Sessions Problem



Hi all, I seem to been having a problem with sessions. I have a session in
the login page

Session("UserLevel") = (MM_rsUser.Fields.Item("Accesslevel").Value)

which doesn't seem to be visible through out the site. If I use <%
Response.Write(Session("UserLevel")) %> on the login page then it shows that
the session in is present and the correct value. but when I use <%
Response.Write(Session("UserLevel")) %>. on any other page through out the
site it returns nothing

I'm actually wont to use sessions to protect admin pages.

As I am new to sessions, is there anything I am missing?
or can any one point me in the right direction ?

Thanks in advance for your help.

Desperate Paul.


Although no one answered this problem I have managed to solve it myself. The
problem wasn't anything to do with code, but more to do with Zone Alarm
stopping the cookies. No cookie meant that the restricted pages where always
being redirected whether the correct person was logged in or not.

Aaron [SQL Server MVP]

Although no one answered this problem

I guess point #1 on the link I posted when I "answered this problem" wasn't
enough help. :-(


Sorry Paul didn't mean to dismiss you. Point 1 from your link was relevant,
and I did check my browser and the settings where fine. I just didn't use my
common sense and check all my security software, such as firewall,
Spyware/Trojan remover etc.


For you help and the fact that had I applied your answer holistically it
would have solved my problem.


Adam Short

I'm having all sorts of problems with Sessions, I've been using them for
years with out a hitch, all of a sudden the last 6 - 12 months since getting
our new Win2003 server it's all gone shakey!!!

Our development server started life as an NT4 machine and has been simply
upgraded from one operating system to the next, it is now a cross, NT4
Server, Win2000 Server, Win2003 server. All development sites work fine and
under heavy stress. The machine only has 256 Mb RAM with PII processor,
great for stress testing scripts. Our new server is a fresh install P4
Win2003 server with IIS6, I'm getting all sorts of session problems, And
across multiple sites.

Anyone have any ideas, I've switched the server into IIS5 compatibility mode
so it's not that.

Bearing in mind our mismatched server works fine locally.

I think Session recycling is taking place but can't find any evidence of it

Regards Adam

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