Simple Design and Testing Conference - Mumbai, India; June 26-27 2010
SDTConf is an all open space conference providing software
practitioners a platform to meet face-to-face and discuss/demonstrate
simple design & testing principles/approaches.
No Marketing talks, no non-sense. All you get is a set of great
practitioners interested in peer-to-peer learning and exploration.
* What: Open Space Conference on Simple Design & Testing practices
* Where: Directiplex, Mumbai, India
* When: June 26th and 27th 2010
* Who: Software Practitioners (Developers, Testers, UX
* Cost: Free, but (Position Paper required!)
SDT Conf India 2010 is our fifth annual conference. Check out the past
conference SDT Conf 2006, 2007, 2008 and 2009 details.
More details about the conference are available on the FAQs page.
Wondering what an open space is? Visit About page for more details on
Open Space.
Saturday, June 26th, 2010
* 08:30 AM - Registrations and Breakfast
* 09:00 AM - Topics & Timeslots
* 10:00 AM - Break
* 10:15 AM - Session 1
* 11:15 AM - Break
* 11:30 AM - Session 2
* 12:30 PM - Lunch
* 02:00 PM - Session 3
* 03:00 PM - Break
* 03:15 PM - Session 4
* 04:15 PM - Break
* 04:30 PM - Session 5
* 05:30 PM - Lightening Talks
* 06:30 PM - Social Outing
Sunday, June 27th, 2010
* 08:30 AM - Breakfast
* 09:00 AM - Lightening Talks
* 10:00 AM - Break
* 10:15 AM - Topics & Timeslots
* 11:00 AM - Break
* 11:15 AM - Session 6
* 12:30 PM - Lunch
* 01:30 PM - Session 7
* 02:30 PM - Break
* 02:45 PM - Session 8
* 03:45 PM - Break
* 04:00 PM - Retrospective and Final Address
* 05:00 PM - Tear Down
We have facilities to enable 5 parallel sessions. Two discussion
oriented sessions and three hands-on-session.
SDTConf is an all open space conference providing software
practitioners a platform to meet face-to-face and discuss/demonstrate
simple design & testing principles/approaches.
No Marketing talks, no non-sense. All you get is a set of great
practitioners interested in peer-to-peer learning and exploration.
* What: Open Space Conference on Simple Design & Testing practices
* Where: Directiplex, Mumbai, India
* When: June 26th and 27th 2010
* Who: Software Practitioners (Developers, Testers, UX
* Cost: Free, but (Position Paper required!)
SDT Conf India 2010 is our fifth annual conference. Check out the past
conference SDT Conf 2006, 2007, 2008 and 2009 details.
More details about the conference are available on the FAQs page.
Wondering what an open space is? Visit About page for more details on
Open Space.
Saturday, June 26th, 2010
* 08:30 AM - Registrations and Breakfast
* 09:00 AM - Topics & Timeslots
* 10:00 AM - Break
* 10:15 AM - Session 1
* 11:15 AM - Break
* 11:30 AM - Session 2
* 12:30 PM - Lunch
* 02:00 PM - Session 3
* 03:00 PM - Break
* 03:15 PM - Session 4
* 04:15 PM - Break
* 04:30 PM - Session 5
* 05:30 PM - Lightening Talks
* 06:30 PM - Social Outing
Sunday, June 27th, 2010
* 08:30 AM - Breakfast
* 09:00 AM - Lightening Talks
* 10:00 AM - Break
* 10:15 AM - Topics & Timeslots
* 11:00 AM - Break
* 11:15 AM - Session 6
* 12:30 PM - Lunch
* 01:30 PM - Session 7
* 02:30 PM - Break
* 02:45 PM - Session 8
* 03:45 PM - Break
* 04:00 PM - Retrospective and Final Address
* 05:00 PM - Tear Down
We have facilities to enable 5 parallel sessions. Two discussion
oriented sessions and three hands-on-session.