running a sub inside regex


Thomas Isenbarger

I have never posted to this group before, so please forgive me if I am
posting in the wrong place

in the perl script below, I am trying to construct a string, within a
regex, based on an earlier captured match.

i think something about the last elsif block doesn't work. the regex
within the while loop near the bottom (before the subroutine) returns no
matches to sequences that should work.

for molecular biologists out there, I am trying to find the reverse
complement on the fly inside the regex. the @pairing array is something
like @pairing = (AU, CG, GC, UA) and defines the substitutions to be made
in order to build a reverse complement.

for non molecular biologists out there, a sequence that should match is
'acgu' if you need a test case.

input for the program:

use "acgu" for the target sequence.

then, for the sequence elements enter "1s=ac", RETURN, "1r", RETURN, RETURN.

please contact me at isen (AT) mgh (DOT) molbio (DOT) harvard (DOT) edu

if you are willing to help and/or need more information.

Tom Isenbarger

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use re 'eval'; #allows
execution of code within regex expressions (??{})

@pairing = (AU, GC, CG, UA, NN);

print "enter target sequence ";
$target = uc<STDIN>;

if ($target =~ /[^ACGTU]/) {
die "invalid characters found in target sequence. exiting isenfind\n\n";

#ask to keep IUB codes or convert them?
#ask to leave N or not?

print "enter sequence elements, one line at a time (return to stop)\n";

$input = "";
$i = 0;

do {
$input = uc<STDIN>;
chomp ($input);
$input =~ s/\s+//g;
$element[$i] = $input;
} until ($input eq "");

for ($i = 0; $i < @element; $i++) {
$item = $element[$i];
print "$item\n";
if ($item =~ /^{/) { #a base
pairing rule
$pairingstring = $item;
$pairingstring =~ s/[{}]//g;
@pairing = split /,/, $pairingstring;
#check for valid pair rule syntax
print "pairing now @pairing\n";

elsif ($item =~ /^(\d+)S=([ACGUBDHKMNRSVWY]+)/) { #a specific
sequence element to remember
$pattern = "(".$2.")";
$regex .= $pattern;
$regexpos[$1] = ($i+1); #record the
position of this sequence in the element list

elsif ($item =~ /^(\d+)S=(\d+)-(\d+)/) { #a
non-specific sequence element to remember
$pattern = "([ACGU]{$2,$3})";
$regex .= $pattern;
$regexpos[$1] = ($i+1);

elsif ($item =~/^(\d+)S/) {
$lookwhere = $regexpos[$1];
$pattern = "(\\".$lookwhere.")";
$regex .= $pattern;

elsif ($item =~ /^[ACGUBDHKMNRSVWY]+/) { #a specific
sequence element
$pattern = "(".$item.")";
$regex .= $pattern;

elsif ($item =~ /^(\d+)-(\d+)/) { #a
non-specific sequence element
$pattern = "([ACGU]{$1,$2})";
$regex .= $pattern;

elsif ($item =~ /^(\d+)P/) { #a palindrome
of an earlier saved element
$lookwhere = $regexpos[$1];
$pattern = "(??{reverse \$".$lookwhere."})";
$regex .= $pattern;

elsif ($item =~ /^(\d+)R/) { #a reverse
complement of an earlier saved element
$lookwhere = $regexpos[$1];
$pattern = "(??{revcomp (\$".$lookwhere.', @pairing)})'; #use '
quotes so that @pairing is not interpolated
$regex .= $pattern;


use re 'debug';

print "regex $regex\n";
print "target $target\n";

while ($target =~ /$regex/g) {
$position = pos $target;
print "$& $position\n";

### subroutines

sub revcomp {
my $sequence = shift (@_);
my @pairing = @_;
my $rc = undef;

foreach $pair (@pairing) {
($first, $second) = split //, $pair;
$match{$first} .= $second;
foreach $key (keys(%match)) {
if (length($match{$key}) > 1) {
$match{$key} = "[".$match{$key}."]";

@string = split (//, reverse ($sequence)); #process string
one char at a time using substitutions in %match

foreach $base (@string) {
$rc .= $match{$base};

print "in sub rc = $rc\n\n";

return $rc; #return reverse
complement of sequence

Austin P. So (Hae Jin)

Thomas said:
in the perl script below, I am trying to construct a string, within a
regex, based on an earlier captured match.
i think something about the last elsif block doesn't work. the regex
within the while loop near the bottom (before the subroutine) returns no
matches to sequences that should work.

for molecular biologists out there, I am trying to find the reverse
complement on the fly inside the regex. the @pairing array is something
like @pairing = (AU, CG, GC, UA) and defines the substitutions to be made
in order to build a reverse complement.

It is quite possible to do it on the fly...something like

if ($string =~ m/($substring|revcomp($substring))/ig) {
$match_position = pos + 1;
$match = $1;

sub revcomp {
#make reverse complement

Everyone has their own style of perl, but I'm having a hard time
deciphering what you are hoping to as I'm not all that sure what
you wish to do, this particular solution may not be what you want...


Jay Tilton

: if ($string =~ m/($substring|revcomp($substring))/ig) {
: $match_position = pos + 1;
: $match = $1;
: ...
: }
: sub revcomp {
: #make reverse complement
: return
: }

Did you test that?

The m// operator is like a double-quotish string. Subroutine calls are
not interpolated without some extra work.

if ($string =~ m/($substring|@{[revcomp($substring)]})/ig) { ... }
^^^ ^^

Tad McClellan

Jay Tilton said:
: if ($string =~ m/($substring|revcomp($substring))/ig) {
: $match_position = pos + 1;
: $match = $1;
: ...
: }
: sub revcomp {
: #make reverse complement
: return
: }

Did you test that?

The m// operator is like a double-quotish string. Subroutine calls are
not interpolated without some extra work.

if ($string =~ m/($substring|@{[revcomp($substring)]})/ig) { ... }

And shouldn't it be either:

if ( m// )


while ( m//g )


Jeff 'japhy' Pinyan

[posted & mailed]

for molecular biologists out there, I am trying to find the reverse
complement on the fly inside the regex. the @pairing array is something
like @pairing = (AU, CG, GC, UA) and defines the substitutions to be made
in order to build a reverse complement.

for non molecular biologists out there, a sequence that should match is
'acgu' if you need a test case.

A context-free grammar for this would be:

S -> a S u | u S a | c S g | g S c | [nothing]

You *could* do this with Perl regexes, but it's unweildy (and inefficient,
I can assure you):

my $pair;
$pair = qr{
a (??{ $pair }) u |
u (??{ $pair }) a |
c (??{ $pair }) g |
g (??{ $pair }) c |
(?# nothing )
if ("acgu" =~ /^($pair)$/) {
print "matched '$1'\n";

However, it's probably easier just to match a sequence, and then try to
match its reverse:

if ("acgu" =~ /^(([acgu]+)(??{ complement($2) }))$/) {
print "matched '$1' ('$2')\n";

sub complement {
my $str = reverse shift;
$str =~ tr/aucg/uagc/;
return $str;

I didn't need to use "use re 'eval'" for either of these, by the way,
because the variables in the regexes are qr// objects.

Austin P. So (Hae Jin)

Jay said:
: if ($string =~ m/($substring|revcomp($substring))/ig) {
: $match_position = pos + 1;
: $match = $1;
: ...
: } should be:
$match_position = (pos $string) + 1;
: sub revcomp {
: #make reverse complement
: return
: }

Did you test that?

Actually I did after you posted...just to be sure since it had been a
while since I did this...

And of course it didn't work...I guess my fallback is that I'm a crappy
perl programmer...:)...I think I actually rewrote it too way back when...
The m// operator is like a double-quotish string. Subroutine calls are
not interpolated without some extra work.

if ($string =~ m/($substring|@{[revcomp($substring)]})/ig) { ... }

Yep. That works brilliantly. Thanks.

And just to polish it further, to get the substring start site, it
should be:

if ($string =~ m/(?=($substring|@{[revComp($substring)]}))/ig) {...}

Good thing I started lurking this newsgroup again... :)

BTW...where is a reference for subroutine calls within a regex?


Austin P. So (Hae Jin)

Tad said:
And shouldn't it be either:

if ( m// )


while ( m//g )


Right. My bad...

the latter to get all the substring instances...


Tad McClellan

Austin P. So (Hae Jin) said:
BTW...where is a reference for subroutine calls within a regex?

Step 1 is to recognize that it isn't the regexness that matters,
it is the double-quotishness that matters.

Step 2 is to lookup subroutine calls within a double-quotish string. :)

perldoc -q expand

How do I expand function calls in a string?

Austin P. So (Hae Jin)

Step 1 is to recognize that it isn't the regexness that matters,
it is the double-quotishness that matters.

Uh...okay...obviously I haven't gotten to a point where I've had to
understand these kinds of subtleties in perl...
Step 2 is to lookup subroutine calls within a double-quotish string. :)
perldoc -q expand
How do I expand function calls in a string?

Hmmm...I guess I never really thought about the search pattern within a
regex to be considered a "double-quotish string"...


Thomas Isenbarger

thanks for all your help people.

here is a (perhaps) better description of what i want to do:

first, I want to allow the user to input a literal sequence to match such
as 'ACCCUCUAUUCUC', and also allow the user to match arbitrary seqeunce
elements of any length and then be able to match that pattern again, the
reverse, or the reverse complement of that sequence. I also want to allow
the user to input his own pairing rules for revcomp matches. For example,
if you would want to match an RNA hairpin structure of 10-20 bases with a
4 base loop, allowing for non watson and crick pairing, I would think of
it this way:

match any sequence that is a minimum length of 10 to a maximum length of
20, followed by any 4 bases, followed by the reverse complement of what
was matched in the first part as defined by the pairing rules A-U, C-G,
G-C, U-A, U-G, G-U.

in my program this would be:

(AU, CG, GC, UA, UG, GU)

of course, i don't want any of these particular values hard wired, I want
them all to be input by the user. the elements I want to include (so far)
are these:

-arbitrary sequence of length N to M for matching later: 1s=N-M
-literal: some string of ACGU such as: ACCCUAUA
-literal to match and remember for later: 1s=ACCCUA (for example)
-match a remembered sequence again: 1s (for example to find tandem
repeats 1 to 10 bases long I would use:


-match the reverse of a sequence already matched: 1p (for example to
find inverted repeats 1 to 10 bases long I would use:


-match the revcomp of a sequence already matched: 1r (for example to
find hairpins:


-pairing rules: (AU, CG, UA, GC, AG, GA, UG, GU)

I also want to eventually do this with approximate matching to allow
mismatches, insertions, and deletions.

I am essentially trying to duplicate the PatSearch program (Nucleic Acids
research 2003, 31(13):3608) that is available on the web, but not as an
executable I can install locally.

Thanks for the offer to help and let me know what more information you
need from me.

Jeff 'japhy' Pinyan

A context-free grammar for this would be:

S -> a S u | u S a | c S g | g S c | [nothing]

You *could* do this with Perl regexes, but it's unweildy (and inefficient,
I can assure you):

Actually, in my tests, this method is faster than the "match a lot and
then match its reverse" method.
my $pair;
$pair = qr{
a (??{ $pair }) u |
u (??{ $pair }) a |
c (??{ $pair }) g |
g (??{ $pair }) c |
(?# nothing )
if ("acgu" =~ /^($pair)$/) {
print "matched '$1'\n";

This is also more easily extensible.


[email protected] (Thomas Isenbarger) wrote in message news: said:
for molecular biologists out there, I am trying to find the reverse
complement on the fly inside the regex. the @pairing array is something
like @pairing = (AU, CG, GC, UA) and defines the substitutions to be made
in order to build a reverse complement.

I haven't looked in detail at what you are trying to do - I can't
readily follow it !
However, your revcomp sub seems a very complex way to go about it. Why
not just do this:

sub revcompl() #reverse complements primer
$_[0]=lc($_[0]); # to lowercase
$_[0]=reverse($_[0]); # reverse order
$_[0] =~ tr/gatc/ctag/; # complement

or am I missing something ?


Greg Bacon

: [...]
: for molecular biologists out there, I am trying to find the reverse
: complement on the fly inside the regex. the @pairing array is something
: like @pairing = (AU, CG, GC, UA) and defines the substitutions to be made
: in order to build a reverse complement.

Well, Abigail hasn't posted a Single Spiffy Regular Expression to
do it, so I feel better about not having found one.

Included below is a solution I developed in test-driven fashion. I
believe it implements everything but on-the-fly pairing rules.




#! /usr/local/bin/perl

use warnings;
use strict;

use Data::Dumper;

sub revcomp {
local $_ = reverse shift;



sub cmp_pairs {
my $l1 = shift;
my $l2 = shift;

my $pass = @$l1 == @$l2;

if ($pass) {
foreach my $i (0 .. $#$l1) {
my $a = $l1->[$i];
my $b = $l2->[$i];

if (@$a != @$b || grep $a->[$_] ne $b->[$_], 0 .. $#$a) {
$pass = 0;

unless ($pass) {
local $Data::Dumper::Indent = 1;
my $want = Dumper $l1;
my $got = Dumper $l2;

chomp $got;
die "bad result:\n" .
" - want:\n" .
$want .
" - got:\n" .


sub cmp_lstpairs {
my $want = shift;
my $got = shift;
my $tag = shift || "";

$tag = $tag . ": " if $tag;
die "${tag}bad results (" . scalar @$got . ")\n"
unless @$got == @$want;

cmp_pairs $want->[$_], $got->[$_] for 0 .. $#$want;


sub mkspec {
my @spec;

my %search = (
# a specific sequence element to remember
literal => qr/^(\w+-)?S=([ACGUBDHKMNRSVWY]+)\z/s,

# replay something we remembered
replay => qr/^(\w+-)?S-(\w+)\z/s,

# a reverse complement of an earlier saved element
revcomp => qr/^(\w+-)?R-(\w+)\z/s,

# a palindrome of an earlier saved element
palindrome => qr/^(\w+-)?P-(\w+)\z/s,

# a range; becomes [ACGU]{$m,$n}
range => qr/^(\w+-)?S=(\d+-\d+)\z/s,

for (@_) {
while (my($type,$pat) = each %search) {
if (/$pat/) {
my @name = defined $1 ? substr($1,0,-1) : ();
push @spec => [ $type => $2, @name ];

keys %search; # reset each
next PART;

# unrecognized
die "$0: unrecognized spec: [$_]\n";


sub pattern {
my $pair = shift;
my $got = shift || {};

my($type,$what,$name) = @$pair;

my %mkpat = (
literal => sub { qr/($what)/ },

revcomp => sub {
if (exists $got->{$what}) {
my $revc = revcomp $got->{$what};

replay => sub {
if (exists $got->{$what}) {
my $str = $got->{$what};

palindrome => sub {
if (exists $got->{$what}) {
my $str = reverse $got->{$what};

range => sub {
my($m,$n) = split /-/, $what;

my $pat = exists $mkpat{$type}
? $mkpat{$type}->() || qr/(?!)/
: qr/(?!)/;

($name, $pat);

sub find {
my $targ = shift;
my $spec = shift;

return unless @$spec;

my @hits;
my($name,$pat) = pattern $spec->[0];

while ($targ =~ /$pat/g) {
my $got = {};
$got->{$name} = $1 if defined $name;

my @maybe = [ $1, pos($targ) - length $1 ];

if (@$spec > 1) {
foreach my $part (@{$spec}[1 .. $#$spec]) {
my($name,$pat) = pattern $part, $got;

# need /gc to adjust pos
if ($targ =~ /\G$pat/gc) {
push @maybe => [ $1, pos($targ) - length $1 ];
else {

push @hits => \@maybe;


## tests
my $TEST_TAG = qr/^test_/;

sub test_cmp_pairs {
die "should have passed" unless eval {
cmp_pairs [[ a => 1 ], [ b => 2 ]],
[[ a => 1 ], [ b => 2 ]]

die "should have failed" if eval {
cmp_pairs [[ a => 1 ], [ b => 2 ]],
[[ a => 1 ], [ b => 2 ], [ c => 3 ]]

die "should have failed" if eval {
cmp_pairs [[ a => 1 ], [ b => 2 ]],
[[ a => 1 ], [ c => 2 ]]

sub test_cmp_lstpairs {
my @base;
my @chk;

@base = ([[ a => 1 ], [ b => 2 ]]);
@chk = ([[ a => 1 ], [ b => 2 ]]);
die "should have passed" unless eval { cmp_lstpairs \@base, \@chk };

@base = ([[ a => 1 ], [ b => 2 ]], [[ c => 3 ]]);
@chk = ([[ a => 1 ], [ b => 2 ]], [[ c => 3 ]]);
die "should have passed" unless eval { cmp_lstpairs \@base, \@chk };

@base = ([[ a => 1 ], [ b => 2 ]], [[ c => 3 ]]);
@chk = ([[ a => 1 ], [ b => 2 ]], [[ c => 4 ]]);
die "should have failed" if eval { cmp_lstpairs \@base, \@chk };

sub test_mkspec_lit_AC {
my $want = [[ literal => 'AC', 'str' ]];
my $got = mkspec 'str-S=AC';

cmp_pairs $want, $got;

sub test_mkspec_lit_AC_rev_1 {
my $want = [[ literal => 'AC', 'one' ], [ revcomp => 'one' ]];
my $got = mkspec 'one-S=AC', 'R-one';

cmp_pairs $want, $got;

sub test_find_lit_AC {
my @want = ([[ AC => 0 ]]);

my $spec = mkspec 'S=AC';
my @got = find 'AC' => $spec;

cmp_lstpairs \@want, \@got;

sub test_find_lit_AC_offset {
my @want = ([[ AC => 3 ]]);

my $spec = mkspec 'str-S=AC';
my @got = find 'XXXAC' => $spec;

cmp_lstpairs \@want, \@got, "str-S=AC";

$spec = mkspec 'S=AC';
@got = find 'XXXAC' => $spec;

cmp_lstpairs \@want, \@got, "S=AC";

sub test_find_multi_lit_AC {
my @want = ([[ AC => 0 ]], [[ AC => 3 ]]);

my $spec = mkspec 'S=AC';
my @got = find 'ACXAC' => $spec;

cmp_lstpairs \@want, \@got;

sub test_find_adjacent_lit {
my @want;
my $spec;
my @got;

@want = ([[ UNAANU => 0 ], [ GC => 6 ]]);

$spec = mkspec qw/ S=UNAANU S=GC /;
@got = find 'UNAANUGC' => $spec;

cmp_lstpairs \@want, \@got;


@want = ();

$spec = mkspec qw/ S=UNAANU S=GC /;
@got = find 'UNAANU#GC' => $spec;

cmp_lstpairs \@want, \@got, "expect no match";

sub test_find_lit_rev {
my @want = ([[ AC => 0 ], [ GU => 2 ]]);

my $spec = mkspec 'foo-S=AC', 'R-foo';
my @got = find 'ACGU' => $spec;

cmp_lstpairs \@want, \@got;

sub test_find_lit_rev_lit {
my @want = ([[ AC => 0 ], [ GU => 2 ], [ NN => 4 ]]);

my $spec = mkspec 'a-S=AC', 'R-a', 'b-S=NN';
my @got = find 'ACGUNN' => $spec;

cmp_lstpairs \@want, \@got;

sub test_mkspec_separated {
my $want = [
[ literal => 'NN', 'foo' ],
[ literal => 'AC' ],
[ replay => 'foo' ],
my $got = mkspec 'foo-S=NN', 'S=AC', 'S-foo';

cmp_pairs $want, $got;

sub test_find_separated {
my @want = ([[ NN => 0 ], [ AC => 2 ], [ NN => 4 ]]);

my $spec = mkspec 'foo-S=NN', 'S=AC', 'S-foo';
my @got = find 'NNACNN' => $spec;

cmp_lstpairs \@want, \@got;

sub test_mkspec_palindrome {
my $want = [
[ literal => 'ACGU', 'abc' ],
[ palindrome => 'abc' ],
my $got = mkspec 'abc-S=ACGU', 'P-abc';

cmp_pairs $want, $got;

sub test_find_palindrome {
my @want = ([[ ACGU => 0 ], [ UGCA => 4 ]]);

my $spec = mkspec 'abc-S=ACGU', 'P-abc';
my @got = find 'ACGUUGCA' => $spec;

cmp_lstpairs \@want, \@got;

sub test_mkspec_range {
my $want = [[ range => '3-5' ]];
my $got = mkspec 'S=3-5';

cmp_pairs $want, $got;


$want = [[ range => '1-3', 'quux' ]];
$got = mkspec 'quux-S=1-3';

cmp_pairs $want, $got;

sub test_find_range {
my @want;
my $spec;
my @got;

@want = ([[ ACG => 0 ]]);

$spec = mkspec 'S=1-3';
@got = find 'ACG' => $spec;

cmp_lstpairs \@want, \@got;


@want = ([[ AC => 0 ]]);

$spec = mkspec 'S=1-3';
@got = find 'AC' => $spec;

cmp_lstpairs \@want, \@got;


@want = ([[ U => 0 ]]);

$spec = mkspec 'S=1-3';
@got = find 'UXXX' => $spec;

cmp_lstpairs \@want, \@got;


@want = ([[ UUU => 2 ]]);

$spec = mkspec 'S=1-3';
@got = find 'XXUUU' => $spec;

cmp_lstpairs \@want, \@got, "UUU => 2";

sub test_find_dangling_backref {
my @want;
my $spec;
my @got;

@want = ();
$spec = mkspec 'S-foobar';
@got = find 'ACGUUGCA' => $spec;

cmp_lstpairs \@want, \@got;


@want = ();
$spec = mkspec 'R-notthere';
@got = find 'ACGUUGCA' => $spec;

cmp_lstpairs \@want, \@got;

sub subname {
my $sub = (caller 1)[3];

$sub =~ s/^main:://;


sub find_tests {
my $caller = shift;

my $test = {};

foreach my $sym (keys %main::) {
no strict 'refs';

next unless $sym =~ /$TEST_TAG/;

$test->{$sym} = \&$sym if exists &$sym;


sub run_tests {
my $total = 0;
my $pass = 0;
my $fail = 0;

my $test = find_tests;

local $| = 1;
local $@;

foreach my $name (sort keys %$test) {

my $label = $name;
$label =~ s/$TEST_TAG//;
print "$label... ";

$@ = "";
eval { $test->{$name}->() };

if ($@) {
print "FAIL: $@";
else {
print "ok\n";

($total, $pass, $fail);

sub supertest {
my $name = subname;
die "$0: name = [$name]\n" unless $name eq 'supertest';
die "$0: bad supertest name: $name\n" if $name =~ /$TEST_TAG/;

my($total, $pass, $fail) = run_tests;

if ($total != $pass + $fail) {
print "pass ($pass) + fail ($fail) != total ($total)\n";
else {
if ($total) {
my $result = $fail ? "FAIL" : "PASS";
my $score = sprintf "%.1f", $pass / $total * 100;

print "\n",
"$result: $pass/$total ($score%)\n";
else {
print "No tests.\n";

not $fail == 0;

## main
while (@ARGV && $ARGV[0] =~ /^-/) {
my $arg = shift;

last if $arg eq '--';

if ($arg eq '--test') {
exit supertest;
else {
die "$0: unknown option '$arg'\n";

my @search = qw/ 1-S=AC R-1 /;
my $str = 'ACGUXYZACGU';

print "Searching for [@search] in $str:\n";
my @matches = find $str => mkspec qw/ 1-S=AC R-1 /;

if (@matches) {
for (@matches) {
print " - match:\n";
foreach my $match (@$_) {
my($str,$pos) = @$match;

print " - [$str] => $pos\n";
else {
print " - no matches.\n";


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