), ), file=sys.stderr, )
print( 'strg_inpt=' + repr( strg_inpt ) ) # list of strings
strg_unic = [ strg.decode( enco_type ) for strg in strg_inpt ] # decode the strings into unicode
print( 'strg_unic=' + repr( strg_unic ) ) # list of unicode strings

$ cat <some-file> | template.py

Comments are welcome.


Kurt Mueller

Am 08.08.2013 18:37, schrieb Chris Angelico:
Am 08.08.2013 17:44, schrieb Peter Otten:
Kurt Mueller wrote:
What do I do, when input_strings/output_list has other codings like
You have to know the actual encoding. With that information it's easy:
['\xc3\xb6', '\xc3\xbc', 'i', 's', 'f']
encoding = "utf-8"
output_list = [s.decode(encoding) for s in output_list]
print output_list
[u'\xf6', u'\xfc', u'i', u's', u'f']
How do I get to know the actual encoding?
I read from stdin. There can be different encondings.
Usually utf8 but also iso-8859-1/latin9 are to be expected.
But sys.stdin.encoding sais always 'None'.

If you can switch to Python 3, life becomes a LOT easier. The Python 3
input() function (which does the same job as raw_input() from Python
2) returns a Unicode string, meaning that it takes care of encodings
for you.

Because I cannot switch to Python 3 for now my life is not so easy:)

For some text manipulation tasks I need a template to split lines
from stdin into a list of strings the way shlex.split() does it.
The encoding of the input can vary.
For further processing in Python I need the list of strings to be in unicode.

Here is template.py:

#!/usr/bin/env python
# vim: set fileencoding=utf-8 :
# split lines from stdin into a list of unicode strings
# Muk 2013-08-23
# Python 2.7.3

from __future__ import print_function
import sys
import shlex
import chardet

bool_cmnt = True # shlex: skip comments
bool_posx = True # shlex: posix mode (strings in quotes)

for inpt_line in sys.stdin:
print( 'inpt_line=' + repr( inpt_line ) )
enco_type = chardet.detect( inpt_line )[ 'encoding' ] # {'encoding': 'EUC-JP', 'confidence': 0.99}
print( 'enco_type=' + repr( enco_type ) )
strg_inpt = shlex.split( inpt_line, bool_cmnt, bool_posx, ) # shlex does not work on unicode
except Exception, errr: # usually 'No closing quotation'
print( "error='%s' on inpt_line='%s'" % ( errr, inpt_line.rstrip(), ), file=sys.stderr, )
print( 'strg_inpt=' + repr( strg_inpt ) ) # list of strings
strg_unic = [ strg.decode( enco_type ) for strg in strg_inpt ] # decode the strings into unicode
print( 'strg_unic=' + repr( strg_unic ) ) # list of unicode strings

$ cat <some-file> | template.py

Comments are welcome.


Dave Angel

Because I cannot switch to Python 3 for now my life is not so easy:)

For some text manipulation tasks I need a template to split lines
from stdin into a list of strings the way shlex.split() does it.
The encoding of the input can vary.
For further processing in Python I need the list of strings to be in unicode.

According to:

"""Prior to Python 2.7.3, this module did not support Unicode

I take that to mean that if you upgrade to Python 2.7.3, 2.7.4, or
2.7.5, you'll have Unicode support.

Presumably that would mean you could decode the string before calling


According to:
"""Prior to Python 2.7.3, this module did not support Unicode
I take that to mean that if you upgrade to Python 2.7.3, 2.7.4, or
2.7.5, you'll have Unicode support.

I have Python 2.7.3
Presumably that would mean you could decode the string before calling

Yes, see new template.py:
#!/usr/bin/env python
# vim: set fileencoding=utf-8 :
# split lines from stdin into a list of unicode strings
# decode before shlex
# Muk 2013-08-28
# Python 2.7.3

from __future__ import print_function
import sys
import shlex
import chardet

bool_cmnt = True # shlex: skip comments
bool_posx = True # shlex: posix mode (strings in quotes)

for inpt_line in sys.stdin:
print( 'inpt_line=' + repr( inpt_line ) )
enco_type = chardet.detect( inpt_line )[ 'encoding' ] # {'encoding': 'EUC-JP', 'confidence': 0.99}
print( 'enco_type=' + repr( enco_type ) )
strg_unic = inpt_line.decode( enco_type ) # decode the input line into unicode
print( 'strg_unic=' + repr( strg_unic ) ) # unicode input line
strg_inpt = shlex.split( strg_unic, bool_cmnt, bool_posx, ) # check if shlex works on unicode
except Exception, errr: # usually 'No closing quotation'
print( "error='%s' on inpt_line='%s'" % ( errr, inpt_line.rstrip(), ), file=sys.stderr, )
print( 'strg_inpt=' + repr( strg_inpt ) ) # list of strings


$ python -V
Python 2.7.3
$ echo -e "a b c d e\na Ö u 1 2" | template.py
inpt_line='a b c d e\n'
strg_unic=u'a b c d e\n'
strg_inpt=['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e']
inpt_line='a \xc3\x96 u 1 2\n'
strg_unic=u'a \xd6 u 1 2\n'
error=''ascii' codec can't encode character u'\xd6' in position 2: ordinal not in range(128)' on inpt_line='a Ö u 1 2'
$ echo -e "a b c d e\na Ö u 1 2" | recode utf8..latin9 | ./split_shlex_unicode.py
inpt_line='a b c d e\n'
strg_unic=u'a b c d e\n'
strg_inpt=['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e']
inpt_line='a \xd6 u 1 2\n'
strg_unic=u'a \xd6 u 1 2\n'
error=''ascii' codec can't encode character u'\xd6' in position 2: ordinal not in range(128)' on inpt_line='a � u 1 2'

As can be seen, shlex does work only with unicode strings decoded from 'ascii' strings. (Python 2.7.3)

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