Ruby/Tk running very slowly



Ruby/Tk runs very slowly and I can't figure out why. It's so slow
that I can every little widget being drawn. It didn't used to be like
this, but I messed around with my computer and broke something, I

My OS is Windows XP. I'm using Ruby 1.9.1-p0 with ActiveTcl 8.5.7.

I compiled Ruby myself and I've been experimenting with various
options to the configure batch file.

This whole problem started with Ruby/Tk hanging. I would try to run a
Ruby/Tk program and it would hang so badly that I would have to kill
the process. This hang would happen at the "require 'tk'" line in the
program, so no windows were being drawn or anything. I think it broke
when I was messing around with Tcl/Tk versions 8.4 and 8.5, switching
between them. It used to work, but I can't remember which version was
the working one.

Right now I have both Tk 8.4 and 8.5 installed. I used the --with-
tclConfig-file configure option to point it at the 8.5 version. I
think that works, I don't know.

Any ideas would be greatly appreciated!

Roger Pack

My OS is Windows XP. I'm using Ruby 1.9.1-p0 with ActiveTcl 8.5.7.

what compiler? I know I was able to run 1.8.6+tk reasonably well with

Hidetoshi NAGAI

From: Matt <[email protected]>
Subject: Ruby/Tk running very slowly
Date: Sun, 3 May 2009 04:40:04 +0900
Message-ID: said:
My OS is Windows XP. I'm using Ruby 1.9.1-p0 with ActiveTcl 8.5.7.

If you run Ruby (irb) on a command prompt, it may the trouble which
depends on "Thread switching".
Then, please try ext/tk/sample/irbtkw.rbw.

If not on a command prompt, it may trouble on making a thread for
a Tcl/Tk interpreter.
A Tk eventloop must run on the thread on which a Tcl/Tk interpreter
is initialized. To make "{Tk.mainloop}" available, Ruby/Tk
for ruby1.9.x makes a thread to create a Tcl/Tk interpreter and run
a eventloop for the interpreter.
Maybe, this process generate the trouble.

Could you try to eval the following before "require 'tk'"?

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