RPM of Ruby 1.8.x


Matt Lawrence

I'm trying to find rpms for the latest released version of Ruby. After I
pulled ruby-1.8.1-9.i386.rpm off of rubyforge, I tried to install it and
ran into missing dependecies libruby.so.1.8 & ruby-libs =

I know I'm probably missing something obvious. Help?

-- Matt
It's not what I know that counts, it's what I can remember in time to use.


If all else fails, it's dirt simple to install from source,
generally nothing more than:

sudo make install

-- Markus

Matt Lawrence

If all else fails, it's dirt simple to install from source,
generally nothing more than:

sudo make install

Yeah, but I have another 16 systems that are scheduled to be installed.

Package managers are my friend.

And, yes, I've made this argument before. The vast majority of folks here
are incredibly talented developers. However, managing production systems
requires a different set of priorities.

-- Matt
It's not what I know that counts, it's what I can remember in time to use.

Gavin Sinclair

Yeah, but I have another 16 systems that are scheduled to be installed.
Package managers are my friend.
And, yes, I've made this argument before. The vast majority of folks here
are incredibly talented developers. However, managing production systems
requires a different set of priorities.

I'm not suggesting you should do this, just curious as to what's
involved: creating your own RPM. If you built it from source on one
machine, can you easily create an RPM for managing all machines?



I'm not suggesting you should do this, just curious as to what's
involved: creating your own RPM. If you built it from source on one
machine, can you easily create an RPM for managing all machines?

I gather making your own RPM fairly simple (disclaimer: I've
delegated the task but not done it myself).

The other option which we frequently use which dates back to before
RPMs is to have a build CD (which may in fact be an NFS mount) with a
script that runs a bunch of other scripts in a sub-directory tree. We
run this script at an appropriate point the setup of new machines. In
this set up, it really is dirt simple to have a script that does the
configure-make-make boogie but doesn't require manual intervention.

-- Markus

Guillaume Marcais

Here is how I did my RPMs. I downloaded the ruby RPM for my
distribution (Mandrake, ruby-1.6.7), extracted the spec file, put it in
the newer ruby tarball, changed a few things to match the current
version of ruby, compile into a RPM binary. I attached a modified
version of the spec file that *should* work on any other RPM based

% tar zxf ruby-1.8.1.tar.gz
% cp <file_from_attachement> ruby-1.8.1/ruby.spec
% tar zcf ruby-1.8.1.tar.gz ruby-1.8.1
% rpm -ta ruby-1.8.1.tar.gz

If everything went fine, you should now have a binary and a source RPMs
in (adjust path to your distro and architecture):
/usr/src/RPM/RPMs/i586 and /usr/src/RPM/SRPMS.

Hope it helps,

Le 26 sept. 04, à 20:11, Markus a écrit :

Guillaume Marcais

Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Content-Type: text/plain;

Now with the attachment attached :)


Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Content-Type: application/octet-stream;
Content-Disposition: attachment;

Summary: Object Oriented Script Language
Name: ruby
Version: 1.8.1
%define subver 1.8
Release: 1
License: GPL
Group: Development/Other
BuildRequires: XFree86-devel gpm-devel ncurses-devel readline-devel tcl tk

Source: ftp://ftp.ruby-lang.org/pub/ruby/ruby-1.8.1.tar.gz
#Source1: http://www.pragprog.com:8080/rubyfaq/rubyfaqall.html.bz2
#Source2: http://dev.rubycentral.com/downloads/files/ProgrammingRuby-0.4.tgz
URL: http://www.ruby-lang.org/
Packager: Pixel <[email protected]>
BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-root

%ifarch ppc
%define my_target_cpu powerpc
%define my_target_cpu %{_target_cpu}

#%package doc
#Summary: Documentation for the powerful language Ruby
#Group: Development/Other
#Requires: %{name} = %version-%release

%package devel
Summary: Development file for the powerful language Ruby
Group: Development/Other
Requires: %{name} = %version-%release

%package tk
Summary: Tk extension for the powerful language Ruby
Group: Development/Other
Requires: %{name} = %version-%release

Ruby is the interpreted scripting language for quick and
easy object-oriented programming. It has many features to
process text files and to do system management tasks (as in
Perl). It is simple, straight-forward, and extensible.

# %description doc
# Ruby is the interpreted scripting language for quick and
# easy object-oriented programming. It has many features to
# process text files and to do system management tasks (as in
# Perl). It is simple, straight-forward, and extensible.

# This package contains the Ruby's documentation

%description devel
Ruby is the interpreted scripting language for quick and
easy object-oriented programming. It has many features to
process text files and to do system management tasks (as in
Perl). It is simple, straight-forward, and extensible.

This package contains the Ruby's devel files.

%description tk
Ruby is the interpreted scripting language for quick and
easy object-oriented programming. It has many features to
process text files and to do system management tasks (as in
Perl). It is simple, straight-forward, and extensible.

This package contains the Tk extension for Ruby.

%setup -q

#FILELIST="ruby.1 \
# ext/extmk.rb.in \
# ext/curses/*.rb \
# ext/tcltklib/demo/*.* ext/tcltklib/sample/*.rb ext/tcltklib/*.euc \
# ext/tk/sample/*.rb \
# sample/*.*"
#for i in ${FILELIST}; do
# sed -e s#/usr/local/bin/#%{_bindir}/#g $i >$i.$$
# mv $i.$$ $i

echo '.text' | gcc -shared -o libdummy.so.0 -xassembler - -ltcl -ltk >& /dev/null && {
if %{_bindir}/ldd libdummy.so.0 | grep -q "lib\(tcl\|tk\).so"; then
echo "Your tcl/tk is broken, get one with verioning in the libraries."
exit 1
rm -f libdummy.so.0

CFLAGS=`echo %optflags | sed 's/-fomit-frame-pointer//'`
#%configure --prefix=/usr --program-suffix=-%{version}
%configure --prefix=/usr
make test

rm -rf %buildroot
make DESTDIR=%buildroot install

install -d %buildroot%{_docdir}/%{name}-%{version}
cp -a COPYING* ChangeLog README* ToDo sample %buildroot%{_docdir}/%{name}-%{version}
#bzcat %{SOURCE1} > %buildroot%{_docdir}/%{name}-%{version}/FAQ.html

install -d %buildroot%{_datadir}/emacs/site-lisp
cp -a misc/ruby-mode.el %buildroot%{_datadir}/emacs/site-lisp

install -d %buildroot%{_sysconfdir}/emacs/site-start.d
cat <<EOF >%buildroot%{_sysconfdir}/emacs/site-start.d/%{name}.el
(autoload 'ruby-mode "ruby-mode" "Ruby editing mode." t)
(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\\\.rb$" . ruby-mode))
(add-to-list 'interpreter-mode-alist '("ruby" . ruby-mode))

(cd %buildroot%{_docdir}/%{name}-%{version} ; tar xfz %{SOURCE2} ; cd Pro*; mv -f html/* . ; rm -rf html xml)

(cd %buildroot ; find usr/lib/%{name}/%{subver} ! -type d -printf "/%%p\n") > %{name}.list
(cd %buildroot ; find usr/lib/%{name}/%{subver} -type d -printf "%%%%dir /%%p\n") >> %{name}.list

perl -ni -e 'print if !m|/(tcl)?tk|' %{name}.list
perl -ni -e 'print if !m|%{my_target_cpu}-%{_host_os}/.*[ha]$|' %{name}.list

rm -rf %buildroot



%files -f %{name}.list
%defattr(-, root, root)
%dir %{_docdir}/%{name}-%{version}
%dir %{_libdir}/%{name}/
%config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/emacs/site-start.d/*

# %files doc
# %defattr(-, root, root)
# %{_docdir}/%{name}-%{version}/COPYING*
# %{_docdir}/%{name}-%{version}/ChangeLog
# %{_docdir}/%{name}-%{version}/README.*
# # %{_docdir}/%{name}-%{version}/FAQ.html
# %{_docdir}/%{name}-%{version}/ToDo
# %{_docdir}/%{name}-%{version}/sample
# %{_docdir}/%{name}-%{version}/ProgrammingRuby*

%files devel
%defattr(-, root, root)

%files tk
%defattr(-, root, root)

* Wed Jul 24 2002 Pixel <[email protected]> 1.6.7-4mdk
- really rebuild for new readline

* Tue Jul 23 2002 Pixel <[email protected]> 1.6.7-3mdk
- rebuild for new readline

* Thu May 30 2002 Gwenole Beauchesne <[email protected]> 1.6.7-2mdk
- Ah, turns out to be built with gcc3.1 too
- Don't test for versioned tcl/tk libraries by name. There could be ld
scripts instead. Anyway, tcl/tk looks broken since they don't have

* Tue Mar 19 2002 Pixel <[email protected]> 1.6.7-1mdk
- new release

* Thu Feb 28 2002 Geoffrey Lee <[email protected]> 1.6.6-2mdk
- Recompile to get versioned tcl/tk linking.

* Thu Dec 27 2001 Pixel <[email protected]> 1.6.6-1mdk
- new version

* Fri Oct 5 2001 Pixel <[email protected]> 1.6.5-1mdk
- new version

* Mon Jul 23 2001 Pixel <[email protected]> 1.6.4-2mdk
- don't mess CFLAGS, just remove fomit-frame-pointer

* Mon Jun 4 2001 Pixel <[email protected]> 1.6.4-1mdk
- new version

* Fri May 25 2001 Pixel <[email protected]> 1.6.3-4mdk
- directories-are-not-executables

* Fri May 18 2001 Pixel <[email protected]> 1.6.3-3mdk
- fix dadou fucking up things (irb and emacs mode were not there anymore!)

* Fri Apr 20 2001 David BAUDENS <[email protected]> 1.6.3-2mdk
- Fix build on PPC

* Sun Mar 25 2001 Pixel <[email protected]> 1.6.3-1mdk
- new version

* Mon Mar 19 2001 Pixel <[email protected]>
- fix the ruby.el (\\. -> \\\\.)

* Thu Jan 25 2001 Pixel <[email protected]>
- new stable snapshot

* Wed Dec 27 2000 Pixel <[email protected]> 1.6.2-2mdk
- fix extensions
- create %{name}-devel
- remove %{name}-extensions, but create %{name}-tk

* Tue Dec 26 2000 Pixel <[email protected]> 1.6.2-1mdk
- new version

* Mon Nov 27 2000 Pixel <[email protected]> 1.6.1-4mdk
- build again full optflags

* Wed Nov 8 2000 Pixel <[email protected]> 1.6.1-3mdk
- build without -fomit-frame-pointer for time being
- capitalize summaries

* Mon Oct 2 2000 Pixel <[email protected]> 1.6.1-2mdk
- fix mispelling

* Thu Sep 28 2000 Pixel <[email protected]> 1.6.1-1mdk
- new version
- remove "--with-default-kcode=none", not more needed
- remove setting optflags to -O2, ruby doesn't crashes any more

* Tue Sep 19 2000 Pixel <[email protected]> 1.6.0-1mdk
- new version

* Wed Aug 23 2000 Pixel <[email protected]> 1.4.6-6mdk
- add packager

* Tue Aug 22 2000 Pixel <[email protected]> 1.4.6-5mdk
- nicer site-start.d/ruby.el (use add-to-list)

* Tue Aug 22 2000 Pixel <[email protected]> 1.4.6-4mdk
- fix missing %%config

* Tue Aug 22 2000 Pixel <[email protected]> 1.4.6-3mdk
- use %{_sysconfdir}/emacs/site-start.d for the ruby-mode.el

* Fri Aug 18 2000 Pixel <[email protected]> 1.4.6-2mdk
- rebuild (fredlsux)

* Fri Aug 18 2000 Pixel <[email protected]> 1.4.6-1mdk
- new version
- remove menu

* Mon Aug 07 2000 Frederic Lepied <[email protected]> 1.4.5-6mdk
- automatically added BuildRequires

* Wed Jul 19 2000 Pixel <[email protected]> 1.4.5-5mdk
- rebuild with clean clean_menus

* Wed Jul 19 2000 Pixel <[email protected]> 1.4.5-4mdk
- macroization
- BM

* Thu Jul 13 2000 Pixel <[email protected]> 1.4.5-3mdk
- fix %%URL

* Sun Jun 25 2000 Pixel <[email protected]> 1.4.5-2mdk
- rebuild (src.rpm got lost :( )

* Fri Jun 23 2000 Pixel <[email protected]> 1.4.5-1mdk
- new version

* Wed Jun 14 2000 Pixel <[email protected]> 1.4.4-1mdk
- new version

* Mon Apr 10 2000 Pixel <[email protected]> 1.4.3-6mdk
- fix group for doc

* Mon Mar 27 2000 Pixel <[email protected]> 1.4.3-5mdk
- add menu

* Sat Mar 25 2000 Pixel <[email protected]> 1.4.3-4mdk
- new group + cleanup

* Wed Feb 16 2000 Pixel <[email protected]> 1.4.3-3mdk
- build with no charset conversion (was kanji :)

* Mon Feb 14 2000 Pixel <[email protected]> 1.4.3-2mdk
- added the reference manual and FAQ in doc
- moved the lib/README in ext

* Mon Feb 14 2000 Pixel <[email protected]> 1.4.3-1mdk
- mandrake adaptation and spliting in -/doc/extensions

* Wed Dec 08 1999 Atsushi Yamagata <[email protected]>
- Updated to version 1.4.3

* Mon Sep 20 1999 Atsushi Yamagata <[email protected]>
- Updated to version 1.4.2 (Sep 18)

* Fri Sep 17 1999 Atsushi Yamagata <[email protected]>
- Updated to version 1.4.2

* Tue Aug 17 1999 Atsushi Yamagata <[email protected]>
- Updated to version 1.4.0

* Fri Jul 23 1999 Atsushi Yamagata <[email protected]>
- 2nd release
- Updated to version 1.2.6(15 Jul 1999)
- striped %{prefix}/bin/ruby

* Mon Jun 28 1999 Atsushi Yamagata <[email protected]>
- Updated to version 1.2.6(21 Jun 1999)

* Wed Apr 14 1999 Atsushi Yamagata <[email protected]>
- Updated to version 1.2.5

* Fri Apr 09 1999 Atsushi Yamagata <[email protected]>
- Updated to version 1.2.4

* Fri Dec 25 1998 Toru Hoshina <[email protected]>
- Version up to 1.2 stable.

* Fri Nov 27 1998 Toru Hoshina <[email protected]>
- Version up to 1.1c9.

* Thu Nov 19 1998 Toru Hoshina <[email protected]>
- Version up to 1.1c8, however it appear short life :p

* Fri Nov 13 1998 Toru Hoshina <[email protected]>
- Version up.

end of changelog shortened, hope you japs won't kill a froggy for this :)

Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
Content-Type: text/plain;

Le 26 sept. 04, =E0 21:16, Guillaume Marcais a =E9crit :
Here is how I did my RPMs. I downloaded the ruby RPM for my=20
distribution (Mandrake, ruby-1.6.7), extracted the spec file, put it=20=
in the newer ruby tarball, changed a few things to match the current=20=
version of ruby, compile into a RPM binary. I attached a modified=20
version of the spec file that *should* work on any other RPM based=20

% tar zxf ruby-1.8.1.tar.gz
% cp <file_from_attachement> ruby-1.8.1/ruby.spec
% tar zcf ruby-1.8.1.tar.gz ruby-1.8.1
% rpm -ta ruby-1.8.1.tar.gz

If everything went fine, you should now have a binary and a source=20
RPMs in (adjust path to your distro and architecture):=20
/usr/src/RPM/RPMs/i586 and /usr/src/RPM/SRPMS.

Hope it helps,

Le 26 sept. 04, =E0 20:11, Markus a =E9crit :


Matt Lawrence

The other option which we frequently use which dates back to before
RPMs is to have a build CD (which may in fact be an NFS mount) with a
script that runs a bunch of other scripts in a sub-directory tree. We
run this script at an appropriate point the setup of new machines. In
this set up, it really is dirt simple to have a script that does the
configure-make-make boogie but doesn't require manual intervention.

Unfortunately, that violates the "Principle Of Least Surprise". On a
RedHat system I should be able to find all of the software installed by
using "rpm -q". Even more importantly, the next sysadmin who touches the
system should be able to do the same.

Right now I'm dealing with about 200 systems, most of which were installed
by somebody else and handed over to my group to take care of. Many of the
people doing the installations seemed to have been marginally competent.
Quite a few of the other systems were set up by a guy who is brilliant,
but in love with CMS. You know, it runs on IBM mainframes under VM.
Those systems are really scarey to work on, so many things are set up so

These are issues that developers generally don't have to deal with.

-- Matt
It's not what I know that counts, it's what I can remember in time to use.

Carl Youngblood

Having a standard ruby RPM would do a lot to promote the wider
availabiltiy and distribution of ruby. Telling someone to install
from source does not handle every contingency.

Mohammad Khan

you need to install ruby-lib-xxxx.rpm too.

rpm -ivh ruby-xxx.rpm ruby-lib-xxx.rpm


Bill Guindon

Having a standard ruby RPM would do a lot to promote the wider
availabiltiy and distribution of ruby. Telling someone to install
from source does not handle every contingency.

In fact, it only handles one:

Somebody who...
knows where to get the source
knows how to compile the source
has the tools to compile the source


Telling someone to install
from source does not handle every contingency.

Just for the record, I (the original poster) didn't tell anyone to
do anything. I provided information to someone facing a problem
regarding 1) how I solved a similar problem (albeit with only a few
dozen machines) and 2) that it was not particularly difficult.

Further (and again for the record) I am quite willing to provide
what I hope to be helpful advice to anyone who asks politely. Handling
"every contingency" is beyond my purview. If you wish to have every
contingency handled I suspect you have a very long road to walk,

-- Markus

Bill Guindon

Matt Lawrence said:
I'm trying to find rpms for the latest released version of Ruby.

Carl Youngblood said:
Having a standard ruby RPM would do a lot to promote the wider
availabiltiy and distribution of ruby. Telling someone to install
from source does not handle every contingency.

Markus said:
I provided information to someone facing a problem
regarding 1) how I solved a similar problem (albeit with only a few
dozen machines) and 2) that it was not particularly difficult.

Your answer is a valid one, and may even be the best one for Matt's situation.

I can't speak for Carl, but my comment was meant to support the
creation of packages. I'm not saying "install from source" is bad
advice, I'm saying I wish there were more alternatives.

Having burned a weekend (2 wks ago) trying to get the perfect setup to
install/compile mod_ruby and Arrow on Win32 -- without success -- I
may be a bit jaded :/

Matt Lawrence

you need to install ruby-lib-xxxx.rpm too.

rpm -ivh ruby-xxx.rpm ruby-lib-xxx.rpm

Ummm, that's rather obvious. However, it didn't seem to be on RubyForge.

-- Matt
It's not what I know that counts, it's what I can remember in time to use.


I know I'm probably missing something obvious. Help?

You can also try Ian McDonald's personal repository of RPM files for Redhat
(you should have to pick the right ones for your platform)

Sometimes some libs are named differently across distros.
A package that was created as an RPM for Mandrake *may not*
work at all in Redhat and viceversa, due to different naming
and/or directory structure.

hope this helps,

Matt Lawrence

I know I'm probably missing something obvious. Help?

You can also try Ian McDonald's personal repository of RPM files for Redhat
(you should have to pick the right ones for your platform)

Sometimes some libs are named differently across distros.
A package that was created as an RPM for Mandrake *may not*
work at all in Redhat and viceversa, due to different naming
and/or directory structure.

I made more progress, but those RPMs want libdb-4.2 and RedHat Enterprise
Server 3.0 is still using 4.1. At this point, I think I'll just put
installing Ruby on hold, I don't really want to install unexpected
versions of db4.

Thanks for the pointer, I will certainly use it on my systems at home.

-- Matt
It's not what I know that counts, it's what I can remember in time to use.


more [snips]
I made more progress, but those RPMs want libdb-4.2 and RedHat Enterprise
Server 3.0 is still using 4.1. At this point, I think I'll just put
installing Ruby on hold, I don't really want to install unexpected
versions of db4.

optionally, you can always try to --force --nodeps
(although that's far from being a recommendable practice)
if you don't use the ruby dbm modules, you shouldn't have a
problem, no ruby libs should interfere with the default RH
In any case, rpm -e will still work after forcing that install if
you don't get the expected results.


I know I got micro-flamed for making this same suggestion earlier
in this same thread, but why not compile from source? It's quick, it's
easy, and it is a lot cleaner than trying to force RPMs to go where they
aren't happy. If you are in a multi-system production environment you
probably ought to have sufficently standardised builds to do this once &
make & push your own RPMs internally. In any case, in such an
environment you probably should be able to rebuild everything you run
from source anyway, so you can apply patches etc. in a timely manner.

-- MarkusQ

P.S. Note to the people who objected the last time I offered this
suggestion: I fully realise that "compile it!" isn't the answer to
everything. But it is the canonical answer to "how can I get an
executable binary for this open source software?"

I know I'm probably missing something obvious. Help?
more [snips]
I made more progress, but those RPMs want libdb-4.2 and RedHat Enterprise
Server 3.0 is still using 4.1. At this point, I think I'll just put
installing Ruby on hold, I don't really want to install unexpected
versions of db4.

optionally, you can always try to --force --nodeps
(although that's far from being a recommendable practice)
if you don't use the ruby dbm modules, you shouldn't have a
problem, no ruby libs should interfere with the default RH
In any case, rpm -e will still work after forcing that install if
you don't get the expected results.

Matt Lawrence

I know I got micro-flamed for making this same suggestion earlier
in this same thread, but why not compile from source? It's quick, it's
easy, and it is a lot cleaner than trying to force RPMs to go where they
aren't happy. If you are in a multi-system production environment you
probably ought to have sufficently standardised builds to do this once &
make & push your own RPMs internally. In any case, in such an
environment you probably should be able to rebuild everything you run
from source anyway, so you can apply patches etc. in a timely manner.

You're absolutely correct, we should. However, The systems adminstration
has been outsourced to a mega-corporation that only cares about extracting
money from their clients. The project management is not only technically
illiterate, they don't care about doing the job right. In fact, they are
actively hostile to the technical folks on a regular basis.

Yeah, I knew what kind of weasels I was going to work for when I took the
contract. It was better than bankruptcy. Barely. If anyone is looking
for a talented & dedicated systems adminstrator to take care of Linux and
AIX systems, please contact me.

-- Matt
It's not what I know that counts, it's what I can remember in time to use.


Yeah, I knew what kind of weasels I was going to work for when I took the
contract. It was better than bankruptcy. Barely. If anyone is looking
for a talented & dedicated systems adminstrator to take care of Linux and
AIX systems, please contact me.

Don't let that grind you down, you'll always find people willing to
help you here, you have made a smart choice with ruby, we should
encourage that.

I don't have a RHEL here right now, but if I get my hands on one I'll
let you know.

Best luck in your endeavors,

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