Set qry string value based on radio btn selected



I have a page that i need to sort if the user selects the sort radio
btn and then hit the link to reload the page.

I want to pass a 1 in the querystring for sort if the rb is checked
and no querystring if the rb isnt checked.

How can i do this?
also once the rb is selected when i click it a second time it doesnt

I just inherited a classic asp site and have 1 week experiance so all
the help u can give apreciated

<%@ Language=VBScript %>

<html xmlns="">
dim sort, strSQL

if sort=1 then
strSQL = strSQL & "ORDER BY Date Desc"
strSQL = strSQL & "ORDER BY fName"
end if

<div id="SelFra" style="POSITION: absolute; WIDTH: 100%;">
<table width ="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" align="center" >
<tr bgcolor="#aeaeae" >
<td style="width:200px;">&nbsp;&nbsp;
<input type="radio" name="rbSort" value="0"
&nbsp;&nbsp;Sort by Account Size&nbsp;&nbsp;
<a href="Default22.asp?sort=1" >Image</a>

Bob Barrows

I have a page that i need to sort if the user selects the sort radio
btn and then hit the link to reload the page.
This is an ASP newsgroup dealing with question about server-side scripting,
so finding someone to help with a client-side coding question would probably
be easier if you posted it to a client-side scripting newsgroup like
m.p.scripting.jscript or comp.lang.javascript

Incidently, I think the term you were looking for is "submit the form"
rather than "reload the page".


This is asp 3.0 code, that is server side is it not?
what i am doing is changing the sql that will be executed if a radio
button is select.

Adrienne Boswell

Gazing into my crystal ball I observed (e-mail address removed) writing in

Please don't top post. Post corrected, see below:
This is asp 3.0 code, that is server side is it not?
what i am doing is changing the sql that will be executed if a radio
button is select.

Yes, and no. You did not ask the right question, and did not really
provide any server side code. You also have some markup problems that
should be dealt with as well.

<%@ Language=VBScript %> - this is server side, and really not
necessary, although I do recommend placing most of the server side code
before anything is output to the client.

<html xmlns="">

Why are you attempting to use XHTML? You would be much better off using
HTML. Your doctype is incorrect - see an HTML group for the proper way
to do it.


No title? How is the user to be able to tell which page he or she is
on? Especially, if the user needs to change tabs and come back?

dim sort, strSQL

This part really should be up at the top, before the HTML declaration.
Much easier to debug later.

if sort=1 then
strSQL = strSQL & "ORDER BY Date Desc"
strSQL = strSQL & "ORDER BY fName"
end if

Understand that 1 is a number, and "1" is a character.
Request.querystring, and request.form return a character, not a number,
so this is going to fail.

Where is your query? How can we possibly help you with your query if
you don't provide it?


I don't see a form element in the markup below. You need that in order
for the information to go anywhere. I would say that the form should be
self-submitting. So you need something like:
<form method="get" action="<%=request.servervariables("script_name")%>">
You could use the actual page name, but script name is a little more

<div id="SelFra" style="POSITION: absolute; WIDTH: 100%;">
<table width ="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" align="center" >
<tr bgcolor="#aeaeae" >
<td style="width:200px;">&nbsp;&nbsp;
<input type="radio" name="rbSort" value="0"
&nbsp;&nbsp;Sort by Account Size&nbsp;&nbsp;

You are using XHTML, so it would have to be checked="checked", not
Checked (attributes in XHTML are lower case, and cannot be empty),
another reason it might fail in modern browsers.

<a href="Default22.asp?sort=1" >Image</a>

So the radio button is for presentation only? You would be better off
doing something with CSS than this.


You would be better off not using tables for presentation. Tables are
for tabular data, and are a nightmare to maintain, especailly when they
are nested.

The most important part here is what the server is receiving from the
client. In this case you want to test for:

if request.querystring("sort") = "1" then
'do something
'do something else
end if

Bob Barrows

Some of it is. The part that you are asking about (using a radio button to
set the querystring portion of a querystring) will have to occur entirely on
the client. You would have the same question if your page's extension was
..htm and it did not contain any server-side code, would you not?

Think of it this way: ASP is server-side technology whose sole purpose is to
use information contained in the Request to generate html to be sent to the
client. You can see the generated html by using your browser to view the
source. Once the html is sent to the client, everything that occurs after
that point is client-side programming and out of scope of this newsgroup.

I am not intending this as a rebuke so there is no need for you to get
defensive. I am simply trying to help you get the answer to your question in
the most effective way possible.


Ok I have not read all the msg yet but this is my 1st post ever and
also i inherited this code. so what is top posting?


Ok read the whole thing, 1st thanks so much for the time to give such
a detailed comment.

I didnt know xhtml was the case and i cant really change every thing
being the person that created the page is still with the company and
it would be bad protocol.

i think what i really needed to do was check what radio button was
checked and then set the sql

I think if i redo the page with a check box not a radio button and
then at the begining check if the check box was checked that would be
the answer.

Sorry for the day 1 questions but how do u check if a check box is

Adrienne Boswell

Gazing into my crystal ball I observed (e-mail address removed) writing in
Ok read the whole thing, 1st thanks so much for the time to give such
a detailed comment.

I didnt know xhtml was the case and i cant really change every thing
being the person that created the page is still with the company and
it would be bad protocol.

i think what i really needed to do was check what radio button was
checked and then set the sql

I think if i redo the page with a check box not a radio button and
then at the begining check if the check box was checked that would be
the answer.

Sorry for the day 1 questions but how do u check if a check box is

You do it the same way you check for anything coming in from the client.
It's all about name/value pairs. Name being the name of the form
control, and value being its value. As I said in my prior post, you
need to know that a character is going to be returned, not a number.
So you have to do something like:

option explicit

dim checked

checked = request.querystring("checkbox")
if checked = "1" then 'notice the " on either side of the 1
checked = true
checked = false
end if

<form method="get" action="<%=request.servervariables("SCRIPT_NAME")%>">
<label for="checkbox">Check me <input name="checkbox" type="checkbox"
value="1" <% if checked then%>checked="checked"<%end if%> />
<input type="submit" value="Submit" />

This might help you:


Adrienne Boswell wrote on 22 mrt 2010 in
if checked = "1" then 'notice the " on either side of the 1
checked = true
checked = false
end if

Agreeing with all you wrote, Adrienne, I still think even a beginner
should know that testing for true/false this way is a bit of code
overkill, so I would do:

checked = checked = "1"

because I'm to lazy to remember what the browser will return,
[my Chrome returns "on", I just found], I check for the absence of this
supposed trueness:

checked = checked <> ""

========= test.asp ==========
Returned text: <% = request.querystring("myCheckbox") %>
Testing for "1": <% = request.querystring("myCheckbox")="1" %>
Testing for "on": <% = request.querystring("myCheckbox")="on" %>
Testing for not "": <% = request.querystring("myCheckbox")<>"" %>
<input type='checkbox' name='myCheckbox' checked>
<input type='submit'>

This returns if checked and submitted:

Returned text: on
Testing for "1": False
Testing for "on": True
Testing for not "": True


Ok I have not read all the msg yet but this is my 1st post ever and
also i inherited this code. so what is top posting?

Top posting is putting your replies on top of the stuff you're replying to, instead
of after it.


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