Serious help needed - Calendar!

  • Thread starter William (Tamarside)
  • Start date

William (Tamarside)

Please, if you have the time and knowledge to help me I'd truly
appreciate it!
I need to build a calendar page that displays available/unavailable
info from a DB and colour a cell according to that info, but somewhere
I've gone completely off the rails! Basically it is a room
availability page for an intranet and should simply colour a calendar
cell red if the room is booked, or green if it isn't. Rooms are
typically booked by lecturers for multiple days or even weeks, so only
the start and end dates are entered into the calendar.
My code doesn't get all the info and I'm pulling hair out with

Anyway, here's the code:

<!--#include file = "datacon.asp"-->
Dim MyMonth 'Month of calendar
Dim MyYear 'Year of calendar
Dim FirstDay 'First day of the month. 0 = Sunday
Dim CurrentDay 'Used to print dates in calendar - Day only, otherwise
same as varDateNow
Dim Col 'Calendar column
Dim Row 'Calendar row

Dim RoomCI 'Start booking
Dim RoomCO 'End booking

Dim varBackground 'cell background colour
Dim varDateNow 'Current full date ---> Not actual date, but date
calendar cell is working with

Dim var1stBack

MyMonth = cint(Request.Querystring("Month"))
MyYear = cint(Request.Querystring("Year"))

If MyMonth = 0 then MyMonth = Month(Date)
if MyYear = 0 then MyYear = Year(Date)

Call ShowHeader (MyMonth, MyYear)

FirstDay = WeekDay(DateSerial(MyYear, MyMonth, 1)) -1
CurrentDay =
1 '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Start CurrentDay on 1
varDateNow = Trim(Currentday) & "/" & Trim(MyMonth) & "/" &
varDateNow = CDate(varDateNow)
Dim var1stDay
var1stDay = "01" & "/" & Trim(MyMonth) & "/" & Trim(MyYear) 'We need
to start looking at the 1st of the month
var1stDay=CDate(var1stDay) 'Change the variable to a proper date

'Let's build the calendar
dim varCDay
varBackground = "green" 'Default starting background colour
For Row = 0 to 5
rscal = ""
rsCal1 = ""
For Col = 0 to 6
If Row = 0 and Col < FirstDay then

response.write "<td>&nbsp;</td>"
elseif CurrentDay > LastDay(MyMonth, MyYear) then
response.write "<td>&nbsp;</td>"

'This section formats varDateNow
Dim varCurrentDay 'CurrentDay reformatted to always have 2 char's
Dim TotalDays
Dim TotalDate
Dim HouseName

If CurrentDay < 10 and MyMonth >= 10 then varDateNow = "0" &
Trim(Currentday) & "/" & Trim(MyMonth) & "/" & Trim(MyYear)
If CurrentDay < 10 and MyMonth < 10 then varDateNow = "0" &
Trim(Currentday) & "/" & "0" & Trim(MyMonth) & "/" & Trim(MyYear)
If CurrentDay => 10 and MyMonth < 10 then varDateNow =
Trim(Currentday) & "/" & "0" & Trim(MyMonth) & "/" & Trim(MyYear)
If CurrentDay >= 10 and MyMonth >=10 then varDateNow =
Trim(Currentday) & "/" & Trim(MyMonth) & "/" & Trim(MyYear)
'If CurrentDay < 10 then CurrentDay = "0" & CurrentDay
varDateNow = CDATE(VarDateNow)

'response.write "varDateNow = " & varDateNow & "<br>"
set rsCal = cnndata.Execute("SELECT codate, cidate FROM tblReservation
WHERE cidate >= '" & varDateNow & "' AND room ='ICT-01'")
If Not rsCal.EOF then RoomCI = rscal("cidate")
If Not rsCal.EOF then RoomCO = rscal("codate")
RoomCI = CDATE(RoomCI)
RoomCO = CDATE(RoomCO)
varDateNow = CDATE(varDateNow)

If RoomCO = varDateNow AND RoomCI < varDateNow THEN varBackground =
If RoomCI = varDateNow then varBackground = "red"

If Not rsCal.EOF then RoomCI = rscal("cidate")

RoomCI = CDATE(RoomCI)
RoomCO = CDATE(RoomCO)

If Not rsCal.EOF then rsCal.MoveNext



response.write "<td bgcolor='" & varBackground & "'"

if MyMonth = Month(Date) and CurrentDay = Day(Date) then
response.write " align='center'>"
response.write " align='center'>"
end if

'Print the day date number and bold on selected date

if request("selecteddate") = "" Then
if CurrentDay = day(date) Then
response.write "" & CurrentDay & ""
response.write "<font=Arial>" & CurrentDay & "</font>" 'This is
the line that writes the days to the calendar
end if
if day(request("selecteddate")) = CurrentDay Then
response.write "" & "<font=Arial>" & CurrentDay & "</font>" & ""
response.write CurrentDay
end if

end if

response.write "</a></td>"

CurrentDay = CurrentDay + 1

End If

response.write "</tr>"

response.write "</table>"

'------ Sub and functions

Sub ShowHeader(MyMonth,MyYear)

<table cellspacing='1' cellpadding='0' width='35%' border="1"
<tr align='center'>
<td colspan='7'>
<table border='0' width='100%'>
<td align='left'>

<font face="Tahoma" color="black">

response.write "<font face='Tahoma' color='black'><a href = '" &
Request.ServerVariables("SCRIPT_NAME") & "?"
if MyMonth - 1 = 0 then
response.write "month=12&year=" & MyYear -1
response.write "month=" & MyMonth - 1 & "&year=" & MyYear
end if
response.write "'><<</a>"


</td><td align='center' class='ListHeaderTable'>

response.write "<b><font face='Tahoma' color='black'>" &
MonthName(MyMonth) & " " & MyYear & "</font></b>"


</td><td align='right'>

response.write "<font face='Tahoma' color='black'><a href = '" &
Request.ServerVariables("SCRIPT_NAME") & "?"
if MyMonth + 1 = 13 then
response.write "month=1&year=" & MyYear + 1
response.write "month=" & MyMonth + 1 & "&year=" & MyYear

end if
response.write "'>>></a>"


<tr align='center'>
<td width="8%" ><font color="#800000" face="Tahoma"><b><i>Sun</i></
<td width="8%" ><font color="#800000" face="Tahoma"><b><i>Mon</i></
<td width="8%" ><font color="#800000" face="Tahoma"><b><i>Tue</i></
<td width="8%" ><font color="#800000" face="Tahoma"><b><i>Wed</i></
<td width="8%" ><font color="#800000" face="Tahoma"><b><i>Thu</i></
<td width="8%" ><font color="#800000" face="Tahoma"><b><i>Fri</i></
<td width="8%" ><font color="#800000" face="Tahoma"><b><i>Sat</i></


End Sub

Function MonthName(MyMonth)
Select Case MyMonth
Case 1
MonthName = "January"
Case 2
MonthName = "Febuary"
Case 3
MonthName = "March"
Case 4
MonthName = "April"
Case 5
MonthName = "May"
Case 6
MonthName = "June"
Case 7
MonthName = "July"
Case 8
MonthName = "August"
Case 9
MonthName = "September"
Case 10
MonthName = "October"
Case 11
MonthName = "November"
Case 12
MonthName = "December"
Case Else
MonthName = "ERROR! - Monthname"
End Select
End Function

Function LastDay(MyMonth, MyYear)
' Returns the last day of the month. Takes into account leap years
' Usage: LastDay(Month, Year)
' Example: LastDay(12,2000) or LastDay(12) or Lastday

Select Case MyMonth
Case 1, 3, 5, 7, 8, 10, 12
LastDay = 31

Case 4, 6, 9, 11
LastDay = 30

Case 2
If IsDate(MyYear & "-" & MyMonth & "-" & "29") Then
LastDay = 29 Else LastDay = 28

Case Else
LastDay = 0

End Select
End Function

Old Pedant

William (Tamarside) said:
I need to build a calendar page that displays available/unavailable
info from a DB and colour a cell according to that info, but somewhere
I've gone completely off the rails!

Well, I recognize some of the very very crappy code in there. It's from an
ANCIENT article on one of the sites (I forget which one). Just for instance,
all that crap to get the MonthName is *BUILT IN* to VBScript! I *think* in
verion 1.0 it was not, and if that's the reason, then that code dates to 1998
or maybe even 1997.

I have what I think is a much simpler and cleaner and easier to understand
Calendar. It's not ideal for your usage, because it was designed to handle
multiple events on each date. But it could be easily adapted, I would think.

You can find it at
Look in the DEMOS for the "Calendar of Events".

You'll see that the "trick" to it is creating a simple list of all possible
dates in the DB, first, and then it's easy to add multiple events that span
any number of days and can only use certain days of the week and and and.
The data entry is left as an exercise to the reader, but at least the
calendar is simple to use.


William (Tamarside) wrote on 29 jul 2008 in
Function MonthName(MyMonth)
Select Case MyMonth
Case 1
MonthName = "January"
Case 2
MonthName = "Febuary"
Case 3
MonthName = "March"
Case 4
MonthName = "April"
Case 5
MonthName = "May"
Case 6
MonthName = "June"
Case 7
MonthName = "July"
Case 8
MonthName = "August"
Case 9
MonthName = "September"
Case 10
MonthName = "October"
Case 11
MonthName = "November"
Case 12
MonthName = "December"
Case Else
MonthName = "ERROR! - Monthname"
End Select
End Function

For the English, this function is build-in in VBS:
MonthName(month[, abbreviate]),
so even the function assignment will error,
as the name is reserved.

For other languages or more flexibility
your code is simply silly in it's size,
and testing for errors by just returning errortext is not very useful,
try using a simple array:

myMonthName = Array("?","January","Febuary","March",_

The rest of you code is also not worth much.

A simple remedy is never to use code that
you do not understand,
you did not thoroughly test yourself in small modules,
that is not pleasing to you in it's elegance and logic.

Just copying code in the hope it will work,
and work in your context, that the original programmer did not know,
or is written for an ancient version of VBS,
will get you into the troubles you have.

William (Tamarside)

The rest of you code is also not worth much.

A simple remedy is never to use code that
you do not understand,
you did not thoroughly test yourself in small modules,
that is not pleasing to you in it's elegance and logic.

Just copying code in the hope it will work,
and work in your context, that the original programmer did not know,
or is written for an ancient version of VBS,
will get you into the troubles you have.

Well thank you so much for absolutely nothing! And here I thought
Google Groups was a community where one could ask others for help.
Silly me!
A couple of points, though:
1) There is a huge difference between "don't understand" and "use code
that works and has been posted on the Net, because it's quicker"
2) The entire calendar works and works well, regardless of what you or
I may think of the coding standards.
3) The problem I have is with the SQL query, as I don't get all the
dates where I know there are bookings.
4) Next time you intend to be a smart-arse, try writing code in VB.Net
to allow for integration between Active Directory, Exchange, MOSS07
and two 3rd party apps.
5) Being nice to people costs nothing, so when people ask for help,
either offer help or stay quiet. Admittedly being a jerk on here is
free, too.

Old Pedant

Evertjan. said:
For the English, this function is build-in in VBS:
MonthName(month[, abbreviate]),
so even the function assignment will error,
as the name is reserved.

For other languages or more flexibility
your code is simply silly in it's size,

Ummm...For *all* languages, the MonthName function is builtin. You just
have to set the correct locale via Session.LCID.

Here is code that demonstrates this for at least some of the more common

**** LCIDDemo.asp ******
<TABLE Border=1 Cellpadding=3>
when = Now() ' just to get a handy datetime value
amount = 12345.6789 ' an a handy number

saveLCID = Session.LCID ' so we can reset to this at end

For lcid = &H0401 TO &H0FFF ' 401 is smallest LCID, but FFF is not largest
On Error Resume Next
Session.LCID = lcid ' this will fail if the LCID isn't supported on
your machine
On Error GoTo 0
If Session.LCID = lcid Then ' so only show LCIDs that work
<TD><%=lcid%> (0x<%=Hex(lcid)%>)</TD>
End If
Session.LCID = saveLCID

Go on, try it.

Old Pedant

William (Tamarside) said:
Well thank you so much for absolutely nothing! And here I thought
Google Groups was a community where one could ask others for help.

First of all, this isn't "Google Groups." This is the Usenet. Google just
gives you one of *many* ways to read (and write) UseNet messages. (For
example, I happen to be using one provided by, right now.
And if your ISP has the feeds, Outlook Express has a news reader/writer built

And, yes, you can ask others for help. But when you just toss code at us
and say "it doesn't work" with no explanation of *what* doesn't work or what
you have tried or what debug you have done... Well, sorry, but you are just
asking for the kind of advice that both Evertjan and I gave you. Which is,
quite honestly and without trying to be mean or nasty, that you should dump
that junky old code and find better code.
A couple of points, though:
2) The entire calendar works and works well, regardless of what you or
I may think of the coding standards.

No, it doesn't "work well".
(a) It obviously doesn't work well or you wouldn't have posted the question.
(b) Even if it sort of works, it doesn't "work well" because it is using the
horrible horrible practice of making one "hit" to the DB for every date in
the calendar! Okay, maybe that doesn't matter in your inTRAnet system,
where server performance is likely not an issue. But it's really really
stretching it to say it "works WELL". "Works"? Okay. "Well"? Sorry, but
no way.
3) The problem I have is with the SQL query, as I don't get all the
dates where I know there are bookings.

So why didn't you say that in the first post?

And what debugging have you done to see just what you *are* getting from the
SQL query?

And what does the data inside the DB table look like?
4) Next time you intend to be a smart-arse, try writing code in VB.Net
to allow for integration between Active Directory, Exchange, MOSS07
and two 3rd party apps.

Well, if you can really do all that, then why are you using this ancient
junky ASP calendar?? ASP.NET has a calendar control included. And there are
tons of examples on the 'net on using that control. Mind you, I'm not all
the enamored of the way even that control works, because it, too, makes a
"filter" request on a DataTable for each date displayed. But at least it's
not a complete DB hit each time.
5) Being nice to people costs nothing, so when people ask for help,
either offer help or stay quiet.

But don't forget that asking *organized* questions, rather than just "this
doesn't work" and tossing code over the wall, costs nothing, too.

Quite frankly, looking again at that code, I still don't see what the
problem is. And I don't think I could find out unless I had your DB and the
code in my hands. Or unless you started doing some debugging and said
specifically "when the record in the DB contains x and y then it works, but
not with z" (or something like that). But even so, then, there's no way I'd
let that code stand, as is.


=?Utf-8?B?T2xkIFBlZGFudA==?= wrote on 29 jul 2008 in
Evertjan. said:
For the English, this function is build-in in VBS:
MonthName(month[, abbreviate]),
so even the function assignment will error,
as the name is reserved.

For other languages or more flexibility
your code is simply silly in it's size,

Ummm...For *all* languages, the MonthName function is builtin. You just
have to set the correct locale via Session.LCID.

No, it is not. not in a "flexible" way. And "all" languages certeinly not.

I could want to have a 4 letter abbreviation, in stead of the 3 letter
offered, or want to have an abbr. "mrt" in stead of "maa", both are common
in Dutch. Or I do want two languages in my serverside dating, or not bother
with LCID, or do not know how another target server works or in my case
just do not think MS can be trusted with formatting such things.

Programmming your own formatting is also more fun.

Old Pedant

Evertjan. said:
No, it is not. not in a "flexible" way. And "all" languages certeinly not.

I could want to have a 4 letter abbreviation, in stead of the 3 letter
offered, or want to have an abbr. "mrt" in stead of "maa", both are common
in Dutch.

Well, if it comes down to *THAT*, there are times in English where we don't
use the same monthname abbreviations the MS supplies. For example, it's not
uncommon to use 2-letter abbreviations when you need very compact text.
but other people might choose other 2-letter combinations.

So, yeah, if you don't like the "standard" MS versions, you can easily "roll
your own". But I think most people in most languages would be happy using
the MS-supplied values. Even if not ideal, they should be adequate.
Programmming your own formatting is also more fun.

LOL! Okay, now *that* is a valid reason! <grin/>

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