Session Timeout


Terry Holland

I work for a organisation that has a corporate IT dept who have set session
timeout to be 20 mins on the web server and we as developers have no facility
to change or influence this.

We have a number of intranet applications that require session timeout to be
more than this as many users get interupted by lengthy phone calls while they
are completing their webforms.

We therefore need to extend the session timeout for some of the applications
we have written. The solution we need to come up with needs have as little
development impact on existing sites as there are a number of live sites that
need this facility.

I have worked out that we could add a timer control to master page of each
site to force a postback at an interval of less than the existing server
timeout value, but this would require us to modify the Page_Load code for all
pages on our site as we currently have code such as
If PostBack Then
End If

This is not desirable as there are a large number of pages.

Another solution that Ive seen an example of is setting the Session.Timeout
property on a page. This is a more viable solution as we could do this in
the Master pages of each site which would be significantly less work than
modify Page_Load logic on all pages.

Id appreciate any views that the forum may have before making a decision

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