RXParse module v.90 (by robic0)



RXParse, Version .9
This version is a staged release. I've recently decided to take this all the way
to what I want from it. In that I've revisited this code.

This code reflects a base that will be expanded. Its cleaned up from the original
in this base version. Html 4.01 (or whatever it is) can now be fully parsed via
setMode(). This covers Html, Xhtml and Xml.

I now have a full understanding of ENTITIES, ATTLIST and ELEMENTS now. The ENTITIES
are almost finished, it is the template for the others. Haven't plugged in the func
calls yet (the add's are done).

I've cleaned up some method bugs and added the first of the processor enumeration.
Did some consolidation and added a few more handlers, including errors.

I'm hot to get onto editing and filtering. To me I know exactly how it should be done
within the parser. That is my motivation. I'm going to finish off the tedious items
mentioned above, then onto the real stuff.

I'm a sucker for doing this here. There's no way I can profit in a Perl solution.
So I will upload a few versions within the next couple of weeks. I'm not looking
for fame or glory on this, there is no choice in this context right now. What will
be done edit-wise is far beyond whats available in CPan.

There's much to be tested that I haven't had time for. If you would like to help
out, test the methods (especially the user interface) and post bug reports.

Stuff coming up is filters, search and replace, re-write compliant, source mods
within handlers, set mod mark, end mod mark, complete/partial construction.
The edit/mods is what will consume my attention in the near future (until I become

When I release version 1 of RXParse, I anticipate that I will provide a ftp site
for module installation. I won't be going through CPan.

Robic0 at yahoo.com

# Useage examples

use strict;
use warnings;

use RXParse;

use Benchmark ':hireswallclock';

my $t0 = new Benchmark;

my $p = new RXParse();

#my $fname = "some.html";
my $fname = "config.html";

if (1) {
open DATA, $fname or die "can't open config.html...";
my $parse_ln = "";
# $p->setMode( 'debug'=> 1);
$p->setMode( 'debug'=> 1, 'ignore_errors'=> 1 );
$parse_ln = join ('', <DATA>);
close DATA;
else {
open DATA, $fname or die "can't open config.html...";
# $p->setMode( 'debug'=> 1);
$p->setMode( 'debug'=> 1, 'ignore_errors'=> 1 );
close DATA;
#open my $fref, "config.html" or die "can't open config.html...";
#$p->parse($fref, 1);
#close $fref;

my $t1 = new Benchmark;
my $td = timediff($t1, $t0);
print STDERR "the code took:",timestr($td),"\n";

or -->

use strict;
use warnings;

use RXParse;

my $parse_ln = '
<title>$100.00 Dollars</title>
<img src="foo.img" alt="$100.00 USD">
<div>size: 50 x 50</div>
<div>discount: $75.25</div>
my $p = RXParse->new();
#$p->setMode( 'debug'=> 1);
$p->setMode( 'debug'=> 1, 'ignore_errors'=> 1 );

# XML/Xhtml/Html - RXParse parse/edit/filter module (by robic0)
# ------------------------------------------------------
# Compliant w3c XML: 1.1
# Resources:
# Extensible Markup Language (XML) 1.1
# W3C Recommendation 04 February 2004,
# 15 April 2004
# http://www.w3.org/TR/xml11/#NT-PITarget
package RXParse;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Carp;
use vars qw(@ISA);
@ISA = qw();

my $VERSION = .90;

# RXParse package globals
my (
my $parsinitflg = 0;

if (!$parsinitflg) {
$parsinitflg = 1;

# RXParse user methods
sub new
my ($class, @args) = @_;
my $self = {};
$self->{'debug'} = 0;
$self->{'ignore_errors'} = 0;
return bless ($self, $class);

sub original_content
my $self = shift;
if (defined $self->{'origcontent'} &&
ref($self->{'origcontent'}) eq 'SCALAR') {
return ${$self->{'origcontent'}};
return "";

sub setMode
my ($self, @args) = @_;

if (scalar(@args)) {
while (my ($name, $val) = splice (@args, 0, 2)) {
$name =~ s/^\s+//s; $name =~ s/\s+$//s;

if (lc($name) eq 'debug') {
$self->{'debug'} = 0;
$self->{'debug'} = 1 if (defined $val && $val);
elsif (lc($name) eq 'ignore_errors') {
$self->{'ignore_errors'} = 0;
$self->{'ignore_errors'} = 1 if (defined $val && $val);
# add more here

sub setDfltHandlers
my ($self, $name) = @_;
if (defined $name) {
$name =~ s/^\s+//s; $name =~ s/\s+$//s;
my $hname = "h".lc($name);
if (exists $Dflth{$hname}) {
$self->{$hname} = $Dflth{$hname};
} else {
foreach my $key (keys %Dflth) {
$self->{$key} = $Dflth{$key};


sub setHandlers
my ($self, @args) = @_;
my %oldh = ();
if (scalar(@args)) {
while (my ($name, $val) = splice (@args, 0, 2)) {
$name =~ s/^\s+//s; $name =~ s/\s+$//s;
my $hname = "h".lc($name);
if (exists $self->{$hname}) {
$oldh{$name} = $self->{$hname};
if (ref($val) eq 'CODE') {
$self->{$hname} = $val;
} else {
# fatal error if not a CODE ref
throwX($self, 'FATAL', '32', $name);
return %oldh;

sub parse
my ($self, $data, @args) = @_;
if ($self->{'InParse'}) {
# fatal error if already in parse
throwX($self, 'FATAL', '30');
unless (defined $data) {
# fatal error if data source not defined
throwX($self, 'FATAL', '31');
$self->{'InParse'} = 1;

# use XP1 processor (for now)
$self->{'proctype'} = 'XP1';
if (ref($data) eq 'SCALAR') {
print "SCALAR ref\n" if ($self->{'debug'});
XP1 ($self, 1, $data);
elsif (ref(\$data) eq 'SCALAR') {
print "SCALAR string\n" if ($self->{'debug'});
XP1 ($self, 1, \$data);
} else {
if (ref($data) ne 'GLOB' && ref(\$data) ne 'GLOB') {
# data source not string or filehandle, nor reference to one
throwX($self, 'FATAL', '33');
print "GLOB ref or filehandle\n" if ($self->{'debug'});
XP1 ($self, 0, $data);

# RXParse non-user methods
sub Cleanup
my $self = shift;
$self->{'origcontent'} = undef;
$self->{'InParse'} = 0;

sub InitEntities
my $self = shift;
# initial compiled regexp
$self->{'Entities'} = "(?:amp)|(?:gt)|(?:lt)|(?:apos)|(?:quot)|(?:#(?:([0-9]+)|(x[0-9a-fA-F]+)))";
$self->{'RxEntConv'} = qr/(.*?)(&|%)($self->{'Entities'});/s;
# initial entity hash
$self->{'ent_subst'} = {%dflt_ent_subst};

sub XP1 # xp1 processor, parse only, non-edit
my ($self, $BUFFERED, $rpl_mk) = @_;
my ($markup_file);
my $parse_ln = '';
my $dyna_ln = '';
my $ref_parse_ln = \$parse_ln;
my $ref_dyna_ln = \$dyna_ln;
if ($BUFFERED) {
$ref_parse_ln = $rpl_mk;
$ref_dyna_ln = \$dyna_ln;
} else {
# assume its a ref to a global or global itself
$markup_file = $rpl_mk;
$ref_dyna_ln = $ref_parse_ln;
my $ln_cnt = 0;
my $complete_comment = 0;
my $complete_cdata = 0;
my @Tags = ();
my $havroot = 0;
my $last_cpos = 0;
my $done = 0;
my $content = '';
my $altcontent = undef;

$self->{'origcontent'} = \$content;

while (!$done)

# stream processing (if not buffered)
if (!$BUFFERED) {
if (!($_ = <$markup_file>)) {
# just parse what we have
$done = 1;
# boundry check for runnaway
if (($complete_comment+$complete_cdata) > 0) {
} else {
$$ref_parse_ln .= $_;

## buffer if needing comment/cdata closure
next if ($complete_comment && !/-->/);
next if ($complete_cdata && !/\]\]>/);

## reset comment/cdata flags
$complete_comment = 0;
$complete_cdata = 0;

## flag serialized comments/cdata buffering
if (/(<!--)|(<!\[CDATA\[)/)
if (defined $1) { # complete comment
if ($$ref_parse_ln !~ /<!--.*?-->/s) {
$complete_comment = 1;
elsif (defined $2) { # complete cdata
if ($$ref_parse_ln !~ /<!\[CDATA\[.*?\]\]>/s) {
$complete_cdata = 1;
## buffer until '>' or eof
next if (!/>/);
} else {
$ln_cnt = 1;
$done = 1;

## REGEX Parsing loop
while ($$ref_parse_ln =~ /$RxParseXP1/g)
## handle contents
if (defined $14) {
$content .= $14;
$last_cpos = pos($$ref_parse_ln);
## valid content here ... can be taken off
print "-"x20,"\n" if ($self->{'debug'});
if (length ($content)) {
## check reserved characters in content
if ($content =~ /[<>]/) {
#$content =~ s/^\s+//s; $content =~ s/\s+$//s;
## mark-up characters in content
throwX($self, 'OVR', '01', $content, $ref_parse_ln, $last_cpos, $ln_cnt);
if (!scalar(@Tags)) {
#$content =~ s/^\s+//s; $content =~ s/\s+$//s;
if ($content =~ /[^\s]/s) {
## content at root level
throwX($self, 'OVR', '02', $content, $ref_parse_ln, $last_cpos, $ln_cnt);
# substitute special xml characters, then call content handler with $content
# ------------------------------------------------------
# $content has to be a constant if xml reserved chars
# are found, copy altered string to pass to handler
# otherwise pass original $content
# ------------------------------------------------------
if (defined ($altcontent = convertEntities ($self, \$content))) {
$self->{'hchar'}($self, $$altcontent);
} else {
$self->{'hchar'}($self, $content);
#print "14 $content\n" if ($self->{'debug'});
#print "-"x20,"\n" if ($self->{'debug'});
$content = '';
#if ($show_pos && $debug) {
# my $rr = pos $$ref_parse_ln;
# print "$rr ";

## <tag> or </tag> or <tag/>
if (defined $2)
my ($l1,$l3) = (length($1),length($3));
if (($l1+$l3)==0) { ## <tag>
if (!scalar(@Tags) && $havroot) {
## new root node <tag>
throwX($self, 'OVR', '03', $2, $ref_parse_ln, pos($$ref_parse_ln), $ln_cnt);
push @Tags,$2;
$havroot = 1;
# call start tag handler with $2
$self->{'hstart'}($self, $2);
elsif ($l1==1 && $l3==0) { ## </tag>
my $pval = pop @Tags;
if (!defined $pval) {
## missing start tag </tag>
throwX($self, 'OVR', '04', $2, $ref_parse_ln, pos($$ref_parse_ln), $ln_cnt);
elsif ($2 ne $pval) {
## expected closing tag </tag>
throwX($self, 'OVR', '05', $pval, $ref_parse_ln, pos($$ref_parse_ln), $ln_cnt);
# call end tag handler with $2
$self->{'hend'}($self, $2);
elsif ($l1==0 && $l3==1) { ## <tag/>
if (!scalar(@Tags) && $havroot) {
## new root node <tag/>
throwX($self, 'OVR', '06', $2, $ref_parse_ln, pos($$ref_parse_ln), $ln_cnt);
$havroot = 1; # first and only <root/>
# call start tag handler, then end tag handler, with $2
$self->{'hstart'}($self, $2);
$self->{'hend'}($self, $2);
} else {
## <//node//> errors
## hard error, just report
throwX($self, 'HARD', '07', "$1$2$3", $ref_parse_ln, pos($$ref_parse_ln), $ln_cnt);
#print "2 TAG: $1$2$3\n" if ($self->{'debug'});
## <tag attrib/> or <tag attrib>
elsif (defined $5)
my $l7 = length($7);

## attributes
my $attref = getAttrARRAY($self, $6);
unless (ref($attref)) {
## missing or extra token
## hard error, just report
throwX($self, 'HARD', '08', $attref, $ref_parse_ln, pos($$ref_parse_ln), $ln_cnt);
if ($l7==0) { ## <tag attrib>
if (!scalar(@Tags) && $havroot) {
## new root node
throwX($self, 'OVR', '03', $5, $ref_parse_ln, pos($$ref_parse_ln), $ln_cnt);
push @Tags,$5;
$havroot = 1;
# call start tag handler with $5 and attributes @{$attref}
$self->{'hstart'}($self, $5, @{$attref});
elsif ($l7==1) { ## <tag attrib/>
if (!scalar(@Tags) && $havroot) {
## new root node
throwX($self, 'OVR', '06', $7, $ref_parse_ln, pos($$ref_parse_ln), $ln_cnt);
$havroot = 1; # first and only <root attrib/>
# call start tag handler with $5 and attributes @{$attref}, then end tag handler with $5
$self->{'hstart'}($self, $5, @{$attref});
$self->{'hend'}($self, $5);
} else {
## syntax error
## hard error, just report
throwX($self, 'HARD', '07', "$5$6$7", $ref_parse_ln, pos($$ref_parse_ln), $ln_cnt);
#if ($self->{'debug'}) {
# print "5,6 TAG: $5 Attr: $6$7\n" ;
## XMLDECL or PI (processing instruction)
elsif (defined $8)
my $pi = $8;
# xml declaration ?
if ($pi =~ /^xml(.*?)$/) {
my $attref = getAttrARRAY($self, $1);
unless (ref($attref)) {
## missing or extra token in xmldecl
## hard error, just report
throwX($self, 'HARD', '14', $attref, $ref_parse_ln, pos($$ref_parse_ln), $ln_cnt);
#if (!scalar(@{$attref})) {
# ## missing xmldecl parameters
# throwX($self, 'OVR', '15', $pi, $ref_parse_ln, pos($$ref_parse_ln), $ln_cnt);
my ($version,$encoding,$standalone);
while (my ($name,$val) = splice (@{$attref}, 0, 2)) {
if ('version' eq lc($name) && !defined $version) {
if ($val !~ /^[0-9]\.[0-9]+$/) {
## invalid version character data in xmldecl
throwX($self, 'OVR', '16', "$name = '$val'", $ref_parse_ln, pos($$ref_parse_ln), $ln_cnt);
$version = $val;
} elsif ('encoding' eq lc($name) && !defined $encoding) {
if ($val !~ /^[A-Za-z][\w\.-]*$/) {
## invalid encoding character data in xmldecl
throwX($self, 'OVR', '17', "$name = '$val'", $ref_parse_ln, pos($$ref_parse_ln), $ln_cnt);
$encoding = $val;
} elsif ('standalone' eq lc($name) && !defined $standalone) {
if ($val !~ /^(?:yes)|(?:no)$/) {
## invalid standalone character data in xmldecl
throwX($self, 'OVR', '18', "$name = '$val'", $ref_parse_ln, pos($$ref_parse_ln), $ln_cnt);
$standalone = ($val eq 'yes' ? 1 : 0);
} else {
## unknown xmldecl parameter
throwX($self, 'OVR', '19', "$name = '$val'", $ref_parse_ln, pos($$ref_parse_ln), $ln_cnt);
if (!defined $version) {
# missing version in xmldecl
## hard error, just report
throwX($self, 'HARD', '20', $pi, $ref_parse_ln, pos($$ref_parse_ln), $ln_cnt);
# call xmldecl handler
$self->{'hxmldecl'}($self, $version, $encoding, $standalone);
# PI - processing instruction
elsif ($pi =~ /$RxPi/) {
# call pi handler
$self->{'hproc'}($self, $1, $2);
} else {
# unknown PI data
throwX($self, 'HARD', '21', $pi, $ref_parse_ln, pos($$ref_parse_ln), $ln_cnt);
#print "8 VERSION: $8\n" if ($self->{'debug'});
elsif (defined $4) {
# If doctype is HTML then META is not closed
# parse meta data, call handler
$self->{'hmeta'}($self, $4);
#print "4 META: $4\n" if ($self->{'debug'});
elsif (defined $9) {
# parese doctype, call handler
$self->{'hdoctype'}($self, $9);
#print "9 DOCTYPE: $9\n" if ($self->{'debug'});
elsif (defined $10) {
if (!scalar(@Tags)) {
## CDATA content at root
throwX($self, 'OVR', '09', $10, $ref_parse_ln, pos($$ref_parse_ln), $ln_cnt);
# call cdata handler
$self->{'hcdata'}($self, $10);
#print "10 CDATA: $10\n" if ($self->{'debug'});
elsif (defined $11) {
# call comment handler
$self->{'hcomment'}($self, $11);
#print "11 COMMENT: $11\n" if ($self->{'debug'});
elsif (defined $12) {
# parese attlist, call handler
$self->{'hattlist'}($self, $12);
#print "12 ATTLIST: $12\n" if ($self->{'debug'});
elsif (defined $13) {
# parese entity, call handler
my $entdata = $13;
if ($entdata =~ /$RxENTITY/) {
if (defined $1) {
# general entity replacement
# add general entity $3 (EntityDef)
} else {
# parameter entity replacement
# add parameter entity $3 (PEDef)
else {
# unknown ENTITY data
# throwX
$self->{'hentity'}($self, $13);
#print "13 ENTITY: $13\n" if ($self->{'debug'});
$$ref_dyna_ln = $content;
$content = '';
if (!$havroot) {
# not valid xml
throwX($self, 'OVR', '10');
if (scalar(@Tags)) {
my $str = '';
while (defined (my $etag = pop @Tags)) {
$str .= ", /$etag";
$str =~ s/^, +//;
# missing end tag
throwX($self, 'OVR', '11', $str);
if ($$ref_dyna_ln =~ /[^\s]/s) {
if ($$ref_dyna_ln =~ /[<>]/) {
# mark-up characters in content
throwX($self, 'OVR', '12', $$ref_dyna_ln);
} else {
# content at root level (end)
throwX($self, 'OVR', '13', $$ref_dyna_ln);
$self->{'origcontent'} = undef;
return 1;

sub getAttrARRAY
my ($self,$attrstr) = @_;
my $aref = [];
my ($alt_attval,$attval,$rx);

while ($attrstr =~ s/$RxAttr//) {
push @{$aref},$1;
if ($2 eq "'") {
$rx = \$RxAttr_DL1;
} else {
$rx = \$RxAttr_DL2;
if ($attrstr =~ s/$$rx//) {
if (defined $1) {
push @{$aref},$1;
$attval = $2;
if (defined ($alt_attval = convertEntities ($self, \$attval))) {
push @{$aref},$$alt_attval;
push @{$aref},$attval;
return $attrstr;
if ($attrstr=~/$RxAttr_RM/) {
$attrstr =~ s/^\s+//s; $attrstr =~ s/\s+$//s;
return $attrstr if (length($attrstr));
return $aref;

sub convertEntities
my ($self, $str_ref) = @_;
my $alt_str = '';
my $res = 0;
my ($entchr);
while ($$str_ref =~ /$self->{'RxEntConv'}/gc) {
if (defined $4) {
# decimal
$entchr = chr($4) ;
if (exists $self->{'ent_subst'}->{$entchr}) {
$alt_str .= "$1".$entchr;
} elsif (defined $5) {
if (length($5) < 9) {
# hex
$entchr = chr(hex($5));
if (exists $self->{'ent_subst'}->{$entchr}) {
$alt_str .= "$1".$entchr;
} else {
$alt_str .= "$1$self->{'ent_subst'}->{$3}";
$res = 1;
if ($res) {
$alt_str .= substr $$str_ref, pos($$str_ref);
return \$alt_str;
return undef;

sub addEntity
my ($self, $ent_name, $ent_val) = @_;
$self->{'ent_subst'}->{$ent_name} = $ent_val;
$self->{'Entities'} .= "|(?:$ent_name)";
# recompile regexp
$self->{'RxEntConv'} = qr/(.*?)(&|%)($self->{'Entities'});/s;

# default handlers
# ------------------
sub dflt_start {
my ($self, $el, @attr) = @_;
if ($self->{'debug'}) {
print "start _: $el\n";
while (my ($name,$val) = splice (@attr, 0,2)) {
print " "x12,"$name = $val\n";
sub dflt_char {
my ($self, $str) = @_;
if ($self->{'debug'}) {
print "char _: $str\n";
print "-"x20,"\n";
sub dflt_end {my ($self, $el) = @_;print "end _: /$el\n" if ($self->{'debug'});}
sub dflt_cdata {my ($self, $str) = @_;print "cdata _: $str\n" if ($self->{'debug'});}
sub dflt_comment {my ($self, $str) = @_;print "comnt _: $str\n" if ($self->{'debug'});}
sub dflt_meta {my ($self, $str) = @_;print "meta _: $str\n" if ($self->{'debug'});}
sub dflt_attlist {my ($self, $parm) = @_;print "attlist_h _: $parm\n" if ($self->{'debug'});}
sub dflt_entity {my ($self, $parm) = @_;print "entity_h _: $parm\n" if ($self->{'debug'});}
sub dflt_doctype {my ($self, $parm) = @_;print "doctype_h _: $parm\n" if ($self->{'debug'});}
sub dflt_element {my ($self, $parm) = @_;print "element_h _: $parm\n" if ($self->{'debug'});}

sub dflt_xmldecl {
my ($self, $version, $encoding, $standalone) = @_;

if ($self->{'debug'}) {
print "xmldecl_h _: version = $version\n" if (defined $encoding);
print " "x14,"encoding = $encoding\n" if (defined $encoding);
print " "x14,"standalone = $standalone\n" if (defined $standalone);
sub dflt_proc {
my ($self, $target, $data) = @_;

if ($self->{'debug'}) {
print "proc_h _: target = $target\n";
print " "x14,"data = $data\n";
sub dflt_error {my ($self, $errlvl, $errno, $estr, $estr_basic) = @_;print "$estr\n" if ($self->{'debug'});}

# ======================
# RXParse global init
# ======================
sub InitParser
%Dflth = (
'hstart' => \&dflt_start,
'hend' => \&dflt_end,
'hchar' => \&dflt_char,
'hcdata' => \&dflt_cdata,
'hcomment' => \&dflt_comment,
'hmeta' => \&dflt_meta,
'hattlist' => \&dflt_attlist,
'hentity' => \&dflt_entity,
'hdoctype' => \&dflt_doctype,
'helement' => \&dflt_element,
'hxmldecl' => \&dflt_xmldecl,
'hproc' => \&dflt_proc,
'herror' => \&dflt_error,
@UC_Nstart = (
@UC_Nchar = (
$Nstrt = "[A-Za-z_:".join ('',@UC_Nstart)."]";
$Nchar = "[-\\w:\\.".join ('',@UC_Nchar).join ('',@UC_Nstart)."]";
$Name = "(?:$Nstrt$Nchar*?)";
#die "$Name\n";

$RxParseXP1 =
# ( <( ( 1 12 2 3 3)|( 4 4)|( 5 56( ) 6 7 7)|( 8 8 )|( !( ( 9 9)|( 0 0 )|( 1 1 )|(
2 2)|( 3 3))))>)|4 4

$RxAttr = qr/^\s+($Name)\s*=\s*("|')/;

$RxAttr_DL1 = qr/^(?:([^'&]*?)|([^']*?))'/;
$RxAttr_DL2 = qr/^(?:([^"&]*?)|([^"]*?))"/;
$RxAttr_RM = qr/[^\s\n]+/;
$RxPi = qr/^($Name)\s+(.*?)$/s;

#[52] AttlistDecl ::= '<!ATTLIST' S Name AttDef* S? '>'
#[53] AttDef ::= S Name S AttType S DefaultDecl

$RxENTITY = qr/\s+($Name)|(?:%\s+($Name))\s+(.*?)/s;
# 1 1 ( 2 2) 3 3
%dflt_ent_subst = (
'amp' =>'&',
'gt' =>'>',
'lt' =>'<',
'&' => '',
'<' => '',
'>' => '',
"'" => '',
"\"" => ''
%ErrMsg = (
'01' => "\"mark-up or reserved characters in content (line %s, col %s), malformed element? '%s'\", \$line, \$col, \$datastr",
'02' => "\"content at root level (line %s, col %s): '%s'\", \$line, \$col, \$datastr",
'03' => "\"element wants to be new root node (line %s, col %s): '%s'\", \$line, \$col, \$datastr",
'04' => "\"missing start tag for '/%s' (line %s, col %s)\", \$datastr, \$line, \$col",
'05' => "\"expected closing tag '/%s' (line %s, col %s)\", \$datastr, \$line, \$col",
'06' => "\"element wants to be new root node (line %s, col %s): '%s/'\", \$line, \$col, \$datastr",
'07' => "\"tag syntax '%s' (line %s, col %s)\", \$datastr, \$line, \$col",
'08' => "\"invalid, missing or extra tokens in attribute asignment (line %s, col %s): %s\", \$line, \$col, \$datastr",
'09' => "\"CDATA content at root level (line %s, col %s): '%s'\", \$line, \$col, \$datastr",
'10' => "\"not a valid xml document\"",
'11' => "\"missing end tag '%s'\", \$datastr",
'12' => "\"mark-up or reserved characters in content (end), malformed element? '%s'\", \$datastr",
'13' => "\"content at root level (end): '%s'\", \$datastr",
'14' => "\"invalid, missing or extra tokens in xmldecl asignment (line %s, col %s): %s\", \$line, \$col, \$datastr",
'15' => "\"missing xmldecl parameters (line %s, col %s): %s\", \$line, \$col, \$datastr",
'16' => "\"invalid 'version' character data in xmldecl (line %s, col %s): %s\", \$line, \$col, \$datastr",
'17' => "\"invalid 'encoding' character data in xmldecl (line %s, col %s): %s\", \$line, \$col, \$datastr",
'18' => "\"invalid 'standalone' character data in xmldecl (line %s, col %s): %s\", \$line, \$col, \$datastr",
'19' => "\"unknown xmldecl parameter (line %s, col %s): %s\", \$line, \$col, \$datastr",
'20' => "\"missing xmldecl 'version' parameter (line %s, col %s): %s\", \$line, \$col, \$datastr",
'21' => "\"unknown or missing processing instruction parameters (line %s, col %s): '%s'\", \$line, \$col, \$datastr",
'30' => "\"already in parse\"",
'31' => "\"data source not defined\"",
'32' => "\"handler '%s' is not a CODE reference\", \$datastr",
'33' => "\"data source not string or filehandle, nor reference to one\"",

sub throwX
my ($self, $errlvl, $errno, $datastr, $lrefseg, $cseg_err, $l_tot) = @_;
my ($line, $col, $estr, $estr_basic) = (0,0,'','');
if (defined $lrefseg) {
($line,$col) = getRealColumn($lrefseg, $l_tot, $cseg_err);
die "No such error message ($errno)\n" if (!exists $ErrMsg{$errno});

my $ctmpl = "\$estr_basic = sprintf ($ErrMsg{$errno});";
eval $ctmpl;
$estr = "rp_error_$errno, $estr_basic";

# call error handler
$self->{'herror'}($self, $errlvl, $errno, $estr, $estr_basic);

if ($errlvl eq 'FATAL') {
Cleanup($self); croak $estr."\n";
elsif (!$self->{'ignore_errors'} && ($errlvl eq 'HARD' || $errlvl eq 'OVR')) {
Cleanup($self); croak $estr."\n";

sub getRealColumn
my ($lrefseg, $l_tot, $cseg_err) = @_;
my $cseg_offset = 0;
my $save_pos = pos($$lrefseg);
pos($$lrefseg) = 0;
my ($lseg_tot, $lseg_offset) = (0,1);

while ($$lrefseg =~ /\n/g) {
if (pos($$lrefseg) < $cseg_err) {
$cseg_offset = pos($$lrefseg);
if ($l_tot <= 1) {
$lseg_tot = $l_tot;
pos($$lrefseg) = $save_pos;
return ($l_tot-$lseg_tot+$lseg_offset, $cseg_err-$cseg_offset);


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