showing larger images in pop up window.



I would like to have the user click on a thumb in a photo gallery to
view a larger image with a single line of text below it, AND a button
which would close the window.

Is there any way this can be done inline with <a ref...>? Or is there a
better option?.

I have seen javascript which will open other html documents into a
resizeable window. I have a few snippets of code which would close the
window, but this code would have to be added into the html of the new
window. Also this method would seem to require that I write a separate
html file for every single thumbnail in the gallery. Rather wasteful...

Is there anyway I can do all this from within the HTML tag <a href...>?
Or does someone have a suggestion on the best way to proceed.

I don't want to use features only available on a specific browser.

Thanks in advance,


Jukka K. Korpela

gil said:
I would like to have the user click on a thumb in a photo gallery to
view a larger image with a single line of text below it,

AND a button
which would close the window.

Stop wanting that. As soon as you stop wanting to dictate how the link is
opened, the "need" for a Close button vanishes in a puff of logic.
Is there any way this can be done inline with <a ref...>?

Yes and no. You can and should use a normal link. You cannot use HTML to
generate an HTML document but need other tools, such as CGI scripting, PHP,
or preprocessing.
I have seen javascript which will open other html documents into a
resizeable window.

Forget them.


gil wrote :
I would like to have the user click on a thumb in a photo gallery to
view a larger image with a single line of text below it, AND a button
which would close the window.

Why would you want to provide another button, an extra one on top of the
already provided one on the titlebar? Why duplicate the standard,
default and normal functionality of the browser with javascript? What's
wrong with the already present, visible and UI close button in the
titlebar? Why should an user/visitor visiting your site trust more your
button than his own browser application and/or his own browser close
button? In a security article, Microsoft has acknowledged this issue as
a security issue. Anyone can place any kind of javascript code behind
any button.

For above 99% of users on the web, if they have a clear choice between
trusting a site and trusting their browser functionality, they will
choose to trust their own browser all the time. They will feel that this
is a safer choice and a more normal choice.

Is there any way this can be done inline with <a ref...>? Or is there a
better option?.

Why would you want to use a link to close a window? Would creating a
button to actually load another page, to link to somewhere and loading a
web address behind a button make some sense to you?

Why not create an java applet or a flash movie which would close the
window then?

Why do you need to redefine the normal, standard, default usage of HTML
elements and to redefine them away from their intended purpose? Why make
complex when there is simple?

I have seen javascript which will open other html documents into a
resizeable window. I have a few snippets of code which would close the
window, but this code would have to be added into the html of the new

Again, what's wrong with the already available close button of the
window titlebar, embedded into the UI? Why or how would your button
provide more security, more convenience, more usefulness, more
trustworthiness to the user than the default, standard user interface of
browser window/titlebar?

After all, isn't that the very same phenomenon which has been happening
on the web in the last 5 years. People have "learned" to trust what
emails (scams in spam emails, phishing sites, viruses, hoaxes, trojans,
downloading and installing viruses, etc.) and webpages were providing or
saying instead of trusting more their applications up to a certain point.
Also this method would seem to require that I write a separate
html file for every single thumbnail in the gallery. Rather wasteful...

Is there anyway I can do all this from within the HTML tag <a href...>?
Or does someone have a suggestion on the best way to proceed.

I don't want to use features only available on a specific browser.

Thanks in advance,




Thanks for the sound thrashing. I'm sure that I needed it for asking a
question where I don't know the answer.

Also please forgive me for attempting to duplicate a feature which is
already incorporated into the window frame. After all, we only need ONE
way of doing things, right?

Thirdly, I know that unscrupulous programmers can wreak havoc with code
that can be embedded into 'innocent' activities. But like the majority
of people today, I don't refrain from using, or doing something I like
or want to do, just because someone might try to harm me. I take steps
to protect myself and my property. If I hid away, or stopped doing
things because I might get hurt, then the 'evildoers' would have already
won their terror campaign.

I'm sorry that you are frightened; but not everyone else feels the way
you do.

Besides, my site is only for a small group of people in my immediate
neighborhood who know and trust me.

Seriously though, I have seen an accumulation of open popups that stayed
open, but disappeared BELOW the window with focus because the user did
not close the window, but instead clicked on the main page to view
another image. I was thinking of using a code snippet which would close
the popup whenever the popup lost focus 'onblur', or when the user
clicked 'onclick' anywhere on the page.

My problem was how to get the popup to open with the correct enlarged
photo and caption, and have the closing script added to the popup. I was
wondering if it could be done from the main page HTML.

Is it possible to pass the parameters for an adjustable sized popup
which points to a larger image and caption, and can also contain the
code necessary to close the window when the focus is lost? If so, how?

At approximately 2006/01/14 20:12, Gérard Talbot typed these characters:

David Segall

gil said:
I would like to have the user click on a thumb in a photo gallery to
view a larger image with a single line of text below it, AND a button
which would close the window.

Is there any way this can be done inline with <a ref...>? Or is there a
better option?.

I have seen javascript which will open other html documents into a
resizeable window. I have a few snippets of code which would close the
window, but this code would have to be added into the html of the new
window. Also this method would seem to require that I write a separate
html file for every single thumbnail in the gallery. Rather wasteful...

Is there anyway I can do all this from within the HTML tag <a href...>?
Or does someone have a suggestion on the best way to proceed.

I don't want to use features only available on a specific browser.

Thanks in advance,

I'm sorry, I don't have the direct answer to your HTML question.
However, if you use JAlbum <> to preprocess your
pictures you can achieve, more or less, any style of photo album you
feel like. It is free software and comes with a range of HTML
templates. You can modify them and the CSS to do what you want.


gil said:
Thanks for the sound thrashing. I'm sure that I needed it for asking a
question where I don't know the answer.

Best not to top post in this group, its the custom and not too
bad a one...

But don't go away, keep your passion and channel it into things
that might amuse and entertain me in the coming months...

Have not got the rest of this thread (don't ask)... but if you
want a pop up in javascript at least don't have more than one.
The window will get a name, it will have a certain size (making
it as big as your biggest picture is the simplest) and the
different links to the enlargements will use it. It can be closed
by the user by clicking on the natural close button. These are
all built into javascript.

Greg N.

gil said:
If I hid away, or stopped doing
things because I might get hurt, then the 'evildoers' would have already
won their terror campaign.

Terror campaign? Gret real. You're just being suggested a more optimal
site design.

Opening extra windows is just not the best way of doing a photoalbum
application. It can confuse users, it clutters up the windows, some
people have disabled the popping up of new windows and won't see any of
your blow ups.

The cleanest way of doing photoalbum type applications is showing the
blow up in the same window as the thumbnails, but keeping the navigation
section visible even on the blow up pages.

Just have a look at the site in my sig.

Joel Shepherd

gil said:
Also please forgive me for attempting to duplicate a feature which is
already incorporated into the window frame. After all, we only need ONE
way of doing things, right?

Never underestimate the value of consistency in a user interface.


AND a button which would close the window.

Why not use the regular close box that comes with all windows? I never
understood the close buttons that appeared as part of a web page. Why
invent the wheel again?



Seriously though, I have seen an accumulation of open popups that stayed open, but disappeared BELOW the window with focus because the user did not close the window, but instead clicked on the main page to view another image. I was thinking of using a code snippet which would close the popup whenever the popup lost focus 'onblur', or when the user clicked 'onclick' anywhere on the page.

.... and I have also experienced the frustration of =wanting= multple
open popups (such as wanting to see four hotel rooms on my computer
screen so I could compare them) in a website which insists that I am
only permitted to view one at a time, and repopulates the popup I am
trying to save no matter what.

What you propose is even more frustrating. I change window focus all
the time; I don't want windows vanishing because I stopped looking at
them for a moment.

The web site DOES NOT know better than me what I want.



Jose said:
Why not use the regular close box that comes with all windows? I never
understood the close buttons that appeared as part of a web page. Why
invent the wheel again?


I personally think embedding "close" buttons is a feature that has more to
do with "clicking some hidden features when closing the window", to execute
unwanted code.
More as once the opened window even contains an image with depicted
"yes-close" buttons, tempting the user to click "close" and unwillingly
opening the link behind the image.
So personally I *always* avoid those tempting mouse-traps, I *always* use
the normal "uppercorner-X" in windows.
(and yes, I do know of window.onclose() functionality being able to do again
some weird things :-( )


With neither quill nor qualm, Jose quothed:
... and I have also experienced the frustration of =wanting= multple
open popups (such as wanting to see four hotel rooms on my computer
screen so I could compare them) in a website which insists that I am
only permitted to view one at a time, and repopulates the popup I am
trying to save no matter what.

You can have as many popups open at the same time as you want, but they
all have to have different names.


Greg N. said:
Just have a look at the site in my sig.

Your motorbike needs a front wheel alignment, the tyre is more
worn on one side (your right...). Please fix this as I don't want
anything to happen to you. You could be useful to me.

Where is the link to enlargements that is relevant to this thread
on your website? There are various nice photos...


You can have as many popups open at the same time as you want, but they
all have to have different names.

.... and who controls the names of the popup windows?


Greg N.

dorayme said:
You could be useful to me.

sounds like I should be flattered. Or are you pulling my leg? :)
Where is the link to enlargements that is relevant to this thread
on your website? There are various nice photos...

Hmm, when the mouse travels over a photo, the border changes its color,
and the pointer arrow becomes a pointing hand.

What does that tell us? Is that not obvious enough? Anything else I
should do?

Or does it not work on your browser?

Travis Newbury

Gérard Talbot said:
For above 99% of users on the web, if they have a clear choice between
trusting a site and trusting their browser functionality, they will
choose to trust their own browser all the time. They will feel that this
is a safer choice and a more normal choice.

State your sourse or admit you made that 99% up.

Travis Newbury

gil said:
I would like to have the user click on a thumb in a photo gallery to
view a larger image with a single line of text below it, AND a button
which would close the window.
Is there any way this can be done inline with <a ref...>?

Yes, call a different HTML page that displays the image and has the
Or is there a
better option?.

Yea, you might not want to use a pop up window for this.


With neither quill nor qualm, Jose quothed:
... and who controls the names of the popup windows?

-The pagemaker. I've done it many times in javascript, usually using an
array. Never tried something like target="pg1", target="pg2",
target="pg3", etc., but that should work, too, (-invalid under


You can have as many popups open at the same time as you want, but they
... and who controls the names of the popup windows?
-The [web]pagemaker.

So, the original statement is false. I (the user) cannot have as many
popups open as I want. I can only have as many open as the page
designer will permit me to have.

However, I (the web page designer) can foist pages on the hapless user,
or can prevent him from being able to do what he wants (which is, for
example, to see four different hotel rooms at the same time) if I don't
want him to do that easily.

That turns the computer upside down.

For this reason, I would say that the goal of dictating how windows are
to be opened, used, and closed, is flawed. Let the user decide. Cue
the user as to how to do it, if necessary. And do provide at least a
"next/previous picture" button in the blowup. But don't take over the
user's options.



Greg N. said:
sounds like I should be flattered. Or are you pulling my leg? :)

No, I was not pulling your leg, you often give good advice and I
want you to live, so take another look at that tyre...
Hmm, when the mouse travels over a photo, the border changes its color,
and the pointer arrow becomes a pointing hand.

You don't say! Yes, yes, I know in general about this sort of
thing! I am only a little below average in intelligence... My
idiotic newsreader which I idiotically continue to use for now
has lost your reference but my browser remembers What should we be looking at?
There is just one photo and it is already plenty big. Let me
click on the 2004 link (what else should I click on? Not the W3C
css link!).

OK. I get to Where are all the
photo links here? Yes, there is a horse, ok. Is that what you
meant the OP to see as the way to make enlargements appear on

I have no particular complaints.
What does that tell us? Is that not obvious enough? Anything else I
should do?

Or does it not work on your browser?

I was expecting to see a page where there were some links to
photos, some thumbnails or text links, a number of them and to
see the pics big somehow come up and be informative to the OP.
But what I got was a nice pic of you on a motorbike and little
else that was obviously relevant to the "lesson" you were
imparting to the OP.

If you have no idea what I am talking about, perhaps there is
something wrong with the way my Mac Safari and X Mozilla are
rendering the link you gave? Perhaps I better look into posting
screen shots?

BTW, take an ear to

I am fond of some of these machines....

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